Meanwhile, Ryan played an upgraded Alela deck that showed its stuff a bit more this time, with some nice synergies working amidst the artifacts, enchantments, flyers, and angels. Utvara Hellkite --> Terror of the Peaks: Both of these are fun, splashy dragons, but Terror of the Peaks has become more popular, while Utvara Hellkite seems better in a dedicated dragons deck. In addition, there are some long overdue upgrades and other shifts based on what's in/out of my constructed decks. Another fifteen cards seem like decent alternatives that we're trying for now but might just swap in and out randomly. Despite all the busted rares, Crimson Vow is bringing only a handful of changes to the cubethough there are a lot more changes on the horizon after this! Meanwhile, we've been missing some quality utility lands, so I'm trimming the manafixing in exchange for the most generally useful utility lands. A 5-card suite of removal for each color (25 cards) plus a cycle of multicolor removal (10 cards) gets the cube to a minimum of 10% (35 out of 360 cards). By clicking OK, I agree, you consent to optional cookies. I wanted to test my sense that monocolor decks are tough to put together, which had cropped up as I was leaning into 3-color decks in the last round of playtesting. The Intro Packs page for any given block on the wiki should get you .dec files Queen Marchesa was in it the whole time but runs out of steam against slower decks; I think making the switch from humans to angels for white's tribal theme will provide a decent boost here. Use the radio buttons below to download your favourite preconstructed deck in the .cod format and start playing with the new Adventures in the Forgotten Realms commander precons right away using Cockatrice. The shift to GUR Tokens made me reconsider some other aspects of the cube. "Flexible": This final pool seemed to have the best cards in white and blue, leaning into a control build with limited and unusual win conditions. At no point did it seem like anyone was playing total junk. Mist-Syndicate Naga --> Cackling Counterpart, Spawning Kraken --> Ancient Silver Dragon, Avabruck Caretaker --> Ancient Brass Dragon. I've been planning creating an add-on that activates various combos, so we can play that way if we want to, but that requires taking some cards out. In addition to the above archetypes, I also included support for two additional subthemes in each color. It was nice to be playing with strong staples while still seeing some unique strategies--largely driven by the commanders themselves--play out across games. All the changes here are to the manarocks and manafixing. (. Since this set was built with those commanders in mind, you have a lot of options in your sealed pool. Trilands --> Triomes: Themes are situated in wedges, so the fixing should lean in that direction too. Mox Amber provides much more typical ramp, and it's something you'll find only in Commander. At common, the focus is to encourage 2-color decks, so I've included all the filter lands and reveal lands. Looking back at my notes from last summer, I'm seeing I took out all the multicolor removal because it too easily enabled 4C/5C "good stuff" decks. Thran Turbine --> Jeweled Lotus: Thran Turbine's usage was extremely narrow and in fact arose mostly as a combo piece, which I'm now trying to avoid. As a result, cards that help you cast creatures of a specific tribe are not that helpful. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. What is the best legend?, are you ready for Elder Dragon Highlander?. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Magic: The Gathering has remained one of the most popular trading card games in the world since its release in 1993. Discord Server | Dragonmaster Outcast --> Curse of Opulence: A popular card for dragons (which are not really a theme here) for a more generally useful (and interesting) 1-drop. It wouldn't quite feel like Commander if Smothering Tithe were showing up every so often, but I'd rather have the win conditions as varied as possible. Top Commanders (1) Arcades, the Strategist 0.19% of 8293 decks 16 decks New Cards (3) Tangled Islet 60% of 5 decks +57% synergy General Marhault Elsdragon 50% of 8 decks +50% synergy Defiler of Vigor 21% of 14 decks +17% synergy High Synergy Cards (10) Tolarian Entrancer 53% of 95 decks +53% synergy Brash Taunter 54% of 56 decks +52% synergy The same could have been said of the last couple iterations, only a little less so. BGU Graveyard --> +1/+1 Counters: It turns out there are more high-power commanders that care about +1/+1 counters than those that care about the graveyard! My approach to this is to have a 30- or 40-card module that can be swapped for a "combo module," and I have a sense of what that module will be. I kept my base Voltron strategy but shifted into five colors and used Child of Alara as my commander. Imperial Recruiter --> Goblin Sharpshooter, Master of the Pearl Trident --> Shapesharer. After playtesting on my own and playing several sessions with others, I'm doing a first round of revisions to this cube. These changes are more dramatic than prior ones, except the archetype shifts I did recently. Exceptions can be made later, but starting out with just 72 "building blocks" is a lot easier than dealing with 360 slots one at a time. Goblins are a little weaker, but hopefully these minor changes can improve things slightly: Unfortunately, things seem pretty hopeless for merfolk. Everyone who plays EDH on cockatrice uses the stack (red zone) as the command zone, and most people count the number of times they've cast their commander with the storm counter. He woke up on the beach with an intelligence of 18 and warlock powers. Although most limited formats force players to deal with less manafixing, strong cubes tend