Questo port ad uno dei momenti pi scioccanti della storia del wrestling nell'estate del 1996. A magnifying glass. Il 4 agosto sconfigge ancora Greg Valentine per il titolo. Throughout the late 1970s, the 1980s and into the early 1990s, Jerry Lawler also engaged in feuds with Dutch Mantell, Robert Fuller, The Mongolian Stomper, Bruiser Brody, Jimmy Valiant, Austin Idol, Rocky Johnson, Tommy Rich, Randy Savage, Rick Rude, and Bill Dundee among others. [156] Tras esto, Hogan culp a Sting por lo sucedido, ya que fue l quien le convenci para que le diera la oportunidad, dicindole que se marchara de la empresa. Figures are correct as of November 21st 2022. In the confusion Bockwinkel won the match. Nella puntata di SmackDown del 4 luglio, Hogan in coppia con Edge sconfisse Billy e Chuck conquistando il World Tag Team Championship per la prima volta. Sting avrebbe quindi vinto per sottomissione. Despus en 1994, un escndalo de esteroides amenaz a la WWF y Hogan testific en la corte que us esteroides durante un periodo de 12 aos, sin embargo Hogan, nunca acus a McMahon de distribuirle esteroides pero Hogan tambin testific que el uso de esteroides fue importante en la WWF. Hogan tambin actu en Colma: The Musical (2006) en donde haca el papel de un hombre viejo de un bar que canta y baila cuando est solo. En 1982 apareci en Rocky III, donde hace el papel de Thunderlips, quien hace un combate benfico contra Rocky (Sylvester Stallone); en 1989 protagoniz No Holds Barred, donde actuaba como un famoso luchador profesional. Il main event in tutte e quattro le date era un rematch fra Hogan e Ric Flair, dove il primo vinse in tutti e quattro i match. Hogan rispose che quello un giorno sarebbe stato un buon match. Before departing he had a short feud with 7'7" (231cm) tall El Gigante (who was billed as being 8'0" (242cm)), that ended with his loss to the giant at SuperBrawl I. In 1989, the CWA merged with the World Class Wrestling Association to form the United States Wrestling Association thus ceasing to exist as a separate entity. "[14], Former WCW president Eric Bischoff conceded critical opinion that Hogan vs. Warrior II was one of the worst matches in history, and admitted that it "pretty much stunk up the joint." En varias ocasiones Hogan derrot a Bockwinkel para ganar el ttulo solo para que la decisin fuera revertida. Un mese dopo, il 17 dicembre, fece il suo debutto nel tempio del wrestling, il Madison Square Garden, sconfiggendo Ted DiBiase. A causa di questi problemi la WWE dovette modificare tutti i riferimenti al nome "Hulk Hogan", incluse immagini di Hogan che indossavano vestiti con la scritta "Hulk" e inizi a riferirsi ad Hogan col nome usato in WCW (di propriet della WWE dal 2001), vale a dire "Hollywood Hogan". [17] Con questa vittoria, Hogan divenne il primo wrestler ad uscire dalla camel clutch, la mossa finale di Sheik, e il primo WWF World Heavyweight Champion nato nel Sud degli Stati Uniti. Soprannominato "The Incredible" e successivamente "The Immortal", tra le superstar WWE pi riconosciute a livello mondiale, nonch una delle maggiori icone del wrestling di tutti i tempi.[5]. In seguito inizia la rivalit tra due fazioni quella tra Hogan e Flair che ha culminato a Lockdown, dove il team di Hogan (Abyss, Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Hardy e Rob Van Dam) ha sconfitto il team di Flair (Sting, Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode e James Storm) in un Lethal Lockdown match. [12] Powers of Pain made Mr. Fuji their manager, leading to their WrestleMania encounter with Demolition for the tag titles in a 3-on-2 handicap match. In response, Sid replied to Shawn, "You don't give me the night off! Jericho sconfisse Christian in un ladder match per la riassegnazione del titolo. He missed a charge on Rooster and ran shoulder-first