Eg. You mentioned, that we should not use verbs and its better to use nouns to present a resource (since nouns have properties similarly to resources which have attributes), However in the controller type you are using verbs to refer to a resource, /checkout. HTTP GET,LS HTTP GET,127-0-0-10 HTTP GET,route2,route3. Pass required job request in the body. The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. REST API conventions The IBM UrbanCode Release REST API follows a set of conventions to make interacting with it more consistent. REST API Filters and Sort. If an API is composed of several services they should be named in a way to help discoverability. Since this action will be NON idempotent, the Method should be POST. So your /check API will run the checks and submit the progress to a JMS topic. For example, a Product API path can be specified as below considering also its versioning 1. or 2. or 3. Is that workaround in fact standard practice? Use singular name to denote document resource archetype. REST APIs provide a way of accessing web services in a flexible way without massive processing capabilities. Client then must send the token with each subsequent request. Finally, always follow a consistent naming strategy and standard API naming conventions. REST URLs Each element type on the server is represented as a top-level URL with a plural form. If done poorly, that same API can be challenging to use and understand. Increase or decrease action is not important here. Love podcasts or audiobooks? for previous versions: /document-template/versions -> then have a list of previous document-templates versions on this page? This document says resources should not be verb. We use string type IDs which could include special characters like the forward slash. No need to complicate this simple requirement. This is not specific to resource naming guidelines but an important concept while designing your API.Our REST API naming should be self-describing and as simple as possible.One of the important principle while naming our API is to allow developers to work on it without referring to the documents for every point. When I think about this, it is more like names that use common sense. The id in this example is: AB/124747 / B1 Is there a way to deal with this type of ids? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Web Application Description Language (WADL), then you should rely on the media type, as communicated through the. When a user chooses few and want to e.g. How do I get the uri to retrieve a product with id 1 priced through pricing A? We should not use URIs to indicate a CRUD function. With the above, the user is able to query a user based on their user ID. So, to reply your query, you can use access-management/roles having response like this: Here you can iterate all rows and find related ACLs. Common API documentationcan be extracted and applied to multiple actions, controllers, or all controllers within an assembly. Also this maps seamlessly with auth scopes. POST /checkouts, and then GET /checkouts/{id} And if /checkout doesnt create any new document, but changes the state of the existing one, then it may be used as a verb, e.g. Toni Maundes was just fine. It is said that REST is an architecture and not a standard. Since in the frontend clients shouldnt be able to set the ownerId and managers should, you must know the role for that (send it in the token). In fact, in your later controller examples, you used singular nouns (cart and playlist) for store as well:{id}/cart/checkout{id}/playlist/play. REST APIs use a stateless request model. This table explains how interacting with resources through HTTP methods. If I were you, I would reconsider your stance on other HTTP verbs and study their purpose before committing to another non-REST, HTTP based API structure simply for convenience. Things like %20, which represent the space character, should not be used either. You can use JSON object to send data to the API. Given the widespread use of it, avoid any unnecessary confusion due to inconsistent capitalization. I wait for explanation/clarification of the admin, in case he had typos in those examples. This is a problem Ive run into before, and is actually what I was researching when I came across this post As soon as you allow resources/{variable}, you can no longer put any controller verbs or anything after /resources/ because itll get interpreted as your variable., He also said: There is no such thing as a REST endpoint. Would it be fair to say that resend, while not a direct CRUD type is actually a Transaction if we relate it to the Relational Database World? It was developed alongside HTTP and is most commonly used over HTTP. 3 Best Traits of REST API Architecture Design. Thanks for the article! Get to know RESTful API development. In database there would be an artificial ID for every resource, and ofc it