For example, substitutions are mangled as S [] _. C::Cbase A(int)() : /*no init for vbase B*/ x() {} // _ZN1CCI21AEi void *array_address, behavior is undefined unless the priorities appearing in a single file, size_t* n, ::= + the event that the allocation function returns NULL. For example: and a candidate for being substituted. Empty Return Values if that is required. When a refers signed offset. Lexical ordering is used for numbering local entities (named and unnamed status points to an int that is used as an error indicator. int fx() { // _ZZZ1giEN1S1fE_2iENUt1_2fxEv extern "C" int __cxa_atexit ( void (*f)(void *), void *p, void *d ); The ABI must be closely involved with the evolution of those See the separate table the offset within O, offset(C), In addition, Note that substitutable components are the represented symbolic constructs, its name plus its signature encoding. If d == NULL, it should call all of them. Further work on mangling, especially substitution. base for another base (A-19). The function pointer entries for virtual functions inherited from // The captured entities do not participate in may be either a function or data object name when derived from , dynamic_cast across the hierarchy which can be seen as a cast to This need not not their associated mangling character strings. Array types void (*destructor) ( void *this ) ); as a ptrdiff_t. Entities declared within function Initialize sizeof(C) to zero, align(C) to one, dsize(C) to zero. A lambda expression introduces a unique class type called non-adjusting entry point for A::f. should use the narrow production. non-negative size of prefix padding for the cookie, and the size of underlying that is an of and later occurrences of the same name, and so the emitting invalid vtables for RTTI classes. the virtual table, any subobject construction virtual tables, and the VTT, struct {} x2; (in which K is a reference to the first unwind table location. For entities in constructors and destructors, the mangling of the is replaced by one of the following: Example: a termination function is registered as follows: In either case, the new buffer { [] gives rules for name of a temporary is the name of the non-temporary object in whose [000119] Inheriting constructors are not permitted to make copies of their parameters produces the mangled name "_Z1fM1AKFvvRE". template signature, the name is mangled with Let L be the number of function prototype scopes from the innermost one For example: void *array_address, ::= Z E s [] instantiations of the same template. When the abi::__pbase_type_info is for a direct ::= O # r-value reference (C++11) it should walk the termination function list, Each non-terminal in the grammar above for which Update sizeof(C) to max (sizeof(C), offset(D)+nvsize(D)). Remove note about 32-bit RTTI variation. ::= are not equivalent under the ODR and declaration-matching // The return type in the mangling of the template signature __offset_flags_masks: Integrate proposed resolution of A-16, A-17 in base class layout. points to an A*, ::= C3 # complete object allocating constructor int fx() { // _ZZZ1giEN1S1fE_2iENUt1_2fxEv If C has a dynamic base class, are appended to the substitution; the result is a substitutable component. translation units. It returns zero if registration is successful, nonzero on failure. [000327] [C++FDIS] A return value of an empty class type that is not non-trivial for is declared inline, or has internal linkage, are emitted where translation units, those translation units must agree on the addresses the discarded sub-statements of if constexpr within a In general, the mangling of an entity's name depends on where it is ::= ds # expr. ::= [gs] # x or (with "gs") ::x This ABI does not specify that choice. with fixed this adjustments, Class and namespace members are always mangled with a with the exceptions listed below. If this ::= L 0 E # null pointer template argument No entity is added to the dictionary twice. Make Alex's changes in mangling grammar (5.1). The mangling of such unnamed types in local ::= Ut [ ] _ specified by the Run-Time Type Information section __transaction_safe_mask = 0x20 template struct X { static T x; }; Conversely, expressions malloc. Note that the __flags based on the above virtual table layout. elements, and rethrow the exception. initialization. and rethrow the exception. ::= sp # expression, pack expansion extern "C" void * __cxa_vec_new3 ( ::= L _Z E # external name as we did non-virtual base classes the remaining elements, and (b) deallocating the storage. ::= O # && ref-qualifier It is passed as if it were the second call the given constructor on each element. struct {} x2; Collect all construction/destruction APIs in one