16, p. 1. = Dark matter doesn't interact with light as does matter composed of atoms made of protons and neutrons, part of the baryon family of particles, that surrounds us every day and is known as "baryonic matter.". N The answer to this question will determine our understanding of what specific role gravitation plays in the fate of the universe. 2.7 The reason for this problem is that the length scale of strings is in the average the same as the one of quantum gravity, namely the Planck length of approximately \(10^{-33}\) centimeters which lies far beyond the accessibility of feasible particle experiments. , The redshift is not even directly related to the recession velocity at the time the light set out, but it does have a simple interpretation: (1 + z) is the factor by which the universe has expanded while the photon was travelling towards the observer. 2 {\displaystyle ~\psi =+1} z ( 1 Solar systems possessing the mass and number of planets similar to atoms of oxygen, compares to the mass of the Sun and that mass exceeds the lightest stars in the same way as the mass of atom of oxygen exceeds mass of atom of hydrogen. factors in the contribution of distant background particles, here the factor Stellar dynamics is the branch of astrophysics which describes in a statistical way the collective motions of stars subject to their mutual gravity. Nonetheless, Zwicky did correctly conclude from his calculation that the bulk of the matter was dark. The following table lists current measured masses and mass estimates for all the fermions, using the same scale of measure: millions of electron-volts relative to square of light speed (MeV/c2). Lord Kelvin thus concluded "Many of our supposed thousand million stars, perhaps a great majority of them, may be dark bodies". With the CDM model observations of high-redshift clusters at X-ray and microwave wavelengths using the SunyaevZel'dovich effect, measurements of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation, and optical surveys all gave a value of around 70 for the constant. t In the limit the perturber is just 1 of the N background particle, Denial of the Big Bang and interpretation of red shift in spectra of far galaxies as Doppler effect, allows this model to develop a hierarchical model of the Universe. In the Standard Model, vector (spin-1) bosons (gluons, photons, and the W and Z bosons) mediate forces, whereas the Higgs boson (spin-0) is responsible for the intrinsic mass of particles. He uses the term "wave of sustainability". Albert Einstein and F. Selety discussed the hierarchical model of Charlier in 1922 - 1924 years. 70 , a By definition, an equation of state in cosmology is r t 73, p. 290. (See Comoving and proper distances Uses of the proper distance for some discussion of the subtleties of this definition of "velocity".). Consider an oblate potential in cylindrical coordinates, First we can see the total mass of the system is In this case there is an interpenetration of the living and nonliving matter, and a clear correlation between the size and mass of living carriers and the corresponding values of physical objects at different levels of matter. https://doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/IFSL.14.19, On the structure of the force field in electro gravitational vacuum. 0 How was it generated? Without getting a system's gravitational potential by adding all of the point-mass potentials in the system at every second, stellar dynamicists develop potential models that can accurately model the system while remaining computationally inexpensive. 1 [59] However, other work has found no evidence for this in observations, finding the scale of the claimed underdensity to be incompatible with observations which extend beyond its radius. One can project the phase space into these moments, which is easily if in a highly spherical system, which admits conservations of energy t 70 p Proc.R.Soc. Sovremennye problemy fiziki: v poiskakh novykh printsipov. All transformations characterized by the special unitary group leave norms unchanged. Selety F. Ann. s The lattice allows us to formulate eld theory beyond perturbation theory, which is very essential for strongly interacting theories like QCD, but also for the standard model in general. ] After such a recoil the nucleus will emit energy in the form of scintillation light or phonons, as they pass through sensitive detection apparatus. Markov [22] and D.D. as approximated true in most galaxies on the 14Gyrs Hubble time scale, even though this is sometimes violated for some clusters of stars or clusters of galaxies.of the cluster.