why do some people smell bad

Well the problem is still here plz tell me what to do about this embarrasing smell. I am a fat man who takes baths and I do not stink! Please dont judge everyone who smells, thinking they dont shower. I was in class today and this girl in front of me stunk so bad i puked in class. Not wearing deodorant is another one. I did mention to him how he needs to get some body spray and new deodorant. Its called Trimethylaminuria. This bacterial activity produces the foul smell often associated with sweat and can be reduced by cleaning the moisture trapped in skin folds, armpits, and the groin area. Apocrine glands can be found in areas like the armpits and groin, and dump their sweat into hair follicles first. What causes foul-smelling poop? They do this because they like to be as jungle as possible for as long as possible then masturbate or fuck. You can use sage as a body powder, body wash, and tea. Although little empirical data exist, Herz says, cultural studies back up the new results. Unfortunately, they dont realize that the human brain can block out a sensory signal that flows in continuously (which is why youre not aware of your behind being compressed while sitting until you do something that brings it to mind such as reading this sentence). Here all houses are airtight. Great article, you cannot find a lot of really professional stuff about this subject on the internet. The bottom line from both experiments is that when an odor is paired with an emotional event, perception of that odor is altered to fit that association. Timpanogos, and I had to open my car window and speed home before I died of toxic smell. It taught me to help insteadvof focusing on the smell. And why have I only observed it with males? Im sick of people rubbing their noses when Im with them. Our food has been so affected by GMO's and there are people that have a sensitivity to the wheat that has been crossed bred to make it grow faster and bigger. So I kept buying different antiperspirant and deodorant and nothing work. Particularly I sense you dont smell as fresh as petunias yourself. I dont want to smell it, nor do I want to be inundated with funk from stinky men who make it a career out of stalking me at my age, nearly 56. This hereditary disorder prevents your body's enzymes from breaking down trimethtylamine (TMA), a fishy-smelling compound found in choline-rich foods. Really ignorant and rude how you talk about someone not knowing their situation merely assuming someone doesnt take a shower. As a last resort, those nerves can be surgically removed. I am tired of fucking ppl. Its true some people are smelly cause they are unhygienic but mistaking a person with an illness with one who is generally unclean happens too often and is destroying each of these peoples lives. I agree with most of these people but I have to say something important really people usually stink because dont clean themsevles like they dont wash their DICK OR PUSSY OR ALSO UNDERAMS. A fungal infection that is a result of feet that are confined to a warm, dark, and sweaty environment. Some people worry too much about their breath even though they have little or no mouth odor, while others have bad breath and don't know it. "isovaleric acid", which has a . I picked her up after a run up Mt. they are going to stink. For older people, this change in smell is likely due to an increase in levels of a compound called 2-nonenal. Some people are very sensitive to it, and some people really don't notice it at all. "Deodorants tell the bacteria not to break down so quickly, therefore reducing the odor.". There are more than 250,000 sweat glands in each human foot, along with a host of bacteria that live on the skin's surface. 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This especially includes people who have infections in their mouth. One night my mom (who is dead now), my sister and I ate at Wendys in Tampa, Florida. Smell disorders are often classified as one of the following: anosmia: complete loss of the ability to detect odors hyposmia: decreased sense of smell with some ability to detect odors dysosmia: distorted sense of smell. #8 - They have bad breath. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Just imagine what you would feel like, like really think about it. Bacteria break down sweat molecules, with the side . I know some guys who prefer half bath to full bath. You've probably found that your vaginal odor smells a little more intense when you're bleeding, and that's normal, Dr. Shepherd says. We googled and discovered tea foot soaks and neti pots. Doing yoga or meditation may help reduce anxiety. A little compassion and understanding goes a long way, but from what Ive seen thats far and few. ok, serious response, First, when Africans were first brought over as slaves, they were not viewed as fully human. "We come to smell with a blank slate, and why we like or dislike it has to do with experiences," Herz says. He doesn't wear cologne and need some badly! I did not assume she was a pig I fear that maybe there is no resolution for her. If you've played sports, then you are probably familiar with this condition. A person living with a health condition such as diabetes or kidney disease may also have sweat that smells like ammonia. These dont only give bad breath but they seep through your pores. Blood has an elevated pH, and . For the study, 44 men and women were divided into three different age categories: 20 to 30, 45 to 55, and 75 to 90. Even his leggs arms hands neck chest everything just sweats like he has an internal waterfall its sick. I have tried everything in my life to stop smelling bad. If I were the manager, I wouldve kicked his ass out of the store faster than you can say arugula.. So it started over a year ago and then summer past and i started going to school and i noticed it was gone but then it came back a week later and it gives me axiety i dont like sitting by people and i just wanna know why it stopped then came back, Our food supply is being changed and is not being labeled as such. I been talking lots of probiotics and Diflucan to kill the candida. Artificial smells are the worse smells in the world. 