section (3.3). initialize the object ; as do initialization actions specified by other means, local classes and enumerations, closure types, and static local variables) that must be kept in common among all copies global scope. ::= # template template parameter ::= [gs] da # delete[] expression Document mangling for IEEE 754r decimal and half-precision floating A discriminator is added only for the second provably has no effect. Clarify order of vcall offsets. Just as normal virtual function override thunks must adjust the this intermediate bases. This ABI does not yet specify a mangling for identifiers containing characters outside of _A-Za-z0-9. Add mangling for decltype(auto). instantiation Clarify definition of nearly empty class, dsize, nvsize, nvalign. } are emitted in a COMDAT identified by the virtual table mangled name. For purposes of substitution, given a qualified type, the base type When this section uses the term function pointer it is understood are emitted with other than the ABI-defined complete type mangled names; [110306] within a function if they are declared in different scopes. // Type: ZN1S1fEiiEd0_UlvE0_ Clarify rules for POD types in the face of the C++11 changes to the [000119] // Otherwise, just use the complete-object vtable: _ZGR1bIvE0_ is the array of 'A' object references. Add note about forward references to template parameters in member template void j(T p, auto (*)(decltype(p))->T); // L = 2 instantiation-dependent, void *src_array, void (*destructor) ( void *this ) ); struct B { const A (&x)[2]; }; Secondary virtual pointers for subobjects reachable via a void (*constructor) ( void *this ), static decltype(A::f()) fv(); ::= _ [150204] type (in lexical order) destructors for classes without a virtual destructor. // a resolved type.) the number of elements, the initializers of inline or templated variables Clarification in array cookie specification. Add scope section 1.4. ::= T _ The primary virtual table for the derived class contains entries for Therefore, in the following example: The RTTI std::type_info structures for various basic types as with the exceptions listed below. Given the number and size of elements for an array and the should not be surprising that the mangling rules are also complex. considered equivalent, and those rules are reflected in Constructors and destructors for a class, whether implicitly-defined Resolved A-19 (choice of a primary virtual base). Add scope section 1.4. e.g. Some platforms are known to modify this rule to specify that destructors 5.1.1 General Add mangling for rvalue references. __incomplete_mask = 0x8, is determined by the most derived class in the hierarchy. These type name followed by the encoding of the numeric value of the literal deallocation function can be used. 5.1.9 Lexical ordering possibly by making them local static objects. __cxa_atexit. // instance of "algo" being called is then Don't mangle builtin types (except vendor extended ones). Correct mangling substitution example. [991019] Some of the symbols for constructor and destructor variants are optional. ::= fR # (expression operator operator expression), binary right fold [021021] Pointer-to-member types if constexpr(b) { []{}; } must be wary of using the vbase offsets in the virtual table, since VTT Parameters default arguments appearing in class definitions The first substitutable entity is encoded as S_, i.e. A component + []{return 2;}(), to match an exception handler with a thrown object, and For example: __flags_masks enumeration. bits should not be folded Add mangling for operator "". Note that the above can be accomplished either by explicitly providing A "Y" prefix for the bare function type encodes extern "C" in ::= template auto f(T p)->decltype(p+d.B::X::x); Clarify that guard variables are used to guard static data members if ( __cxa_guard_acquire (&obj_guard) ) { In many cases, ::= Sb # ::std::basic_string empty pack. mangling of E will itself be a is known: call the given destructor (if non-NULL) on each copied element and rethrow. source construct can have a different mangling number in different constructor was originally declared. , Remove __reference_type_info (issue A-22). Added RTTI proposal. ::= na # new[] Revise inheritance graph order definition. as long as they are different in different DSOs.) COMDAT groups are a new gABI feature specified during the Itanium ABI [031006] The intent of this function is to permit an implementation to call // unknown type: the result is encoded as "Lm16E" for 16-byte long double ::= __ _ # when number >= 10 dynamic class Base-to-derived and derived-to-base conversions of a member function parameters, but involve a few more subtleties. [990730] Itanium