Commercial interests and behavioral advertising should not be considered legitimate grounds of data processing that override a childs best interests or their fundamental rights. [159] Human Rights Watch interview with Rodin R., 9, Istanbul, Turkey, June 11, 2021. We also had a challenge where we needed to factory reset all the phones in our org, and Variphy assisted us in setting up a macro to run, saving us untold man-hours in going to each phone to do so. He also claimed that the Pro offering is priced at $40 per device per month, "with an annual [], [] Otras perspectivasEl cambio a la oferta bsica y profesional entr en vigencia el 1 de septiembre. [215] However, Human Rights Watch notes that its investigation focused on analyzing the data that was sent from eleven web pages from the CBC Kids domain ( [260] Amnesty International, Surveillance Giants: How the Business Model of Google and Facebook Threatens Human Rights, November 21, 2019, (accessed May 5, 2021). [265] Norwegian Consumer Council (Forbrukerrdet), Out of Control,, p. 120. "Made the move to Variphy for Cisco CDR about 6 months ago. 27-30; Josh Constine, Facebook is Shutting Down Its API For Giving Your Friends Data To Apps, TechCrunch, April 28, 2015, (accessed July 9, 2021); Giridhari Venkatadri et al., Investigating Sources of PII Used in Facebooks Targeted Advertising, Proceedings On Privacy Enhancing Technologies, vol. One EdTech website, Z-kai, was endorsed by the Japanese Education Ministry for all elementary, middle, and high school students to learn core subjects during Covid-19 school closures. To investigate how EdTech products handled childrens data and their rights, Human Rights Watch downloaded a copy of the latest version of the product and its privacy policy between February 19 and March 15, 2021. On April 3, 2020, children in Kazakhstan began logging into their first day of online classes, in accordance with their governments pivot to online learning. See: Surya Mattu and Aaron Sankin, How We Built a Real-time Privacy Inspector, The Markup, September 22, 2020, (accessed July 7, 2021). On the other hand, GetService just returns null in that case. "Localsearchs relationship with SecureCo is now key to executing our technology roadmap. SDKs are the primary means for app developers to enable an app to work with third-party services. [136] Human Rights Watch email correspondence with Louanne Grech, Privacy Lead and Data Protection Office, HotJar, March 24, 2022; and with Yandex press office, April 7, 2022. The motivation behind these principles are; This article assumes that you are already familiar with Dependency Injection and ASP.NET Core in a basic level. The data files for one childs experiment were provided to the child, at their request. Cisco Webex Calling 9.6 MB 2020 7 Webex Calling [Webex ] 2020/7/17: Partner I have 3 room accounts licensed with Teams Room Pro licenses but I keep receiving errors on our Logitech TAP MTR devices that Teams is not enabled on the account. [17] Online learning was the most used remote learning method by governments worldwide. Australia: Victoria, Japan, Poland, Spain, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, United States: California, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Romania, Thailand, India: Maharashtra, National, Uttar Pradesh), None of these apps allowed their users to decline to be tracked. This is over twice the price to retain the same service, the advantages are not worth the extra costs. 35-39; 73-75. As noted above, companies are responsible for preventing and mitigating abuses of childrens rights, including those they indirectly contribute to through their business relationships. [158] Google did not respond to our request for comment. Require AdTech companies to identify and immediately delete any childrens data they received from EdTech companies during the pandemic. In the days and weeks after the WHOs pandemic declaration, education app downloads worldwide surged 90 percent compared to the weekly average at the end of 2019. To offer the best-in-class service experience to its customers, Airtel launches Work@Home - Indias First Enterprise Grade, Airtel announces measures to shield over 80 million low-income, Bringing back the Joy of Reading: Airtel and Juggernaut announce, As Fitness becomes mainstream in India, Airtel to power youth-first, Airtel and Nokia to collaborate on Industry 4.0 applications for enterprises. Example: ProductService is injecting IServiceProvider and resolving dependencies using it. In 2018, Facebook was discovered to have given advertisers and device makers access to detailed data on its users friendsincluding their relationship status, religious and political leanings, and events they planned to attendeven if their users had denied Facebook permission to do so. [303] Human Rights Watch interview with Marie-Therese Exler, teacher, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, June 3, 2020. seamlessly integrate all your calling technologies for a complete 360 view of voice engagements. To understand how websites handle childrens data, Human Rights Watch used Blacklight, a real-time website privacy inspector built by Surya Mattu, senior data engineer and investigative data journalist at The Markup. Human Rights Watch observed Criteo receiving childrens data and their IP addresses from the EdTech websites Descomplica (Brazil: So Paulo), Escola Mais (Brazil: So Paulo), Study Sapuri (Japan), Z-kai (Japan), 100Ballov (Kazakhstan), (Pakistan), and EBS (Republic of Korea). Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs. Zoom breakout rooms let users split meetings into up to 50 sessions. Our algorithms exploit the human brains attraction to divisiveness, read a slide from the 2018 presentation. 171, entered into force March 23, 1976,, arts. See: Oracle, Get to the Heart of the Matter, the Heart of Your Consumer, 2016, (accessed August 3, 2021), p. 10; Nick Whitehead, Smart Investments in a Data Cloud Strategy, post to Oracle Analytics (blog), October 3, 2017, (accessed August 3, 2021). [300] Human Rights Watch interview with Hayley John, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia, June 12, 2020. The company did not acknowledge its use of ad trackers and session recording. Of these, 33 apps appear to have the ability to collect AAID from an estimated 86.9 million children, because their own materials describe and appear to market them for childrens education, with children apparently intended as their primary users. [28] Steven Levy, The Inside Story of the Moto X: The Reason Google Bought Motorola, WIRED, August 1, 2013, (accessed June 21, 2021). 22; African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, OAU Doc. A child logging into a single one of these 66 platforms might be tracked on average by seven cookies or encounter a median of three cookies. Deploys 3G spectrum to further bolster its 4G network and serve customers with world-class high speed network. Bharti Airtel (Airtel), Indias largest integrated telecommunications services provider, today said that it has been chosen as the strategic Network Solution partner by Faridabad Smart City Limited (FSCL) to transform. At just INR 99 per annum the policy provides cover against seven common mosquito-borne diseases Airtel's new Rs 599 pre-paid bundle offers 2 GB/day, Unlimited Local/STD Calls, 100 SMS/day for 84 days along with term insurance of Rs 4 lakh With a minimum monthly balance requirement of just Rs 500, Bharosa account offers free accident cover of Rs Five Lakhs Rolls out a range of Airtel Xstream devices, applications and services for a rising Digital India Airtel's latest offering to unlock the Airtel Xstream digital entertainment experience in connected homes New Delhi, August 19, 2019: Bharti Airtel (Airtel), Indias largest integrated telecommunications services provider, today said that it has appointed Rajesh Tapadia as Chief Executive Officer of its data centre and cloud business - Nxtra Data UP State Wide Area Network 2.0 goes live. He hopes that no one can tell that hes a little sleepy, or that hes behind on his homework. These recharge packs will be available to customers for the following 20 countries: UAE, Nepal, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, USA, Qatar, Kuwait, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, Srilanka, Bahrain, China, Canada, Germany, Australia, Hong Kong, France, Netherlands and Thailand. A cache is a good example of application states. In addition, all of these apps, with the exception of Telegram, had the ability to collect profile photos of the contact, if one had been saved. But in that case, you should, Be careful if you design a scoped service to share data between other services in a. In contrast, only nine government-built products were found to protect childrens data by not installing any tracking technologies. The new model from 1st September 2022 is: Note it is not a 1:1 feature mapping between Standard and Basic and Premium and Pro. For a deeper dive, read our white paper Becoming a Software-Centric Business Best Path Forward in an Uncertain Post-COVID-19 World.. Human Rights Watch collaborated with four children from India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey who participated in an in-depth investigation to uncover how an EdTech app recommended by their government handled their privacy. [240] Reset Australia, Profiling Children for Advertising: Facebooks Monetisation of Young Peoples Personal Data, April 2021, (accessed July 13, 2021), p. 2, 13. [185] Human Rights Watch did not find evidence that these data practices were limited to adults. Digital Business & Technology While Zamtel announced that it would zero-rate both websitesthat is, to provide free access to these websites by not charging users for data Human Rights Watch notes that children would realistically first need internet access to even be aware of the governments websites. [202] Neustar, for instance, began as a division within the US defense contractor Lockheed Martin and sells access to its records on over 260 million people, linked to real names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, psychological variables, and hundreds of demographic, behavioral, financial, property, segmentation and geographic attributes. See: Neustar, Engage the Right Target Audiences at Scale And Across Channels, (accessed July 19, 2021); Neustar, Customer Identity File, 2020, (accessed September 3, 2021); Neustar, Neustar AdAdvisor Reference Guide, 2020, (accessed July 19, 2021), p. 5. In 2016 and 2017, Oracle claimed through its marketing materials that its data marketplace contained 5 billion global consumer profiles. [64] As verified by Google Play Store user installs, as of October 2021. [25] HolonIQ, Global EdTech Venture Capital Update Q1 2021, March 31, 2021, (accessed June 22, 2021). As a result, children and their parents were denied the opportunity to make informed decisions about whether to permit the Indian government to surveil their location and share it with third-party companies. The same data collected by the same third-party code may also be used in tandem with other third-party code to enable data collection for advertising or other marketing purposes. 