He said: Then bear witness, and I (too) am of the bearers of witness with you.31. Again, a man of the tribe of Jahina was so desperately attacked by leprosy, that some of his limbs dropped off. Such information is given in Quran in many places. They started by eating dead dogs and then bones of the dead and even dead bodies removed from graves, which they burnt and consumed. The Imam (a.s.) again said: As before, you only may convey my command to this effect and ask it on my behalf to fulfill your wish. Then he offered the keys of earthly treasures to the Holy Prophet (S) saying: Allah says that you may take them and open the treasure of your choice and use the same. Thereupon that wolf told me: May I tell you about an event which is more wonderful than my talking like men? Moreover Allah made every rock and every tree talking and so they saluted the Holy Prophet (S) and congratulated him from his grandeur. And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.47. He accorded respect to whoever came to him and spread his chador to give him a seat. It is said that once the Holy Prophet (S) held the hand of a man and said: Who will buy this slave, that is, the slave of Allah? Once a woman was talking about her husband. Two sons will be born to that daughter, who will be martyred in the due course. Thereafter Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) said that this is the story of those who were bent on killing the Prophet of Allah and whom Almighty Allah had killed by the miracle of His True messenger and because of (not) testifying to the Prophet in the matter of death. Though innocent and faultless, he wept so profusely as to wet the place where he prayed. It is mentioned in other reliable reports that during summer, the Holy Prophet (S) slept out from Thursday and at home from Friday in winter. But he (Jarir) rubbed that shirt on his body and kissed it. He said: No, and I have not eaten from it; you dont know anything and such chickens are many in the world that some part is eaten from it. call for (Divine) blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) salutation.29. Some persons of Quraish said: Seek help from Laat and Uzza. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) is reliably reported to have said that right from the start of the last ten day period of Ramadan, the Holy Prophet (S), used to prepare himself for worship, to keep away from women and to pass his nights in nothing but prayers. They conspired to make joke of this simpleton. I am created from one part and Ali from another. The Holy Prophet (S) called for Abadah and asked: Why do you want to eliminate me? She replied, I thought that if you are the true Prophet the poison will not affect you. He said he will purchase dates. Abu Talib and other chieftains of Quraish started eating, but when the Holy Prophet (S) extended his hand, it turned either on the right or left automatically and despite several trials, never reached that impermissible meat. In one of those battles my camel became tired and sat down. I will repay, Insha Allah. That man again demanded after a few days. This hadith indicates that Adam did not pass through these stages and when he was created his image was the same with the image he had when he passed away. He then inquired of Ali if he had performed prayers. Idolaters claimed that Laat and Uzza have made her blind. Also withdraw to yourself the hand, which you intend to catch up fruits without making any movement and recite: - . OTP entered does not match. Although physical appearance is important to many, as Muslims, we must not forget that: "Nothing is heavier on the believer's Scale on the Day of Judgement than good character." (Jami at-Tirmidhi, Book 27, Hadith 108) Humans are naturally inclined towards all things beautiful: be it people or objects. Seventy-second miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that the Holy Prophet (S) gave a cup of honey to a woman from which she ate for years but there was no decrease in it. The man was rejoiced at this declaration, and constantly invoking blessings as he had been directed. that Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: I was with the Prophet when a party of the nobles of Quraish came to him and said to him, O Muhammad, you have made a big claim which none of your forefathers or those of your family have made. Looking at that shepherd from a distance the Prophet said to the companions: The story of this man is indeed very strange. My palate still retains the flavor of that celestial food. Didnt you see that the higher he went, the smaller he became; that the more he was getting nearer to the Creator of the universe, he was decreasing in size thereby becoming lowly. Be not alarmed, said the Prophet, for it will not burn you yet. He put my description in Torah and Injeel and made me travel in the skies and gave me a part of His Name. Ali: But for the Messenger of Allah (S) there was a better miracle: At the siege of Khandaq, the Almighty Allah sent a wind filled with gravel against the enemy, and moreover an army of eight thousand invisible angels, which makes the miracle twice as great as that of Hud. Another miracle of Isa (a.s.) was that he informed the people about what they had eaten and what they had stored in their houses. My Sustainer! Do you not know that I see you in my sleep as I see you when awake? It is reported in a reliable tradition, that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: Almighty Allah gave Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa and Isas codes of laws (Shariats) to Prophet Muhammad (S) which comprise of belief in the oneness of Allah, sincerity in His worship and giving up of polytheism and taught him the manners of the upright faith of Ibrahim (a.s.). The companions became extremely astonished at all this. And make its atmosphere healthy and make its measures blessed. He called companions in groups of ten each and fed them after which each group departed. Please pay me back for my gifts. The Holy Prophet (S) smiled at him reciprocating his happiness. After that news arrived that he had passed away only on that particular day. When the people saw this, they said by way of pride and vanity. Abu Jahl said: God knows whether they are right or wrong. Ali: The prayer of Nuh was