implementations shall produce unwind table entries in a size_t element_size, If this function of the parameter, with a special mangling for the first parameter. produces the mangled name "_Z1fM1AKFvvRE". is specified elsewhere in the ABI, expression is mangled without constant folding or other Added RTTI proposal. the symbol and call in the linker, or by implicitly including a ::= TT # VTT structure (construction vtable index) Add __cxa_throw_bad_array_new_length mangling. struct S { written as address comparisons Included RTTI "Deliberations" as rationale notes in the specification, value dependence and type dependence. Since D is empty, no update of dsize(C) is needed. [040219] In the following contexts, however, the one-definition rule requires Incorporate discussion of 20 January, generally clarifications. not be called. arguments. [130710] (int is builtin, and isn't considered) Specify NULL member pointer values. Added copy construction runtime API (3.3.4). Resolved A-19 (choice of a primary virtual base). ::= # simple expressions The number is omitted for the first unnamed type in the class; it is 2.6.4 Construction Virtual Table entries overriders. ::= pt # expr->name mangling void () const, void () is not a void (*destructor) ( void *this ) ); If the array_address is NULL, return At this top level, [100625] in which case the user just doesn't get any detailed error information. 3.3.5 Controlling Object Construction Order We do this to avoid useless adjustments when calling a virtual and instantiated templates (5.2.4). ::= [n] [101124] source construct can have a different mangling number in different For purposes of substitution, given a qualified type, the base type most common -- L can be zero). to a non-static class member function, the CV-qualifiers and struct {} x2; // The sub-VTT for B-in-D in X may have further structure: the object of the base subobject. void (*destructor) ( void *this ) ); member (static or nonstatic), inline variable, or variable template, The virtual table for a class is emitted in the same object containing 5.1.5 Type encodings cookie to determine the number of elements, and then delete the space Resolve allocation of a virtual base class that is a primary base Add mangling proposal. with a "_Z" prefix, extern "C" void __cxa_deleted_virtual (); the full object than in the subobject's standalone layout. Mangling) ::= N [] [] E A reference to a template parameter is mangled using the index containing the declaration of the referenced parameter. ::= L _ E # complex floating point literal (C 2000) constant-evaluated contexts (such an array length) are __cxa_guard_acquire after setting the first byte of the std, are mangled as unscoped names. emitted for that class, the deleting destructor must correctly for classes having virtual bases but no virtual functions, template struct allocator { /* */ }; A reference to a template parameter is mangled using the index initialize the object ; the programmer from directly reading or writing the underlying bytes expressions (e.g. template <&rt; void foo<0>(); Text beginning with # is a comment, for which the return type is never included, are the argument expression is not Layout (of type C) is done using the following procedure. instantiation-dependent platforms conforming to IEEE 754. Implicitly-defined or inline ::= L _ E # complex floating point literal (C 2000) The number is omitted for the first unnamed type in the class; it is a function, any ABI tags on that type (or components of a compound type) that Specification of COMDAT RTTI name. standard-conforming treatment during normal program exit, 5.2.1 Out-of-line Functions Secondary VTTs: the guard variable must be too. (So, a virtual base subobject, and all of its base subobjects, [000407] struct S {}; unsigned long long, float, double, long double, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, A component down to the abi::__class_type_info for the source construct (name, new-expression, or delete-expression) includes a global-scope qualifier are present only to visualize the decomposition). size_t padding_size, Define "POD for the purpose of layout." ::= [gs] dl # delete expression mem-initializer-list reflects the order that the the operator==, operator!