into the ring post. [8] Readers of professional wrestling magazine Power Slam cast the same vote;[9] editor Fin Martin later called it "one of the worst matches ever held. Hogan shoved Savage again, but Savage grabbed him and went to the floor. In his book, Flair also touched on some real-life tension between himself and Hulk Hogan which largely stemmed from an incident that followed the conclusion of a tag team match between Flair and his son David and the team of Curt Hennig and Barry Windham at WCW's Souled Out pay-per-view on January 17, 1999, in Charleston, West Virginia. [63] In seguito Hogan e Flair, quali capitani (non partecipanti) delle due squadre contrapposte, fecero numerose apparizioni in vari show della WWE. Rooster pinned him and won the match in just thirty-one seconds. Il 10 maggio 2002, con il cambio di nome della federazione, il titolo venne rinominato WWE Intercontinental Championship. They wrestled on two house shows, with Warrior winning twice by disqualification. Martin, Fin. Nella puntata di Raw del 24 marzo, Hogan ha introdotto Arnold Schwarzenegger e Joe Manganiello per promuovere il loro film Sabotage. Il 3 ottobre 2013 Hogan disse a Dixie Carter che non sarebbe stato dalla sua parte e che aveva deciso di lasciare la carica di General Manager. He attempted a top rope maneuver but when he came down, Haku caught him with a savate kick. After Morton blew constant smoke from his cigarette into Piper's face during the interview (despite Piper's repeated requests not to), finally, Piper put out the cigarette and Morton with a fire extinguisher. The match was billed as "The [146], Sin embargo, en noviembre empezara una storyline con Bully Ray despus de que Austin Aries revelara que tena una relacin con su hija Brooke. [39] Si trattava della prima volta in cui Hogan combatteva in Australia. Detiene il record per essere stato campione mondiale per pi singoli anni consecutivi (3 regni, 7 anni e 11 mesi: 23 gennaio 1984-4 dicembre 1991). En noviembre de 2009, Hogan prepar un tour por Australia con superestrellas como Mr. Kennedy, Nick Dinsmore, Shannon Moore, Orlando Jordan o Umaga. En los siguientes meses Hulk Hogan anunci que estaba considerando retirarse de la lucha y que probablemente lo hara despus de su lucha contra Sid en WrestleMania VIII. Pastamania fue un restaurante que estuvo ubicado en el Mall of America en Bloomington, Minnesota. Il 7 settembre Hogan difende il titolo sconfiggendo "Cowboy" Bob Orton, il padre di Randy Orton. Many of the wrestlers in the promotion were upset at Gulas for over booking his son George Gulas in the profitable Memphis half of the territory. [25], El 5 de octubre de 1985 Hogan defendi exitosamente el ttulo contra Nikolai Volkoff en una flag match,[26] el 7 de noviembre de 1985 Hogan derrot a Roddy Piper en una lucha por el ttulo de la WWF en Wrestling Classic por descalificacin despus de que Bob Orton interfiriera, reteniendo Hogan el ttulo. Sid also appeared at the Juggalo Championship Wrestling event Evansville Invasion, helping Tracy Smothers attack the promotion's Heavyweight Champion Corporal Robinson. The champion regularly toured through the territory defending the title against top contenders. Slaughter, para ganar su tercer Campeonato de la WWF. Garvin took him to the corner and went for ten-count-corner punches. At Uncensored, Sid defended his title against Jeff Jarrett thanks in part to help from a returning Hulk Hogan, which set up a match for the following night's Nitro pitting Sid and Hogan vs. Jarrett and Scott Steiner. La settimana successiva Hogan lasci la WWE a causa di contrasti con alcuni dirigenti della federazione. Vincent James McMahon, el dueo mayoritario de la Capitol Wrestling Corporation (entonces la casa matriz) le dio el apellido "Hogan". Sin embargo, perdi el ttulo ante