offered in anger; Muhammad prayed for mercy on his people, and water beyond measure descended for their relief. Lady Khadija remarked: What a blessed prayer it was! The Prophet said: I am a mercy for the worlds.. He now signified that I should dismount, and he stood by while I quenched my thirst, allayed my hunger, and gathered some leaves for a partial covering to my body. Then the Prophet and his companions fed to satiation. He went there and saw that his wheat, barley, dates and figs have all become rotten, dirty and smelly. If ever night fell before he could distribute his wealth, he used to remain restless till he distributed it among the needy. The Holy Prophet (S) sat down and did not offer Prayer. The Prophet took the skin and shook it, and it was filled with oil. His Eminence (S) said: O brother Arab, these Jews have came before you and want to ask some questions. She said: Thanks to Allah who made you victorious over the enemies. Some of them have two wings, some have three, and Jibreel has six hundred wings. So the Almighty Allah revealed to him: Who is Muhammad? He replied: My God, when you created me I looked at the Arsh on which was inscribed: There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. It is mentioned in another report that the Holy Prophet (S) had sent him with a letter for Maaz to Yemen. In the Name of one, after taking Whose Name nothing and no pain can harm, neither on earth nor in the sky and He is the Hearer, the Knower. We were about to die of fright and we were also worried about you. Imam Ali (a.s.) said: When the Jinns appeared, I challenged them in the name of Allah and they became degraded and weak. When they crucified him, he said: Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah (S). At that time the Holy Prophet (S) was seated with his companions and he said: And peace be upon you, and he wept and said: Habib is saluting me in Mecca, the Quraish have killed him., Fifty-fourth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that a man came to the Messenger of Allah (S) and made some request to him. His Eminence, said: You should not name your sons after your Firons. Were it not that I have a family and am in debt, verily I would rid you of him. Allah sent a naked sword for Muhammad and commanded: , Fight then in Allahs way; this is not imposed on you except in relation to yourself.21. Two of its legs are decorated with pearls, ruby and emeralds. The Almighty Allah gives sustenance from whence they least expect. Hearing this, the wolves came forward. The Stages of Hajj, the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Ihram Clothing for Hajj--the Muslim Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), Biography of the Prophet Muhammad's Later Life. Peace be on you, O Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and the best of all the creation. You have prepared fuel for yourself in Hell. It will show us whether we and he are same or not. She brought an earthen pot containing some food. There was no harshness at all in his behavior. Ali: Isa told his people what was concealed behind walls, but the Prophet related the progress of the distant Battle of Muta, saying, Now such a person is martyred, when there was a months journey between the Prophet and battlefield. So he said: Indeed you are an expert magician! At that juncture, Surah Lahab was revealed. The narrator asked the Imam: How then was the Holy Prophet (S) reciting the Holy Quran during congregational prayers? The Imam replied: He recited only upto a bearable extent., It is narrated through authentic chains of narrators that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: After Yusuf (a.s.) became a king, Zulaikha arrived at his door and asked permission to enter. It was used to carry loads. By the power of Allah, Hubal spoke up: O enemies of Allah! He slept at night keeping his head on the floor. From other aspects of literary expertise, no matter how eloquent a person may be, he cannot compete with the extraordinary style of the Quran. One day, by chance, both of us forgot to pick the dates and the Prophet was asleep. The Holy Prophet (S) was so modest that despite dislike for a thing he never expressed his displeasure; we only knew it from his expression. Allah will bless you. Whenever the Holy Prophet (S) passed by, they cried: Peace be on you, O beloved of Allah! If they are not agreeable, inform me at the time of harvesting. Thereafter the Holy Prophet (S) asked me: Are you married? I said: I married a widow. He asked: Why did you not marry a young woman with whom you should have played and who could have played with you? I replied: O Messenger of Allah (S)! Then the mountain called: O Jews! Then that wolf came from another side and took off another lamb, which also I got from his clutches as before. At last his son was killed in Badr and he died in his grief. And men should be proud of their masculinity and not try to imitate women in their dress. And if one has a friend from among the dead and one wants him to come to life again, he must pray to Allah in the same way. Sixth miracle: It is mentioned in Mahasin Barqi and other reliable books that one day an old man passed the Prophet and saluted him. The Al-Islam.org site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. If you pray to turn fire into ice and ice into fire, indeed it will happen so; or if you pray to Allah to make the sky fall on the earth and to raise the earth on the sky it will come about. The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder. The Holy Prophet (S) was sorry thinking that those who did not get would be grieved. Ancestry of the Holy Prophet (S) and Circumstances of His Forefathers. All ate fully. He came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said: O Muhammad! His Eminence (S) said: Abu Jahl, today you ordered for chicken Kebab and when you wanted to eat and stretched your hand towards it, your brother Abu Jatri bin Hassham came and asked permission to enter the house but because of your miserliness, you feared that he would eat from it, so you hid it under your skirt and did not open it till he went away. When Ali (a.s.) came before the Holy Prophet (S), His Eminence (S) said in a loud voice: O people, one who wants to see the grandeur of Adam, wisdom of Sheeth, intelligence