who are the pious in islam

But, how shall be the state of people towards his successor?, The Imam (AS) said: He is not seen, and mentioning his name is not lawful until he appears. A man from the market threw a hazelnut at him, thinking that Malik, who was wearing shabby clothes, was an ordinary man. Secondly, one should carefully read traditions on the prohibition of anger. The commentators of the Holy Quran consider he who brings the truth as Gabriel and he who accepts it as truth as the Messenger of Allah (SAW). it all depends whats you think love is, if i am not wrong i guess you are not physically attractive to him. how can she know what her man wants? By the One who owns the soul of Muhammad,if a wife does not fulfill her obligations towards her husband, then she will not have fulfilled her obligations towards Allah. [Ahmad]. He would then take it back from the needy, kissed, smelled, and then he would give it back to them. over all the forces working against Islam. He asked her: What is the matter? Relevance Rather, there should be an infallible imam in every age so that the order will be valid. We ask You to forgive us. When he called us repeatedly, I jumped out of bed, went to the door, and gave him some food as usual., Jesus (AS) said: Jump up and leave your place. People saw that a snake was under her dress. We were I power, and pardoning was our nature. He is beyond description. yaz-nuun; wa man-yaf-al zaalika yalqa athaamaa. Am-man huwa qaanitun aanaaa - al-layli saa-jidanw-wa qaaa-imay-yahzarul-Aakhi-rata wa yarjuu Rahmata Rab-bih? Those - Allah will have mercy on them. A-yuhib-bu ahadukum ay-yakula lahma akhiihi maytan-fakarihtumuuh? This short article is an attempt to explain They are very convenient though and incredibly comfortable. 4- Belief is a high station with God, by doing recommendable acts, refraining from non-recommendable and even some permissible things. Property - Wealth etc. followers. OTP entered does not match. In-naa nakhaafu mir-Rab-binaa Yawman abuusan-qamtariira. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good wife by following the examples of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and obeying what is commanded in the Book of Allah. The Muslim world as a whole without any exception of any school of thought in it, know the fact and acknowledges it unreservedly that for the wonderful qualities of divine excellence, it was only ALI who earned exclusively for himself the unique title of Madh-harul Ajaib i.e. They said to themselves: How abundant the blessing of Imam Sadiq (AS) is! The Imam (AS) said: You came to know about the meaning of blessings in dealings with God. Thanks to the owner of the article and u all all their time in criticising and searching for faults in their lives and confrontation would have resulted in Islam becoming just another name and Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. Your wife is not your property. Below MomJunction has compiled a list of baby names meaning pious, which you can refer while jotting down your ultimate list of baby names. If you think that He does not see you, you have become an unbeliever. Around each stage, there are seventy thousand thrones of red gold, No signs of any spiritual life at all, he said to himself. See more ideas about islam, alhamdulillah, islamic quotes. In a commentary on this tradition, Allamah Majlisi says: One of the temptations of Satan is that if one does not take revenge, he shall be humiliated, whereas it is not so. God has said: those who restrain (their) anger and pardon men; and Allah loves the doers of good., Hence, God will reward them for restraining their anger.45, There are many traditions on forbearance and endurance, but what is this anger that is recommended to be avoided? The woman resorted to a plank and saved her life. He will fill the earth with justice after it is filled with injustice., I said: I confess that their friend is the friend of God and their enemy is the enemy of God. A woman had a piece of bread. of Islam to mankind. Islam elevates the status of all men and women alike. along with its followers. The Prophet said: "Sufficient for you among the women of mankind are Mariam bint 'Imran, Khadijah bint Khuwailid, Fatimah bint Muhammad and Asiyah the wife of Fir'awn.". These are some of the images of the blessings which are bestowed upon the believer in his grave: 1-His grave is furnished from Paradise for him. Islam You are free (tulaqa).79, The poems of ibn Seifi refers to the same thing. The God of Mohammad is the best God, and Mohammad is the best messenger. When the man expressed his spiritual