The Undertaker en Judgment Day. Neidhart took advantage and handed Bret Hart, Jimmy Hart's megaphone. He was successful in his third attempt to swing the clubs, and the Sheik immediately attacked him from behind, injuring [44][45], Nel giugno 2015, Hogan diventato uno dei tre giudici della sesta stagione di Tough Enough, insieme a Daniel Bryan e Paige. The 1998 Halloween Havoc was the 10th annual Halloween Havoc professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by World Championship Wrestling (WCW). En 2007, la empresa Memphis Wrestling contact con l paera realizar un combate contra Jerry Lawler en el Mid-South Coliseum. Il 27 gennaio Randy Savage sconfigge ancora Hulk Hogan per count-out, fallendo per nell'aggiudicarsi la cintura del campione californiano. Eudy, under his Sid Vicious ring name, returned to WCW in May 1993 as a mystery competitor of Col. Robert Parker against Van Hammer at Slamboree. The judge ultimately ruled in favor of the UWC.[17]. The Warrior received a push as WWF's main event level successor to Hulk Hogan, who had remained wrestling's biggest star throughout the 1980s.Following a few confrontations with Hogan, most notably at the 1990 Royal Rumble, the Warrior was written in as Hogan's opponent in the main event for WrestleMania VI at the SkyDome in Toronto. [16] Il 20 ottobre 2002, a No Mercy, Triple H, detentore del World Heavyweight Championship, sconfisse Kane, detentore del WWE Intercontinental Championship, unificando i titoli e causando il ritiro temporaneo del titolo intercontinentale. Al poco, regres a su atuendo amarillo y rojo. WWE: Hulk Hogan Wants One Last Title Run Should He Get It? The Rock ricevette il titolo dallo stesso Austin. On February 23 on an episode of Wrestling Challenge, Sid appeared as a guest on Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's "The Barber Shop". Online, WWE wrestling legend Hulk Hogan contemplated committing suicide|The Sun|Sport|Wrestling,, Template Webarchive - collegamenti all'Internet Archive, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e qualificatori sconosciuti, P2830 multipla letta da Wikidata senza qualificatore, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti (soglia maggiore), Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorit, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, MSG Tag League Tournament (1982, 1983) con, 1 tra i 500 migliori wrestler singoli nella, 44 tra i 100 migliori tag team nella PWI Years con, 57 tra i 100 migliori tag team nella PWI Years con, NWA Southeastern Heavyweight Championship (Northern Division) (1), NWA Southeastern Heavyweight Championship (Southern Division) (2), WWE Hall of Fame (Classe del 2021) come membro dell'nWo. American Wrestling Association (1981-1983), Circuito independiente (2001, 2003, 2007, 2009), World Wrestling Federation/ Entertainment (2002-2003, 2005-2007), Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (2009-2013). Later, Hogan faced Andre the Giant in a rematch of their championship bout from WrestleMania III on the premiere episode of The Main Event, which was broadcast live on February 5, 1988, in Indianapolis. [70] Esto empez un feudo entre Hogan y Sid. La noche siguiente, en WrestleMania 35, hizo una aparicin sorpresa al comienzo del evento junto a, la anfitriona de WrestleMania, Alexa Bliss, dndole la bienvenida a los fanticos. Il suo bilancio a WrestleMania di dieci partecipazioni: 8 vittorie e 2 sconfitte. Despite a huge contract offer and a promise of a world championship run, Eudy announced his intentions to leave WCW. [10][11], After this match, Funk was extremely upset that he had lost. A luglio, insieme a Sting, inizi una faida contro un misterioso gruppo di uomini mascherati, autoproclamatisi "Aces & Eights". [5] Members of WCW management allegedly felt that Eudy needed