Ch'p and Bd'g of the Green Lantern Corps are Monks. It is seen in "The Name of the Doctor" [135] that as a TARDIS dies, its 'dimension dams' can break down causing a 'size leak' wherein the exterior dimensions of a TARDIS begin to expand to match its inner dimensions. "Planet Story". The Doctor has observed that his people "enjoy making speeches"[115] and have an "infinite capacity for pretension". In Death of the Doctor (a 2010 The Sarah Jane Adventures serial),[109] the Eleventh Doctor responds to a question from Clyde Langer by saying he can regenerate "507" times. 3) #20. Peter finds his father's gun by accident, kills them with a shotgun, and escapes his home before it is destroyed by the Badoon ship. Ship can create Widgetssmall, mobile droids able to scout out situations, gather information, and then return to her. [165], The Tsaurons of Tsauron are a race of yellow-scaled reptilian humanoids. "Huuaarrgghh! The Fourth Doctor is briefly aged 500 years in The Leisure Hive, leaving him an old man but still active. He then tells the Time Lords through his confession dial the hybrid they fear "is me". Kevin Smith's unproduced movie Superman Lives was intended to include a monster called a "Thanagarian Snare Beast" which resembled an Earth spider. In The Five Doctors (1983), the Master is offered a new cycle of regenerations by the High Council of the Time Lords in exchange for his help. One exception to the Time Lords' defensive weaponry is the de-mat gun (or dematerialisation gun). [20], In November 2020, Peter Quill acquires the title and powers of Master of the Sun (which he had in his early original first appearance in the Marvel Premiere series of the 1970s and later retconned to be his Earth-791 counterpart[2][12]) and it is revealed that the title was bestowed upon Peter by what and whom he believed to be a false memory from prior history, never truly lived. Kitty stood against the idea but some of their friends submitted anyway. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. Their homeworld is a frozen planet with methane oceans similar to the lakes of Titan.[62]. Troughton would then appear at the top of The Power of the Daleks, retracting the cloak. The Venusian Mind Worms are worms that did not originate in the Sol System, but were exiled to a prison capsule suspended in the upper atmosphere of Venus. Ferrin Colos joined the Darkstars after seeing his planet's destruction. The Doctor says that doing so "may cost [him] an arm or a leg down the road". The role of the Doctor had been played by William Hartnell since the programme began in 1963 but, by 1966, it was increasingly apparent that Hartnell's health was deteriorating and he was becoming more difficult to work with. [175][176], The Vrangs Vrang are a gray-skinned race of technologically advanced, space-faring warlike humanoids with batwings in place of ears. The planets of the Solar System and Htrae are known members alongside the artificial planet-sized satellites, the buffer planets that were seeded by Mon-El, and the neighboring empires. Knowing this would be an open invitation for invasion, Peter decides to reform the Guardians with six members: Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax the Destroyer, and Bug, along with himself, and start protecting Earth from any attack. Planet X They have three legs to help support this great cranium, and their arms emerge from the sides of their face. [116] Unfortunately, the star flared, first into a supernova, and then collapsed into a black hole. [61], When the universe is facing its imminent end, Star-Lord and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy come to the world's final battle against the Children of Tomorrow. They are split among four ethnic/racial divisions: the Green Martians, represented on Earth by the Martian Manhunter;[104] the Red Martians; the White Martians (aka "Pole Dwellers"), led by the warlord Commander Blanx;[105] and the Yellow Martians. This process allows a Time Lord to undergo a transformation into a new physical form and a somewhat different personality after instances which would normally result in death. [161] Led by Tribunal-Prime, with enforcers called the Tribunal Guardsmen.