6. A doctor can treat any underlying health conditions to help reduce the ammonia smell in sweat. Im that chick that will cuse you the fuck out after 3 surgeries 4 dermatologist and all to correct my issue fuck what you think youd wish to be as strong as me. Smells get caught on the fibres of all clothes - especially coats and scarves. Learned a lot of things. Some more thoughts from the public. Every day, if you came to him early in the day it was OK, but by the end of the day he stank up the room. You all have really no idea how it feels when your the one with BO because of an illness and have to live everyday of your life in hell! Use it on your skin to help lessen body odor caused by perspiration or by infectious agents. My old high-school calculus teacher was a great teacher, but he was one of these people. Let's start with the #1 reason for stinky farts: It's tied to something you consumed. Lower your ego and take a moment to think about others, and i pray that the realization that others have feelings will hit you smack in the face. Drink in moderation and drink water in between servings of alcohol. Massive seizures and death are bad! For older people, this change in smell is likely due to an increase in levels of a compound called 2-nonenal. What can I do about the two problems? This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. If you eat a lot of it - you can not smell it at all on yourself. Any comments inbox me. It's Nurture, Not Nature, That Lets Us Smell the Roses. I know the vast majority of people are exceptionally lazy these days, and that it may be politically correct to stink. Benzene is added to the gasoline to increase octane levels, which improves engine performance and fuel efficiency. P.S: GET UPGRATED! After taking a bath, few minutes later i would stink and smell bad. Likewise, the chemicals and compounds in your body can change with time, too. Ive suffered from unexplained body odor since I was 13. It is even more sad that it is about a persons family with who you live with. I would dry myself off and then apply more lemon and let that completely air dry. my mother as well and not been affected for me to get it.Ill have it the rest of my life. Its just something most people wouldnt understand unless they dealt with it themselves. There is something about smells that make people crazy and they will react pretty viciously. Spoilage odors come in many flavors . When people consume alcohol the body treats it like a toxin and attempts to break it down into acetic acid. Tea tree oil is a potent substance that kills fungi and bacteria. I am dealing with ASU a body odor it doesn't smell like b.o but I can smell ass and everyone keeps telling me that i don't stink but I can smell it and is very uncomfortable and it makes me feel like I don't even wanna live anymore I take excessive baths and use bottle in a bottle of Cologne to cover it up, have tried everything I possibly can to get rid of this but can't I take at least 10 showers a day and nothing seems to help what can I do to get rid of this please will someone help me. He walked past me on his way to the rest room, and he stunk up the whole dining room. This only occurs when these people are sick. Good luck, I hope it helps. I been having this odor. Learn how they're, Telemedicine allows you to get access to online medical care on your time, without the burdens of commuting, transportation costs, waiting, and. i am also experiencing tummy aches and loss of appetite or too much eating at times. I am also fighting with this condition for at least 5 years, it started very slowly, then the armpit smell became stronger and stronger. In high school there was a girl who would smell and people would always whisper about it. I have never smelled anything so vile on a human being. These results suggest that older people do have a very distinct smell, but its not necessarily unpleasant or intense. Karma is a real force in this world, keep it up and youll learn the hard way why some people stink. He was also my roommate on the Model United Nations club trip to New York City, which probably explains why the room smelled so bad. Both smell a little funky -- but the dude on your right with the cutoffs and baseball cap smells like a combination of stale fruit and Roquefort cheese. Having a few extra pounds wont be the culprit, though. Certain medications (such as the statin-lowering drug atorvastatin, the blood pressure-lowering drug amlodipine, and the antibiotic erythromycin) may also impair one's sense of smell. When you feel stressed, your body produces more sweat from the apocrine glands.5 These glands are located in areas where you grow the most hair, like your armpits and groin, and they secrete sweat containing 20% fat. "Bad Body Odor May Be Caused by