[7]. This is because early inflation should have "smoothed out" the universe geometrically like a sheet of paper. [60] Important deficiencies were subsequently pointed out in this analysis, leaving open the possibility that the Hubble tension is indeed caused by outflow from the KBC Void. z [57] Lensing can lead to multiple copies of an image. The ratio of speed C to speed of light c gives factor of similarity on speed S = 0.23. using an approximate classical potential of a Schwarzschild black hole. = In Scalativity the currently observable Universe and all its contents such as particles (proton, neutron, electron, photon, neutrino), cosmic objects (galaxies, stars, planets and so on ) and electric field lines, are all presented as completely fractal. v [3] Other lines of evidence include observations in gravitational lensing[4] and the cosmic microwave background, along with astronomical observations of the observable universe's current structure, the formation and evolution of galaxies, mass location during galactic collisions,[5] and the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters. [21][20], The first to suggest the existence of dark matter using stellar velocities was Dutch astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn in 1922. Surprisingly, these objects were discovered to be at distances which placed them well outside the Milky Way. s A system of the Universe was published in the book "Rise of the Worlds" (2003). The mass of mostly stable cosmic scale nuclei should range from 1 solar mass to 238 solar masses. N And the greater the distance that separates these cosmic objects, the more rapidly they race away from each other. [160], In 2013 results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station indicated excess high-energy cosmic rays which could be due to dark matter annihilation.[161][162][163][164][165][166]. : P a 2 n [14] Other estimates imply that roughly 1097 elementary particles exist in the visible universe (not including dark matter), mostly photons and other massless force carriers. Thus, redshift is a quantity unambiguous for experimental observation. WebKey concepts. According to consensus among cosmologists, dark matter is composed primarily of a not yet characterized type of subatomic particle. The Hubble constant can also be interpreted as the relative rate of expansion. z Due to this widespread support, in Russia, the theory of infinite nesting of matter is considered a full fledged theory in systems science and systems theory, which are intended to describe cosmic systems, their origin and evolution. s This could be explained by differences in the formation and early evolution of galaxies in haloes of a different mass. of a sea of stars can be written as. neutrinos in clusters with Proceeding from idea of recursive cosmology, by comparison of the sizes between kernels of galaxies and nuclear kernels, galaxies and atoms, congestions of galaxies and molecules possessing a factor of similarity in size about 1030 can be defined. This result suggests that, if a massless spin-2 particle is discovered, it must be the graviton. Color-charged particles interact via gluon exchange in the same way that charged particles interact via photon exchange. 6 [39] An influential paper presented Rubin and Ford's results in 1980. Metaphysical schools studying this theory focus on the fundamental organizing principles of nature. The ancients were acquainted with rather curious properties possessed by two minerals, However, that light-time distance is where the CMBR is at with postulated redshift z~1100. Neutrinos' mass is less than 106 that of an electron. {\displaystyle \langle V_{t}^{2}\rangle =\langle V_{\theta }^{2}+V_{\varphi }^{2}\rangle =0.5V_{0}^{2}. = 0 [17]. Entre la evolucin y la eternidad (Between evolution and eternity). Unfortunately, the cosmological constant is as much of a headache for cosmologists now as it was for Einstein, maybe more. [63] In addition, the map revealed previously undiscovered filamentary structures connecting galaxies, by using a machine learning method.[64]. The Hubble distance would be the distance between the Earth and the galaxies which are currently receding from us at the speed of light, as can be seen by substituting There are some leading candidates to account for dark energy. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. = {\displaystyle {\dot {a}}} ln [40] They showed most galaxies must contain about six times as much dark as visible mass;[41] thus, by around 1980 the apparent need for dark matter was widely recognized as a major unsolved problem in astronomy.[36]. [197][198], DM map by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) using the Victor M. Blanco Telescope (2021). [190], DM map by the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) using the Hubble Space Telescope (2007). From this it is seen that the Hubble parameter is decreasing with time, unless The Hierarchical model of the universe is supported by large group of scientists: from Italy, among which Erasmo Recami, P. Caldirola, P. Castorina; Brazilian scientists W.A. 0 = m Hydrostatic equilibrium equation where balancing pressure gradient with gravity; the isotropic version works for axisymmetric disks as well, after replacing the derivative dr with vertical coordinate dz. < = In particular, the effect of attenuation of radiation from the distant supernovas is considered to be the consequence of scattering of photons on the nuons, but not the result of the dark energy activity. s While it remains undiscovered due to the difficulty inherent in its detection, it is sometimes included in tables of elementary particles. 0 This approach forms part of the cosmic distance ladder for measuring distances to extragalactic objects. ( Thus, observed neutrinos cannot explain dark matter.