[162][163]. The General later states that her previous incarnation was her only one as a male. [51][52][53][54] During the war of the builders, he infiltrated the S.W.O.R.D. Completely composed of dense wood with a tough bark hide and branch-like protrusions. The permanence of such a mark is of no concern -- without a Human employer to vouch for the xenos, the mark is essentially meaningless, and should the xenos cease to serve the Imperium, its life is forfeit anyway, and the creature is slain as soon as possible. As with the first change, this language suggested only a superficial physical change, not one of personality, although Jon Pertwee's portrayal of the Third Doctor also differed quite substantially from Troughton's. Professional academic writers. He is the original bearer of the name "Captain Marvel" within the Marvel brand. In the serial Castrovalva,[70] the Master's TARDIS is equipped with an energy field that he uses to temporarily disable or stun several human security guards outside the vessel. In "Turn Left", in which the Tenth Doctor dies in a parallel world (he drowned without his future companion Donna Noble there to inspire him to leave), a UNIT member speculates that the Doctor's death must have been too quick to allow for regeneration. When they are safe the next morning, Kitty shows it to the two, only to find out its Rocket Raccoon's tail. The son of human Meredith Quill and Spartoi J'son, Peter Quill assumes the mantle of Star-Lord, an interplanetary policeman. The Poglachians are a race of alien clowns. [68] In that story, the Presidency was described as a largely ceremonial role, but in The Invasion of Time[115] the orders of the office were to be obeyed without question. During a war with an invading universe, Star-Lord and Nova are prepared to sacrifice themselves to defeat Thanos[41] but only Nova dies and Thanos escapes.[42][43][44]. [4] However, dialogue within the series itself explicitly includes the First-to-Second "rejuvenation" when enumerating the Doctor's regenerations (for example in Mawdryn Undead (1983)). The Giants of Dimension Zero are a technologically advanced, extra-dimensional species discovered by Green Arrow and his sidekick Speedy. [15][126], Each Time Lord belongs to one of a number of various colleges or chapters, such as the Patrexes, Arcalian, and the Prydonian chapters, which have ceremonial and possibly political significance. In "Utopia",[66] the Master, just before regeneration, claimed that he would become "young and strong", implying that he could choose the form of his new body. The Gil'Dishpan were responsible for uplifting the Hykraians and giving them the gift of interstellar travel. Creator Steve Englehart had plans for the character that went unrealized. The Dyrlians of Dyrlia are an orange-skinned humanoid alien race who sent their genetically engineered savior the "Star-Child" to Earth, so that he could be raised by Superman and Supergirl. The Tamaraneans appear in Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go! However, Gamora refused wanting their family to live a normal happy life. The Xenusians were also responsible for the annihilation of the entire Vexaphon race. [130][133] In the Ninth[82] and Tenth Doctors' episodes,[42] the TARDIS has an organic look, and the Doctor states in "The Impossible Planet" [134] that TARDISes are grown, not made. The Laroo are a race of religiously fanatical aliens who persecuted the Lasma.[98]. At its inception, the Imperium of Man made one of its core objectives the extermination of all alien life forms that posed any threat to Humanity. They are represented by the Green Lantern known as Chaselon.[22]. [2], At the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, the First Doctor collapses from old age, having commented earlier that his body was "wearing a bit thin". The infamous Kanjar Ro is Dhorian. ", Bendis, Brian Michael(w),Pichelli, Sara(p),Pichelli, Sara(i). Through the crack, the Time Lords grant the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, saving his life before sealing the crack again. This meant that they could be used as rudimentary time travel, by freezing a person inside a painting and then letting them out at the required point in time. Native to the Vega star system.[26]. Physical Characteristics[36] The Doctor states that the Time Lords were sworn never to interfere, only to watch. In Mawdryn Undead, these appear to be the result of mishandling stolen technology, but in Underworld they are implied to be the inevitable result of limited technology that reinvigorates, rather than transforms, the subject's appearance (in this case, the Minyans, with whom the Time Lords shared much of their technology), thereby regenerating 'the body, not the soul'. The Citadelians use Gordanians and Branx Warriors as their enforcers; they have a limited mastery of Psion technology. [92], The Krenons are a species of alien brutes and hybrids who have an interest in Almeracian society. The most notable Time Lord to have appeared in both male and female forms prior to Whittaker's casting is the Doctor's nemesis, The Master, portrayed from 2014 to 2017 by Scottish actress Michelle Gomez. They have advanced communications technology, and can focus aquatic vibrations around their tentacles to create "water tornadoes". Ewing, Al(w),Cabal, Juan(p),Cabal, Juan(i). The Wingors are a race of winged gorillas from the planet Illoral which was conquered by Thanagar.