state, four thousand people embraced Islam on the same day.54. Men of hearts (thoughtful people) believe that this world is the farm of the hereafter; the heart is the soil, faith is the seed, and devotion is the plowing of the earth. "O ye who believe! On his way, he saw a monk who traveled with him. I assert that the religious obligations after the wilayah (guardianship of the infallible imams) are prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj, Jihad, and the enjoining of good and forbidding of evil., Then, Ali ibn Mohammad (AS) said: O Abul Qasim! He shouted loudly: O Mohammad! If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. He becomes a member of the All-World International human brotherhood of the believers of God. as we say here in the westthe only dumb question is the one that is never asked. When they reached the house of that man, they called him. Do not make your charity worthless by reproach and injury, like him who spends his property to be seen of men and does not believe in Allah and the last day; so his parable is as the parable of a smooth rock with earth upon it, then a heavy rain falls upon it, so it leaves it bare.42. They were all drowned except the wife of the man. Qawaariira min fiz-zatin-qad-daruuhaa taqdiiraa. This is Mohammad, Your Messenger, and these are Hasan and Hosain, the grandsons of Your Messenger. Its very amazing to have religious people that, exchanging ideas concerning their religious. Lov bfore wedding. These are my household; remove uncleanness from them and purify them a thorough purification., Then, Fatima went to the altar of her prayer, performed a two-raka prayer and, raising her hands towards heaven, she said: O Allah, my Master! It is said that when the Qiblah was changed from Baytul Maqdis to the Kaaba, there ensued a long drawn out controversy and conflict in the public. In describing the pious and speaking about righteousness, God says, It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West , but righteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and give away wealth out of love for Him to the near of the kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for (the emancipation of) the captives, and keep on prayer and pay the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise , and the patient in distress and affliction and in time of conflicts; these are they who are true (to themselves) and those are they who guard (against evil).2, In traditions, the master of the pious, Imam Ali (AS), has been considered as the true example of this verse.3, God has said: O you who believe! Seeing the woman, the man said: Are you a human being or a fairy? The woman said: I am a human being! The man attempted to molest her. by his noble teachings. Go in Jamaath for 4 months. He sat there in a corner of the shop and watched the shopkeeper carefully. In fact, the term 'Heaven' - capitalized - has a shared meaning in Islam and all the other revealed religions. there shall be Houris, the like of the hidden pearls. He did so because charity is put in the hand of God before it is put in the hand of a needy one.39, Obviously, this does not mean that God has any hand or foot, but it means that God accepts the charity before it is placed in the hand of a beggar. Wa yutaafu alay-him-bi-aaniyatim-min fiz-zatinw-wa akwaabin kaanat qawaariiraa,-. You denied and expelled him from among you. Islam rejects the Christian notion that Jesus is part of a trinity that is God, and denies emphatically that either Jesus or his mother, Mary, are worthy of worship. Surely Allah gives to whom He pleases without measure.53, The Holy Prophet, Ali, Hasan and Hossain ate from that food. Therefore, these truthful ones must be free from all kinds of sins, and hence infallible. And jannah in the end inshallah.as for me I will marry inshallah a girl When you reach the end (Waliyadeen), imagine that your child has come to the righteous and pious path. Iman (faith) and following the Qur'an ! She gave that piece of bread to the beggar. Character of and attributes, it was natural that the hearts of people were captivated Who abides by the teachings of the quraan and sunnah.when?Allah knows Yaaa-ay-yuhal-laziina aamanuu laa yas-khar qawmum-min-qawmin asaaa ay-yakuu-nuu khayram-minhum wa laa nisaaa-um-min-nisaaa-in asaaa ay-yakuu-nuu khayram-minhun; wa laa tanaabazuu bil-alqaab: bi-sal-ismul-fusuuqu ba-dal-iimaan: wa mal-lam yatub faulaaa-ika humuz-zaalimuun. Metaphorically, this was the mountain of anger, because when one gets angry, he cannot see himself nor will he realize the intensiveness of his anger. Any attempt to do justice to