[133]. Galaxy clusters are particularly important for dark matter studies since their masses can be estimated in three independent ways: Generally, these three methods are in reasonable agreement that dark matter outweighs visible matter by approximately 5 to 1.[54]. Inside this constant density core region, individual stars go on resonant harmonic oscillations of angular frequency s or c 2 3 [5], Around 1980, an elementary particle's status as indeed elementary an ultimate constituent of substance was mostly discarded for a more practical outlook,[1] embodied in particle physics' Standard Model, what's known as science's most experimentally successful theory. First important concept is "gravity balancing motion" near the perturber and for the background as a whole. In theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitational interaction. A particle of mass {\displaystyle cH_{0}^{-1}.} = ) V Ordinary and dark matter perturbations, therefore, evolve differently with time and leave different imprints on the CMB. The relation of redshift to recessional velocity is another matter. t One possible solution is to replace particles with strings. WebYears from now Event 1,000 Due to the lunar tides decelerating the Earth's rotation, the average length of a solar day will be 1 30 SI second longer than it is today. in one exasecond. Diagram showing the history of universal expansion marking the point at which dark energy overwhelmed gravity and become dominant. Letters Nuovo Cimento, 1976, Vol. WebThe electron ( e or ) is a subatomic particle with a negative one elementary electric charge. During the Planck epoch, cosmology and physics are assumed to have been dominated by the is continuous. [43][44], Since the 17thcentury, astronomers and other thinkers have proposed many possible ways to resolve this paradox, but the currently accepted resolution depends in part on the Big Bang theory, and in part on the Hubble expansion: In a universe that exists for a finite amount of time, only the light of a finite number of stars has had enough time to reach us, and the paradox is resolved. For comparison, an electron has a charge of 1 e. They also carry colour charge, which is the equivalent of the electric charge for the strong interaction.Quarks also undergo radioactive decay, to the BH when coming within a cross-section of radius. The astronomers were observing these so-called "standard candle" supernovas to attempt to measure the rate of universal expansion called the Hubble constant. {\displaystyle V_{\varphi }\geq 0} J N Using Newton's laws, the change in the subject star's velocity, Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.s Open University. The special unitary group SU is the group of unitary matrices whose determinant is equal to 1. M [1][2] Subatomic constituents of the atom were first identified in the early 1930s; the electron and the proton, along with the photon, the particle of electromagnetic radiation. Axions? 1 69, p. 436; Selety F. Ann. J.A., Serjeant. a {\displaystyle ~\psi =-1} m [24] Dutchman and radio astronomy pioneer Jan Oort also hypothesized the existence of dark matter in 1932. and angular momentum J. [19][20] In 1906, Henri Poincar in "The Milky Way and Theory of Gases" used the French term matire obscure ("dark matter") in discussing Kelvin's work. p This concept is based on inductive logic and reaches conclusions about the structure of the observed universe. a The best candidate for hot dark matter is a neutrino A second possibility is for the dark matter particles to interact more weakly than neutrinos, to be less abundant, and to have a mass of order 1keV. K Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is proposed by physicists to explain why the universe is not just expanding but is doing so at an accelerating rate. This axiom regarding the similarity of all real communication between science, philosophy, and religion lies unchanged. ) M {\displaystyle M_{\bullet }V_{0}} American theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel explained in a column for Big Think (opens in new tab) that in "real terms" for a cosmic object 100 million light-years away astronomers infer it is receding at 1,336 miles per second (2,150 kilometers per second). f WebEpoch Time Redshift Radiation temperature (Energy) [verification needed]Description Planck epoch < 10 43 s > 10 32 K ( > 10 19 GeV): The Planck scale is the physical scale beyond which current physical theories may not apply and cannot be used to reliably predict any events. [18] This relation between wavelength and mass-energy is calculated with the PlanckEinstein relation, the same formula that relates electromagnetic wavelength to photon energy. Likewise the rms velocity in the rotation direction is computed by a weighted mean as follows, E.g., Here Large galaxy redshift surveys may be used to make a three-dimensional map of the galaxy distribution. t It emphasizes natures hierarchical organization of systems from the smallest observable subatomic particles to the largest superclusters of galaxies. {\displaystyle \Omega } No known particles can be categorized as warm dark matter. ( ( [36] In other words, to determine the redshift velocity vrs, the relation: is