and awe of Idris, gratitude and worship of Nuh, faithfulness and friendliness of Ibrahim, enmity of Musa with enemies of Allah, love to believers and way of living of Isa (a.s.), should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). Simply: Believers should not make infidels their friends. Adult Education. When Adam committed Tarke Awla he sought divine forgiveness through the words: O the Almighty Allah please forgive me for the sake of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad. To the astonishment of all present, he immediately paid the debt, and after Muhammad had retired, said to his companions, Excuse what I have done. So I gave her my shirt and prayed to Allah, that it should not even get dirty till she enters Paradise. Fifth miracle: It is narrated through authentic chains from Salman Farsi that one day when the Prophet was sitting in Abtah, with a number of his companions, suddenly a whirlwind was seen, and swept on till it approached the Prophet. Their hands and feet separated from their bodies and except for their tongues and ears, no part of their bodies remained free of disease. In another reliable narration, it is mentioned that Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) said: May my parents be sacrificed for my grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S), because despite his utmost nearness to God and in spite of the Lords promise, he used to stand in worship for such a long time that he got swelling on his feet. Considering the rank of all, he used to pay attention to each and every ones say in the gathering equally and his thought and pondering was about the passing world and the everlasting Hereafter. Allah has never kept distance between me and Ali. He also hid some of his evil-minded companions armed with swords, so that when the Holy Prophet (S), Ali (a.s.) and other companions come out, they might be attacked and killed. Bring that roasted lamb. While the Quran will remain forever and be tested all the time. So, go to those trees and tell them that the Wasi of the Prophet asks you to depart. One of them also released the prisoner without any ransom, whereas another agreed to take ransom. Abu Jahl said: O Muhammad, you have lied. The Holy Prophet (S) prayed: O Allah, please bestow cure to him and he told Ali (a.s.) to get up. The daily performance of five prayers is in itself a form of exercise, its prescribed movements involve all the muscles and joints of the body, and . Based upon several Hadith narrations of Muhammad, Jesus can be physically described thus (with any differences in Jesus' physical description being due to Muhammad describing him when seeing him at different occasions, such as in a dream, during his ascension to Heaven, or when describing Jesus during Jesus' second coming): A well . The Holy Prophet (S) said: You will hear in future that this water has caused all its surroundings to become verdant, and the same thing happened. Now ask this tree to go back to its original place. Allah made that lamb enough to gratify so many people. Almighty Allah had made that job easy for Khizr (a.s.) through our Ahlul Bayts supplication. Some died within five days and some in ten, some in less and some in more; but none lived for more than two months. Muslims should look like Muslimsand not like mere imitations of people of other faiths around them. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) set out for that valley and on reaching there instructed his men to halt at a place and not to move from here until the Imam tells them and marched forward, seeking the refuge of Allah for the mischief of enemies. He arose and went to the house of Jafar, called their children and offered condolence to them. I used to pick some dates for the Prophet and sometimes my slave girl used to so that. Jew: Yusuf tasted the bitterness of separation from his father and preferred the horrors of a prison to the commission of a crime; and though innocent, was cast into a dark pit. Went they set out for this purpose, a storm blew up and carried the dead body to a depression and they had also went in that same direction. Second: Many verses of the Holy Quran challenge all the people of the world to bring a like of the Quran or a chapter of Quran. The first thing is that eight thousand angels accompanied the Prophet. He said: You say that Isa Ibn Maryam informed about things they had eaten and things they stored in the house; you tell me what I ate today and what is stored in my house? Jibraeel (a.s.) advised the Prophet to sit where the mischief-maker Abdullah bin Ubayy might suggest and also to eat the food offered by him so that this miracle may be observed by them all quite clearly. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: None but Allah, knows the Unseen. That accursed man said: I like this camel more that your God.. In another reliable tradition, it is narrated that Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) was asked if Ubayy was the divine proof on the Messenger of Allah (S). Nineteenth miracle: Rawandi, Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. Mostly he took fresh dates, milk and water and he preferred meat and pumpkin curry. And when Musa cast his staff and it turned into a python, he said: For the sake of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad make me fearless. Now you order half of it to come to you and the other half of it to remain (in its place). The Holy Prophet ordered the tree to do the same. Till it was the best time of Asr Prayers and Imam Ali (a.s.) performed the prayers. Then he would go to bed for a while. Smiling, the Imam asked: Where has the paleness gone? His Eminence (S) asked his father: What do you say, O Shaykh? It was caught, slaughtered and its flesh was cooked. Then the Holy Prophet (S) said: You may encircle me, hiding me from the eyes of the wolves. Allah deserves more and hence one who takes refuge in Him ought to be given preference. Once a blind man Mahramah bin Naufal needed to pass water. We had gone into the desert, discussing your words when suddenly we saw the sky split and sparks of fire fell down. He used to say that undoubtedly God will help, on Judgment Day, one who conveys the needs of others to the rulers. People used to say that it was due to the Prophets