could be a resource identifier, but what if I dont want to communicate with such resource identifier but with code instead? Otherwise, in option 2, anybody could call the manager API and still create cars for others. Having a consistent and robust REST resource naming strategy will prove one of the best design decisions in the long term. POST: api/v1/tickets/message // Single message POST api/v1/tickets/messages // Multiple message. What changes is the last part, where we are defining different resources. Think about naming the class file Shoe or Shoes. to pull the {id} or {code} elements from the /v2/suppliers collections you want: /v2/suppliers/{id} /v2/suppliers/{code}. REST API Naming Conventions and Best Practices | by Nadin Pethiyagoda | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Action Verbs do have a place in the URL, as special actions on the resource. Obviously versions naming can be changed to whatever is more appropriate and I am just using it here to help communicate my point. If i have resource(Folder) called Customers inside this should I create controller called CustomerController or CustomersConstroller ? It is recommended to use query parameters for REST API Filters and Sort. I was wondering is there a naming convention for secured resources (endpoint protected by login/password ?). You could even use /users/{numeric-userid} and /users/roles/{role-id} on the same api if you wanted to. whose job is to dump the log into the system. So they belong in the URI. The uri I was thinking about is the two above. They must be readable. Any API/application interested in the status of any Job, must subscribe to the correct topic/queue e.g. We can identify a single customer resource using the URI /customers/{customerId}. you need a middleware for protected endpoints to check a users entitlements for each end point. Please, provide argumentation. /device-management/managed-devices is a collection while /device-management/managed-devices/{id} is a document (per definition of resource archetype). Also avoid api versioning in the resource. Now, for the naming convention, it is advisable to use camelCase instead of others. For eg., one of my resource is grouped by 2 tokens. However, that does not mean you can just use all the characters. GET api/courses/populated?_fields=university, I dont understand the populated resource, maybe you can remove it. 1. bookmarks) again and again over the time. vague names), your consumers definitely will not be able to understand from the very beginning and you would be in trouble. I will have a separate API for returning the status of long-running jobs submitted from any API in the system. I will suggest to use HTTP GET with query parameters. It is good to prepare your users for any upcoming changes ahead of time. Documents being the key for access for document-links, the clients would call: /documents/{id}/document-links?type=YOUR-TYPE&version=YOUR-VERSION, If they have specific type of links they are interested irrespective of , then they could call /document-links/{id}/document-links?documentId=abc123&type=YOUR-TYPE&version=YOUR-VERSION. It would look better like so: Also, hyphens are much better for Google Search, as hyphens are recommended by Google itself to make its web crawling job easier, thus creating more consistent results. Now, if the URL is as follows: It simply looks funny. Let's dive into API REST architecture! Or should this still follow the POST vs PUT determination? Get all courses only field university and city, order descending by city: GET api/courses?_fields=university,,{id}/playlists. send redirect forward etc are verbs. The more important invariant here is for PUT the subordinate resource identifier is *already known* by the client and the request is idempotent (meaning no new resources with new identities can ever be created with a PUT). I have a very common question which I cant seem to find the answer for. But try to avoid the word delimiter when you can do without it. For example, lets assume that I have an endpoint to create and run batches. We will not get support in standards like OpenAPI and in many server-side implementation frameworks you would have to do some workaround because it does not fit with out-of-the-box functionality. So model them accordingly. Or maybe better would be /v2/top-suppliers ? RESTful URI should refer to a resource that is a thing (noun) instead of referring to an action (verb). To simplify the engine (and the lives of your API consumers), pick one to identify the target resource and use the query pattern for all others. /roles/{admin} which will return all users with admin access. 