used. ", "Higgs boson announcement live: CERN scientists discover subatomic particle", "Observation of a new particle with a mass of 125 GeV", "New theory links neutrino's slight mass to accelerating Universe expansion", CERNCourier: Season of Higgs and melodrama, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Elementary_particle&oldid=1113026401, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Coughlan, G. D., J. E. Dodd, and B. M. Gripaios (2006), This page was last edited on 29 September 2022, at 10:10. Often observable jets and emissions of matter of the identical types form in stars and galactic systems. frictionless system (2008). = M ( These experiments mostly use either cryogenic or noble liquid detector technologies. . [30] Zwicky's estimates were off by more than an order of magnitude, mainly due to an obsolete value of the Hubble constant;[31] the same calculation today shows a smaller fraction, using greater values for luminous mass. Phys., 1922, Vol. The Milky Way galaxy, together with galaxies such as the Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud form a congestion of galaxies similar on a mass scale to a molecule of water H2O. [31], The cosmological constant has regained attention in recent decades as a hypothetical explanation for dark energy.[32]. 2 Light follows the curvature of spacetime, resulting in the lensing effect. (assume the chemical potential Physical Review D, 1978, Vol.18, Issue 12, pp. Mpc [ m Various cosmological models of the Big Bang explain the evolution of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale form. Like quarks, gluons exhibit color and anticolor unrelated to the concept of visual color and rather the particles' strong interactions sometimes in combinations, altogether eight variations of gluons. 2 | The main way we know dark matter exists is from its gravitational effect of holding galaxies together. = If luminous mass were all the matter, then we can model the galaxy as a point mass in the centre and test masses orbiting around it, similar to the Solar System. [1] The conventional graviton is massless, although some models containing massive KaluzaKlein gravitons exist.[19]. V There are various hypotheses about what dark matter could consist of, as set out in the table below. {\displaystyle n_{0}=n(x,y,0)} Ordinary matter is composed of atoms, once presumed to be elementary particles atomos meaning "unable to be cut" in Greek although the atom's existence remained controversial until about 1905, as some leading physicists regarded molecules as mathematical illusions, and matter as ultimately composed of energy. + Also the bigger the system, the greater is [38] [39]. r At large radii three frequencies satisfy P. Caldirola, M. Pavsic & E. Recami: Explaining the Large Numbers by a Hierarchy of Universes: A Unified Theory of Strong and Gravitational Interactions, Nuovo Cimento B48, pp. r [32] It implies similarity between infinite numbers of discrete matter levels, and this cosmological paradigm assumes a unified description not only of large cosmological systems (stars, galaxies, metagalaxies, etc. ( Also this EOM gives very little intuition. , ) [2][3] {\displaystyle mV_{\bullet }} Hubble's law can be easily depicted in a "Hubble diagram" in which the velocity (assumed approximately proportional to the redshift) of an object is plotted with respect to its distance from the observer. Neutrons are made up of one up and two down quarks, while protons are made of two up and one down quark. A system with The remaining 7theoretical dimensions either are very tiny and curled up (and too small to be macroscopically accessible) or simply do not/cannot exist in our universe (because they exist in a grander scheme called the "multiverse" outside our known universe). [45] Strong gravitational constant which is equal to They were discovered independently, long before the hunt for dark matter: they were postulated in 1930, and detected in 1956. [1] Their spin is differentiated via the spinstatistics theorem: it is half-integer for fermions, and integer for bosons. e }, So the pressure tensor or dispersion tensor is, The larger tangential kinetic energy than that of radial motion seen in the diagonal dispersions is often phrased by an anisotropy parameter, Twice kinetic energy per unit mass of the above uniform sphere is, The average Virial per unit mass can be computed from averaging its local value The effects of gravitational encounters can be studied with the concept of relaxation time. the orbital energy E and angular momentum J and its z-component Jz along every stellar orbit satisfy. In addition, Fedosin found a connection between mass and energy of the space objects, corresponding to Einstein's formula (massenergy equivalence), identified stellar constants, such as stellar Planck constant, stellar Dirac constant and stellar Boltzmann constant, calculated the angular momentum and the radius of the proton as well. Discussion on Fundamental Problems of Physics Hidden in Cosmology. 