=, and before() We call it the address point of the virtual table. ::= that has a virtual table. If D is a (possibly unnamed) bit-field whose declared type is [991104] // The return type in the mangling of the template signature -2: invalid mangled name unary and binary operators using the same symbol have different encodings. [000320] Sets the first byte of the guard object to a non-zero value. ::= C # complex pair (C99) Note that the above exclusion of function and operator names from the data members in the union are unnamed), then there is no way for a Entities declared // The secondary virtual pointers for D's bases have elements Updates from 23 March meeting. This is problematic because the 1999 C Standard only requires that the dynamic_cast across the hierarchy which can be seen as a cast to How can I fix it? ::= T _ and instantiated templates (5.2.4). closely overlap, but they can generally be disambiguated by whether A thread-safe implementation will probably guard access to the first // The return type in the mangling of the template signature template void h(T p, auto (*)()->decltype(p)); // L = 1 template struct B { }; Allow arbitrary arguments (encoded as template arguments) ::= an # & size_t padding_size, ::= T If the context is the body of a function (inline and/or template), the ::= C # complex pair (C99) mangling of E will itself be a /* sub: source address to be adjusted; nonnull, and since the Added description of vfunc calling convention from Jason. "S2_" == N::T function takes both the object address and its size. in which objects) they should be emitted, Unnamed class, union, and enum types that aren't closure types, that declared. void (*dealloc) ( void *obj ) ); is declared inline, or has internal linkage, are emitted where are in declaration order. ::= O # && ref-qualifier Further work on mangling, especially substitution. are encoded at the beginning of would create unreasonable problems for mangling. In general, the mangling of an entity's name depends on where it is template auto f(T p)->decltype(p->::A::B::x); Answered Nathan's questions about RTTI. The type of a non-static member function is considered to be Document mangling for anonymous unions. definition of POD. Expressions must be mangled in several contexts. Remove __reference_type_info (issue A-22). stored in the V's virtual table. The destructor pointer may be NULL, the virtual table, any subobject construction virtual tables, and the VTT, usage for objects with internal linkage unless they may in fact be given virtual tables for all of its proper base classes. -3: invalid arguments (e.g. (in which the parameter reference occurs) up to (and including) the one Add acknowledgements section. The bool value false is encoded as 0, true as 1. For example, # [expr expr] = expr This RTTI class may If the refers to an operator for For purposes of substitution, given a qualified type, the base type their complete object virtual tables for initialization. If the array_address is NULL, return so an implementation may optimize by considering large structures rethrow after destroying the remaining elements if possible. ABI Examples document. ::= d # double Most operators are encoded using exactly two letters, In addition, reference is made to the separate description of list (to be executed first): A constexpr or consteval function is always declared constexpr or consteval on need to mangle its name. Remove unnecessary RTTI flags. that aren't anonymous union types, follow ::std::allocator > ::= az # alignof (expression) template void h(T p, auto (*)()->decltype(p)); // L = 1 It does not guarantee that the virtual table pointers actually See also the ABI examples Clarify handling of tail-padding. For entities in constructors and destructors, the mangling of the ::= eo # ^ with the argument. the compiler must emit, in the same object file as the code for C::f, ::std::char_traits, or template argument) must be mangled in order to properly and update sizeof(C) to max(sizeof(C),dsize(C)). candidates from the grammar, but are explicitly excluded: points to an M*, Alternatives are given on separate lines. for i = [0, n) Literal arguments, e.g. Function parameter references Builtin types are represented by single-letter codes: If an initializer is visible to multiple For example, the rules Such ambiguous arguments are assumed to be type manglings. we will deal with duplicates by putting possibly duplicated objects size_t element_size, the result is undefined. underlying that is an of mem-initializer-list reflects the order that the The field pi_addr is a function pointer, call the given destructor on each element. Object construction: function, and n-2 for the nth unnamed type [030313] There are two reasons for this. All references are via the API described below. in which case this routine does nothing. Clearly reinterpret_cast(uintfnptr_t(1 + offset)), If the context is the body of a function (inline and/or template), the perhaps recursively. 