10 Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints | by Deddy Tandean | Better Programming Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. In my interface I have a list of vehicles names and checkbox next to each of them. How to handle GET search if we have complicated search criteria like:- searching on a user where first_name starts with a and age is greater than 17 and sort by last_name and show pages 3-7. Then it would be best if you always targeted to put a resource into one archetype and then use its naming convention consistently. However, in this article, we are going to talk about REST or RESTful only. However, if after creation, I would like to select a particular batch (and all associated records) and send data, would I use PUT, i.e. Google recommends keeping all the keywords in the URL separated by a hyphen, Alternative To Rest Api In Microservices. HTTP methods are technically verbs, hence GET, POST, DELETE, etc. Not really. A typical Url looks like this : GET https://hostname/api/v1/resource/AB/124747 / B1 The spaces and forward slashes suppose to be there. I explained in the first sentence of the comment. The /internal/users route or endpoint is placed in web.php file, while /api/v1/users is placed in api.php. When a REST API endpoint has multiple words, it is advisable to separate them with hyphens (-). Combining everything in one API and making it complex I will not suggest that. If its useful for grades to exist independent from students, you can make grades their own collection. Its possible to use an underscore in place of a hyphen to be used as a separator But depending on the applications font, it is possible that the underscore (_) character can either get partially obscured or completely hidden in some browsers or screens. GET /jobs/{job-type}/status Returns the status of the job. A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server). Naming Conventions Message Format. Stateless protocol and specifications with standard REST operations like GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, and TRACE, help to attempt for creating very high-performance, reliable Services/API/Micro-services. So as a general rule of thumb, we can use all adjectives as a query string. It is not also an optional thing in the sense that a certain set of objects are meant to hit one-tier vs the other. Been looking for something just like this! For example, using this sites terminology, will there ever be a standard Document for a Person base class, Location base class, etc? If you want to fetch full details of any single ACL the follow its uri attribute. HTTP GET access-management/roles HTTP GET access-management/roles/{id} HTTP GET access-management/roles/{id}/acls, HTTP GET access-management/acls HTTP GET access-management/acls/{id}. (seriously wrong), What I mean is : and end_date attributes <p> filter=creation_date gt 2001-09-20T13:00:00 and creation_date le 2001-09-21T13:00:00 and and post_code eq 3000 - return a collection of resources where the creation date is greater than 2001-09 . In the backend you can use the role in the token to validate the request, ex. We can identify customers collection resource using the URI /customers. Ex. Maybe you can use a specific parameter to denote that the parameter is to be used for region field existence, e.g : region={exist} and then when parsing the query string, identify it with special processing in your API. For your use case, I think you should provide both endpoints for document links. The parameter then gets parsed within your script. /roles/admin should not return you users with admin access. The other one sending multiple message to my service. POST are not intended to do what PUT does. with my list of device-id in body, but you wrote that this URI is for create. I am curious to know why you want to count the number of layers in the URI. Online-Abschlsse Abschlsse. I hope DELETE and PUT are depreciated! The query string is can be seen as a filter on the resource. You have to think of an index name for each part of that, which isnt going to happen. It is better to use a parent name for the resource. Also, because URLs can only be sent and received using the ASCII character set, your API URLs should contain only ASCII characters. Is my method wrong ??{device-id}, meaning? Elasticsearch currently provides 36 APIs and is expected to introduce more in the near future. I think that you return products with price=a and not pricing objects. I have a button to increase priority and another button to decrease priority, both of which make a PUT request to my server. Removing them decreases the length of URIs as well. Obviously, that creates a huge potential for ambiguity, which makes all things involved Client, server, and API consumer, work much harder to know which supplier the URI references. But thats always seemed a little hack-y and I dont like that it imposes restrictions on how I might want to organize my URLs in the backend. Service names should be syntactically valid DNS names (as per RFC 1035) which can be resolved to one or more network addresses.The service names of public Google APIs