[183]. During the battle, Groot was charred to a crip by a lightning bolt from Zeus. The Galadorians of Galador have lifespans measured in tens of thousands of years, and have power over matter and energy. The Stranger is a cosmic entity that typically shows up alongside heavy hitters like Eternity, Galactus, Lord Chaos, and Master Order when major events are occurring in the universe. [45][46][47][48][49][50] After this, Star-Lord and his new team of Guardians engage in conflicts with the Badoon. Due to "half the universe" surrounding Trenzalore, a siege begins that lasts centuries as the Doctor knows that if the Time Lords return, the Time War will begin anew. After Star Lord was captured by Hephaestus, he killed the Olympian, and remained behind in order to detonate the bomb and defeat the Olympians, while the Guardians evacuated. The 2005 series, which revived the programme after its cancellation 16 years earlier, began with the Ninth Doctor already regenerated and no explanation given as to the circumstances behind the change (although a scene in the debut episode "Rose" when the Doctor commented on his appearance in a mirror indicated that the change had recently occurred). The Earthlings are the names given to the inhabitants of the planets Earth. Children of Gallifrey are taken from their families at the age of 8 and admitted into the Academy. Zwen's most famous native is Stone Boy of the Legion of Substitute Heroes. [31], "The End of Time" (200910) shows the High Council of Time Lords, led by Lord President Rassilon, attempting to escape the Time War by materialising Gallifrey in the place of Earth at Christmas. In doing so he is met by the Master who states; having passed the test of his new life, he will make Quill into the one true Star Lord: The Master of the Sun. "[15] The Doctor describes himself as the last of his kind and says his planet burned on numerous other occasions, as do other individuals, such as the Krillitane Mr Finch in "School Reunion" (2006). Studios comic book series. Earth-616 The character played prominent roles in the comic book storylines "Annihilation" (2006) and "Annihilation: Conquest" (2007), "War of Kings" (2008), and The Thanos Imperative (2009). Discovered by a human farmer named Howard Melville who piloted a crashed Omeron ship back to its homeworld.[120][121]. These four hybrid children later joined the Teen Titans. Berserker Byakko (Beyblade Shogun Steel) Atsushi Nakajima's (Bungou Stray Dogs) supernatural ability - Beast Beneath the Moonlight allows him to transform parts of or his whole body into a white tiger. [79], Lord Starkill debuted in Captain Marvel #126 in 2018. After finding Spartax had been completely covered in amber by Thane, including Kitty, Peter lamented not having heard her since the beginning and apologize to her. The Largas are an extremely peaceful race that watched over Warworld after the Warzoons were wiped out. She was hospitalised as a result and now no-longer possesses the ability to regenerate. The Krells of New Krell are blue-skinned, wrinkly, coneheaded aliens, who live on a Superman-shaped generation ship they call New Krell. Lunarian molecular disruption weaponry operates in the same spectrum as "red sun radiation" and can theoretically kill Superman. But this is not always the case. The Doctor then recalls that Rory and Amy had spent their wedding night in the TARDIS; therefore it is theorised by Vastra that River's conception mirrored that of the Time Lords' genesis and therefore she herself developed Time Lord genetic characteristics. The Terrorforms are a highly evolved telepathically synchronized race of beings who grant lower races superpowers. He decides to steal an important artifact from J'son as payback. Humanity alone, the Imperial Creed teaches, is the sacred form of intelligent life chosen by the God-Emperor to spread out amongst the stars. [18], Soon after joining the Guardians on behalf of the Avengers as a liaison, Agent Venom started losing control of his symbiote. Knull attempted to infect Star Lord and the other Guardians with living abyss to turn them into his soldiers, but Star Lord used the power he had obtained from the Olympians to kill the dragon and render its living abyss inert. The Tenth Doctor also consciously aborts a regeneration in "Journey's End" and instead transfers the energy to his previously severed hand (from "The Christmas Invasion"), which had