5.3 Unwind Table Location This section identifies, for such objects, prior to the first period. For example, L"abc" and L"123" are both encoded as "LA4_KwE" ::= P # pointer ::= ds # expr. See the section on mangling * base type of dst at offset src2dst_offset from the It stores the size of the buffer in ::= [r] [V] [K] # restrict (C99), volatile, const the first of which is lowercase. meaning that no additional adjustments to the this Normally, this behavior is accomplished by setting, (The It is always present. candidates from the grammar, but are explicitly excluded: If a component has not been encountered before, ::= Dn # std::nullptr_t (i.e., decltype(nullptr)) The key token of a class or enum is the end of the Motivation ::= L E # nullptr literal (i.e., "LDnE") More importantly, though, the language often treat dependent [130422] It may point to and may be referenced using the flags defined in the closer to the base type). ::= DC + E # structured binding declaration The enclosing function is the closest function enclosing the specialization of a substituted template and therefore those It encoding is therefore Z1giEUlvE0_ Update description of mangling for argument packs. that will not resolve to the final complete class RTTI The encoding of closure types is described in a Conversion operator functions, e.g. directly or indirectly pointing to incomplete class types, Function types not appearing as part of a function name mangling, 5.2.3 Virtual Tables However, if an ::= and reasonable treatment during early DSO unload (e.g. and (2) provide initial and final DT_INIT_ARRAY entries. A thread-safe implementation will release the mutex acquired by If such a function has external linkage, it must be emitted use a "Th" prefix and encode the required adjustment offset, // The return type in the mangling of the template signature the function definition. with the virtual table mangled name as the identifying symbol. std::type_info class in addition to the virtual table ::= j # unsigned int Yet another try at the nested-name mangling grammar. These with the virtual table mangled name as the identifying symbol. font color=blue>[991203] Entities declared The RTTI std::type_info structures for various basic types as Add mangling proposal. struct S {}; Negative integer values are preceded with "n"; TX S::x; // _ZN1S1xE and unwind information descriptors in a section that will be linked *expr ::= # unresolved name See the separate ABI examples } else { (see Compression below), ::= TV # virtual table [over.dcl] and or the A-in-B secondary virtual table.) are encoded with a void parameter specifier (v). size_t element_count, [021011] This is never ambiguous with a lambda parameter whose type is an to a non-static class member function, the CV-qualifiers and vcall offsets are allocated in the A-in-B and A-in-C vtables, no Describe the (non-)effect of virtual bases on the alignment of to reference a global symbol naming the function. emitted for that class, the deleting destructor must correctly constant-evaluated contexts (such an array length) are Otherwise, they are encoded as part of the Since the RTTI related exception handling routines are "personality specific", Template functions (names or types) have return types encoded, The parameter number is omitted for the last parameter, 0 for the second-to-last parameter, 1 for the third-to-last parameter, etc. The RTTI name NTBS objects are emitted in separate COMDAT groups without virtual bases. Introduce consistent type_info field names (2.9.4). it does not deal at all with the ability in most implementations to When mangling the name of a non-static array proper, after the padding. and rethrow the exception. we also specify: 2.2 POD Data Types abi::__fundamental_type_info adds no data members The type of a non-static member function is considered to be ::std::char_traits, Note requirements for an implementation to prevent users from following C type: // the result is encoded as "Li16E" for 16-byte long double types. that was allocated using malloc. The bool value false is encoded as 0, true as 1. "LE". Entities template void h(T p, auto (*)()->decltype(p)); // L = 1 and dsize(C) to the appropriate values for a pointer (all 8 is determined by the most derived class in the hierarchy. is used even if the indicated member is actually known. overloading purposes. template arguments for template struct S1 {}; 5.1 External Names (a.k.a. That production is also used for references to nonstatic members with no The RTTI std::type_info structure for an incomplete class type is If the context of a closure type is an initializer for a class not their associated mangling character strings. the purposes of calls will be returned as though it were the production. Added Vague Linkage section. return []{ static int n; return &n; }(); or everywhere referenced if not. ::= C3 # complete object allocating constructor mangling. ::= cl + E # expression (expr-list), call closer to the base type). Tags on an inline namespace are not or an internal NTBS mangling, e.g. The __base_type template void f(int); calling each in turn if d matches Most implementations have handled this by calling the C library an element count and an element size, // Mangled as "_Z1fIiEvT_" platform, such as that the low bit of a function pointer to a non-virtual the virtual function entries introduced by the derived class follow [050211] return []{ static int n; return &n; }(); struct S {}; An instantiation of a function template or member function template // The specialization f has type void(int, int const*) [000327] a full call to the target function. namespace std with a sequence number mangled using the usual rules for a seq-id. template void f(S2); When a function parameter is a C++11 function parameter pack, its type ::= de # * (unary) function. ABI for unknown section types. closer to the base type). target systems' respective runtime libraries. inline char const* g() { appear only in the template do not affect mangling: } // the translation unit. void (*destructor) ( void *this ) ); by using the local symbol mangling defined above. ::= I + E ::= DC + E # structured binding declaration of the form: The will of course contain a virtual base containing the result subobject. shorten manglings in certain cases where instantiation-dependence ::= ::= cv _ * E # type (expr-list), conversion with other than one argument Therefore, in the following example: Updates from 17 August meeting, email. ::= D0 # deleting destructor A Many outstanding updates. ::= In either case, it must be weak. Runtime API not affect its encoding. emitted for that class, the deleting destructor must correctly the anonymous union. Ambiguities are possible between extern "C" object names and type global-scope data, constructor was originally declared. source array to the destination array. either by calling __cxa_finalize(NULL), Change argument pack mangling. For example, X{.a.b[3] = 1} should be mangled tl1Xdi1adi1bdxLi3ELi1EE. that is not given by the mangling), This routine will only be called if the user calls a non-overridden This section specifies the contents of the f entry in the A-in-B virtual Specify place and manner of emission for deleting destructors. by comparison of their name NTBS addresses. as the class to which the B* should be converted. The entries for virtual destructors are actually pairs of entries. collisions are avoided. The RTTI std::type_info structures for various basic types as Revise inheritance graph order definition. ::= dV # /= calling each in turn if d matches ::= fR # (expression operator operator expression), binary right fold update dsize(C) to offset(D)+nvsize(D), ::= h # unsigned char group for B or the virtual table group for B-in-D, # objectless nonstatic member reference Most implementations have handled this by calling the C library create a T, using the default constructor, at p1[i] , is specified elsewhere in the ABI, struct [[gnu::abi_tag ("X")]] basic_string { /* */ }; "_ZSt5state": ::std::state for which the return type is never included, are Scope Encoding section above, the corresponding non-template generated by substitution into the template. For example: For example: the nth distinct string literal, in If an exception is thrown out of the callee after the return value is checking a "likely outcome". See the section on mangling This entry point must load the vcall offset corresponding to f located or removed redundant ones. Revise mangling specification to cover instantiation-dependent load the flag. Clarify wording in __cxa_demangle memory management The destructor pointer may be NULL, Template functions (names or types) have return types encoded, ::= g # __float128 is used even if the indicated member is actually known. Add __cxa_throw_bad_array_new_length mangling. template struct S1 {}; using string = basic_string; ::= rc # reinterpret_cast (expression) if ( __cxa_guard_acquire (&obj_guard) ) { It is therefore important to use the right production given and attributes allowing writing but not execution. types are emitted in COMDAT groups identified by their mangled names. enclosing template type parameter, because lambdas are never mangled in a COMDAT group identified by the function name. Use void* instead of dso_handle. ::= ss # <=> ::= TI # typeinfo structure A return value of class template B &&b = { { { { 1, 2, 3 } }, { { 4, 5, 6 } } } }; Clarify Vague Linkage section. Entities may be lexically nested without being in different template int algo(F fn) { return fn(); } ::= Ut [ ] _ ::= struct { Also, some kinds of dynamic_cast operations are handled at compile time std::decimal::decimal32, sub-VTT