his status would fail miserably, though tongues Nothing of our deeds is hidden from Him. What made you do that? The man said: The fear of Allah made me do so. those who selflessly sacrificed everything in their possession for the "Indeed in their stories there Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. abandon their help, or by those who oppose them. In-namaa nut-imukum li-waj-hil-laahi laa nuriidu minkum jazaaa-anw-wa laa shukuuraa. It is the best model to follow in repelling anger. And if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like there unto; And call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. Some other people are moderate with respect to anger. It was then that this verse was revealed. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. O Habbah! Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: God Almighty has not deputized any prophet save with truthfulness and to give back trusts to their owners whether good or bad.8, About knowing the Muslims, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: Do not be deceived by their prayers and fasting; for one may be accustomed to prayer and fasting and that he fears to give them up, but try them with the truthfulness in speaking and giving trusts back to their owners.9, Ibrahim al-Makhariqi says: I professed my faith to Imam Sadiq (AS), saying, I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. Mut-taki-iina alaa sururim mas-fuufah: wa zaw-waj-naa-hum bi-huurin iin. . Allah had praised many women across history for their undeterred faith, perseverance, strength and bravery in upholding the truth. God Almighty missioned Gabriel to take the small child from the mouth of the wolf and returned him to his mother, saying: O believing woman! marked by conspicuous religiosity. QUESTION: In your article; Characteristics of a Pious Wife, You state: The Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If I were to order anyone to bow down to other than Allah, I would order the wife to do so for her husband. Love, peace and well being of a person is when they are close to Allah SWT. The Imam (AS) said: What is happening to you? They said: We fear that our wealth may be taken away. Thou hast not created this in vain! There was a dispute among his tribe. Fa waqaa-humul-laahu shar-ra zaalikal-Yawmi wa laq-qaahum naz-ratanw-wa suruuraa. Does not do anything wrong I dont like him looking at women he does not stare I feel bad at times for fighting with him on all these issues pls advice. Like men, women play a huge notable role in Islam. against the pious predecessors, making them a target of slander and spending Pardon and forgiveness of the Imams of guidance (AS) is the best lesson of civility. In each tent there are seventy thousand carpets, of Allah However, the extent to which these terms are She made flour, kneaded it, baked bread, and gave it to Salman. The forgiveness of the prophets like Joseph, Noah, Jesus, Moses, and especially the Holy prophet of Islam (peace be on them all) is outstanding. Married people are less involved in socially destructive acts like any extramarital affairs. i want to marry a person who is very nice, loves me alot and have all the qualities which a good husband should have. Hamzah ibn Hamran narrated: I heard Imam Sadiq (AS) say: One of the sermons of the Holy Prophet (SAW) which has been preserved up to now is as follows: O people! Therefore, continue to do so.30, 4- Charity increases sustenance. Quranic verses and traditions, which are related to charity, focus on property, but commentators believe that charity includes property, power, position, and knowledge. Night of Qadr , The Night of Destiny , better than a 1000 Nights, Utmost respect and veneration to Parents, after Allah (swt), Allah (swt) has granted Man free will to choose between good and evil, Man is himself accountable for his own actions, Most men are ungrateful, except for a few who have certain distinct qualities, Life span of this world as compared to the span of the Hereafter, Mans obsessment and attachment to this life, Consequences of Mans attachment to the materialistic world, Man will always be a loser due to his worldly attachments, Worldly attachments should not deter Man from remembrance of Allah (swt) and in giving charity, Good deeds weigh heavier than worldly adornments (wealth & children), Allah (swt), His Apostle & Jihad are more important than all worldly relations, pleasures & possessions, Hereafter , Day of Judgement , Paradise, Hell Fire, Signs to proclaim the arrival of the Day of Judgement, State of Mankind when the Trumpet is blown, This Life will seem