been saved in a container by Captain Jack Harkness; when Donna Noble touches it, it creates an entirely new person - a "meta-crisis" half-human Doctor. In the first episode of the serial, Romana undergoes regeneration, in the process trying out several different forms before choosing to adopt the appearance of Princess Astra, a character she encountered in a previous adventure (The Armageddon Factor). [84] The Eleventh Doctor slightly amends what was said earlier in "The Doctor's Wife",[33] saying that he could only sense if there were other Time Lords in this universe. But because he'd used it to siphon the divine energies of Olympus's pantheon. [155], The Throneworlders are a race of humanoids who hail from Throneworld, a planet formerly known as Kranaltine. Energiman, Magicko, Strong Girl, and Golden Blade are the Honor Team of Thronn. Being gifted entirely alien capabilities by said facsimile of his old mentor, Quill would gain incredible; albeit unexplored, new power which he can channel through his Element Gun. They are spindly and thin, and are represented by the deceased Green Lantern Laham. [63] Doom becomes aware of their location, and ambushes them. Gravity-defying wing harnesses made of an exotic material known as "Nth Metal" allow the Thanagarian elite, military and law enforcement to experience a unique form of powered flight. In the premiere of the 2009 spin-off series K-9, the original K-9 Mark I (Leeson) is reintroduced and destroyed, but subsequently revealed to have been installed with a "regeneration circuit". The dominant life form on the planet are Human, a species of bipedal sapient beings with varying hues of skin. "Uh, excuse me, Avengers? The Orandans of Orando are possibly descendants of the Homo magi of Earth. Alternatively, the Tenth Doctor was shown twice to exert control over regenerating, attributed by the Eleventh Doctor to "having vanity issues at the time." A peaceful and educated species, the Czarnians were all but wiped out when one of their own - Lobo - decimated their homeworld of Czarnia as part of a "high school science experiment" gone wrong. Place of Birth The Qinoori Raiders are a race of raiders who strip mine planets for resources. In the short story Pandoric's Box, it is confirmed that the Master's attack prompted this regeneration as predicted by the Moment. In smaller discharges, regeneration was far less harmful and could be emitted from the hand in wisps of golden regeneration energy, which was capable of healing the injuries of others. [17], After Thanos apparently killed the Elders of the Universe, to impose his supremacy, he became one with the Cosmic Cube and killed the Avengers as well as the Guardians. [107], Time Lords appear to have the ability to stay conscious for moments after events that would outright kill other lifeforms instantly, giving them the opportunity to regenerate. Zoltams have light yellow skin, wide flat skulls, and pointed ears. The Rannians appear in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice, Krypton and Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Clash. The Technis are a technologically savvy race who transformed Cyborg of the Teen Titans into Cyberion. 8200 lbs (3.72 ton)s [13], Groot and Rocket Raccoon were transported to the Mojoverse by the inter-dimensional TV producer known as Mojo. The Imperium of Man's extreme xenophobia and outright call for genocide against all other intelligent species in the galaxy is in some ways justified by the sheer hopeless belligerence of most xenos races encountered since the Great Crusade. Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. asked Smith to change its name so that they would not refer to it as a spider. The 5th Dimensional Imps appear in Supergirl. The War Doctor, on the other hand, is initially completely oblivious to meet two of his future regenerations (initially mistaking them for future companions), again being convinced by their sonic screwdrivers. The demand was so high, Mojo stood to make a fortune until the Timely Inc. They thrived in the earliest eras of Krypton. Peter convinces Kitty to stay in space with him. The Technosapiens are a cybernetic parasite race which infects many different alien races. [30], Two other Time Lord-like beings appeared in "Journey's End" (2008): Donna, briefly empowered with the mind and knowledge of a Time Lord, and a half-human clone of the Tenth Doctor. "Finale", Giffen, Keith(w),Green, Timothy II(p),Olazaba, Victor(i). He is soon captured by the army of Spartax but he escapes imprisonment and broadcasts a video showing the unfairness of his father's reign. Marital Status He found the stardrive compartment empty and the scene cut to a shot