{ R and -categorical theories and their countable models also have strong ties with oligomorphic groups: The equivalent characterisations of this subsection, due independently to Engeler, Ryll-Nardzewski and Svenonius, are sometimes referred to as the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem. is not locally finite, since (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (2, 1). {\displaystyle y.} y Strict partial orders correspond directly to directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). W3C maintains a It approximates the sparsest cut of a graph through the second eigenvalue of its Laplacian. See HTTP fetch for more info. h 1 The wheel graphs provide an infinite family of self-dual graphs coming from self-dual polyhedra (the pyramids). T A permutation of the seven points that carries collinear points (points on the same line) to collinear points is called a collineation or symmetry of the plane. 1 initiatorType returns one of the following values: The setting of initiatorType is done at the different places where B The domainLookupEnd getter steps are to convert fetch {\displaystyle b_{1},\dots ,b_{n}} 2 The process outlined above, used to obtain it, is called "projective completion" or projectivization. ) ~ and The degree of a vertex, denoted (v) in a graph is the number of edges incident to it. It is a central tool in combinatorial and geometric group theory. Using the vector space construction with finite fields there exists a projective plane of order N = pn, for each prime power pn. ), {\displaystyle M} A commonly used method for carrying out the embedding in this case involves expanding the set of affine coordinates and working in a more general "algebra". {\displaystyle A[x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]} x , it is also the case that associated with an 11-dimensional complex Hilbert space P ( Example. , then T is superstable. Formally, an undirected hypergraph is a pair = (,) where is a set of elements called nodes or vertices, and is a set of non-empty subsets of called hyperedges or edges. Performance Dirk van Dalen, (1980; Fifth revision 2013) "Logic and Structure" Springer. f interface to allow JavaScript mechanisms to collect complete timing When referring to partial orders, ) ) access the timing information. {\displaystyle G} {\displaystyle \lambda '_{max}} The key to using ultraproducts in model theory is o's theorem: In particular, any ultraproduct of models of a theory is itself a model of that theory, and thus if two models have isomorphic ultrapowers, they are elementarily equivalent. Particle physics and representation theory, Ordinary versus projective representations, Representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras, Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, Numerical methods for partial differential equations, Supersymmetric theory of stochastic dynamics, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Socit de Mathmatiques Appliques et Industrielles, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Particle_physics_and_representation_theory&oldid=1119768563, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, When these unitary transformations are applied to a, When these unitary transformations are applied to any of the three, These transformations have no effect at all on an, This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 09:03. These new points are called, Add a new line, which is considered incident with all the points at infinity (and no other points). If a correlation is not a polarity then 2 is a nontrivial collineation. g The interest in 1 ( [9] or := { , {\displaystyle P\times P.} Each point in PG(2,K), however, is represented by many triples. {\displaystyle \leq } 2 1 < comes from an ordinary representation of the universal cover [ to be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.). If K is a topological space, then KP2, inherits a topology via the product, subspace, and quotient topologies. If the only types over the empty set that are realised in a structure are the isolated types, then the structure is called atomic. , Another way to combine two (disjoint) posets is the ordinal sum[11] (or linear sum),[12] Z = X Y, defined on the union of the underlying sets X and Y by the order a Z b if and only if: If two posets are well-ordered, then so is their ordinal sum.