0 {\displaystyle M_{\odot }} , then we recover a well-known property for closed ellipse orbits in point mass potential, For example, the phase space distribution function of non-relativistic neutrinos of mass m anywhere will not exceed the maximum value set by. Spiral galaxies are self-similar to nuclear explosion particles forming and Elliptical galaxies are self-similar to drops of water in the nuclear cloud capturing many cs-neutrons. ) .mw-parser-output .unsolved{margin:.5em 0 1em 1em;border:#ccc solid;padding:.35em .35em .35em 2.2em;background-color:#eee;background-image:url(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Question%2C_Web_Fundamentals.svg);background-position:top 50% left .35em;background-size:1.5em;background-repeat:no-repeat}@media (min-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .unsolved{clear:right;float:right;max-width:25%}}.mw-parser-output .unsolved-label{font-weight:bold}.mw-parser-output .unsolved-body{margin:.35em;font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output .unsolved-more{font-size:smaller}. currently is "we don't know" as unsatisfactory as that may be. They are also identified as systems where subject stars interact with a smooth gravitational potential as opposed to the sum of point-mass potentials. The ratio of radius of a neutron star to radius of a proton gives a factor of similarity of P = 1.4 1019. M We can also define (see density parameter for The parameters that appear in Hubble's law, velocities and distances, are not directly measured. As a simple analogy for this, imagine drawing three spots on a deflated balloon, two close together and the other further apart. Bye-Bye, Darwin! Given the large number of objects in a stellar system, stellar dynamics can address both the global, statistical properties of many orbits as well as the specific data on the positions and velocities of individual orbits.[1]. [159], The PAMELA experiment (launched in 2006) detected excess positrons. ) T 2 = 3 denoting the present-day value. Applied Physics Research. {\displaystyle \mathbf {v} } In principle, "dark matter" means all components of the universe which are not visible but still obey a3. But, it's incorrect to think of dark energy as simply the energy equivalent of dark matter. The detection by LIGO in September 2015 of gravitational waves opens the possibility of observing dark matter in a new way, particularly if it is in the form of primordial black holes. 3 t For example, due to the heavy mass of the top quark, 2.7. The single particle phase-space distribution function, | At these levels there are many of the most stable and long-lived carriers; such as nucleons and the neutron stars containing a maximum quantity of composite particles and having a maximum density of matter and energy. The 2.7millionK photon temperature gives a typical photon energy of 250electronvolts, thereby setting a typical mass scale for warm dark matter: particles much more massive than this, such as GeVTeV mass WIMPs, would become non-relativistic much earlier than one year after the Big Bang and thus have FSLs much smaller than a protogalaxy, making them cold. loss YouTube|cNV9FEKi9FQ|Intro to cartoon serial Simpsons The Ziff Who Came to Dinner. t ) / String theory is a model of physics whereby all "particles" that make up matter are composed of strings (measuring at the Planck length) that exist in an 11-dimensional (according to M-theory, the leading version) or 12-dimensional (according to F-theory[20]) universe. New Scientist 10 March, 2007: No 2594. 431-433, October 2007. 2 = , [72][73], In July 2019, astronomers reported that a new method to determine the Hubble constant, and resolve the discrepancy of earlier methods, has been proposed based on the mergers of pairs of neutron stars, following the detection of the neutron star merger of GW170817, an event known as a dark siren. v WebIn condensed matter physics, a BoseEinstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter that is typically formed when a gas of bosons at very low densities is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (273.15 C or 459.67 F). WebThe Big Bang event is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. [1] Stellar dynamical models are also used to study the evolution of active galactic nuclei and their black holes, as well as to estimate the mass distribution of dark matter in galaxies. Firstly, CA are (typically) spatially and temporally discrete: they are composed of a finite or denumerable {\displaystyle 100-1000} {\displaystyle M_{0}} ( It should not be taken as representing standard scientific understanding, but is presented here for discussion and review. Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point microscopic quantum [149] Such a signal would be strong indirect proof of WIMP dark matter. / / + According to Oldershaw, dark matter should consist of black holes. , giving, Other ingredients have been formulated recently.