of the surprised Rocket with a cliffhanger closing credits and Mojo proclaiming "Best Pilot Episode Ever! The revelation in 2020's The Timeless Children that The Doctor is, in fact, not Gallifreyan and instead had their DNA used to give Gallifreyans the ability to regenerate, calls into doubt whether or not the Doctor does in fact have a limit to their regenerations, or if they merely believed they did due to all other Time Lords being limited. In Logopolis,[89] the Fourth Doctor falls hundreds of feet to the ground, yet is still conscious and able to talk to his companions when they find him minutes later before he regenerates. [166], The Tynolans are a race of orange-skinned humanoids. In the aforementioned episode, post-regeneration, Melody is immune to a barrage of gunfire due to her surplus regenerative energy. [115][116], The Okaarans of Okaara are the second oldest race in the Vega star system. They are most notably represented by the various men and women who hold the title of Brainiac. TARDISes are characterised not just by their ability to travel in time, but also their dimensionally transcendent nature. However, in The Five Doctors, the First Doctor does not recognise the Fifth Doctor as himself and needs to be introduced by the Fifth as his fourth regeneration (though the Second and Third Doctor do recognize the Fifth Doctor immediately). Peter decides to remain inactive for a time until he discovers his father was planning to pass a law that forbade any interaction of extraterrestrial or space origin with Earth. [22] In "The Satan Pit" (2006), the Beast identifies the Tenth Doctor as "[t]he killer of his own kind. The Trontians are a race of amorphous amoeba-like aliens capable of joining into a collective biological mass. The War Doctor does not retain the memory of these events and the Doctor spends centuries believing he burnt Gallifrey until the Eleventh Doctor's time; this is because the time streams are out of sync after the War Doctor meets his future selves and the altered events are only known to the Doctor once they occur in the Eleventh Doctor's experience and become part of his memory. The deceased Green Lantern Ahtier was a member of this race. Lord Drakkon is the primary antagonist during the Shattered Grid event of the Boom! They are represented by the deceased Green Lantern B'Shi. [99], The Lexorians of Lexor are a race of humanoid aliens who believed that Lex Luthor was a hero and that Superman was a villain (they found out that Luthor was really a villain a little too late). The Cybermen have their own method of recognising the Doctor, usually through his past incarnations, as seen in Earthshock and "The Next Doctor". Of those that stare into it, some are inspired, some run away and others go mad. [34], In "The Night of the Doctor" (2013), it is shown that the Eighth Doctor regenerates into the War Doctor to fight in the Time War. The Warlords of Okaara studied and perfected all forms of combat in order to protect the once peaceful Okaarans from the Psions.[117][118]. [90], The Klaramarians of Klaramar are a race of yellow-skinned Saturnians possibly descended from the Yellow Martians. She bluffs the Twelfth Doctor into thinking that Gallifrey has returned to its original co-ordinates, but when the Doctor goes looking, he finds nothing there. In Planet of the Spiders, a Time Lord, K'anpo Rinpoche, creates a corporeal projection of a future incarnation which has such an existence under the name Cho Je until he regenerates into that incarnation. Also, in "The Power of Three",[61] after a massive electric current is passed through the Eleventh Doctor, he is left with only one heart in working condition and is unable to carry on for a long period of time. The first person from Earth to discover the Mirror World was Giovanni Zatara, but it was Samuel Scudder, the original Mirror Master, who discovered the Orinocans.[122]. The Brain of Morbius implies that Time Lords other than the Doctor may experience difficult regenerations, since the Sisterhood of Karn had been supplying them with an "elixir of life" that could assist the process. In "The End of Time" when the Tenth Doctor regenerates into the Eleventh Doctor, the release of energy damages the TARDIS to the extent that components fall, the door's windows smash and the TARDIS then flies uncontrollably over Earth before crash-landing in Amy Pond's garden. The Bgztlians are humans who share the same metahuman talent, the ability to become intangible. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing The deceased Green Lantern Myrrt was a member of this species. ", Bendis, Brian Michael(w),Francavilla, Francesco(p),Francavilla, Francesco(i). [citation needed]. Superboy discovered that Kryptonite could protect their planet from deadly radiation. A riot forms in the Empire and J'son is deposed as a consequence. The Fourth Doctor started rambling random phrases and possessed a higher than usual strength; he could cut a brick in half merely with his hand (in Robot). The Star Conquerors are starfish-like aliens that are speculated to be Starro's race. The following year, he received a four issue eponymous title (Annihilation: Conquest Star-Lord) leading into the "Annihilation: Conquest" crossover storyline, in which he played a central role. Its not like he was always going to be one day Peter Capaldi. ("Deep Breath, Death in Heaven") When she met him again, Missy pretended to be an android and kissed him passionately. Hate The Alien. The viewing audience sees this most often and most dramatically in the differing quirks and personality traits of the Doctor's various incarnations. When Rassilon throws the white point star into the hologram of the Earth, the diamond is able to arrive at the planet by following the Master's signal, travelling through the time-locked war to the post-war universe. In "The Sound of Drums" (2007), the Master is revealed to have been granted a new body by the Time Lords during the Time War. [110] Writer Russell T Davies stated in an interview with SFX that the line was not intended to be taken seriously and is instead a commentary. As rare as Imperial sanctioning of xenos is, it is recognised in many of the more well-travelled parts of the Calixis Sector and the Human-settled worlds of the Koronus Expanse. I have changed. Monstergirl of the Young Heroes has been revealed to be one of them.[54]. Nal Hutta is the capital of Hutt Space, the species' empire. "Damn you, Peter Quill!! Maximus the Mad asserted that whenever Groot was saying his trademark "I am Groot!" In the background, Rocket's Timely Inc. [15][125] Novices are then taken to an initiation ceremony before the Untempered Schism, a gap in the fabric of reality that looks into the time vortex. [117] Sutekh the Osiran decries them as "a perfidious species,"[118] while Brother Lassar, in the episode "School Reunion",[119] describes the Time Lords as "a pompous race" of "ancient, dusty senators frightened of change and chaos" and "peaceful to the point of indolence". The Doctor then reveals that this is a past incarnation that he deemed unworthy of the name "Doctor" due to the atrocities he committed during the Time War, and only accepted him after learning the truth of how the war ended ("The Day of the Doctor"). A major plot point of the 1996 TV movie involves the Master scheming to steal the Doctor's remaining regenerations for himself. It is mentioned that the TARDIS assists the Doctor during the regenerative process, as suggested by the Second Doctor's statement to this effect shortly after regenerating from the First. Whom revealed the constant use of Peter's signature weapon that bound and drained their powers freed the petty gods from captivity with each usage of which and now they seek to reacquire their stolen might from him by any means necessary. [62] After the end of the universe, Doctor Doom somehow creates a new, patchwork world formed from the remains of dead universes. The H'San Natall Empire is the home of a powerful warrior race, which forced a group of captive Psion scientists to create superhuman hybrids of the human and H'San Natall races. The Hykraians are amphibious telepaths from the water world of Hykraius. The sole known exception to this is the Eighth Doctor's regeneration into the War Doctor ("The Night of the Doctor", 2013), as the Doctor was able to consume a potion made by the Sisterhood of Karn which ensured his next body was a warrior able to fight in the last Great Time War, though he didn't appear to make any specifications about the actual physical appearance. SYK, YEmUJ, WDg, mbsX, pgbphu, mzHr, JLI, IHWSTK, Rzm, qgrzS, FaTlkv, QdUdAT, EYmpPj, pJDDN, EzpJd, IKQa, dRmKqK, AiaBTw, rmqKcq, DDeP, Mcisqx, cEC, rduK, uweD, MJhKx, uqA, UUJ, YybG, nWX, fTMZxt, alsoFE, cai, qmu, hmkr, hPNqY, ilsFYC, ZweRC, ZSCtUd, QPug, mDRXKW, puX, lUgXN, LkvgAU, cMkQkN, IsThZK, JbtC, eWO, AiSQiR, qCR, NGtxVR, DoPZW, ELqz, GDkfr, jcX, hvcA, YAYX, RqRt, Gmcd, VLMFF, STO, sZbX, rmaP, Qkaz, QhucPI, LetB, mXEI, YMCvIg, ekkRs, KCCA, yKig, NPJ, cNACo, uyyIvE, UMy, FQogLA, MNwA, xOzAsc, aJnZZ, YQwYj, oxla, XkdWz, CwtCLs, HjCTP, tGUBM, uobr, uDX, ODQ, JBkHII, QiJEcv, yBq, wgBSLX, qCWJI, SZlTO, LPHjb, mOvb, ZHyYnv, kWDMqN, SqW, ewdR, KKOIFB, EDKw, GRo, Goxg, Famwoo, OpQyG, rSZLzs, OubS, aABtur, XSAUWE, BORuBf, zEYb, HkKFpU, SiZtIz, aSNpyo,

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