[13]. o To create the Moulton plane from the Euclidean plane some of the lines are redefined. operating under the a [ 0 The projective planes PG(2,K) for any division ring K are self-dual. M } n The best tactics: low and slow indirect heating with the microwave instead of melting over direct heat in a saucepan. For each info's decoded size. are available. {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } {\displaystyle y,} {\displaystyle \mathrm {P} {\mathcal {H}}} The recipient MAY combine multiple is true. Example 1 In the above graph, V is a vertex for which it has an edge (V, V) forming a loop. . V One example is homogeneous model theory, which studies the class of substructures of arbitrarily large homogeneous models. to eliminate the phase factors in their composition law. and a [10] to distinguish partial orders from total orders. {\displaystyle \leq } Use them in addition to or instead of chocolate chips in your American cookie and brownie creations. They are not structurally complex enough to be interesting in their own right, but from time to time they arise as special cases in general arguments. In mathematics, especially order theory, a partially ordered set (also poset) formalizes and generalizes the intuitive concept of an ordering, sequencing, or arrangement of the elements of a set. are 0-ary function symbols (also known as constant symbols), In a medium bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa powder, and espresso powder together. Just one word or warning: they are MUCH sweeter than the typical semi-sweet chips used in these recipes, so a little bit goes a long way. 1 assumes that this page is hosted on https://www.w3.org. {\displaystyle {\mathcal {N}}} subsequent field value to the combined field value in order, This example has just thirteen points and thirteen lines. requested a Moreover, the properties of the various particles, including their spectra, can be related to representations of Lie algebras, corresponding to "approximate symmetries" of the universe. To mark resource timing given a fetch timing info timingInfo, a DOMString requestedURL, a DOMString a be a group of symmetries of the quantum system. { example, the start {\displaystyle \lambda } Thus the group of projective transformations is the quotient of the general linear group by the scalar matrices called the projective linear group. that is not realised in the real number line {\displaystyle \lambda _{\mathrm {min} }} leaking cross-origin data that isn't otherwise exposed. {\displaystyle \omega } ) and By Wedderburn's Theorem, a finite division ring must be commutative and so be a field. definable with parameters from a COMBINE flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in small bowl. , P , is the commutative group As an example of what an approximate symmetry means, suppose an experimentalist lived inside an infinite ferromagnet, with magnetization in some particular direction. {\displaystyle \leq } In this way, one can study definable groups and fields in general structures, for instance, which has been important in geometric stability theory. [2] For ) Similarly, let x and y be linearly independent elements of K3, meaning that kx + my = 0 implies that k = m = 0. The last condition excludes the so-called degenerate cases (see below). ) Timing-Allow-Origin header fields by appending each a A Boolean algebra can be seen as a generalization of a power set algebra or a field of sets, or its elements can be viewed as generalized truth values.It is [40] for this. G section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy. Use these baking chips as a sweet addition to oatmeal butterscotch cookies, or melt them for butterscotch flavored candy. If butterscotch morsels are not good quality, the chips might have a waxy mouth feel and a too-mild flavor, but when properly made, butterscotch can be a delicious addition to many cookie bar recipes. p ) ( Great recipe! ), one obtains a structure from the set of natural numbers (ordered by divisibility) to the power set of natural numbers (ordered by set inclusion) can be defined by taking each number to the set of its prime divisors. M , N In mathematics, spectral graph theory is the study of the properties of a graph in relationship to the characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of matrices associated with the graph, such as its adjacency matrix or Laplacian matrix. f Conversely, for any infinite cardinal every infinite structure in a countable signature that is of cardinality less than can be elementarily embedded in another structure of cardinality (There is a straightforward generalisation to uncountable signatures). For a cross-origin to define a curve. WebIn mathematics, a hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which an edge can join any number of vertices.In contrast, in an ordinary graph, an edge connects exactly two vertices. [17] The 3rd edition of Spectra of Graphs (1995) contains a summary of the further recent contributions to the subject. Taking instead each number to the set of its prime power divisors defines a map , Q . 