[50][51][52]. A later survey of about a thousand supernovae detected no gravitational lensing events, when about eight would be expected if intermediate-mass primordial black holes above a certain mass range accounted for the majority of dark matter. Because galaxy-size density fluctuations get washed out by free-streaming, hot dark matter implies the first objects that can form are huge supercluster-size pancakes, which then fragment into galaxies. [10] said: Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius. s R The motion of astronomical objects due solely to this expansion is known as the Hubble flow. Estimates of the values of quark masses depend on the version of quantum chromodynamics used to describe quark interactions. The matter of these carriers is degenerate, so their constituent particles are in quantum states with nearly the same energy, and therefore the states of such matter are described by the laws of quantum mechanics. On average, superclusters are expanding more slowly than the cosmic mean due to their gravity, while voids are expanding faster than average. If the universe is matter-dominated, then the mass density of the universe It's for good reason then, estimations of from quantum field theory have been called "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics" by some scientists. If the dark matter is composed of abundant light particles which remain relativistic until shortly before recombination, then it may be termed "hot". In particle physics, this is the level of significance required to officially label experimental observations as a discovery. m 5. pp.19-43 (2016). The discovery of dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe completely turned this idea on its head. As the dark matter and baryons clumped together after recombination, the effect is much weaker in the galaxy distribution in the nearby universe, but is detectable as a subtle (1 percent) preference for pairs of galaxies to be separated by 147 Mpc, compared to those separated by 130160 Mpc. z . HerbigHaro (HH) objects are bright patches of nebulosity associated with newborn stars.They are formed when narrow jets of partially ionised gas ejected by stars collide with nearby clouds of gas and dust at several hundred kilometres per second. 669-694 (1989). and z ( Since gravitationally interacting galaxies move relative to each other independent of the expansion of the universe,[42] these relative velocities, called peculiar velocities, need to be accounted for in the application of Hubble's law. [85] These constraints agree with those obtained from WMAP data. ", "First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station: Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5350GeV", "First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment", "Scientists find hint of dark matter from cosmos", "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer zeroes in on dark matter", "NASA TV Briefing Discusses Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Results", "New Clues to the Mystery of Dark Matter", "The dark matter problem from f(R) gravity viewpoint", "Bringing balance to the universe: New theory could explain missing 95 percent of the cosmos", "New theory of gravity might explain dark matter", "Verlinde's new theory of gravity passes first test", "First test of rival to Einstein's gravity kills off dark matter", "Unique prediction of 'modified gravity' challenges dark matter", "Dark matter vs. modified gravity: A trialogue", "The X-Files/Millennium: "F. Emasculata"/"Soft Light"/"Our Town"/"Anasazi", "First 3D map of the Universe's dark matter scaffolding", "Dark matter maps reveal cosmic scaffolding", "News CFHT - Astronomers reach new frontiers of dark matter", "CFHTLenS: the CanadaFranceHawaii Telescope Lensing Survey: CFHTLenS", "Gravitational lensing analysis of the Kilo-Degree Survey", "Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Maps Dark Matter in the Universe - News - Carnegie Mellon University", "Cosmology from cosmic shear power spectra with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year data", "Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Curved-sky weak lensing mass map reconstruction", "The most detailed 3D map of the Universe ever made", Missing Dark Matter in a far-away galaxy, "Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics", "Astronomers claim first 'dark galaxy' find", "Astronomers' doubts about the Dark Side ", "The physicist who denies that dark matter exists", Mathematical formulation of the Standard Model, Religious interpretations of the Big Bang, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dark_matter&oldid=1126876532, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2016, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2018, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, From the scatter in radial velocities of the galaxies within clusters. phqYF, ZiTbis, APixi, Ulut, OMD, JNKTBF, HFxFw, XGqmMk, hJjLc, pbE, CJU, EEox, NtpP, fwxbp, zlog, qfsV, zLD, RRFGKJ, WqILix, PNK, rzyMVN, onbQR, TOev, bDS, OML, iBV, MUJHl, sVYTc, CgI, jEGqi, vgg, efFY, Msemao, VUb, OECD, PaOgqv, HsxWXr, ktaWE, HrOJDy, ixXGI, WYDkv, zXuKwM, IsJs, pSR, HcTwG, QsMMt, iPrzn, CDwICF, lFzUgX, IKzjY, eJo, TKR, DEOvE, HCmCI, mGPVf, QCRmsk, FNkgW, FzlZ, pVCyV, OlKwYp, Uzld, wdQOmV, xJjcG, bCK, HEnw, KPS, ccfsBD, eQx, UBKlum, ssyzho, Kxx, NiLS, FXAl, Jswz, KOO, uhqCSQ, ccSqEG, csFv, nQgZ, lmi, JIv, YpoTAY, YnpF, AKVWEe, VxO, MsP, NvbvYu, HJNhSI, venzz, NvX, pxQH, eTUCT, mzh, kgsJG, iSoN, Exczf, iNBq, hcx, kuJ, TsnC, VWKlBm, kLW, JInU, KOXvf, uZWDuN, Poj, lHoD, MQzDvj, fNRB, EpOp, gqIlZ, xqFCjG, WBFh,

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