like an hour on the Day of Judgment, State of the Believers and Non Believers on the Day of Judgement, Mans limbs will be his witness on the Day of Judgement, Division of Mankind into three groups on the Day of Judgement, Intercession will be permitted by Allah on the Day of Judgement, Intercession will be accepted from His selected people, Hell-Fire - the final resort of the evil doers and the unbelievers, Rewards of those who are Martyrs in Allahs (swt) way, Definition and attributes of a pious (Muttaqi) person, Equality is on the basis of piety, before Allah (swt), Prerequisites of a true servant of Allah (swt), Allahs (swt) Grace on to the true Believers, Privileges and status enjoyed by the true believers in Paradise, State of righteous people in this world and the Hereafter, State of the righteous people on the Day of Judgement, The virtuous people and their rewards in Paradise, To slaying a believer for any but lawful reasons is like slaying entire Mankind, and to save the life of a believer is like saving the life of entire Mankind, Shaitan (Iblees) given respite and he in turn vowing to mislead all, but a few human beings, Worshipping of deities along with God by the non-believers, Good deeds of a non-believer will be of no avail on Day of Judgement, Fate of those who do not believe in Gods Revelation, State of the non-believers on the Day of Judgement, Fate of the non-believers on the Day of Judgement, Fate of the hypocrites on the Day of Judgement, Arguments to the non-believers convincing them to believe in the One God, Must live in harmony with the non-believers unless they transgress and oppress, Advised to seek refuge with God, from Satan, Women to adopt chastity and veil (Hijab) before a non-Mahram, Man must not postpone the doing of good deed and worship of his Creator, Essential to defend against oppression but not to the extent of being an Oppressor, Spoils of Fie i.e. Our Messengers and those who believe, (both) in this world's life and on But he is a divorced man.i want him in my life but i am confused becoz i dont forget abt his divorce.sometimes this thing make me depressed. and suffering, but never betrayed this mission, those who displayed utmost You can see how he treated his own killer, the cursed Ibn Moljam, who was most wicked. Wa izaa ra-ayta tham-ma ra-ayta Na-iimanw-wa Mul-kan-Kabiiraa. (Surah Yusuf:111), Introduction Allah (SWT) says "O My slaves, I have forbidden injustice for Myself and forbade it also for you. Wal-laziina izaaa anfaquu lam yusrifuu wa lam yaqturuu wa kaana bayna zaalika qawaamaa. Nothing can hide us from the eyes of God. Turning to Nawf, Imam Ali (AS) said: O Nawf, are you asleep? He said: No, O Ameerul Mominin! And in each Heaven there are seventy thousand gardens of Sophorine, Thank you so much hasna for ur advice will try not to hurt his feelings through my actions or words inshallah may Allah guide us all on the right path ameen. We ask Him for the best, Am a widow we dont have any kids & my husband is very religious person for that he posses all that good quality,my fear is that, in my country, men, they have the habit of rushing, to marry widow especially if she dont have any kids with late husband or the husband is rich and she attended school. In a nutshell, parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and . ignorance, they accepted him as their guide, following him and abiding Nahnu awliyaaa-ukum fil hayaatid-dunyaa wa fil-Aakhi-rah; wa lakum fiihaa maa tash-tahii an-fu-sukum walakum fihaa maa tad-da-uun! Turning again to his companions, the Holy Prophet said: Who shall give him a crown that I will ensure the crown of piety for him? Imam Ali (AS) put his own turban on the head of the man and asked the Holy Prophet about the crown in paradise. (Bukhari, Muslim), The Prophet Companions Wa amdad-naahum - bifaa-kihatinw-wa lahmim-mim-maa yash-tahuun. It was they who were chosen by Allah from amongst mankind to answer the obtained without a fight, Forbidden to make or change Islamic Laws (Shariah), Avoid Major Sins and Minor Sins will be forgiven, Forbidden to usurp the right and property of orphans, Punishment for killing a Muslim deliberately, Islamic Akhlaq: Forbidden to enter others houses without permission, Intercourse forbidden during womens menstrual period, Punishment for those who wrongfully accuse women of adultery, Abolishment of the Age-Old practice of Zihar, Forbidden to pray in the state of intoxication and impurity, Evil of having a negative attitude upon the birth of a female, Directive for Prayers (Salat) with stress on the Morning (fajr) and Midnight (tahajjud) Prayers, No excuse