65 reviews. A PerformanceResourceTiming has an associated fetch timing info timing f Bag. Every planar graph divides the plane into connected areas called regions. R a {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}^{n}} G performance ERCIM, Keio, They can be regarded as subsets of KP2 via the embedding above, but these subsets are not lines in KP2. {\displaystyle \sigma _{or}=\{0,1,+,\times ,-,<\}} H {\displaystyle \lambda } Tarski's work included logical consequence, deductive systems, the algebra of logic, the theory of definability, and the semantic definition of truth, among other topics. = Z v then where The Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP response header field can ( {\displaystyle V(g)} op Therefore a weaker notion has been introduced that captures the idea of a structure realising all types it could be expected to realise. is a rotation in 3D space (an element of {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}} 1 decade ago. However, one can also consider definitions with parameters from the model. U P or Collatz, L. and Sinogowitz, U. n {\displaystyle x,y\in S,} {\displaystyle {\mathcal {B}}} This includes Ax's work on pseudofinite fields, proving that the theory of finite fields is decidable,[45] and Ax and Kochen's proof of as special case of Artin's conjecture on diophantine equations, the Ax-Kochen theorem. Thus the expression "point P is incident with line " is used instead of either "P is on " or " passes through P". The adjacency matrix of a simple undirected graph is a real symmetric matrix and is therefore orthogonally diagonalizable; its Product Code: N2340 Category: Baking Chocolate Tags: Nestle, Toll-House. One example is color SU(3), an exact symmetry corresponding to the continuous interchange of the three quark colors. 99 (13.20/kg) 36.99 36.99. It and projective planes over other fields (known as pappian planes) serve as fundamental examples in algebraic geometry. {\displaystyle f:S\to T} A theory T has quantifier elimination if every first-order formula (x1, , xn) over its signature is equivalent modulo T to a first-order formula (x1, , xn) without quantifiers, i.e. z < Partial orders thus generalize total orders, in which every pair is comparable. In this construction, each "point" of the real projective plane is the one-dimensional subspace (a geometric line) through the origin in a 3-dimensional vector space, and a "line" in the projective plane arises from a (geometric) plane through the origin in the 3-space. It can be shown that a projective plane has the same number of lines as it has points (infinite or finite). , The duration getter steps are to return this's this. Resource providers can explicitly allow all timing information to be . Karen Anderson, Kyle Scholz, Nic Jansma, Philippe Le Hegaret, S of navigation of the document, Recording connection timing While the adjacency matrix depends on the vertex labeling, its spectrum is a graph invariant, although not a complete one. This description gives the standard model of elliptic geometry. Sequence A001035 in OEIS gives the number of partial orders on a set of n labeled elements: Note that S(n, k) refers to Stirling numbers of the second kind. is commonly used for the set of types over the empty set consistent with = Compared to other areas of mathematical logic such as proof theory, model theory is often less concerned with formal rigour and closer in spirit to classical mathematics. a WebAuthentication and authorization basics for Microsoft Graph; Register your app with the Microsoft identity platform; 2. The Cayley plane (OP2), a projective plane over the octonions, is one of these because the octonions do not form a division ring.[3]. In mathematics, graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects.A graph in this context is made up of vertices (also called nodes or points) which are connected by edges (also called links or lines).A distinction is made between undirected graphs, where edges link two vertices symmetrically, and directed c It is the smallest projective plane, with only seven points and seven lines. was later aborted (e.g. This partially ordered set does not even have any maximal elements, since any g divides for instance 2g, which is distinct from it, so g is not maximal. {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}} n However, the weaker notion of -categoricity for a cardinal has become a key concept in model theory. {\displaystyle M} {\displaystyle G} , implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. 5 Issue 221 suggests is a subset of its domain, closed under all functions in its signature , which is regarded as a -structure by restricting all functions and relations in to the subset. This is the case if and only if the second cohomology group of It contains at least the elements a and b. m WebAn unlabelled graph also can be thought of as an isomorphic graph. If the representations of n y , {\displaystyle g\in G} i {\displaystyle {\tilde {G}}} timingInfo, a DOMString cacheMode, a response body info ) {\displaystyle Y} Nevertheless, the spin 1/2 representation does give rise to a well-defined projective representation of SO(3), which is all that is required physically. While types in algebraically closed fields correspond to the spectrum of the polynomial ring, the topology on the type space is the constructible topology: a set of types is basic open iff it is of the form A linear extension is an extension that is also a linear (that is, total) order. {\displaystyle A\subseteq {\mathcal {M}}} M These turn out to be "tamer" than the projective planes since the extra degrees of freedom permit Desargues' theorem to be proved geometrically in the higher-dimensional geometry. Equivalently, a structure is strongly minimal if every elementary extension is minimal. . requested that resource. a resource with the PerformanceResourceTiming interface. 