curse. The Greek fellow complied with the Imams command, and the tree bore first, green, then yellow and then reddish ripe date fruits. Now tell me, how many wounds are caused in your body due the stones they threw on us? Six: Obligation of forbidding evil and expression of evil if seen in others. The Holy Prophet (S) ate from them; but when he came to Ajwa, its branches bowed down in prostration to the Prophet and he said: O Allah, bless this tree so that it may benefit the people. Hence it is related that it is a tree of Paradise. He replied that they fled at the onset, seeing white horsemen in the air, mounted on pie-bald horses, and whom none could withstand. grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.138. When he was about to sleep he said: Tonight I am in refuge of the inhabitants of this valley. It was a custom of Jahiliyya period to seek refuge from the Jinns of the valley. Insha Allah the details and explanation of this incident will be presented in the coming chapters. Fifty-first miracle: Through Shia and Sunni channels, it is continuously narrated that during the expedition of Khyber, the Messenger of Allah (S) gave the standard to Abu Bakr and he returned unsuccessful. Fourteenth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that during the Jahiliyya period, Abu Darda used to worship an idol. The Holy Prophet (S) came to visit me and he washed his hand and sprinkled the water on me. When he came to the prisoners to choose a slave for himself, he glanced at spinsters and young lads then reached to an old woman and said: I will take her, since she is the mother of the tribe and I will get more ransom for her. In one narration, it states about the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that. I searched for it and at last brought it out. The Prophet said: Open it. I opened it and there was, in truth, a piece of a palm branch, a comb, some teeth of comb and eleven knots were tied upon it. He used to say: That Quraishi was right. And at last he departed to Hell. He rode horses, ponies as well as mules. He said: Allahs Messenger, I dont have more than what is needed for my wife and children. But I am not proud; rather I remember Allah and thank Him. Then he descended into her grave, lied down there and then she was laid in the grave. The Almighty Allah revealed the above Surah and said that He has bestowed Kauthar to the Messenger of Allah (S). When he came out of the grave, people asked: O Messenger of Allah (S), you acted in such a way as you have never done before., He said, One day I had told her that people will be raised from their graves in a naked condition. Just tell Me how much more help you need? Meanwhile another person arrived and he brought a bag for the Prophet saying: This is an amount of 400 dirhams (silver coins), please distribute it among the needy., The Prophet said to the first man: Take these gold coins. The one who had brought them said: O Messenger of Allah (S), they are not gold but silver coins. The Prophet said: Dont falsify me as the Almighty Allah has made me truthful., So the bag was opened and 400 gold coins came out of it. and when they come to you they greet you with a greeting with which Allah does not greet you, and they say in themselves: Why does not Allah punish us for what we say? Fourthly, the domination of the religion of the Prophet over all the religions of the world and the news of the defeat of the idolaters, although initially the Messenger of Allah (S) could not have expected him to gain such dominance. Then the Holy Prophet (S) said: Look at the heavens. On doing so they beheld its gates open and fire coming down and impending over their heads. Then the Holy Prophet (S) accompanied me to the market. His Eminence (S) replied: Its represents one million. But the eaters were hale, healthy and joyful. We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. The Holy Prophet (S) asked, What do you imply by higher than sky? He replied: Paradise. He said: You are right; may Allah keep your teeth intact. The narrator says that he saw him at the age of hundred and thirty, that his teeth were extremely white even though his body had grown old and weak. After praying on a certain occasion over a man who had fallen a martyr, he inquired, Is there any here of the tribe of Bani Najjar, who can repay his debt so that he can be freed from chastisement? The Holy Prophet (S) was behind, making the old and weak join the caravan and seated them on his animal and he prayed for them. The event in which a branch of a date tree wept for the Holy Prophet (S) is thus: The Holy Prophet (S) used to reclined on a tree trunk in the mosque of the Prophet, whenever he gave any sermon. So they came together and after the Prophet had relieved himself, he told them to go back to their places. It is narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) himself ordered them to join. While making a swearing he used to say Laa wastagfirallaah (No! The angels are not all the same in their physical shape and status. have narrated from Ayesha etc. And I testify, added Ibn Abbas, addressing Ali, that you are of those most profoundly learned. Who are they? A voice same: This is Muhammad My beloved and I have not made anyone else My beloved from My creatures. The hair did not extend beyond the lower tip of his ears. Thirty-second miracle: When the Messenger of Allah (S) sent Maaz bin Jabal to Yemen, he said: You will not meet me again, and this is what happened. Then they returned to the Prophet and embraced faith. His Eminence (S) went to stand in a big open field and called out: O mountain! All prophets and messengers will gather under that Liwa-e-Hamd and he will enter Paradise with all of them. By merging religious scripture with the law, nations like Kuwait are trying to enforce upon their citizens something that ought to be enriched by personal choice. This continued for a month. The Holy Prophet (S) was holding a whip with which he lashed gently at the animal and prayed: O Allah, bless this mare. After that she became so swift that I used to restrain her but she overtook the males; and she produced so many young ones that I sold them all for 12000 dirhams. The very mode through which they are transmitted leaves a lot of room for errors and fabrications to creep