for refraining from daily Prayers (Salat), Prescribed Prayers (Salat) at particular times, Salat ordained along with patience in adversity, Recitation of Bismillah and seeking refuge from Satan, before reciting the Quran, The Sustainers assurance to accept the prayer of all who call upon Him sincerely, Assurance of acceptance from Allah when asked from Him through the Medium of Dua, Supplication (Dua) recited by Prophet Sulayman (a), Advised to mention If Allah wills (Insha Allah) before intending to do any deed, No compulsion by Allah (swt) to spend in His way, Charity in Gods cause is a loan given to Him, Whom to marry & who is Mahram and Non-Mahram, Ordained to treat all wives equally which may not be possible, Ordinance when accusation by husband is without witnesses, Iddah period of wife after husbands death, Advised to adopt patience in adversity & praise the Creator by day and by night, God is Most Gracious in Giving Mankind a Chance To Repent, Sustenance for every created thing is provided only by Allah (swt), Disobedience of Iblees (Shaitan) and his vow to misguide Mankind up to the Day of Judgement, Anecdote from Allah (swt) for a blissful life in this World and the Hereafter, Salvation rests only from nearness to God, Warning given to Mankind to amend their wrongful doings before Allah (swt) destroys the entire Community, Unreasonable promises, oaths can be broken, Refuting the Christian doctrine of atonement of ones sins by another, Jesus Christ was exalted unto God and not slain, 12 Months in an Islamic Year, 4 are sacred, Significance and importance of Ritual Sacrifice (Qurbani), Following Saints and alleged Divine Personalities, Hereafter - Day of Judgement - Paradise - Hell Fire, Excerpts from the Holy Quran, an Eternal Guidance to Mankind. Then the Holy Prophet (a.s.) described the camel he would have in paradise. He swore that no one had ever heard even one word from that poem. He would take a note of their disobediences until the last night of that month when he gathered and made them confess their misbehaviors. God has honored the Quraish., He then dismissed Sad ibn Ibadah from his position, handed the standard to Ali and said: Take this and say loudly, today is the day of mercy., Ali (a.s.) took the standard and curried out what his cousin had said. Where has it come from? The Messenger of Allah said: O Abul Hasan! Shedding tears, Ali ibn al-Hossain then would say: O Lord! Charity in Islam is also regulated and ranked: Firstly - to the nearest in the relations. Are you asleep or awake? I said: I am awake! About the belief in God, the Prophet, and the Day of Judgement, there is the question as to whether thought or (certain) knowledge is sufficient or it should be based on reasoning, and through Ijtihad, knowledge and belief appear. Shall we bury them somewhere? The Imam (AS) said: It will be either wasted or taken away by strangers. They said: What shall we do then? The Imam (AS) said: Entrust it (the wealth) to One Who will safeguard it and will increase it more than you need. They asked: Who is he? The Imam (AS) said: It is the Lord of the universe. They said: How can we entrust it to Him? The Imam (AS) said: Spend from it on the poor Muslims. They asked: Who are the poor here?, The Imam (AS) said: Decide to spend one third of it as charity so that God will ward off the misfortune for you against those whom you fear. They said: We have made our decision! The Imam (AS) said: Then, you are protected by God. He found him busy with his customers, selling goods and collecting money with a cheerful face. Therefore, forgive us as you expect God to forgive youas the Holy Quran says: And they should pardon and show indulgence. Invoking Mohaqqeq Toosi in his book, Tajreed, they have argued that God has ordered all believers to be with the true ones. The fear of God which is the fear of disobeying His orders and the fear of His greatness and might is the feature of every pious man. character. You are truly ours adherent. I then said: O son of the Messenger of Allah! In UK, mother throws their kid to child day care at the age of 2, which is appalling. In each city there are seventy thousand palaces of Ruby, sake of Islam. Yuzaa-af lahul - Azaabu Yawmal-Qiyaamati wa yakh-lud fiihii muhaanaa.-. Seeing me, the Imam (AS) said: You are welcome, O Abul Qasim! He should take something from his youth for the old age and from his life for his death. Other commentators have said that the first one refers to the Holly Prophet (a.s.) and the second one to Imam Ali (AS). Therefore, a servant of God should take from himself for himself and from his worldly life for his next world. I am fair, honest and kind to my customers. from all creation." She is meant to support and obey her husband and nurture her kids to achieve the goal that Allah (swt) has commanded to his creation. Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. Salman said to her: Take a loaf of bread for Hasan and Hosain. Lady Fatima (a.s.) said: I will never take back what I have given in the way of God., Salman brought the bread and dates to the Holy Prophet who asked: Where from have you got these loaves of bread and dates? Salman said: From Fatimas house., The Holy Prophet, who had not eaten for three days, went to his daughters house and knocked the door. Steps and propagation of Islam, without delving into any terminology or unnecessary It is reported by An-Nawwas bin Sam'an: "The Prophet Muhammad said, "Piety is good manner, and sin is that which creates doubt and which you do not like people to know it." Sahih Muslim, 32:6195, Sahih Muslim, 32:6196 [1] Wabisah bin Ma'bad reported: [Bukhari & Muslim], Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands) and guard in their husbands absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. Whether it be the steadfastness of the Companions on the is surely not on the right path." In-na haazaa kaana lakum jazaaa-anw-wa kaana sa-yu-kum-mash-kuuraa. By Pure Matrimony - February, 23rd 2015. As for the acknowledgement of the leadership of the twelve Imams (AS), it is the belief of Imamiyyah (Twelver Shia). This morsel is in return for the morsel you have given as charity.35, 9- The Charity given at night lessens Gods wrath, omits major sins, and makes reckoning easy. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). and fervour, treading the same path of sacrifice and devotion, insha-Allah, And the virtuous are those who keep their pledges when they make them and show fortitude in hardships and adversity and in the struggle between the Truth and falsehood; such are the truthful people and such are the pious. Wa yut-imuunat-ta-aama alaa hub-bihii miskii-nanw-wa yatii-manw-wa asiiraa,-. Firstly, one should see what the root of his anger is. , , . I am worthier of fearing God than you are., The man rose up, left her, and went way. Attack But the Imam (AS) went forward, saying: O brother! In each palace there are seventy thousand rooms made of Gold, Your Lord takes pride in you before the angels., Turning to his companions, the Holy Prophet (a.s.) said: O you who are present! Turning to his companions, Imam Sajjad (a.s.) said: Did you hear what he said? back, However, from the very birth of Islam, When I lived in North Africa I had tiny babies and would spend the majority of my day wearing clothes that were meant for lounging. In this relation, Abu Hamza ath-Thumali has reported Imam Sajjad (AS) as saying: A man, with his family embarked on a ship, but the ship was wrecked. You will forget about everything except Allah. Bissalam. I love my husband a lot n care about him I tink days why I become suspicious too even tho ders nothin der subhannallh just pray a lot an its probably shaytaan making us like dat. When the man went to his tribe, he cried out: Say there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah. The elderly men of his tribe drew their swords, saying: Have you converted to the religion of Mohammad who is a sorcerer and liar? The man said: Mohammad is neither a sorcerer nor a liar, O people of Bani Salim! I swear by Lat and Uzza52 that I would kill you with this sword if my relatives would not call me hasty., The Holy Prophets companions lost patience. On each table there are seventy thousand plates of jewels, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made this place for his pious servants. 2-He is clothed in garments from Paradise. YES IM A WOMAN, A MUSLIM WITH A VOICE NOT A PUNCHING BAG FOR AN IGNORANT MAN! of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Addressing his sons, he said: What kind of father was I to you? They said: You were a good father. He said: I want you to do something for me. They said: We will do whatever you say. The man said: Burn my body whenever I die, and when my body turns into ashes, blow half of my ashes in the desert and the other half in the sea., When the man died, his sons did according to his last will. Abus Salt al-Harawi narrated: I heard Imam Reza (AS) saying: God Almighty revealed to one of the messengers: When it gets morning, eat the first thing you see, hide the second thing you see, accept the third, make the fourth desperate, and escape the fifth. When it was morning, the man set out and the first thing he saw was a big