Metabolic Disorder," MedicineNet. In adults, body odor may help signal someones fertility or health to find an optimal mate. Teachers are required to say certain things- its all politically based- the student who did the threatening was poor and thus attempts to punish him would be frowned upon as Student Bs parents owned a house that they had inherited when Student Bs grandparents died. Below are 15 reasons why a person could have worse than normal body odor, how it can be solved, and why we shouldn't judge someone for how they smell. So you're on your way to work, sitting on a subway train between two people. People who notice smell that comes with digestive issues i would suggest a Low fodmap diet and Gluten free for 1 or 2 months you can google this also add in Probiotics atleast 20 bill CFU or more Buy Digestive Enzymes, Chlorophyll, Betain HCL with Pepsin, and u can add in apple cider vinegar, i would also suggest 3 colon irrigations (hydrotherapy) and do it from a local spot by a professionol dont buy the mini machine and do it yourself. Every day, it just make my depression worst and I feel like Im going to cry. The only silver lining that I can relate to this would be that God has a plan for me, one that has this smell as a test to prove that I am not mentally weak nor commit the sin of suicide. She did clean up her act so to speak and the odour disappeared thankfully so she must have had more than one bath or shower every fortnight. If stress is unavoidable, use a clinical-strength antiperspirant or deodorant to prevent sweating or to mask the smell. thank you and god bless. I can admit it is friggin tough world man and im not fat and i eat healthy foods if i can. I am not English and I dont speak like y dont u do dis an y dont u do dat. Does body chemistry affect perfume. Its just wrong to buy a sandwich and suddenly have your nostrils violated by someones high-powered underarm stench. Don't try it if your allergic to lemons of course. This is causing me serious health damage. I tried thousand of deodorants, antiperspirants, no help. First it's good to have a change in diet. While there is no cure, you can reduce odor by limiting the amount of choline-rich foods in your diet. Full bath is better especially when you apply sponge to scrub over your body with more attention to the armpit and your down area I mean your private area. take care of cavities and tooth decay. Crocs Arent Great for Your Heels or Arches Heres When to Skip Them, What You Need to Know About End of Life Planning. Hi! someone pray for her! I see ppl holding there and you women who smell up a room like rotten fish all day just from being in said room for 5 minutes should be fumigated. Most of the forums give you the same answers: take a shower, change your deo, wash your clothes. Why is that? why do some people have smellier farts? Once I did an elimination diet, and I saw after 3-4 days that the smell went down with 70-80%. Bacteria that are normally present in these areas break down the protein and fats in our sweat and turn them into acids, thereby releasing stinky chemicals. I have to agree with your comment its point on. Required fields are marked *. U r really mean and u know what just because u think that ur not hurting somebodies feelings well u r and let me tell u something a lot of people stress a lot like maybe ur teacher u said that in the morning he didnt smell but in the afternoon he smelled its because he had a lot of stress u dont have to be that mean about it like seriously. When you live in a city of 5.2 million people, you rub shoulders with a lot of individuals, and most of them do not have powerful body odour. I suspect someone begged her to shower, and it worked!!!! This can be caused by byproducts like ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. Thanks. My mom always bathed me and cried a lot about it and when she told me itsgenetic. Good luck. The smell of your farts can also be affected by your environment. So no matter how much you clean your underarms, the smell will still seep through. You* disgusting piece* of shit . having body odor also cause me depression and anxiety attacks and i have been bullied hard because of body odor. Eww I dont know if she knew or not, but it was very annoying to whom where nearby her. Did this for a while (maybe 1 or 2 months) and started noticing the "nose scratchers" didn't scratch as often. She stank to sweat in summer and in the other seasons a poignant smell tomold, i guess. Sorry to burst your bubble, buddy. The smell of black people will make you gag. The research is still being conducted, but there are two possible reasons for this. So I am seeing this guy who im about to cut it off with because he smells so bad!!! The testers had a hard time detecting differences in scent between young and middle-aged people they smelled too similar. Or Lysol themselves every few minutes? Watching things on tv/internet that make you laugh is a positive in healing your insides I think. south africa has the rudest people alive i think thats why south africans can surviv american bullies because compared to sa thats childs play. When bacteria move from your nose into your throat, it can cause your breath to have an incredibly unpleasant odor. Experts believe these specific scents help keep the human species alive and well. Erika Gebel, PhD, "Diabetic Ketoacidosis: How to Spot and Treat DKA," Diabetes Forecast. Honestly it sucks. However, I thought to myself she knows she smells bad