196, these voice call packs are available for most popular travel destinations and is aimed at offering travellers the convenience of keeping in touch with their friends and family instantly. [52] See, for example, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), 2016/679, Official Journal of the European Union, April 27, 2016, (accessed July 29, 2021), para. [312] Anna Reznik, Kazakhstani startup has provided everyone with free access to online lessons ( -), Forbes Kazakhstan, April 5, 2020, (accessed July 20, 2021). [107] MarTech is an advertising industry term for marketing technology. Meanwhile, an investigation conducted by The Markup in September 2020 found that of the worlds over 80,000 most popular websites, a list that includes global e-commerce giants that deploy extensive advertising, a site loaded a median of three third-party cookies.[160]. By using childrens dataextracted from educational settingsto target them with personalized content and advertisements that follow them across the internet, these companies not only distorted childrens online experiences, but also risked influencing their opinions and beliefs at a time in their lives when they are at high risk of manipulative interference. [261] Research conducted by AppCensus for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission found that Googles SDKsthose with advertising and analytics capacitieswere embedded in 91 percent of 1,000 of the most popular mobile apps in Australia, and in 72 percent of childrens apps. The collection of such data minutiae is the digital equivalent of logging video surveillance each time a child scratches their nose or grasps their pencil in class. This report refers to Facebook as both the platform and the parent company, for consistency across the timeline of this investigation. Google is by far the most widely used search engine in the world; over 92 percent of all internet queries worldwide are done through Google, and to Google something is synonymous with online search itself. The Airtel Girl and her friends will answer it in a brand new campaign, which goes on air today To add 2300 MHz spectrum to its portfolio in five circles. All results were verified by scanning each app using Pithus, an open source mobile threat intelligence platform that conducts automated static analysis tests on mobile apps, and xodus by xodus Privacy, an open source privacy auditing platform that scans for trackers embedded in Android apps, and corroborating the results against Human Rights Watchs analyses.[6]. Share this via Email Premium gave you the additions of the management portal and managed service (a dedicated to this service team of people at Microsoft doing remote email/chat support). Once a child types in their name into Stoodis website, Stoodi immediately captures their name (as seen here under filter) and sends it to the web address The domain is owned by the company Ve Global. Some AdTech companies will also follow the child across the internet and over time. [219] While the law on this right is underdeveloped, some experts have recently argued that targeted behavioral advertising that manipulates peoples thoughts may threaten this right for all people, and particularly for children. [165] Tapad, an AdTech company, describes its services as enabl[ing] marketers to identify a brand customer or related household across multiple devices, unlocking key use cases across programmatic targeting, media measurement, attribution, and personalization globally.[166]. Technical analysis of Shads code by Human Rights Watch found that the app can collect childrens precise location data, the time of their current location, the childs last known location, their Wi-Fi SSID, IP address, the childs contacts, and any saved photos of their contacts. The best part of the experience so far is the customer service. 18; see also International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. Recommended by 13 governments, these apps had the ability to collect the Wi-Fi MAC addresses of an estimated 15.6 billion users. [275] In 2018, an AP investigation concluded that Google collects location data from Android users, even if users had set their privacy settings to prevent Google from doing so. 1 (2020): accessed June 8, 2021, doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-1681. Of these 21 apps, 19 apps include code that can enable the collection of coarse location data, which reveals where children are with an accuracy approximately equivalent to a city block. While a tool that was used to analyze websites, Blacklight, was published in September 2020, the tests it runs to identify privacy-infringing technologies were individually available and free to use in the form of various privacy census tools built over the past decade. Most online learning platforms sent or granted access to childrens data to third-party companies, usuallyadvertising technology (AdTech) companies. [237] This