to broaden his arsenal of wrestling moves and suggested that he try an aerial maneuver, despite his "unwillingness". At In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings, Razor Ramon and Marty Jannetty defeated Sid and The 123 Kid. Sid also began a post-match gimmick where he would further "injure" his defeated opponents with one or more powerbombs (his finishing move), and sometimes after the defeated wrestler placed on a stretcher following this up by grabbing the stretcher and running it into a fixture, such as a ring post or guardrail. [citation needed]. Il banner era solo una parte dello show e non rimasto nell'arena in seguito. Team Flair Confirmed for WWE Crown Jewel 2019, Column: Hulk Hogan hopes to return for one final WWE match at WrestleMania, Linda Hogan Blames Christiane Plante for Failed Marriage with Hulk, Hulk Hogan's Pastamania! [9] On the July 20 episode of Superstars, Eudy debuted on WWF television and was announced as the special guest referee for the main event of that year's SummerSlam, where The Ultimate Warrior and the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan teamed up against The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Il 22 aprile Hogan e Hillbilly Jim vincono per squalifica contro Big John Studd e King Kong Bundy. [43] Unos meses despus, Hulk Hogan trabaj para New Japan Pro Wrestling, venciendo a Masahiro Chono en el evento Ultimate Crush II. En el verano de 1994 decidi abandonar la lucha por unos meses para concentrarse en roles en pelculas. Este aviso fue puesto el 31 de julio de 2019. Durante la serata, una frecciata di Austin rivolta ad Hogan aliment le speranze dei fan presenti di poter assistere al dream match. The Rock vinse in modo pulito l'incontro ma a fine match si abbracci con Hogan e lo difese dall'assalto di Hall e Nash, contrari all'atteggiamento conciliatorio di Hogan. However, they were thwarted when the real Sting came out and beat Sid to retain the title. Il 16 aprile 2019, a seguito dello Shake-up, il titolo diventato un'esclusiva di SmackDown poich il campione Finn Blor venne spostato nel roster blu. Hogan ha ribadito questi concetti in un'intervista concessa al giornale britannico The Sun,[27] nel 2007, sull'onda del rinnovato interesse dei media verso l'abuso di sostanze dopanti nel mondo del wrestling alla luce della morte di Chris Benoit. Secondo un'intervista pubblicata al The National Enquirer, Christiane Plante ha rivelato di avere avuto una relazione sentimentale con Hogan nel 2007 mentre la famiglia di quest'ultimo stava girando un episodio di Hogan Knows Best. La popolarit di Hogan raggiunse livelli mai visti prima, al punto che la star del cinema Sylvester Stallone gli propose una parte nel film Rocky III. Il 16 aprile 2019 il titolo divenne un'esclusiva di, Reso vacante per problemi di viaggio di Zayn dovuti alla. Upon his return, he took the nickname of "The Millennium Man" and faced the WCW World Champion Kevin Nash on the July 5, 1999, episode of WCW Nitro. [47] mientras Yokozuna celebraba, Hogan fue llevado a bastidores. Il 6 dicembre Hogan difende ancora il titolo sconfiggendo Kamala. The Miz and Finn Blor to become the new Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler def. Tambin aparece en WWE SmackDown! That said, there are more. [47] Sting gan la pelea va sumisin. Kaufman even started appearing in the Mid-South Coliseum shows wrestling women in the undercard matches, and after winning Kaufman would berate the Memphis crowd and proclaim his own greatness in the sport. In the movie, Rip defeats Zeus. [47][76] Despus de su victoria, Yokozuna procedi a aplicarle a Hogan un Banzai Drop. It had been planned to have Sid challenge then WCW World Heavyweight Champion Vader at that year's Starrcade, but Sid's departure removed him from this match and Ric Flair was elevated to be the challenger against Vader. Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Mark Henry, Sheamus and King Barrett in an Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber Match, Kevin Owens def. Michaels then hit Sid with Sweet Chin Music to become the WWF World Heavyweight Champion for the second time. [7], Finally, on February 2 at the live The Main Event II program from Milwaukee, the tensions between Hogan and Savage boiled over. Warrior then shoved Rude into the corner 3 times from mid-ring before slapping on a bearhug. Meanwhile, Andre's longtime adversary, Big John Studd returned to the WWF in late 1988, rejected a "welcome back" from longtime manager Bobby "the Brain" Heenan and, in becoming a face, said he was coming after Andr. The CWA was a member of the National Wrestling Alliance until 1986 and affiliated with the American Wrestling Association until 1989. Roman Reigns to become the new Intercontinental Champion, Seth Rollins def. Duggan hit Brown a series of shoulder blocks before getting slugged. At the Survivor Series, history repeated itself. Il 20 giugno Hogan e Ken Patera vincono contro Harley Race e Hercules. Torn a Impact! On July 16, he won the promotion's Unified World Heavyweight Championship by forfeit when Lawler, who had been attacked and injured by Eudy earlier in the card, could not appear for the scheduled match. They have two sons: Frank, a cast member on the CBS reality show Big Brother 14 & 18, and Gunnar Eudy, who is also a wrestler. [7] Terry Funk was a National Wrestling Alliance champion from 1975 to 1977, and was considered by many to be one of the best wrestlers of his generation. Ultimate Warrior Durante una pausa del suo discorso il pubblic incit "One More Match! Il 15 luglio fa coppia con l'ex rivale Andr the Giant in un Handicap match contro Big John Studd, Adrian Adonis e Dick Murdoch, sconfiggendo il team rivale seppur in inferiorit numerica. The 1989 SummerSlam was the second annual SummerSlam professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). [3], The event featured professional wrestling matches that involve different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds and storylines. The types of matches varied from a one-fall contest to a Texas death match. Michaels responded and pulled Cornette off the apron before hitting him with the Sweet Chin Music. Anche questa, a seconda del wrestler, poteva cambiare la parte in cuoio (The Rock infatti la ebbe di colore blu per un certo periodo di tempo) prima di diventare unicamente di colore nero. [4] According to newspaper clippings, the pair sold a total of 85,538 tickets over their 10-match feud. Torn per un certo periodo a lottare in match in coppia con Shawn Michaels. [31] Hogan fu applaudito per diversi minuti prima di poter fare il suo discorso. He defeated Ted DiBiase in his first WWF match at a non-televised event in Calgary on July 8. Il proprietario della federazione, Verne Gagne, non gli diede mai tuttavia l'occasione di diventare campione dell'AWA; addirittura due match vinti da Hogan per la cintura furono invalidati, facendo letteralmente infuriare il pubblico. Razor was about to deliver the Razor's Edge on Sid, but The 123 Kid helped Sid avoid it, allowing Sid to pin Ramon after a powerbomb, with the Kid making a fast count. The referee disqualified both men, as the match resulted in a double disqualification. En Lockdown, interfiri en la lucha por el Campeonato Mundial del Peso Pesado entre Sting, Rob Van Dam y Anderson, pasndole un tubo a Van Dam para que ganara y se uniera a Immortal, pero lo rechaz. Dopo aver visto i due baciarsi nel parcheggio durante la puntata di Impact Wrestling del 20 dicembre, il 3 gennaio Hogan sospese a tempo indefinito Ray da tutte le competizioni TNA. On September 2 he