maybe there is nothing she can do about it. "So if you're out running or jogging in the summertime, it can get really hot and your body has to somehow cool down. Gasses that form during your digestive process can be a healthy result of a nutritious diet loaded with fiber-rich foods. Sjogren's syndrome (SS), according to the National Library of Medicine, is a disorder of the immune system that tends to show up in middle-aged women and those with other autoimmune conditions like. Just please if you do come across another person with strong body odor do not tell them something. Why do my farts smell so bad? Could it be an allergy to some food category? Not wearing clean clothes. At night 1-2 hours after dinner, I used 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar mixed in with about 6-8 oz. Perhaps you have terrible body odour and this asinine idea makes you happy. A friend of mine stayed at my home for four months and I know she showered that much, as I watched it happen daily. i cant help it. Constipation occurs when stool builds up in the colon or large intestine but isn't able to exit. Zoryana from Ukraine on December 07, 2014: Brenda Parker, I think you should change a towel more often. "5 Foods That Can Increase Your Body Odor, " NextAvenue. Lenny Rinen has been an online writer for more than 8 years and writes about diverse topics such as personal hygiene and New Zealand. Remove or reduce choline-rich foods in your diet. Does anyone know anything to help her to stop this.? Wait, is that how it goes? I finally figured it out and it worked out for me. Its there fault an not minez if u r lyke dat. One of the reasons that Indians - mainly southern Indians - smell so bad to non-Indians is due to the way they use Fenugreek. Diet heavy in cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods, or heavy spices. I must say it is a tough call on how to deal with any given situation. It's only then that body odor becomes an issue. The acid in lemons and limes fights against odor-producing bacteria and also lowers the pH level of your skin, which helps prevent bacterial growth. Sinus and respiratory infections can cause your breath to smell like feces. Sometimes I even think maybe it would be better if I wasnt here period. I noticed ppl always coughed at me and complain to smelling me as bad. I feel frustrated. It is a horrible smell and I cant understand how some people cant smell it themselves. I do not get mad at them at all. I hate him. some people may have a chronic disease related to body odor (ever heard of those? Findings in the American Journal of Medicine show that one-third of people who report unexplained, persistent body odor suffer from an inherited metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria.1, This hereditary disorder prevents your body's enzymes from breaking down trimethtylamine (TMA), a fishy-smelling compound found in choline-rich foods.2 Because your body is unable to digest TMA, the excess is released through your sweat, breath, and urine, and causes you to stink. Dry skin sheds skin cells, which can have a musty odor. 7. The fluid secreted from these glands consists of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and ammonium. Arrggh!! pretty privileged now arent you? Say on Saturday I could give her a shower, then comes Sunday and she still has a strong odor. "They control your body temperature," says Dr. George. It would be a similar situation if I were to make a stink face if you walked into the room because of your race (no this isnt a form of a racism, its a hypothetical *I am 50% Filipino), how would you feel? 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. What if it was you who smelled bad everyday regardless of showering up to three times a day, wearing fresh clean clothes, new shoes and flossing mouth washing and brushing after every meal? I am of the opinion that in many cases, it may not actually have to do with whether the person showered, but it is in fact because of a toxin buildup in the system. You can also try cooking cruciferous vegetables. I share a room with a friend and he is capable of being exceedingly kind, but unfortunately is very smelly. I am really in a pile of sht. Ive tried medications. Nothing will stop the stink 100%, and there are extreme cases, including a condition known as hyperhidrosis that leads to excessive sweat production. Thats sort of a sign of low self esteem. Sorry for this long comment, I could really use some advice from you if you have. Of all these people, we all know that some of them are just too lazy to observe personal hygiene. This isnt a hate message at all, infact, some of the smart ones will realize the sincere truth in this. "We're a petri dish walking on two legs. (don't despair,) Peace. This can cause a certain smell in a few ways. I don't know if the intestinew was of any help. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S, "Why Alcohol Lingers On Your Breath," The Huffington Post. Sometimes, odors can be caused by zinc, iron or vitamin b6 or b12 deficiencies. When food goes bad and starts to become pungent, it is most often due to the growth of spoilage microbes such as bacteria, yeasts and mold. As for the person who wrote this, I dont think its right for people to attack you. Maybe instead of being such a drama queen, you should act like an educated person and move your seat instead of trying to humiliate someone because of your personal preference. He showered regularly, but within two hours of a shower with an antibacterial soap, he started stinking again. I too am not fond of smells that arent pleasant to my nose. I have been smelling fresh and clean. I had suffered with this nasty skunk like odor for over a year and a half. This sweat is high in fats and other compounds that smell when broken down by bacteria. I found some on Walmart.com. I take multiple showers a day and still start smelling bad after not too long, in the past even on the busride to school, only 10 minutes after taking a thorough shower people were sniffnig their noses and looking around. I would cram as many clothes as possible into my washer and my clothes would sour sometimes if i forgot them them in the washer. Denise Mann, "If You Have Body Odor, It May Be in Your Genes,". When i eat cheese and bread (pizza or nachos) hich constipates some people onion or these meats, I take papaya enzymes to break the red meat dow. Most cases can be treated with an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. #5 - Some breeds just stink! It takes more time and effort to cover up the smell of feces and unwashed rear end with that stinky new oil that people are slathering all over their bodies. If your sweat always seems to smell, one (or a combination) of these causes could be the culprit. My point is, is that if you have a problem with someone confront them about it, instead of being a typical wuss who hides behind their desktop acting all high and mighty because they can verbally humiliate someone over the internet. i agree with you too,i smell bad and it all started last year,i bath everyday,change clothes and i tried all deodorants and non of them seems to help,people judge me and sometimes i just think of taking my life.i really wonder why this is happening to me, I would like to be your friend if thats OK, Im going through the exact same thing, youre not alone, Try kirks castile soap Its a bar soap very cheap Walmart sells it it takes the stank away. The major odor compound at play is called 2-nonenal. Stress and anxiety can contribute to body odor. as it is colloquially abbreviated, is referred to in medicine as. Black people may smell bad because of glands that evolved in subsaharan Africa to repel the numerous large predatory animals and poisonous insects and reptiles there.. . In some Indian restaurants, fennel seeds are offered instead of after-dinner mints. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. I am planning on moving out asap as the room share was only meant to be a temporary arrangement anyway and I cannot be in the room at the same time as he is without going crazy (he is also autistic and has a number of tics and mannerisms which drive me bats), so I usually am out all weekend and in the evenings. At this time there is no cure. Orbit WHITE is the strongest gum, even kills beer breath. Constipation When you let off a stinker, one of the main questions your poor victims around you will ask is, "do you need to go to the toilet?". She did not looked very clean (greasy hair, stained clothes..) althought it looked it was not lack of money, cause she actually could afford an apartment in Lisbon, a car and pay food, bills and college expenses. Odors can come from two sources: chemicals that are released from the food as the microbes decompose it, or chemicals produced directly by the microbes themselves. People should really think about what they post up on websites. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I cant go in public places unless its really late and the place is 24-7 with fewer people at night. Yeast away, Canadian away. All rights reserved. Thank you "You don't want to do it excessively," advises Dr. George. A buildup of ketones produces a smell that is described as fruity, sweet, or similar to nail polish.8. You have your period. I am having that same problem BO for long as i could remember my pits feel like ants biting me i cant work i feel so shame please help me. The BO you describe develops thanks to an aversion to soap and water. I dont have friends because smell really bad. Thanks for sharing. Case closed. But everyone's gut flora are different, and some people just have smellier farts than others. It just boggles my mind how people can stink like that, its unreal. If you can see a doctor (a good one, not one that'll dismiss you as crazy) they might prescribe something for your particular situation. I kill bacteria with listerine at night before bed, and have discovered that colgate optic white toothpaste and mouthwash take scum off teeth and entire mouth. I ordered mines online. The other day I was next to a woman who smelled so bad I felt like I was going to puke. I asked them are u okay? Anything smh this is ruining my life Ive been to dr after dr Im medically in dept because of this and no one can seem to help me find a solution Im highly depressed often have thoughts of suicide and cut all friends out my life.. Idk I guess Im telling you this cause some ppl not all but some cant control it and it does affect me when I see ppl move away from me I often hate myself and feel worthless Im very attractive and Im married my husband says its in my head idk I really rather be alone away from anyone Im tired of being judged for my smell when clearly I have tried everything to fix.. Im tired sorry I never shared my thoughts outside my family but felt like you should no how the SMELLY ppl feel.. If you find it hard to minimize sweating by reducing stress or depression, an antiperspirant or