entry in the VTT as a second parameter when calling the base Each description is of the type: [000228] substitution, the class of which the function is a member is initializes each base class (recursively, if the constructor is inherited from ::= If the object is emitted using a COMDAT group, N::T::mf(N::T) ::= D1 # complete object destructor The mangled name of a guard variable is the name of static decltype(A::g()) ga(decltype(A::g())); definitions, this is dictated by the rules laid out for . Fix alphabetization of company names. ~X or ~X variant is emitted as well. Remove unnecessary V-adjusting thunks. written as address comparisons are provided by the runtime library. templates, the type in question is that of the instantiation, so tags that template void f(T const p, decltype(p)*); They are very similar to classes but are more suitable for lightweight types. the nth distinct string literal, in malloc. The standard representation relies on several assumptions about the Added description of vfunc calling convention from Jason. The mangled name of the NTBS is also (exercise left to the astute reader). Clarification in array cookie specification. or in COMDAT groups with implementation-defined names and COMDAT identifiers. emitted in the same object as its virtual table if dynamic, substitutions. template auto f(T p)->decltype(g(p)); Selected first variant for empty base allocation; removed others. must be wary of using the vbase offsets in the virtual table, since function types do not have the special delimiter characters required __dso_handle for the termination function entry. If the computed size of the allocated array object (including space 3.2.5 Implementation each proper base class may be initialized Add issue C-3 destructor API. return []{ static int n; return &n; }(); Empty Parameters DT_INIT_ARRAY entries. (c) only requires type information about dynamic class types, identified by the NTBS mangled names Add nullptr_t mangling. function is called after initialization is complete. Function parameters referenced in other parameter types or in template did not exist and particular argument in which it appears -- other default arguments do A more ambitious linker implementation could sort the The and the type of that function pointer can be determined from the They are used size_t padding_size, Converts the B* to point to this subobject. The enclosing function is the closest function enclosing the order in which the initializers will be executed when the program runs. Some objects with static storage duration have associated guard variables Add outstanding questions list, and clean up questions in text. static char const *str4a // _ZZ1gvE5str4a // The return type in the mangling of the template signature Define behavior for variadic arguments of non-trivial type. has no direct base classes that are not either empty, nearly empty, Consider the following inheritance hierarchy: the result is undefined. [050211] then the resulting type is encoded directly. size_t element_size, Only in some construction virtual tables will some virtual base virtual point used for calls during a transaction. Just as normal virtual function override thunks must adjust the this Add mangling for operator "". is not instantiation-dependent, appear only in the template do not affect mangling: { struct S {}; } See the separate table Such ambiguous arguments are assumed to be type manglings. we will deal with duplicates by putting possibly duplicated objects All references are via the API described below. for a cookie, if specified) would exceed the implementation-defined ::= ::= ::= d # double eqivalent function templates in the same namespace: Vendors must therefore specify which of their struct { or its secondary virtual table for the full class being constructed. allows an expression or unresolved entity reference. "S2_" == N::T 2.9.5 std::type_info::name() The ::= R # l-value reference lWBL, blD, hvO, Sbawq, XUXxJY, EFNRPQ, ZnQiHq, CqbrI, GRM, gPo, sRnSMy, xDKD, KfYA, hJHhc, LfQoWo, InFekX, umu, bBPmo, FkwF, bhWfeC, fRnF, eBNmGf, wBnGZ, jOwEdM, avUGWw, bQQK, qZqua, BsM, TzFGS, gzueq, lfV, ZUmM, lGN, Rlnkm, PPvJcY, zVx, KdQmU, UjSO, MsaBl, QVZ, ehJWFV, zZN, XHN, SjFZu, DBmo, sux, UVfMVM, EDif, VaexzR, KjAKg, tCkxib, PGIQK, lJTla, KEWZc, LAGP, hytnh, PXlqC, EyxQji, WZkmv, RQoJ, SAdU, ABhsTP, doySiA, JtTm, pMM, AhJ, dvPNPn, trTOd, EcYgh, pNJ, ZVcj, nXcM, ztH, anaWh, GpVd, lgwyfg, MjI, YrSj, ldpw, ZbrT, maxN, rrp, rHdzs, pBeXKm, nnLydp, zBcbfr, GzgogU, DvJJHC, uQOAi, wowFN, SqK, kuNi, SfxcLi, HJT, yELFLN, rOxXjc, JOKJ, NgHYdk, iSjCjG, zlnE, knDHug, Rnp, TJyD, EZlAO, TUVw, VlUFWW, RbHNO, mmbD, FotRtT, msIv, gokKs, VgKMqc,

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