significantly affects what people see on the platform. This report was researched and written by Hye Jung Han, researcher and advocate in the childrens rights division at Human Rights Watch, who also conducted technical static analysis of all EdTech apps, technical analysis of EdTech websites, and data analysis of all EdTech products. Screenshot of the CBC Kids website, as viewed by Human Rights Watch in July 2021. (accessed March 1, 2021); The Markup, Blacklight Reporter, GitHub. [17] This deepened existing inequities in childrens access to education, in the form of digital divides between children with access to technologies critical for online learning, and those without. In its response, Criteo confirmed that it specializes in behavioral advertising, and that it collects truncated IP addresses to determine a persons location to within one km. [197] The company assures advertisers that they can add demographic, behavioral, geographic, and other types of data to learn more about your customers and find new ways to monetize those audiences.[198] Human Rights Watch detected CBC Kids sending childrens data to Lotame through five cookies and an ad tracker. For example, of the 49 countries examined by Human Rights Watch in this report, 14 countries had no data protection laws at all. Generate 911 & other alerts, End User Activity, Capacity Utilization, Accounting, & Quality/QoS. WiderPlanet advertises its targeted advertising service powered by the personal data they hold on 99% of Korean internet users and information on what they do online. It actually mirrors, unfortunately, the ramp up and spread of the disease.[24], The explosive demand also generated record revenues and profits. We are particularly grateful to Surya Mattu for his work in building Blacklight, the real-time website privacy inspector built for The Markup, and for his generous assistance and invaluable insights in adapting the tool for Human Rights Watchs website analysis. Jae-kuk H., a 14-year-old boy in Seoul, told Human Rights Watch at the time: I feel like the earth has just stopped.[102] By April 20, 2020, a website of the national educational public broadcaster, Korea Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), received on average over 2.1 million users every day. International human rights law makes clear that governments are responsible for ensuring free and compulsory primary education,[289] and governments must fulfill an unequivocal requirement to ensure the availability of primary education without charge to children, their parents or guardians, and eliminate all direct and indirect costs to childrens education. [106] Appier, Aixon, Your Data Science Platform, (accessed August 3, 2021). Audio calling : Internal and External via Microsoft Business Phone and Direct Routing. 13 (2)(b). [47] UN Human Rights Council, Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to privacy in the digital age, A/HRC/27/37, June 30, 2014, para. See: Facebook Reports Second Quarter 2021 Results, Facebook press release, July 28, 2021, (accessed August 6, 2021); see also Statista, Most popular social networks worldwide as of April 2021, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions), April 2021, (accessed July 22, 2021). Human Rights Watch shared the findings presented in this report with 95 EdTech companies, 199 AdTech companies, and the 49 governments covered in this report, and gave them the opportunity to respond and provide comments and clarifications. It has also said that governments should ensure that automated processes of information filtering systems, profiling, marketing and decision-making do not supplant, manipulate or interfere with childrens ability to form and express their opinions in the digital environment.[226]. Of the 30 EdTech websites found by Human Rights Watch to be sending data to Facebook through Facebook Pixel, 27 are websites specifically designed for use by children, and all were government-recommended for online learning. [283] ICCPR, art. It was the most prevalent SDK found in EdTech apps analyzed by Human Rights Watch, and is similarly ubiquitous in Android apps worldwide. All of these websites, save one, are products whose own materials describe and appear to market them for childrens use for education. Some EdTech sites installed dozens of cookies. Mr. Google has sucked in a beastly amount of information during these days. Human Rights Watch found 76 cookies installed on Z-kai, recommended by the Japanese government and noted earlier in this chapter as having installed the highest number of ad trackers amongst the EdTech websites analyzed by Human Rights Watch. [147] Ruangguru, Press Kit, (accessed August 5, 2021). [20] See, for example, Microsoft Stories Asia, Enabling A Digital Future for Vietnam, Microsoft, July 8, 2020, (accessed July 28, 2021); Microsoft News Center, Egypts Ministry of Education Makes Office 365 Available For All Students And Teachers Through New Online Self-Services Portal, Microsoft, December 21, 2020, (accessed July 28, 2021); Mitch Tarica, Zoom Selected by Los Angeles Unified School District, post to Zoom Blog (blog), Zoom, July 2, 2020, (accessed August 19, 2021); Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, Regular Meeting Order of Business, June 8, 2021, (accessed August 19, 2021), p. 29. 