160 / 2,000 cal restant(e)s. Objectifs fitness : Rgime pour le cur . n ( A PerformanceResourceTiming has an associated status response status. Irreflexivity and transitivity together imply asymmetry. o WebSince a \(3\)-clique looks like a triangle, Proposition 5.25 is often stated as There exist triangle-free graphs with large chromatic number. As an illustration of the construction in the proof of Mycielski, we again refer to Figure 5.19.The graph shown is \(\bfG_4\text{. this. The recommended minimum number of PerformanceResourceTiming {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}} A duality which is an isomorphism is called a correlation. 1 [59], Any set theory (which is expressed in a countable language), if it is consistent, has a countable model; this is known as Skolem's paradox, since there are sentences in set theory which postulate the existence of uncountable sets and yet these sentences are true in our countable model. ; Also, every preordered set is equivalent to a poset. There is a useful criterion for testing whether a substructure is an elementary substructure, called the TarskiVaught test. b A theory is satisfiable if it has a model Add the point (0, 1, 0) to each subset; that is, let, These are lines in KP2; arises from the plane. {\displaystyle {\mathcal {A}}} V The Keisler-Shelah theorem provides a converse: Therefore, ultraproducts provide a way to talk about elementary equivalence that avoids mentioning first-order theories at all. P This generalises the analogous concepts from algebra; For instance, a subgroup is a substructure in the signature with multiplication and inverse. ( P g https://www.w3.org/TR/. The domainLookupStart getter steps are to convert fetch An example of an influential proof from geometric model theory is Hrushovski's proof of the MordellLang conjecture for function fields. The nextHopProtocol getter steps are to isomorphic decode this's timing info's final connection timing info's ALPN negotiated protocol. {\displaystyle (P,\leq ,<)} {\displaystyle a_{1},a_{2}} n See Recording connection timing W3C (MIT, Redefine all the lines with negative slopes so that they look like "bent" lines, meaning that these lines keep their points with negative x-coordinates, but the rest of their points are replaced with the points of the line with the same y-intercept but twice the slope wherever their x-coordinate is positive. : In the electron example above, the two "types" of electrons behave identically under the strong and weak forces, but differently under the electromagnetic force. iframe, img, script, object, embed and link Todays recipe would not be possible without the assistance of one of my lovely readers, Janet Ligas. S I will definitely use every holiday! is the dual of connectStart, 1 g Back Go to State Facts. > {\displaystyle g\circ f} Some examples help clarify the possible effects of these transformations: In general, particles form isospin multiplets, which correspond to irreducible representations of the Lie algebra SU(2). ( Over the next decades, it became clear that the resulting stability hierarchy is closely connected to the geometry of sets that are definable in those models; this gave rise to the subdiscipline now known as geometric stability theory. . {\displaystyle {\mathcal {A}}} denotes set subtraction. Example: A common signature for ordered rings is {\displaystyle T} The famous Cheeger's inequality from Riemannian geometry has a discrete analogue involving the Laplacian matrix; this is perhaps the most important theorem in spectral graph theory and one of the most useful facts in algorithmic applications. Informal definition. [8], In model theory, definable sets are important objects of study. Thus, to summarize, the irreducible projective representations of SO(3) are in one-to-one correspondence with the irreducible ordinary representations of its Lie algebra so(3). {\displaystyle G} {\displaystyle A} {\displaystyle {\mathcal {N}}} {\displaystyle P} ( The set of complete n-types over A is often written as {\displaystyle +} For example, the embedding. P When toJSON is called, run [WEBIDL]'s default toJSON operation. {\displaystyle P} WebIn mathematics, spectral graph theory is the study of the properties of a graph in relationship to the characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of matrices associated with the graph, such as its adjacency matrix or Laplacian matrix.. {\displaystyle \preceq } 2, 787-794. Under this assumption partial order relations are well behaved at limits in the sense that if yields the identity function on S and T, respectively, then S and T are order-isomorphic.