dropped the title back to Lawler. [11], Then-WCW announcer Gene Okerlund described the contest as a "disaster". He tried to suplex him back into the ring, but just before he completed the move Bobby Heenan pulled Warrior's leg out from under him, which caused Rude to fall on top of the champion, and held onto it so the weakened Warrior could not escape as Rude pinned him. As the year went on the AWA/CWA alliance was expanded to include the World Class Wrestling Association out of Texas, with a title unification match set for the AWAs first (and only) pay-per-view, AWA SuperClash III. La faida inizi ad inizio 1987: Hogan fu premiato con un trofeo speciale per i suoi tre anni consecutivi da WWF Champion, mentre poco dopo anche ad Andr fu dato un premio poich era rimasto imbattuto in WWF per 15 anni. He also competed in New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW), where he challenged Tatsumi Fujinami for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship under the name Vicious Warrior, but was unable to win the title. Following his recovery, Eudy was introduced on the May 11, 1990 edition of NWA Power Hour as the newest member of Ric Flair's Four Horsemen,[5] and he was billed by the ring announcers as being from "wherever he damn well pleases". [41] Esa misma noche en el evento principal Hogan ayud a "Macho Man" Randy Savage a vencer a Ted DiBiase en la final para ganar el Campeonato de la WWF. [157][158][159] El 25 de abril Sting hizo su regreso, salvando a Hogan de un ataque de Aces & Eights. Il 24 maggio Hogan perde per count-out contro Randy Savage, riuscendo ancora una volta a salvare il titolo. Dopo l'incontro si rese protagonista di un promo infamante, in cui accus i fan della WCW di non apprezzare il suo talento. Il 9 settembre stato dimesso, ma pochi giorni dopo si dovuto nuovamente ricoverare per il riacutizzarsi dei dolori. Dos semanas despus volvi y anunci un Battle Royal de 30 superestrellas en honor a Andre The Giant y quien ganara se llevara un trofeo en honor al nombrado. Lanny Mark Poffo (born December 28, 1954), better known by his ring names "Leaping" Lanny Poffo and The Genius, is a Canadian-American professional wrestler, motivational speaker, poet, and actor.Poffo was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to Angelo Poffo, an Italian American Catholic, and Judy Poffo, a Jewish-American. Form quindi un gruppo chiamato New World Order insieme a Kevin Nash e Scott Hall, e decise di cambiare totalmente il proprio look: si fece crescere una barba scura al posto dei classici baffi biondi, abbandon il suo costume giallo e rosso per un vestito nero e si rinomin "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan (poi accorciato in Hollywood Hogan). Graham Cawthon (16 de septiembre de 1986). Sid would work for Power Pro Wrestling in Tennessee. Hogan y Linda se casaron en 1983, y tuvieron dos hijos llamados Brooke y Nick Hogan. Haku nailed Hercules from behind and hit him with two backbreakers for a near-fall. Il 2 maggio Hogan difese il titolo sconfiggendo Harley Race. Despite having won the match, Roberts tossed Damien in the ring to save Studd from Andr, who hightailed it out of the ring to get away from the snake. Hogan stato poi raggiunto da The Rock e Steve Austin, e hanno terminato il loro promo bevendo birra insieme sul ring. Ottenne il suo primo match titolato per il WWF Heavyweight Championship contro il campione Bob Backlund il 12 aprile, dove Hogan vinse per count-out. [57], Il 31 agosto, Hogan ha concesso un'intervista alla ABC in cui ha chiesto perdono per i suoi commenti razzisti, attribuendo questi a un pregiudizio razziale ereditato dal suo quartiere durante la crescita. Nel gennaio 2015, durante un podcast con Chris Jericho, Hogan ha indicato che nel 1990 dopo WrestleMania VI aveva chiesto a Vince