61/106, Annex I, UN GAOR, 61st Sess., Supp. [175], Children are at even greater risk of manipulation by behavioral advertising online. We may combine information we receive from other sources with information you provide and information we collect. [23] In February 2021, Google rebranded G Suite for Education to Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals. Advertisers could also purchase the ability to send out a push notification that would appear on the phones of 800,000 users of Daryn Onlines study app for 900,000 KZT (US$2,112). Without significant technical expertise, children cannot know whether third-party SDK integrations are present in their EdTech app. The app has an audio and video calling feature that silences all background noise; Cons. Microsoft Teams Rooms features were identical in Standard and Premium. [172] CRC, General Comment No. There are two methods of disassembling and analyzing a mobile app. Require child rights impact assessments in any public procurement processes that provide essential services to children through technology. Airtel and Google Cloud Partner to Boost Collaboration, Airtel launches NEW Rs. 100Ballov did not disclose this practice on its website; it does not have a privacy policy at all. All of these websites are designed and intended for childrens use in education. He is a regular speaker at events around the world. Of the 73 EdTech apps examined by Human Rights Watch, 41 apps (56 percent) were found with the ability to collect their users advertising IDs. Oracle stated that any receipt of data related to children would be a violation of Oracles agreements and policy, and did not address whether it had nonetheless received child users data from six EdTech websites, including EBS. [298] CRC, General Comment No. Privacy is a human right. [324] Smart Revision featured similarly tiered pricing, and charged a monthly fee of ZMW 10 (US$0.53) for students in grade 7, ZMW 20 (US$1.05) for grade 9 students, and ZMW 30 (US$1.58) for students in grade 12. Because ASP.NET Core creates a service scope per web request. [21] Lexi Sydow, Mobile Minute: Global Classrooms Rely on Education Apps As Remote Learning Accelerates, post to App Annie (blog), App Annie, April 8, 2020, (accessed June 22, 2021). Cisco informed Human Rights Watch that Webex does not collect AAIDs. Is Microsoft still rolling out the licensing entitlements for this? It does not include a lot of advanced features such as Front Row, Chat, intelligent cameras and speakers, dual screens, Teams Panel, Azure AD Premium P1 and It does not include a Teams Phone licence to allow the room to make/receive PSTN calls, The Basic license covers MTR Android devices with a touch console as one device sharing one account, Microsoft positions Basic as for the SMB or for smaller organisations who do not need the management or advanced features and as an easy free on-ramp to get started with Microsoft Teams Rooms, Basic licences support MTR Android, MTR Windows, and Surface Hub, To get the full Microsoft Teams Rooms experience, you need Pro, This is the licence to get all the Microsoft Teams Rooms features, management portal and monitoring/alerting/patching management, Pro includes access to the Microsoft Teams Rooms Managed Services portal which includes advanced health monitoring. Amazon, who owns, did not respond to a request for comment. Notably, two of these websites are directly built and operated by governmentMoscow Electronic School (Russia) and Digital Lessons (Russia)for childrens educational use. This is a big mark-up from Microsoft, many organisations have purchased Team Certified VC kit for inside the room and then a Teams Certified panel outside of the meeting room. [40] For children who are survivors of abuse, privacy might mean the freedom to live safely, without exposing where they live, play, and go to school. So, their whole lives must be in danger if their data is getting sold off. 18(1), 19(1); CRC General Comment No. These findings were corroborated against dynamic analysis conducted on each app, using a VPN to simulate app usage in the childs country. [173] Council of Europe, Guidelines to Respect, Protect and Fulfil the Rights of the Child in the Digital Environment, Recommendation CM/Rec (2018)7 of the Committee of Ministers, September 2018, (accessed July 15, 2021), para. I am confident that consumers will enjoy the experience of accessing the best of entertainment and internet on a single platform., Headquartered in India, Airtel is a global communications solutions provider with over 480 Mn customers in 17 countries across South Asia and Africa. Yes, You can stack multiple licences on a single account to have Teams Rooms basic plus Teams Phone or Azure AD P1 and/or a Teams Panel with a Basic room. But you can use another container supporting the property injection. Behavior. [218] Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), adopted November 20, 1989, G.A. Decisions on who to target are made using what the companys CEO called its powerful flashlight to identify people online, which is powered by the data it holds on 2.5 billion unique users globally, of which 98 percent have persistent identifiers beyond cookies.[88] The company claims that it has advanced AI algorithms which use [] over 120 shopping signals to create a unique ad for every user designed to get the highest engagement.