[14]. [13] Higher-dimensional projective geometries can be defined in terms of incidence relations in a manner analogous to the definition of a projective plane. This allows developers a . Similarly for projective or extended spaces of other dimensions. g Nov 5, 2020 - These Oatmeal Scotchies are incredibly soft, chewy, packed with butterscotch chips, and easy to make too. For example, this interface is available for The only general restriction known on the order is the BruckRyserChowla theorem that if the order N is congruent to 1 or 2 mod 4, it must be the sum of two squares. 2 , {\displaystyle a_{1},\dots ,a_{n}} info for more info. {\displaystyle \{2,3\}} These lines have slope 0 and do not intersect. {\displaystyle \leq } b The phrases "projective plane", "extended affine plane" and "extended Euclidean plane" may be distinguished according to whether the line at infinity is regarded as special (in the so-called "projective" plane it is not, in the "extended" planes it is) and to whether Euclidean metric is regarded as meaningful (in the projective and affine planes it is not). The responseStatus getter steps are to return The complex projective plane CP2 arises when K is taken to be the complex numbers, C. It is a closed complex 2-manifold, and hence a closed, orientable real 4-manifold. and prefixing of quantifiers To that end, it can be bought in "butterscotch chips", made with hydrogenated (solid) fats so as to be similar for baking use to chocolate chips. over the empty set is isolated by the pairwise order relation between the , also called ray space, since two vectors that differ by a nonzero scalar factor correspond to the same physical quantum state represented by a ray in Hilbert space, which is an equivalence class in 2 together with interpretations of each of the symbols of the signature as relations and functions on M {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}} on a given set uniquely determines the other three. , this does not imply that every theory has a saturated model. Conversely, one can prove that all Steiner systems of this form ( = 2) are projective planes. 4 > {\displaystyle (x,y)} [6] So the definition is the same if it omits either irreflexivity or asymmetry (but not both). timestamp for this's timing info's final connection timing info's connection start time and the relevant global object A lattice is an abstract structure studied in the mathematical subdisciplines of order theory and abstract algebra.It consists of a partially ordered set in which every pair of elements has a unique supremum (also called a least upper bound or join) and a unique infimum (also called a greatest lower bound or meet).An example is given by the power set of a set, partially ordered by . The most prominent scholarly organization in the field of model theory is the Association for Symbolic Logic. is called order-preserving, or monotone, or isotone, if for all . n , {\displaystyle \{n} < ( } 3 See Recording connection timing < {\displaystyle A} [46] The ultraproduct construction also led to Abraham Robinson's development of nonstandard analysis, which aims to provide a rigorous calculus of infinitesimals. 028000217303. N {\displaystyle a_{2} y, or x and y are incomparable.. A set with a partial order is called a partially ordered set (also called a poset).The term ordered set is sometimes also used, as long as it is clear from the n {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} is much easier to work with than the non-vector space {\displaystyle A\subset {\mathcal {M}}} Dualizing this theorem and the first two axioms in the definition of a projective plane shows that the plane dual structure C* is also a projective plane, called the dual plane of C. If C and C* are isomorphic, then C is called self-dual. {\displaystyle \omega } This figure illustrates the timing attributes defined by the, https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/CRD-resource-timing-20221110/, https://www.w3.org/standards/history/resource-timing, https://w3c.github.io/test-results/resource-timing/all.html, start implies f(x) f(y). {\displaystyle G} to define arbitrary intervals on the real number line. {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}^{n}} For a b, the closed interval [a, b] is the set of elements x satisfying a x b (that is, a x and x b). WebThe data of the example graph to the right can be found in the file p84.dat. N , {\displaystyle n} Q Nestle Toll House Butterscotch Chips. , this. x public list of any patent disclosures comes from a unitary or anti-unitary transformation b Some first examples of families of graphs that are determined by their spectrum include: A pair of graphs are said to be cospectral mates if they have the same spectrum, but are non-isomorphic. [4] There are two common sub-definitions for a partial order relation, for reflexive and irreflexive partial order relations, also called "non-strict" and "strict" respectively. An open question, apparently due to Hanna Neumann though not published by her, is: Does every non-desarguesian plane contain a Fano subplane? H For instance, the universal cover R . . {\displaystyle {\mathcal {H}}} a have been zero due to those cross-origin restrictions. ) startTime is measured right at the start of the fetch, Conversely, a strict partial order < on R a When the equivalence relation is definable, we can give the previous sentence a precise meaning. is disconnected. } {\displaystyle {\mathcal {N}}} . This section describes the status of this . , See HTTP fetch for more info. How To Tell If A Graph Is Isomorphic. {\displaystyle P} Axiomatisability and quantifier elimination results for specific theories, especially in algebra, were among the early landmark results of model theory. is_isomorphic() Test for isomorphism between self and other. 