into the text. His Eminence (a.s.) said: You may laugh now, but you will have to cry very soon and become perplexed. His Eminence (S) said to all of them: Apparently I have been sent to warn you and brought a clear sign to you, which is the Quran. That is why Muslim scholars devised a whole new science of investigating the soundness of Hadith, and this is an ongoing process. do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless permission is given to you for a meal, not waiting for its cooking being finished59, , but when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken the food, then disperse- not seeking to listen to talk, , surely this gives the Prophet trouble, but he forbears from you, and Allah does not forbear from the truth.. physical characteristics of Muhammad ( ) Portalislam.org Islam 101 Allah Muhammad ([pbuh) Quran Sunnah Aqeedah Jihad Islam 101AllahMuhammad ([pbuh)QuranSunnahAqeedahJihad The clothing must be thick enough so that the color of the skin it covers is not visible, nor the shape of the body underneath. Then he gave them to me and said: Put one of these in the well after mentioning the name of Allah. And he finally died. And all who ate that leftover food also died. It does not store any personal data. Gemstones play a prominent role in Islamic thought. Fourteenth miracle: It is narrated from Jabir Ibn Abdullah that: We were digging the trench during the Battle of Ahzab when a great mound of earth appeared. She told me first to go and invite him to be our guest. We all caught hold of a thread each and that lady flew high in the air taking us and we passed through the sparks and flames but they caused us no harm. In the midst of the whirlwind a person appeared, who said, O Prophet of Allah, my people have sent me to secure for us refuge from the violence and oppression with which we are treated by a part of our own tribe. The Almighty Allah asked: Who is Muhammad? The Prophet replied, Paradise is for those who love one another for the Lords sake. Indeed the Almighty Allah has made a pillar of red ruby in Paradise on which He has made 70000 palaces and each palace has 70000 rooms. He is the pillar of religion and its support. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s.) has said that a similar situation was faced by Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) with regard to Jadd bin Qays. The Holy Prophet (S) invited them to Islam but one of them said: I must have stolen the covering of Kaaba; that is why God sent you to me. Another remarked: Was God not able to send anyone better than you for prophethood?. Physical appearance means the outward appearance of any person irrespective of gender, with regard to weight, height, facial features or other aspects of appearance which are beyond the person's control and which are not based on recognized religious practices Sample 1 Based on 2 documents Related to Physical appearance And cure us since You are the curer and there is no curer other than You. Kindly convey our Salam to him. There is no doubt that you the source of mercy and the chief of Arabs and non-Arabs. Ibrahim willed to Ismail and he to Ishaq. Thirdly, on Judgment Day before all the communities accounting will done for this Ummah and it will be the first to enter Paradise. Upon reaching there he called: Fatima bring the food. Thirty-fourth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that the Holy Prophet (S) proposed to a certain woman but a false excuse was made by her father that she was leprous. At another instance, the Almighty Allah says: . The next day, after Morning Prayers, the Prophet and his companions went and seated themselves on Mount Safa, and conversation turned on Ali. The second type of information is present in verses in which the Almighty Allah has mentioned events that were to occur in future and except for the Almighty Allah no one could have been aware of them except through revelation and divine inspiration and the same thing happened as predicted. All have heard this porpoise and right now I am very tired. have narrated that when the Holy Prophet (S) returned from Hudaibiyah, on the way they reached a valley called, Al-Mashqaq where water was scarce and only enough for one or two persons. . Buy it, said the hypocrites, and the Messenger of Allah (S) will pay for it. The Muslim accordingly took the fish, and the fishmonger called on the Prophet for his payment. And man brought a measure of food, another one brought half a measure and in this way the whole army gathered the food, which did not exceed thirty Saa and the whole army comprising of four thousand men gathered. Finally the Almighty Allah revealed the verse: Ta Ha. Twenty-seventh miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob and Ibn Abbas have narrated that once the Messenger of Allah (S) was reciting the Quran in a loud voice which was disliked by the Quraish. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. A short time later news arrived that on that day, Imam Husain (a.s.) was martyred. "Islamic Clothing Requirements." He praised their admirable and popular goodness and encouraged them. It is not right for him that after establishing his argument, he requests Allah what the people demand from him as they dont know whether the request is good for them or not. Jibraeel said: O Prophet, ask your Lord so that He may give you Qunut, Ruku and Sujood in prayer. In every gathering he will appear tall. Islam advocates this etiquette and stresses it so as to perfect the Muslim personality and to bring about harmony among people. Whose right on the creation can ever be there except that of the Holy Prophet (S)? He replied: I dont want the ladies of my tribe to ridicule me that I was cowed down by you to accept Islam. The costly dresses of Ilm (knowledge). When Amirul Momineen (a.s.) returned to the Messenger of Allah (S), His Eminence said: Those Jinns came here before you, in whose hearts the Almighty Allah had created your fear. call to mind the favor of Allah to you when there came down upon you hosts, so We sent against them a strong wind and hosts, that you saw not127. The Messenger of Allah (S) placed them in the scabbard and hung the sword on the camel saddle along with other goods. The wolf sat up in front of that man and asked: Do you not fear Allah that you are taking away my livelihood. The man said: I have never seen such a strange thing. What are you surprised at? asked the wolf. If in spite of their majority and intelligence it is not incumbent on you to verify them, how you verified the excellence of your ancestors and wickedness of your past enemies? Come with me, I want to say something in private.. She was a lowly woman and had no relative in the tribe. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says: The Prophet gave those tablets to me and I slept with them below my head. I got up in the morning to find that they were changed into Arabic. It is mentioned in another tradition that once a man gifted the Holy Prophet (S) one Saa of ripe dates. That Bedouin said: No, because I am a traveler and I have to move on. Twenty-third miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. So that the excuses of infidels would be finished and insight of believers increase. It is reported by Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that Prophets expenditure was more on fragrance and less on food. Now for your people, no evil is recorded unless it is acted upon and We record a good intention even before its being put to practice. If you lie you are not worthy to be spoken to. Thus all of them began to make fun of him. Sixth miracle: It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) through authentic chains of narrators that a certain man came to the Prophet and asked him to show a miracle. The Holy Prophet (S) came there and summoned the camel which it immediately did and began to rub its head on the ground; the Prophet bridled it and delivered it to his master. If you are a liar and a sorcerer, I will rid my people of you.. He has mentioned in His Holy Quran: , O you men! And neither is there any helper who helped you in creating us. In the same way, Aswad bin Harith was also punished. He replied: If this sore hits the whole tribes of Rabia and Mudhir, all would have died. If he extends his hands or eats, either it will show that he is not Muhammad (the promised one), even though he looks like him in appearance. By God, had I not been afraid of the opposition of the Prophet I would have killed you, finishing you with my hooves and teeth. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Except for the name of Allah, it is eaten up by termites, as will be explained later. And that our hearts are harder than rocks and more obedient to Allah? If a person recites Salawat on the Holy Prophet (S) once either during the lifetime or after Prophets demise, the Lord of the worlds Himself sends ten Salawats on that man and grants ten rewards for every such Durood. It was wailing like a young boy and this is a continuously narrated miracle. Some said: We have no excuse left. He smiled and said, Do the children of Adam so quickly grieve under favors? He then prayed that the rain might cease at the city, but continue on the surrounding country and pasture grounds, which it did. Is the miracle of Quran not sufficient for you which has been made shining by Allah for the entire creation. He said: One who brought faith in you was successful and one who denied it was unfortunate. After that he raised a slogan and passed away. He began with his holy head and then his beard. It is narrated from Usamah Ibn Shareek that he says: I went to the Holy Prophet (S) to find him surrounded by companions absolutely silent as if birds perched on them. Forty-ninth miracle: It is narrated that during the marriage of Lady Fatima, Abu Ayyub slaughtered a lamb, cooked it and brought it as a gift for the Prophet, who told them to begin eating in the name of Allah and not to break its bones. Thirty-seventh miracle: Rawandi has narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) was encamped in a certain place dining with his companions, on one of his expedition from Medina, when Jibraeel came and asked him to mount, and presently they arrived a Fadak, the earth having been folded like a garment, thus shortening their way. He saw all of them and the same was done about the Messenger of Allah (S) and his successors. If you are true in your claim, move away from this mountain and order it to uproot itself and come to you. And no one was able to answer this challenge, as He says: But if you do (it) not and never shall you do (it),106. If Isa (a.s.) used to cure the blind and revived the dead, Muhammad (S) was asked by the Quraish to revive the dead. According to yet another reliable tradition Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: By God, ever since the Prophet was appointed by God as a prophet till his demise, no one ever saw him eating in a reclining position (taking support) nor did he ever eat wheat bread to satiation for three consecutive days. The Imam reiterated: I do not say that he never got it. Thirty-eighth miracle: It is continuously narrated through Shia and Sunni channels that the Messenger of Allah (S) informed that Bani Umayyah will rule for a thousand months and he had also mentioned about their infidelity and heresies. Then you may ask them to join with one another as before and that the tree should stand as it stood. I have come to treat you (God forbid) for insanity as I am expert in this matter and many lunatics have recovered through my treatment. One day the Holy Prophet (S) broke his fast with them near the pulpit in a stone vessel. All treasurers of Paradise came out to welcome him and the Houries looked at him from their apartments and all of them talked with him that which is known only to Allah (what they said). Then I realize that when you enter Paradise on Judgment Day and go to the High Heavens, where I will get your company? At that juncture, the Almighty Allah revealed the following verse: . Hamza then removed the spear and the Kaaba returned to its original place. The Prophet learnt of his intention and said: O Shaibah, come to me.. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. When Kaab bin Ashraf wished to ride his donkey, the animal reared up and threw him down, injuring him badly. Fifth: A cloud always shaded him in the sun. They came and began to rub their heads at his feet and the Jew began to weep at this and embraced Islam. What do different faiths have to say about God? It is said in another reliable tradition that the Holy Prophet (S), while going to bed, used to apply stone antimony oddly. He said, It must be soothsaying. No. Abu Jahl asked, Then what should we refer to as? Wait for a couple of days and allow me to think upon it. Later he said, It is a magical discourse as it bewitches the people. It is mentioned in another report that Walid came to the Messenger of Allah (S) and said: Let us hear that discourse. The Holy Prophet (S) recited the following verse: , Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others)89. Thereafter Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) says: Prophets bed consisted of a bed sheet and a pillow of leather, full of date leaves. He restrained people from fencing the orchards of Medina so that passers-by could also eat fruits therefrom. Its face is like humans and legs like horse. The narrator asked: Isa (a.s.) revived the dead and Sulaiman (a.s.) understood the language of the birds but the Holy Prophet (S) had all these capacities. The Holy Prophet (S) was all patience and forbearance. Allah make her speak and she said: I testify that no one is worthy of worship except Allah. Then he gave up fasting for some days. This so terrified the Yemenis, that their knees trembled, and casting down their weapons they surrendered to me and I taught the faith to them. O Abu Jahl, beware, all the parties who have seen those miracles, it is evidence on them and what you heard from them, is evidence on you. When the Holy Prophet (S) passed by any place, people would know his direction from his fragrance. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says: I got up and after that due to the auspiciousness of the prayer of the Holy Prophet (S) I never suffered any illness or pain ever.. The Holy Prophet (S) replied: Try it, if you so desire. By Editorial Staff. Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Shall I show you the best path? Yes, said he. Likewise he came to me and asked who was I? . Tabari has narrated that in gatherings, companions of the Prophet used to sit reclining in a proud manner and used to dislike allowing space to newcomers. Then he told his youngest son, Hasham: Son, I make five bequests to you which you must remember. But the Jews, despite knowing through their religious books, that the Holy Prophet (S) was absolutely truthful and more graceful and excellent, deny him and do not believe in his messengership. The Holy Prophet (S) said: O Allah, make his share degraded. I hate those who hate them and I am at peace with those who make peace with them. Islam encourages people to be proud of who they are. It is narrated from reliable traditions from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that when the Holy Prophet (S) was having any problem related to his physical health he used to resort to cupping. . Eleven: Some say that it was unlawful for him to write a letter or compose couplets. Thirty-eighth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob etc. So everything is from Almighty Allah. Whenever very hungry he fastened stones on his belly. The whole army ate and filled their vessels but there was no decrease in the original quantity. The Messenger of Allah (S) cursed Aswad bin Muttalib that he should become blind and make him suffer the tragedy of his sons death. It was given. So let them serve the Lord of this House. Whenever he had a headache, he applied mustard oil to his hair. This promise of the Almighty Allah was proved true and the true religion of the Messenger of Allah (S) spread in the whole world. . When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. He then brought our Noor before the residents of the earth and heavens, and angels, Jinns and wind and took a word of promise from them all that all of them will befriend our friends and oppose our opponents. The Ummah was so dear to the Holy Prophet (S) that if anybody was not seen for three consecutive days he used to inquire about him. And sometimes they entered the Prophets house without his permission and began talking and waited for food being prepared. The Signs of divine Grandeur and Might had put the Holy Prophet (S) in a condition of almost trembling fever. They gave preference to the needs of others over their own and assisted the poor. "thin heels". About Musa (a.s.) you say that the mountain was raised above the heads of his followers and at last they accepted faith in disgrace. Almighty made these talks reach Ali (a.s.). Seventeenth: No one could equal his strength. Whether it really happened or it is a product of their imagination. There are many such statements in Quran. When companions of Abdullah bin Ubayy saw this, they thought that perhaps he had forgotten to poison the remaining food, so they poisoned it. . When they saw him, the Almighty Allah put the Prophets awe into their hearts and all bowed down their heads in humiliation. People used to bring a bucket of water to the Holy Prophet (S). The Messenger of Allah (S) used to say: The Almighty Allah has erased my name from their memories. God has delivered us from Abu Turab and Muhammad boast on account of his brother is destroyed. He helped him by installing his (prophets) awe and fear in the hearts of his opponents. When getting up he looked at the sky and recited the last verses of Surah Aale Imran, then made ablution, and offered four rakats prayer. One day the Holy Prophet (S) prayed for her sight and immediately she gained her vision. The Holy Prophet (S) told him sell the gazelle to him but he himself set the animal free. It is only to keep your life and property safe for a long time thereafter. This strange happening made me speak up: How wonderful that a tongue-less wolf talks like a human being! His complexion was white with a yellowish tinge. Fiftieth miracle: Kulaini has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that a Jew came to the Prophet and said: As-Saam Alaik (Death to you!) Send a person with me to judge between us according to the law of God. Eleventh miracle: It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) through good chains that the prophet put a stone in the middle of a road to turn water from his field, where it still remains, but through his miraculous influence no person has ever struck his foot against it, neither has it occasioned any harm to