to include several full cycles of "dual" lands. We've been playing with just three players for all but one session, so I'm replacing a quarter of the mana rocks with some more "fun/build-around" cards. However, he also carries both the artifact and creature types and wields both flying and deathtouch, able to block and kill anything your foe swings with. Apparently, I missed some of the changes in my last update. Having at last input a full 360 cards, I tested this cube out today, building four sealed decks as if I was one of four players: Overall, these sealed pools were decent, and I was very glad to see most "players" able to shape the pool to their interests. On top of that, there were a couple ways to sacrifice lands. This Commander Cube intertwines popular themes with unique archetypes in a single limited environment. (Editor's Note: The decklists below pull the newest printing of each card automatically from Gatherer, including printings which are not in this product. As a result, I'm putting some support cards for this them in here instead of the blink theme. 1993-2022 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A Magic game on UnTap What Is UnTap? I guess we could have done a house rule, but it felt too unusual to me so I did not propose it. To add a card, drag and drop it into your deck.If you prefer to use your keyboard, you can also press the Arrow Keys to select a card while searching and press ENTER to add it. His cards were incredibly powerful in combination with each other, essentially allowing for endless mana whenever he wanted, and he didn't care if he had to bin a land or two via the Sylvan Safekeeper to protect his key creatures. chatterfang cockatrice. The set's design forced its way through, emphasizing a Voltron build with lots of creatures that want to attack on their own. These decks are designed to introduce and level up newer players exploring the Commander format. It will likely include additional themes for each color, like extra turns in blue and +1/+1 counters in green, as well as another cycle of multicolor cards. It is usually not hard to happen up on the other 3% strewn about the other suites. and of course when I go up to "rare," I find that there are a few too many creatures. (If anything, it was better than my own decks typically do!) If you appreciate our videos, support us by liking and. Without any fliers or remaining removal, Karador had to take 6 from the dragon and then another 6 from creatures getting destroyed. However, they do still need to be in here more than any other spell type. Wizards of the Coast Images of new cards from Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths and Commander (2020 Edition) will not show up in the lists below. Although I've cut back on the manafixing a bit, I'd rather have the push for these repetitive durdle decks show up only on occasion, so I'm going to undo a bit of the most recent changes, simply reverting to the decent and more diverse multicolor options I took out, using them to replace the multicolor removal. Voltron decks went from being ever-present to nearly extinct. Most dropped to "mid power," but a couple are now deemed "fringe competitive.". These commanders have the most flexible color identities, so you should be able to play pretty much whatever your sealed pool presents. I'll be using this space in various ways, and the first one, articulated through the swaps below, is to augment the primary themes of the cube. I have been feeling like there's an overabundance of mana rocks. The "uncommons" of this set are a mix of important, popular, and powerful cards, but they are not absolutely essential to ensuring the set's themes come through. In this case, there were some black cards that helped, and the fixing was there, making Nekusar a viable choice. Please Use SHIFT + ENTER to add 4 cards at once or press ALT + ENTER and to add to your sideboard. Cockatrice Commander Cube (MTG Cube Draft) Cockatrice Commander Cube By MULRAH Score: 1 Draft this Cube Open pack Create Sealed Copy Description This Commander Cube intertwines popular themes with unique archetypes in a single limited environment. The removed cards will still be included at "uncommon," but not in the default configuration shown here. Those percentages are not that surprising and confirm my guess that I don't need to worry about creatures as much. After some playtesting, I'm making the following changes to the "commons": Through playtesting, I realized that the "uncommons" had quite a few too many noncreature spells, making it tough for most colors to develop a solid curve. The main difference is that my deck wants angels with lifelink and other life synergies, so I'm pulling those from the cube in exchange for other types of angels. The cards in each suite share a common theme, whether it is a broad function (e.g., removal) or support for a specific archetype (e.g., white cards for the aristocrats archetype). Modules include: These "uncommons" are meant to be spread out across a couple sessions without duplication. Every time the board was wiped--which was happening often--opponents were getting dinged for 2 life. It's still not the same as Friday Night Magic amongst friends but using Cockatrice in combination with any virtual conference or group video call application comes pretty close to the multiplayer paper magic experience. Laboratory Maniac --> Folio of Fancies: The wheels deck seemed just a little too easy to pull off in our first playtest. Tokens have actually been a strong subtheme in the set, largely due to the presence of token producers in white, which I'd included to support the aristocrats theme. Open pack While evergreen keywords are not that prevalent in this set, other keywords can step in to provide this loose structure: It's pretty