deodorant will either block sweat or neutralize the odor caused by bacteria. Aerius, I think they smell like that on purpose. When you eat cabbage, broccoli, and other sulfur-rich foods, the sulfur is broken down into compounds that smell like rotten eggs and are later secreted through your pores. ", "If you're not controlling the diabetes well, your body can't utilize sugar as much. I live a normal life up into 2015 when my world turn upside down. Now imagine that a person who is lucky to overcome their cancer and be alive, now has to deal with people being ignorant. Go to a Pharmacy and ask for a waterless body cleanser. When they walk thru a room and leave, the smell lingers and its twice as worse as the smell of vomit, Ive never smelled anything like it! Its ridiculous that a man would come into a restaurant smelling that bad. When I am manic, I am too busy to shower. Michelle Simtoco from Cebu, Philippines on August 12, 2011: This struck me today, "Body Odor is the smell of bacteria growing in your body and not the sweat from perspiration." But after he showers, he uses lots of soap and when he gets out and uses his towel it smells like a rotten skunk. Fat people smell bad because they sweat more, and their size makes their armpits warm enough for the bacterial breakdown of sweat. But on other occasions (2-3 times in the last year) the smell went down almost completely for a few days and without a diet. Peace out. The study appears in the December 2004 issue of the International Journal of Comparative Psychology. Just ignore it no matter how unbearable the odor may be. Adulterated, in the interest of good science . Excess alcohol that is not processed by the liver escapes through your pores. it is disgusting when you are riding on the train somebody sitting close to you have a terrible odor, so terrible you want to throw off. Sometime, even if my T-shirt is not wet yet from the sweat, I can feel the smell coming out of my body, it is like it tries to get rid of something. I can say that I have gone so long between bathing that I forget how long it has been. My own mom never told me about it, I just figured it out from TV commercials of being a teenager in America. Lets just say that you didnt sit in the front row if you knew what was good for you. Do you really think you can make people learn to enjoy horrible body odour by berating them for not doing so?. I found this article while looking for info about hyperhidrosis. Accessed July 21, 2017. At the end of the day, most soaps do the same job. id just like to say sorry for the two people who were sick, due to my state of personal hygiene. I would try buying mint leaves or cucumbers in my water too, if not allergic. Much more I had used every deodorant on the market to try to get rid of the smell. Half way into the year of 8th grade I started hearing classmates say I smell bad. And constant fevers . Why Don't Indians Wear Deodorant? They had a much easier time identifying samples from the studys oldest group. Writing such judgments about something that is completely natural to the human body, and condition is absurd. Some ppl just dont understand or wat u just said really made me feel physically sick . Wierd thought: Ive noticed a couple of kinds of sweat smells. Check out the best Healthline-approved health and wellness deals this holiday season. He hasn't done it. The courage to ask them it seems like they deny smelling So the indirect bull shit you dum muthetfuckers do like cough say indirect shit about other people but really talk about us be ready cause im coming fa ya try me after 3 surgeries, five dermatologist and every physician in va fuck ya because you wish to be as strong as me weak mutherfuckers and the reason you try and bully is because you are insecure. One example of this is when you smell a favorite meal. In the morning, I shower with soap, dry off properly, put on deodorant and clean clothes. Also I just want to add that the people who tell me stuff about my odor. Personal Hygiene Some of it escapes with urine but it is also excreted by sweat and through the respiratory system. I mentioned it to him early on and he said no-one had ever mentioned it to him before. It is simply shameful, that big an fat seem to always be synonymous with stanky..because it isntpowder with corn starch, FDS or products that help decrease sweat can help manynot just larger people with body odor. One is what is described above, that perhaps gasoline evokes positive memories of road tripping or paint the memory of a good day's work. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S, "Why Alcohol Lingers On Your Breath,", Erika Gebel, PhD, "Diabetic Ketoacidosis: How to Spot and Treat DKA,", https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b8qvskYvnH8. I understand this smell bothers you, but you might smell this way to others and not have any idea. Youre all assholes. #6 - They have smelly feet. I personally think it is undigested food emitting gases & something like sewerage inside the body. I cant go about doing normal things without being afraid that someday someone will scream at me or hit me because I smell do bad and I upset them. My smells ranged from not knowing how to wash properly, dry properly after baths, protect myself from athletes foot, do laundry properly and regularly for that matter. "5 Foods That Can Increase Your Body Odor, ". Rarely, people can have bad breath because of organ failure. 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