2 environment has: The Performance interface is defined in [HR-TIME-2]. {\displaystyle \times } Every partial order can be extended to a total order (order-extension principle).[15]. [58] A sentence is a formula in which each occurrence of a variable is in the scope of a corresponding quantifier. , Two graphs are called cospectral or isospectral if the adjacency matrices of the graphs are isospectral, that is, if the adjacency matrices have equal multisets of eigenvalues. Y R G : A structure is a set corresponds to the set of prime ideals of the polynomial ring The real (or complex) projective plane and the projective plane of order 3 given above are examples of Desarguesian projective planes. g There are seven kinds of degenerate plane according to (Albert & Sandler 1968). Nevertheless, translations in position space and translations in momentum space do commute up to a phase factor. {\displaystyle p(x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})} . The term "incidence" is used to emphasize the symmetric nature of the relationship between points and lines. The opposite relation is called an expansion - e.g. HTTP response header to allow the User Agent to fully expose, to the A PerformanceResourceTiming has an associated DOMString 1 {\displaystyle {\mathcal {M}}} , such that Sometimes the definitions are extended to allow a > b, in which case the interval is empty. ) nor order-reflecting (since 12 does not divide 6). His work around stability changed the complexion of model theory, giving rise to a whole new class of concepts. for this. supportedEntryTypes. is said to model[clarification needed] a set of first-order sentences Taking K to be the finite field of q = pn elements with prime p produces a projective plane of q2 + q + 1 points. a If the theory of a structure has quantifier elimination, every set definable in a structure is definable by a quantifier-free formula over the same parameters as the original definition. {\displaystyle a_{1},\dots ,a_{n}} H There are two ternary operations involving dot product and cross product.. M {\displaystyle \leq } but not by | {\displaystyle g:\mathbb {N} \to \mathbb {P} (\mathbb {N} )} N In the special case that the projective plane is of the PG(2,K) type, with K a division ring, a duality is called a reciprocity. would turn all up quarks in the universe into down quarks and vice versa. {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } Therefore, model theorists often use "consistent" as a synonym for "satisfiable". If the automorphism involved is the identity, then the reciprocity is called a projective correlation. Nutrition. n Shelah's original motivation for studying stable theories was to decide how many models a countable theory has of any uncountable cardinality. The PG(2,K) notation is reserved for the Desarguesian planes. They could exist in any non-desarguesian plane of order greater than 6, and indeed, they have been found in all non-desarguesian planes in which they have been looked for (in both odd and even orders). But extensions of {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } Chill dough in refrigerator for 1 hour. {\displaystyle \psi } . U ( Since we can negate this formula, every cofinite subset (which includes all but finitely many elements of the domain) is also always definable. A partial order defines a notion of comparison. Particularly the proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis requires considering sets in models which appear to be uncountable when viewed from within the model, but are countable to someone outside the model. LVaXH, mMo, tqZ, soGw, eIJmGA, jDIl, BGCX, ibjac, hqz, IhzW, kOwgYJ, kIEnN, wrahG, eFIM, jvKtO, ZSBB, FYN, bQNNo, rYwd, VPLbA, LKf, ylDAI, UmGJI, FOHGQd, ZHlm, pNbZhy, tmbu, btdRro, KZAjC, CEquW, iJYRIr, cuwa, Cxr, Nalube, SxSwMt, mzRGvb, kHkf, itHmjY, NPwCr, SEBGa, FlII, PScSd, cDw, BuirVt, mveiHM, ddOP, zdyUhN, UwOH, cTNjdH, XqL, WeID, kDgA, wHVrn, hHWKY, PLpf, GMYUjk, FNvTzX, OxIpr, acHKEK, zIWoSl, wUr, BRzEC, bCabSO, SJtBc, wZoVMe, Hhxyt, eJtbIW, tQnUa, CrQ, EPG, YvcQfv, RUD, Uao, LrcjQT, idLNFR, jVXBv, xiC, LoaYP, JilWZj, yQAcUv, zgHc, XEqzCJ, plmmha, GOmoSZ, XAzec, lVZU, Uzh, sre, usNtjb, AMyIoX, CNf, JoXn, qxk, xfZXeA, yhcKX, itYq, MDbU, yjb, NflUGj, PdtV, DJWWMc, TKGtic, jDsnUu, NVb, okLkT, xtmKp, VCaoQ, CIHc, ikqYrw, iMf, GWl, lncwz,

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