minor, but I'm just smoothing things out so that there are two instances of these effects at "common." An improved visual deck editor with more sorting options A responsive design that scales for mobile devices (still a work in progress for mobile phones) Better searching options power/toughness and more Decks stay private until they have enough cards to playtest, so you won't accidentally playtest a deck with 10 cards in it Coming features A lot of that might have to do with 40-card decks, which we've since increased to 60 cards. Unfortunately, most of the partner commanders I'd included were moved, so you're stuck with one of the handful of 4- or 5-color commanders if you're looking to maximize the flexibility of your deck's color identity. You get 90 cards, nearly all of which are complex rares or mythics. Finally, I'm replacing a suite of equipment with artifacts that specifically support the archetypes of the cube. In order to do this, I lifted my budget restriction and put quite a few cheap cards in. Update 20. of April, 2016: Council's Judgement out, Mox Diamond in. Manifold Insights is going if I think I need more draw. Eliminate 2-card combos, though I might try working in some clunky combos requiring 4+ cards later on Update/Upgrade cards with new additions up to (but not yet including) Commander Legends, Enforce collection-wide singleton constraint by removing cards that have made their way into EDH decks, Slightly restrain the wheels theme and keep the appeal of blue in check, Tempered Steel --> Godsend: unsupported "artifact creature" buildaround for decent utility equipment in white, Archangel of Thune --> Angel of Destiny: combo piece for fun new alternative win condition from Zendikar Rising. That's yet another alteration of about ten percent of the cube. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Multicolor Archetype Support & Mana-Fixing Lands, Explore archetypes and cards unique to EDH, Include popular EDH themes so the experience "feels" like EDH, Provide variation from the most prominent limited formats, including traditional high-powered cubes and expert set drafts. These decks are designed to introduce and level up newer players exploring the Commander format. I was a little worried the aristocrats/sacrifice player would win twice in a row, so it was nice to see the wheels player pull off the comeback. In retrospect, this is not surprising, as I included enough for four player's decks. It also didn't help that Jeremy and I were playing without blue; a single counterspell would have ruined Noah's plan and ended his gamebut it's not fair that blue is the only color that can cut off this strategy. We also use optional cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features and analyze web traffic. In addition, a significant portion of this cube has been designed to support "voltron" strategies, where you suit up your commander with auras and equipment to win with commander damage. At long last, we're at the point where this cube is just getting a regular old update based on a relatively new set. Help | I did a trial run of the decks I just built, and things worked out well. ), a:76:{i:0;O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"card_meta";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"title";s:17:"Angel of Serenity";s:22:"field_card_image_front";a:0:{}}s:4:"type";s:8:"creature";s:10:"deck_count";s:1:"1";}i:1;O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"card_meta";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"title";s:19:"Cosmic Intervention";s:22:"field_card_image_front";a:0:{}}s:4:"type";s:7:"instant";s:10:"deck_count";s:1:"1";}i:2;O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"card_meta";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"title";s:17:"Hero of Bretagard";s:22:"field_card_image_front";a:0:{}}s:4:"type";s:8:"creature";s:10:"deck_count";s:1:"1";}i:3;O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"card_meta";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"title";s:12:"Stoic Farmer";s:22:"field_card_image_front";a:0:{}}s:4:"type";s:8:"creature";s:10:"deck_count";s:1:"1";}i:4;O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"card_meta";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:5:"title";s:18:"Sage of the 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Green gets a surprising number of changes. I realized I'd been mostly ignoring cards related to tribal and other subthemes and swiftly dismissing hybrid cards, all of which help monocolor decks work. The following categories care about card types. Despite playing "niche" decks, this game seemed much more combat oriented than the last two. With the "commons" showing up in every session, variety and structure are more important for these cards than others. In a sign that things were about right, at one point Tayam felt compelled to bring forth Damnation, which Xyris was able to counter, and Tayam still recovered to win. Use these preconstructed decks or built your own. I have quite a few more changes. The artifacts theme in URW synergizes with the voltron theme in RWB, strongly pushing a RW Voltron Equipment strategy. This shift opened up room for white to get blink as a new subtheme, which supports several commanders that used to be "fringe competiive" but are now eligible for this cube. People have been asking about my affection for Planeswalkers, and my reasoning here is this: 2/3 GAAIV will pretty much block everything in the format. Are you sure you want to create this branch? For the most part, these cards don't really fit into any specific archetype (though they might support them in indirect ways) and just provide some nice miscellaneous effects at a lower level than similarly positioned cards in the "uncommon" module. We're playing with excellent but not overpowered cards. To support this, I'm swapping out some of the mass removal all-stars for more subdued versions at "common." Perhaps going to 60-card decks, imminently doable with just three players, will be enough to put another couple turns onto the clock. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I've promised my players that there are no combos in this set, and I've made good on that so far. Several of these changes are to cards not listed in this core 360, but the following are. Playing Commander, but not building decks, Playing a deck with a clear theme that does not require a understanding of an internal "engine", Trying to get monocolor decks to work in EDH, Filling the board with tokens you can sacrifice for value, Stocking your graveyard with tons of creatures you'll reanimate at will, Building a recursion engine that constantly recycles the same game-altering combo, Blinking/flickering things repeatedly to recur ETB effects, Causing direct damage that your opponents can't stop, Forcing players to attack in a specific way, Messing with blockers after they're declared, Preventing all combat damage from happening to you, Doling out favors or setting up a "pillow fort" so nobody wants to attack you, Having a hand filled with answers that you use to keep anyone from getting too far ahead, Winning the long game after you've milled yourself into a Laboratory Maniac or some other unusual but hard earned win condition, Playing a deck with all the best cards you have, even if they don't synergize with each other or your commander, Figuring out the puzzle of a sealed pool and playing the best deck possible, regardless of the commander at the helm, Building around an unusual synergy you found in your pool that is not necessarily tied to a specific commander, Spending more time picking your favorite cards from your pool than on sifting through a list of 400+ commanders, Playing a deck that relies on a primary theme but has a twist, Playing commanders with narrow or counter-intuitive abilities, Figuring out whether the following commanders work with the cards in this cube. Lesson #1 for cube designers is to make sure your format has enough creatures, typically at least half the cards in every color but blue. However, my confidence that the set is balanced has been shaken. At the same time, the tribal themes have been close but never quite crossed the finish line. This site 2022, LLC Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Gratuitous Violence --> Fiery Emanicpation: Basically the same thing, only better! I recently did the same thing with a "multicolor module," and there are enough spillover cards that I had another 40-card module in the works. Red's swaps are mostly minor upgrades to specific effects. If that doesn't work, it's always more interesting to put answers in than to take threats out, so I'll want to add some ways to get graveyards back into libraries. However, it can't include cards that combo with the combo module, so that's what a lot of these swaps entail. There weren't enough auras in the set for that theme to ever come together, but there are plenty of enchantments. Design Principles Explore archetypes and cards unique to EDH However, the default cube is in need of more mass removal, so I made the following "swaps": Though not in the default configuration seen here, talismans are also being added to the cube at "uncommon," therefore reducing the need for manarocks. sansailes 4 yr. ago I just keep it maindeck and "Look at Library" and drag it out. Like the 8x8 method for deckbuilding, this time-tested approach simplifies the process of cube construction, breaking it down into easily manageable chunks. Finally, the "stunt" player got the boot early in both games, which seems entirely appropriate. We also each have our Fav5 Commanders from Dominaria United. Commander, $1047 (95 tix), MannyG. These decklists are not card-for-card product displays but rather interactive lists of the cards included in each deck. I picked Merieke Ri Berit as the commander, which required a splash of black. Here's another update that seems small but is still swapping out nearly ten percent of the cube! Other minor changes arose from my zombie/mill deck and tweaks I've been wanting to make. Complete Comment Tutorial! The good news is that strong, functional decks were built. However, I think the scales have tipped toward the token/aristocrats themes, and a lot of RW commanders are useless without more equipment on hand. I don't know if this is going to be typical, but it seemed like the opposite of what you'd want. To see those cards, check out either our Ikoria Card Image Gallery or the Commander (2020 Edition) Card Image Gallery. Specific card types have sufficient removal included, and no card type has too much removal aimed at it. I was actually pleased to see they were clunkier than I'd expected. Now they'll always be in here, while the higher rarities flicker in and out of pools from session to session. Meanwhile, Xyris finally hit the board and almost instantly churned out four 3/3 snakes before drawing removal. I expect this batch of changes will be the last for a while. Learn more. Such an approach is basically a step removed from having a rarity structure, which is something I have for most of my other cubes, so I decided to go ahead and take that additional step here. Instead of the cube fifteen cards seem like decent alternatives that we 're trying for now but just! Pools from session to session -- opponents were getting dinged for 2 life do n't if. Guess we could have done a house rule, but hopefully these minor changes can improve slightly... Are you ready for Elder Dragon Highlander? seems entirely appropriate the shifts... 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