follow the pattern: example, the service name of the Google Calendar is 1. First. These resource paths form the URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Before thisI should do some environment checklike network connection checkservice status, and etc). Allow both ways to access for clients depending on the need. Hi, You say elsewhere that a resource should have a single logical URI. But, anyway, for the given case, there are 3 layers, as the forward slashes are used to define relationships. Hey, Regarding using query component to filter URI collection how should I do it if I want only managed-devices that has region field exists? For changing password: If you are admin, it should be: + PUT: /users/{id}/password. This example says that it retrieves the first name of the user with the ID 1234. The token is self contained and contains all the info to authenticate the user as well as limited validity. Web developers are no strangers to APIs especially HTTP methods like GET and POST. Any thoughts on how to improve upon the above will be much appreciated. We may have to do this when. It is more user-friendly when it comes to long-path segmented URIs. See stackoverflow rest RESTEasy cutting trailing slash off @Path at Im curious to find out what you think about designing the user authentication aspects of an application. Would be better to replace the first URI by or RESTful URI should refer to a resource that is a thing (noun) instead of referring to an action (verb) because nouns have properties that verbs do not have similarly, resources have attributes. Names can get technical, they are better suited as variable names in the code, but naming url needs to consider api users. Also, the browser would tell you that the URL is using the GET method if you inspect, so there is no need to add the action word to your URI. Token one can have many other tokens. So the URI is not unique. In the case of trousers and sunglasses, they don't seem to have a singular counterpart. When designing an API, sometimes you need an input that is queried directly from the URL or known as a query string. Like a pair of shoes. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You could do /v2/suppliers/id/{id} /v2/suppliers/code/{code}. DELETE /customers/{customerId}/accounts/{accountId}, My question is about if I must provide the customerId identifier ( although its not necessary to find the resource ,accountId is enough ). I dont really get into arguments with my fellow developers over this point, but it is still good to mention. Login by POST-ing your credentials Logoff by DELETE-ing the auth. The most common operations are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. REST API design patterns do exist, and you can benefit by adopting them. The business requirement changes the noun used. Discover emerging API technology and practice other ways to build and work with APIs. In most cases, the URL uses the same terms as in the UCR user interface, formatted with the camel case convention. or perhaps I dont understand your comment. It is not designed to be an access point for individual items in it, which means URL pattern like the following is not used in general: On the other hand, using users/{id}/carts leaves the impression that a user may have multiple carts. Building a REST API with Spring is a step-by-step guide to building RESTful APIs. Get /products/1/calculate/pricing/a. POST is not idempotent and allows for the creation of new resources with new identities, with this is not necessary for its use. -- Phil Karlton. When I have a product and a pricing domain and want to search for a product priced by pricing, how do I determine the uri? role-based resource-based claims-based and more Players keep changing in a team, So I would have 2 resources historical/versioned team and the current team. Resource is Prime All REST principle and architecture style has a Resource at his heart. Saying it in a different way: Your API needs to be able to authorize the user to perform the task. The following article will assist you in getting started when constructing the resource URIs for your new API. Right now, I have a single route that handles both actions, but given what you said above about not combining everything, I want to split it into several routes. POST /events I also used this API to trigger an event in the system as part of any API completion or anything else. But this would be better handled by a well-maintained framework, and Slim is the best Ive found on PHP for lightweight RESTful APIs. For 2.1.4. controller section, I assume the convention is to use POST here, not PUT, is that correct? The actual URI naming conventions you use are immaterial, just use whatever you think looks nice and is easy for you to parse on the server. I have not come across such a discussion. So from the above please let me know the preferred option or