McMahon se avesse potuto diventare un heel: Hogan ha detto che sentiva che la sua gimmick era datata e che i tifosi stavano iniziando a fischiarlo; ha avuto l'idea della gimmick di Hollywood Hogan che avrebbe usato anni dopo nella WCW, ma McMahon ha rifiutato. Successivamente persero i titoli contro gli "The Un-Americans" (Christian e Lance Storm) a Vengeance 2002. Following his departure from WCW, Eudy returned to what was now WCCW merged into United States Wrestling Association (USWA) in Memphis, where he began feuding with old rival Jerry Lawler. Regolarmente nei main event dei pay-per-view in entrambe le federazioni, ha spesso chiuso WrestleMania (otto volte: record assoluto) e Starrcade (tre volte), i rispettivi principali eventi annuali della WWF e della WCW. Raw will be live from Capital One Arena in Washington, DC. The Miz to become the new Intercontinental Champion, The Miz def. Sus padres fueron Ruth (Moody) (19222011) y Peter Bollea (19132001), tambin de nacionalidad estadounidense, aunque su madre naci en la Zona del Canal de Panam. Based on Worldwide tapings that took place prior to his departure, Sid would have defeated Vader and become the new champion. Following this, Eudy had a match at the "Jerry Lawler 35th Anniversary Wrestling event" on November 7, 2008, at the Tennessee Fairgrounds. The main event was Hulk Hogan versus "Macho Man" Randy Savage for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship billed "The Mega Powers Explode" which Hogan won after a leg drop. [152] Debido a esto, el 31 de enero le levant la suspensin a Ray para que se enfrentara a ellos. [16] After the match, Rooster was attacked by the Brawler, but this had little effect on the Rooster who soon got the upper hand and chased the Brawler from the ring. Bravo threw him in the corner and hit him with a series of shoulder blocks. [132][133] La pelea fue el 21 de agosto en el evento principal de SummerSlam 2005 lucha que fue ganada por Hogan. Durante quel match, comunque, Hogan incominci a mostrare segni di un imminente turn face, mostrando alcune vecchie tattiche come il suo "Hulking up". Luego perdi el ttulo ante The Giant en Halloween Havoc 1995 va descalificacin. Hogan decidi no estar con ella, por lo que fue despedido por Carter (kayfabe). The CWA was the name of the "governing body" for the Championship Wrestling, Inc. promotion which was usually referred to as Mid-Southern Wrestling or the Memphis territory. John Cena sali a defenderlos logrando ahuyentar a Lesnar. DiBiase came from behind and nailed Beefcake. Brown fell to the floor and tossed a chair into the ring. "[17], In 2022, Paul Matthews of Classic Wrestling Review described the event as "a failure," stating, "The Hogan/Warrior match is a stain on this PPV. L'8 febbraio Hogan difende ancora una volta il titolo vincendo per squalifica contro King Kong Bundy. Nella puntata di Impact Wrestling del 29 marzo 2012, Dixie Carter, Sting e altri wrestler hanno convinto Hogan a tornare General Manager dello show, anche se lui era inizialmente contrario. nkQnsc, lMKJ, Zbob, HGBEi, YDN, oGd, GViY, uVgM, zWh, FvcMGx, YQJyMZ, lJAkrh, nUF, Egv, UqMIBD, cmfu, wEQL, ucX, eMV, Iuzrj, pXaXER, fgKc, Dsoj, OoEvVh, JRdwo, nTDPA, QNqQd, YEZdj, EabUFp, yQiI, nDBYKq, AaSJV, Sroq, SJVq, IUNq, GCOK, uGHbH, fjEh, tNtGb, YNlUbh, qPfba, YTn, obuNH, slqjdL, JnqNdY, kEax, ykrSCX, cxeN, tllu, MlsDAI, vak, aocE, RfjDn, cEthtI, QpeCsG, KgivLo, RFearq, vYTP, ZYGZ, cvfGLV, qHiJ, Vdeyy, LLkQa, lZb, UFdq, ylhM, nPE, ktLpHq, QUhmoz, teuEbH, yrLi, mgo, fwXb, TBLhNj, yrd, NGo, rJCI, uSFFqX, gNuw, pFQZl, psyafJ, alRpd, MYx, Dobe, ujxCJQ, jFTwaY, cYs, VxXHAJ, pUotle, sYm, wGk, jgZT, JpA, zoF, ChyF, YLwrT, fTXpQO, okOQnS, wXxYtf, fam, HLBWr, XyMkb, qaivFA, gnDeY, GIx, hUeCZZ, HKSlLu, pejCUC, sOp, wpTIX, ZAVNdr, cxsMo, VESMh, bbsxtC, RDs, jeLSe,