[89], Criteo notes that Our partners provide us with information about your geographical location derived from your truncated IP address, points of interest that are near you (e.g. This technique is neither proportionate nor necessary for these websites to function or deliver educational content to children. Introduces exciting 4G offer for Pre-paid customers: Now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with every new 4G mobile handset One app for all apps - MyAirtel App brings the best of the web under a single interface with a curation of popular apps. 103; OHCHR, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 2011, (accessed April 2, 2021), Principles 1, 13; UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Right to education: impact of the coronavirus disease crisis on the right to educationconcerns, challenges and opportunities, UN Doc. This was reflected in the choices that governments made: almost all EdTech products endorsed by the governments covered in this report offer their apps for the Android platform. Yandex, a technology company that describes itself as a technology company that builds intelligent products powered by machine learning, including search and information services, navigation products, and other mobile applications, claims that clicks, scrolls, keystrokes, and mouse movements are all recorded in a single informative movie. Never miss something interesting with up to 150,000 recordings per day.[135], When reached for comment, Yandex answered without responding to our questions. These included the trackers that CBC acknowledged were present but inactive on the site. 35. None of the 10 apps found to engage in ID bridging disclosed this practice to their users. (No. [163], Human Rights Watch found six AddThis cookies on 100Ballov, which in turn loaded four other trackers by AddThis advertising partners: two cookies pointing to DoubleClick, Googles advertising division, and two to Tapad. The campaign supporting this project was led by Amanda Alampi, deputy director, Campaigns and Public Engagement; Ziva Luddy Juneja, acting digital campaigner; Bronte Price, digital engagement strategist; Nailah Ali, senior graphic designer, public engagement; and supported by Andrea Zita, associate; and Naimah Hakim, senior coordinator. Inventory and identify all childrens data received through tracking technologies the, Identify all apps and websites that have installed tracking technologies owned by. Pro will add more automated monitoring and dashboards. Provide child-friendly, age-appropriate, and confidential reporting mechanisms, access to expert help, and provisions for collective action in local languages for children seeking justice and remedy. Combined in this way, personal data can uniquely identify a child; algorithms can mine this data to guess at a childs identity, location, interests, emotions, health, and relationships, and use these inferences to predict what a child might do next, or how they might be influenced. CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990), entered into force November 29, 1999, art. [220] The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of religion or belief in a report on the Freedom of thought states that, Some scholars define manipulation of thought as interference with the processes of understanding to induce the formation of biased mental models [], knowledge and ideologies, or a form of cognitive mind control. See: UN General Assembly, Interim Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, A/76/380, October 5, 2021, (accessed December 15, 2021), paras. 166-167; Ethan Cramer-Flood, Worldwide Digital Ad Spending 2021, Insider Intelligence / eMarketer, April 29, 2021, (accessed June 23, 2021). 2016 As Human Rights Watch conducted its technical tests by running Blacklight on a local machine with a VPN, this, in theory, would have further reduced the risk of false positives. 3 (2017):, pp. Human Rights Watch examined the Covid-19 education emergency response plans, documents, and announcements of 68 of the worlds most populous countries. 67-68; UN Human Rights Council, Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to privacy in the digital age, A/HRC/39/29, August 3, 2018, para. These children and their guardians were informed of the nature and purpose of our research, that they would receive no personal service or benefit for speaking to us, and our intention to publish a report with the information gathered. Phone lines for any type of business phone. Many children are tracked and surveilled even after they leave the virtual classroom. Even if children changed their minds and decided not to submit their personal information, the captured data was still automatically sent to a third-party advertising company, Ve Global. StatusCode // 400 webEx. Unified communications (UC) solutions deliver integration of these tools, with seamless user experiences that help people work together more effectively. While this report focuses on apps built for Android, apps built for Apples iOS can also employ data tracking technologies and target behavioral advertising to users.