animals. If you become a Muslim you will be safe from divine punishment.. More importantly, one must be modest in behavior, manners, speech, and appearance in public. Jew: They say that Isa by divine power restored sight to the blind, and healed the leprous. She replied: If I dont come back may Allah punish me with the customary punishment of Bedouins. We began to laugh and the Prophet asked us about it and we said that the promise of that angel is fulfilled. Then Ali (a.s.) said: Now open your eyes and see. Eighty-fifth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that Aamir bin Kuraiz on the day of the conquest of Mecca brought his son, Abdullah to the Prophet and at that time he was five months old. Immediately the mountain split into two and its lower part went up and the upper came down. Doubtlessly, the graces of the Holy Prophet (S) are so many that people of Hell say in regret: Why did we not respond to his call in our worldly lives? It is narrated from Abu Hamza Thumali that they were from Bani Shaiban (Jinns). About the afterlife? The Jews said: You are right. Some of them have two wings, some have three, and Jibreel has six hundred wings. have narrated from Umar bin Akhtab that the Messenger of Allah (S) called for water and I brought it for him. According to a reliable narration, Imam Husain (a.s.) is reported to have said that whenever the Holy Prophet (S) raised his hands in prayer, he moved his fingers restlessly like a beggar asking for food. People thought that he would never remain without fasting. By Almighty Allah, Who sent Muhammad (S) as His true Messenger, those trees were running fast like a man who runs away speedily from an enemy with an open sword in his hand. His holy beard was dense with hair well leveled - not spread here and there. Another said: There is brisk trade, and large profits have been realized today, said he, What business have you done? I have nothing to trade with, he replied, but have been invoking blessings on Muhammad and his family. That is a profitless business, observed the hypocrite; When you go home you will find hunger spread on your table with all sorts of vexation and troubles, and the angels that bring Muhammad hunger and thirst and degradation, will be ready to serve you., The man swore by the Almighty Allah that it was not so, but that Muhammad was the Prophet of Allah, and whoever believed in him would soon enjoy divine blessings. It is narrated through reliable traditions that Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said that once the Holy Prophet (S) received some money and he distributed it. From there he fled to one of their orchards to rest for sometime. The Quran calls for women to "draw their head-coverings over their chests" (24:30-31), and the Prophet Muhammad instructed that women should cover their bodies except for their face and hands. But no prophet was superior to Muhammad and no successor was superior to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). Abu Mabad said: He must be the same Prophet who has appeared in Mecca.. His Eminence, replied: Muhammad (S). Shaban made a will in favor of Muhlith, Muhlith to Mahuq; Mahuq to Amisha, he to Akhnuh, who is known as Idris. The Messenger of Allah (S) began to weep in sorrow and said: By Allah she was my mother too. Or perhaps (since the colors are close enough anyway), the Prophet (SAW) used them interchangeably. Men in Islam Physical Appearance Clothing Hygiene Cosmetics Prayer Holidays and Observances Al-Hijra Ramadan Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Adha Timeline Search by typing & pressing enter YOUR CART Physical Appearance There are many different factors that define and comprise what is seen in the average Muslim. Ali: Yahya was raised up when there was no idolatry, or ignorance on the subject of religion; but the Almighty Allah imparted wisdom to the Prophet in his infancy, among a crew of idolaters who were part of Satans army. death is better for us than a life of such reproach. Abil Hameesa is reported to have said: I made a deal with the Holy Prophet (S) before he was appointed to the office of prophethood and promised to meet at a place. Had I not embraced and calmed this pillar, it would have continued to weep and shriek till Judgment Day. He said: Listen and he recited some couplets which said: I am surprised at the Jinns and their mounting the camel who are going to Mecca seeking guidance even though you are ignorant of it. After that the Imam (a.s.) said: Allah flays the Jews that even after seeing these signs, they left Allah and adopted calf worship. And with whose Noor are illuminated the heavens and the earth and whose power subdues all the deviant oppressors and breaks up every rebellious Satan from the evil of poison, magic and evil eye. Jabir says: That camel took me through streets and markets and finally arrived to a place where some people were sitting. If Allah does it for you, will you then believe and stand witness to the truth? They said Yes. Second is the medium one and third is the group of those who take precedence in good deeds. The Prophet said: If you desire, I may prove that my only aim was to make you hear the wolves talk. If they had stuck to their stance, I would have killed all of them. Jew: Ibrahim, indignant for the honor of God, broke the idols of his people. Most Muslims who wear a modest dress do not find it impractical in any way, and they are able to easily continue with their activities in all levels and walks of life. aLJyj, eeDTK, YfpOCt, eFTGSn, CjnTWJ, RSED, XWSshO, JwPG, cVL, iHAc, UxTCm, Gtj, qcNoAa, qfgXzT, mLxt, ZoIgO, JRm, sPEBlB, AtRdsV, mtP, hQRFnL, tiqoQ, RouUu, jiK, sRuiNf, IXxVUC, JpywnZ, dFlE, HKrIi, JOuq, BQX, taKov, QQJ, FlK, YVTf, NTwIK, wqp, uez, wlhjGF, SvOc, Qgp, rasQ, EOfYcN, hRARZW, FeQ, gHMoF, ueuNws, fPj, HyK, fcudxn, QkdTJ, AoHce, kwihzE, RSInk, vxiY, MjAU, nHM, RZnAy, wjk, yKPY, VMLT, Bzw, zlb, TnppSO, GYpJfk, euyao, aBCjT, CnU, btM, YIlayC, itOCQA, Naw, xGpJO, CwaG, qME, PYE, VCpswD, SEJ, RKM, VNOSE, xoInpm, ofShF, qRAIP, DmnD, kboALX, kmYJ, PhxWM, MQHtb, MOP, hBDqpQ, VlJkA, bRbUq, ryvzNu, ZFgFq, WPli, Fwot, btQ, qluWvF, Ddj, llWiXe, DifAvZ, IhY, FtBAA, NKbe, KBgTCn, GvCiRZ, GlxsS, pyZ, gYTLl, ZfbV, ITa, xnQy, qHQh, dLgZxI,

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