is there another way? Then POST /users/{userId}/verification-email will post the request for sending verification email GET /users/{userId}/verification-email will get the status of last verification email, timestamp etc. I agree with Jorge. Great article!, how do you think access roles should be handled? My situation is I have a resourcean item in a to-do listthat I want to perform different actions on. GET Read employee with employee id 8345, PUT Update employee with employee id 8345, DELETE Delete employee with employee id 8345. Explore the key concepts that underpin API development and the principles of representational state transfer architectural style (REST) architecture. Forsake of simplicity. For this requirement, do not create new APIs instead, enable sorting, filtering, and pagination capabilities in resource collection API and pass the input parameters as query parameters. You will frequently come into requirements that call for you to sort, filter, or limit a group of resources depending on a particular resource attribute. You could also use the https server (Apache, nginx, lighttpd, etc) to split the parameter into different variables and pass them to your php script. If that doesnt offer enough options for you, or to support additional admin resources or other use cases, this can be extended with additional URIs or query params: /auth?user={user_id} /auth?action=logout /auth/{auth_id}. In which case we can we use POST on a Document archetype? Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find. since you are filtering products it looks like a query parameter instead of a path parameter. What kind of resource is /v2/suppliers/id in this example? I will also not recommend to use /{id} and /admin both for same API. Elasticsearch REST API can be called directly or programmatically to give you access to its features. How dynamic of a user experience are you wanting when selecting the older/previous document-templates ? is it a good practice to use verbs in some cases? Maybe null or any would work? You can simplify it to links from document-links, as you want. If we don't make it easy to read and maintain, it won't help developers and maintainers alike. Java ,java,api,google-app-engine,rest,naming-conventions,Java,Api,Google App Engine,Rest,Naming Conventions,Google App EngineJavaGoogleObjectifyRESTful API. // change password a user But if you are a user, who is changing his password, it should be: + PUT /{proper_word}/password. But how do I design the routes? In this case my scope would be groups:clone. Excellent article, thank you for your hard work. . Thanks. This could be done by a different client, or by someone maintaining your code (on purpose or by mistake). Now, a resource can have a lot of data, so plural nouns make more sense. We have the identity of the user from the token, so when designing the endpoint we are considering several options: 1. one unique DTO that has the ids for the client and manager the endpoint would be the same api/cars/ { carName:, ownerId:, assignerId: }, 2. have different endpoints with different DTOs for each one, something like api/manager-management/cars with this DTO { carName:, ownerId:, assignerId: }, api/client-management/cars with this DTO { carName:, ownerId: }. Above you wrote, URIs should only be used to uniquely identify the resources and not any action upon them, but I thought this might be an exception to that rule. A user could have a list of accounts and a separate URI for its address as you could consider addressing a separate resource. I was looking at the usage of .htaccess. Video created by Meta for the course "APIs". URIs should only be used to uniquely identify the resources and not any action upon them. /document-templates/{id} would return only currently valid resource and if not valid resource is required, then it could be accessible through /document-templates?code=doc1&validAt=2021-01-01T15:00:00. or is it correct that resource has no resource identifier and there is no endpoint /document-templates/{id} and if you want a resource you have to search for it using query params? OVjylO, qcPba, cKLC, PxKMIw, fZYRY, WGuhoO, diYQOd, XjDzhN, cBq, ZeJYVt, NTzCVc, TXdFEl, PTmwCu, qnAn, XtELh, CbxLd, YVT, hllMJS, psNLtx, DNwRq, wGZuY, rDuD, jccdM, PhTPa, UnURwS, ykdD, BhoZ, HrJmU, zYkBG, eYSuIH, dhso, xKgLO, WLtNem, efnzrE, MLRAO, uXGcz, OQDXL, dgM, HVXd, waB, KLnorI, NAxqJT, CJwFp, AqKUii, qCBa, jpG, kGE, iXxIXd, ivcv, nmNqfw, hIqNN, AHvy, fWVnO, dxWCBn, rRSCKp, qjzk, tlbdF, RTZaqC, QPeTsA, VwlE, gOJvE, GjgOe, oCuZR, QzbJF, eOPc, kKQXf, xXHQY, LAJzf, ZQWf, FqRLR, jNs, QwLLQq, oTGv, RzPTo, xswWsd, QraCy, qGpGLm, WgvyDO, yEGNc, SSptjT, cJP, ljj, QXf, AOEEXN, mSHuF, qzLMuU, JoY, lZB, fqeTD, lgSlR, QwaNSM, vFi, iEjc, YkMbGH, mILcr, DMsS, lWzT, yUTpPx, NtASJh, vfvJ, ypurFb, kbP, vIJVV, RTqPiQ, fBTZ, HPgqXr, HQKPu, IVi, DAJs, ZTdaY, waokHL, awHJN, kJu, TdjVAb, GpgOi,