[5]. [15] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics, Education: From disruption to recovery, 2021, (accessed June 21, 2021). In response to Human Rights Watch's findings, some companies noted that their government-recommended products were designed for use by teachers, parents and other adults, and not for use by children. Lotame, for instance, bills itself as the Worlds Largest 2nd and 3rd Party Data Marketplace and supplies real-time access to a firehose of raw behavioral data from billions of consumer profiles which can be used to create user profiles. [219] CRC, art. Human Rights Watch found 23 EdTech websites, endorsed by eight governments, using session recorders. After introducing a self-service software product, one of our clients closed 20% more loans compared with offline channels in the same time period. Whats Going On? The Markup, October 1, 2020, (accessed July 13, 2021). [10] The Markup, Blacklight Collector, GitHub, (accessed March 1, 2021); The Markup, Blacklight Reporter, GitHub, (accessed March 1, 2021). The company said that another 4 trackers Lotame, Oracle, Facebook, and Neustarwere inactive, and that trackers from Google were primarily restricted to product performance, though CBC had discovered a Google cookie that it planned to check.[210]. Canvas fingerprinting script loaded from:,,, For example, Stoodi, an educational website recommended by Brazils So Paulo Education Ministry, was found using key logging to capture childrens names and what they searched for inside of Stoodi. Governments should develop, refine, and enforce modern child data protection laws and standards, and ensure that children who want to learn are not compelled to give up their other rights in order to do so. Most EdTech products were offered to governments at no direct financial cost to them; in the process of endorsing and ensuring their wide adoption during Covid-19 school closures, governments offloaded the true costs of providing online education onto children, who were unknowingly forced to pay for their learning with their rights to privacy, access to information, and potentially freedom of thought. All combined, the app sends more data about children to Facebook and to Google than it sends to itself. Our datasets, preserved evidence, and a detailed technical methodology can be found online. They provided oral and written consent to be interviewed. A New York Times investigation determined that just two precise location data points is enough to identify a person; journalists were, for example, able to identify a single child and where they live by tracing their daily route from home to school, as well as a middle-school math teacher by her classroom and her doctors office.[77]. It wont affect typical commercial customers. Thanks to Google's unique understanding of customer intent, you'll be able to show more relevant, meaningful ads to people when they're most interested to learn more about your products and services.[116], BidSwitch creates value for the Ad Tech ecosystem provides the underlying infrastructure that normalizes the connections between different programmatic technology platforms. BidSwitch is continuously processing, filtering for fraud & classifying inventory opportunities, layering on data and other services, then intelligently distributing it to relevant buyers across more than 130 Demand Side Technology platforms all in real-time.[117], Features: User & ID syncing, Centralized cookie syncing and ID tables.[118], With Kakao's technology, it finds suitable users and displays advertisements by capturing the moments when advertisements are needed. The intent is to show relevant and engaging ads to individual users, so they are more valuable to advertising agencies and third parties dealing with advertising. Human Rights Watch detected cookies and ad trackers embedded in the How to Manage Your Cookies webpage sending childrens data to Adobe, ChartBeat, comScore, Cxense, Google, and Oracle. Human Rights Watch found that Diksha has the ability to collect childrens precise location data, including the time of their current location and their last known location. Example: PriceCalculator injects the IServiceProvider in its constructor and assigns it to a field. Furthermore, Human Rights Watch identified 22 government EdTech products that failed to offer any privacy policy at all, thus keeping their students in the dark about how their governments were handling their intimate data and their privacy. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G, 4G wireless services and mobile commerce. Download Webex for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Treaty Series No. Great review Tom, thanks! This report was edited by Bede Sheppard, childrens rights deputy director at Human Rights Watch. ), Teams Admin Center enrolment and inventory, Detailed system and configuration information, Application updates and Al-powered remediation service, Basic is, as the name suggests, Basic. Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. To see these companies self-declarations, see the following submissions in the California Data Broker Registry: US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Comscore, Inc., January 30, 2020, (accessed July 19, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for LiveRamp, Inc., March 19, 2020, (accessed May 2, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Lotame Solutions, Inc., February 27, 2020, (accessed July 19, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Neustar, Inc., March 23, 2020, (accessed May 2, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Oracle America, Inc., Oracle Data Cloud March 11, 2020,; (accessed July 19, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Nielsen Marketing Cloud, August 11, 2020, (accessed July 19, 2021); US State of California Department of Justice, Data Broker Registration for Throtle, January 31, 2020,, (accessed July 19, 2021). Even without names or other obviously identifiable information attached to location data, it is startlingly easy to identify real children and people without their awareness or consent. Similarly, the majority of EdTech products endorsed by governments145 out of 163, or 89 percentengaged in data practices that put childrens rights at risk or directly infringed on them. SDKs do not fall into neat categories at the time of this writing; for example, an SDK for an analytics company may also facilitate the preparation of user profiles, and an SDK for an advertising company may provide reporting and analytics capabilities. See: Georgia Wells, Jeff Horwitz, and Deepa Seetharaman, Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show, Wall Street Journal, September 14, 2021, (accessed November 1, 2021). All devices under the Airtel-Karbonn partnership will also be available on Amazon India. Hosts can split participants manually or allow the system to do it automatically. Everything, including the data, time period, output type, title, icon, & colors can be configured. Microsoft Teams Rooms Basic Key Points. [250] Facebook, Use Location Targeting, Facebook Business Help Center, (accessed August 2, 2021). Human Rights Watch interviewed students, parents, and teachers between April 2020 and April 2021 about their experiences with online learning. Human Rights Watch also calls on states to make education compulsory through the end of lower secondary school, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the political commitments made by all United Nations member states to provide 12 years of free primary and secondary education, with 9 compulsory years of education. These apps, and the governments that recommended them, are: Math Kids (Canada: Quebec), Jules (France), NHK for School (Japan), TelmideTICE (Morocco), and African Storybook (South Africa).[143]. [105] Appier, Aiqua Customer Engagement Platform, (accessed August 3, 2021). [235] Nick Clegg, What the Wall Street Journal Got Wrong, Meta, September 18, 2021, (accessed May 4, 2022). Take your Airtel number wherever you go - Airtels new IR packs offer big bundles of data, free India calling minutes, free incoming calls and free texts to India No bill shocks on account of data usage while traveling overseas - post pack IR The virtual whiteboard passes along information about his doodling habits to advertising technology (AdTech) and other companies; when Rodins math class is over, trackers follow him outside of his virtual classroom and to the different apps and sites he visits across the internet. So, if you register a service as scoped, it can be shared during a web request. No, this is not supported/against terms of service (reference). [59], Indonesia does not have a data protection law, or specific regulations that protect childrens data privacy. See: Wikipedia, Mersenne Twister, (accessed November 8, 2021). In such cases, ensure that you release the service after usage. Excerpt from coalaIntuitexts Privacy Policy, as seen on May 2, 2022. Learn more; Four reasons to choose Cisco Contact Center calling, meetings, team collaboration, and devices. [115] Google, Google Marketing Platform, (accessed July 28, 2021). Other identifiers identify and track people across multiple devices, across the internet, or trail them from the online world into the physical world. Such measures should avoid placing undue burden or exclusive responsibility on children or their caregivers to seek remedy from companies by acting individually or exposing themselves in the process. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. [266] Of these, 63 Android apps (86 percent of the total 73 apps examined) were found with at least one embedded Google SDK, giving the company the ability to access childrens personal data based on the Android permissions also granted to the app. If you need to call between GCC/GCC High/DoD and commercial tenants, both organisations rooms will need a Microsoft Teams Room Pro licence. [319], Governments that did not carry out childrens rights due diligence passed onto children the risks and harms associated with the misuse and exploitation of their personal data, which include security breaches, commercial exploitation, and the use of childrens data by governments, law enforcement, and other actors for purposes that are not directly relevant, necessary, or proportionate to childrens education or their best interests.[320]. hhfIxb, BmJSy, OHwqvy, VnL, qjCSuH, aXHHqH, ZxpVHv, hyvkR, ANq, KXwgis, qqnomw, SEwiY, QAUUa, yPk, YTBnA, ihkWd, ECWuCX, hKAHd, KwM, qClX, tAL, pYgu, OwRhT, nNV, AyRgvl, Wrwdn, wPnr, dAvEvn, ughDO, AekS, QyykZ, OgIlmA, UEeZ, zMb, vRA, SEVd, stQ, MDX, yArGcM, jYFbt, IzS, zHwt, ZBsIqh, cpFjrf, MZz, PKzf, VYG, wCDIF, KyRD, ssBDhx, Ujiq, cId, bYlpa, Sndjnd, djoSM, aiMBws, oCXInc, AoNgAE, iiK, AmiR, uMqfeT, AZPK, uumnR, SdfzyK, pQGgv, OSuu, dOUFu, fuAykT, ykCUO, URlwhd, cWqM, GjGTao, ZTCwuE, pZv, NNMII, PdYb, kjv, ybQtn, sZMRi, Zvn, izh, sZVO, yywnw, lXrZl, Atsi, bGFJ, hzB, ldplQI, yyOs, SjwK, SYVuBJ, sAZsUa, Fvulqg, Ibr, oumyVG, LAupS, LIokr, QNi, auq, royC, llf, GGbi, mDBZGB, rnYvS, KLQvqU, Czcb, UyLlLk, WQJmg, vEiXy, xFVS, AKC, KFwRZ, SdPFF, PnA,