mountain. One is to avoid hypocrisy. That Allaah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. "Now tell me the true interpretation of my dream. Self-purification After him is Ali Ibn al-Hossain, then, Mohammad ibn Ali, then Jafar ibn Mohammad, then, Musa ibn Jafar, then, Ali ibn Musa, then, Mohammad ibn Ali, and then, you are, my master!, The Imam (AS) said: And after me there shall be my son Hasan. Imam Sadiq (AS) says: Whenever my father wanted to give a charity, he himself would put it in the hand of the needy. Beyond doubt, to be with the true ones does not mean to be with them physically, but it means to follow their path ideologically, their deeds and their speeches. what does a wife do when her husband refuses to talk planly? The Imam (AS) raised his head and had a look at the slave girl who said: God Almighty states: Those who restrain (their) anger.74 The Imam (AS) said: I have restrained my anger. The slave girl said, And pardon people.75 The Imam (AS) said: May God pardon you. The slave girl said: And Allah loves the doers of good.76 The Imam (AS) said: Go! So marry one for her religion and you will win. Complete obedience and adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and Quran is the best of a womans qualities. Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 177) Righteousness in Islam Noah was the son of Lamak, the son of Mattushalakh, the son of . Have you forgiven me too? They said: We have forgiven you! Then the Imam (AS) asked the slaves to say: O Allah! You imagine that God has raised you from among people. Please enter the correct OTP! The first group of people put aside reason and religion when they get angry, and hence follow this perishing evil. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was sallam) said, "A woman is normally sought as a wife for her wealth, beauty . Salman took the dress to the Jew and told him the story. holds with the Muslims of today and how the achievements of the great luminaries ill of the Pious Predecessors until the Day of Judgement. And wallah as long as u are on this path ur life will be great distinguished the pure untouched teachings of Islam from any foreign unislamic On each carpet there are seventy thousand Houris with big eyes, Khaa-lidiina fiihaa; hasunat musta-qar-ranw-wa muqaamaa! if you ask your husband to explain more and in a nice way you ask him as i do my husband..he will be glad to go into more expalining for youyou have to let him know you do nt understand in order for him to help you understand. the true religion of Allah was confronted with numerous fatal attacks, Islam through the storm of trials and tribulations over 1400 years, this All those things that a righteous women should do is now labelled as slavery to her husband. At this moment, Malik was busy offering prayer in the mosque. And i have all the above requrement, for that men would hide all his bad charracters at the time he waint woman for marriage know what can i do in oder to know a man luv me truely by Allah, Asalamu alaikum all bros and sis Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.". . If ye help Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: our Lord! - Go three miles accepting an invitation to please thy believer brother. The most celebrated jurist in Islamic history, Imam Abu Hanifah was not only a master jurist but a committed ascetic who for thirty years fasted continuously and completed the Quran in a single cycle of prayer. Alaaa in-na Hizbal-laahi humul-Muflihuun. . of the Messenger of Allah. Wa yus-qawna fiihaa ka-san-kaana mizaa-juhaa zanjabiilaa,-. Turning to the man, the monk said: Call on God to send a cloud to cast its shade on us. The man said: I do not have any good deed with my Lord, so I do not dare to ask Him for anything. The monk said: I will pray then and you say amen! The man said: Very well!, The monk prayed and the man said amen. One of his neighbors, who became ill and was about to die, sent for the exhumer, saying to him: What kind of neighbor was I to you? The exhumer said: You are the best neighbor. The neighbor said: I want to ask you something. The exhumer said: What do you want me to do?, The neighbor presented two shrouds to him, saying: Take the best one of these two, but promise not to exhume my grave when I am buried.. of Allah its strength and glory, except through two things, which are of no less true piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west - but truly pious is he who believes in god, and the last day, and the angels, and revelation, and the prophets: and spends his sustenance - however much he himself may cherish it - upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the the responsibility of preserving Islam and Allah the Almighty has spoken No Im a woman and I was born Muslim and choose to stay Muslim too. also said: "This sacred knowledge will be borne by the reliable authorities Seven Heavens in Islam - Levels - Criteria. I said to my self: Taste it! Open the way for them to enter paradise without being reckoned.66, Imam Ali (AS) has been reported as saying: Forgiveness is the crown of virtues.67, Forgiveness is the best of benevolence.69, Forgiveness is a virtue and excellence.70, Forgiveness is the best of benediction.71, Forgiveness is the ornament of power.72, Imam Ali (AS) has said: There are two things which cannot be weighed; forgiveness and justice.73, Abdul Razzaaq has reported: Imam Sajjad (AS) had a slave girl who used to pour water on his hands when he washed his hands and face. It Consists of All Islamiat Subjects Wise Mcqs, Islamiat Top Quiz / Online Test, Best Recommended Islamiat Books in PDF . Wa daaniyatan alay-him zilaa-luhaa wa zul-li-lat qutuufuhaa taz-liilaa. At long last he returned puffing and panting. Firstly, make a fresh ablution. Love before marriage does not exist!! ship would have surely sunk. ( 65:2 -3) 1 Hardship, Black Magic, Taweez all the bad that happens to a person is a part of living in this world. May Allah (SWT) guide & protect us, ameen. The brotherhood in faith which Islam established, is nothing short of a miracle and a great miracle too. You can see how Imam Hasan (AS) treated a rude man from Sham. Surely, we will believe it.. Aaliyahum thiyaabu sundusin khuz-runw-wa is-tabraq, wa hul-luuu asaawira min-fiz-zah; wa saqaahum Rab-buhum Sharaa-ban-Tahuuraa. Allah does not look to the woman who does not appreciate her husband while she cannot stand his departing her. Be firm on it! Characteristics of a Pious Wife - HaqIslam Characteristics of a Pious Wife August 1, 2008 Ahmed Marriage A pious woman's priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. Relevance of In each plate there are seventy thousand kinds of food, By Your honor, it was because of the fear of you! God Almighty said: I will please your opponents, relieve your from, and forgive you.94, Leith ibn Abi Salim narrated: I heard a man from the Ansar say: One day, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was sitting under the shade of a tree in a hot summer day when he saw a man taking off his shirt, putting his bare body, back, belly, and forehead on the hot earth, saying: O myself! Relevance of He has not neglected any small or great doing. "O ye who believe! Jesus (AS) said: The danger was warded off due to the charity you gave.29, 3- Charity protects wealth and makes it be blessed. But how can I do it? Can we entrust them to you? Laa tajidu qawmay-yu- minuuna bil-laahi wal-Yawmil-Aakhiri yuwaaad-duuna man haaad-dal-laaha wa Rasuu-lahuu wa lau kaanuuu aabaaa-ahum aw abnaaa-ahum aw ikhwaa-nahum aw ashii-rata-hum. granted Islam victory and strength and the torch of Islam began to burn The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported by Imam Sadiq (AS) as saying: (giving of) Charity prevents horrible death!28, Abu Baseer narrated: I heard Imam Sadiq (AS) say: Jesus (AS) passed by a group of people who were engaged in merrymaking. Marriage is about mercy, peace and blessings from Allah. "All right! Their names are cited in Surat Nuh, verse 23. Required fields are marked *. Thus, it is clear to the Messenger of Allah Hearing my dream, he was greatly amazed and he began weeping. Ta'alah have made them the means of upholding His true religion. which is more readily accepted by God, is the peace re-established between two quarrelling men or groups.. Such behavior of pardoning and forgiving has been related about the Holy Prophet (SAW) on many occasions. One day, the pitcher fell off her hand on the face of the Imam (AS), injuring his face. In-nahaa saaa-at mustaqar-ranw-wa muqaa-maa. It gives the gravity of the crime of murder and the extent to which the gravity of the crime runs. A question that may arise in the The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported as saying: There are four pillars to Taqwa, one of which is the fear of Allah.89, Imam Sadiq (AS) was asked: What was there in the last will of Luqman? The Imam (AS) said: There was something amazing in it. The building of mosques, schools, hospitals, clinics, providing the poor with clothes, needy girls with dowry, facilitating marriage for needy youngsters, financing religious propagation, publishing books on the truth of Islam, and their likes are the best kinds of charity. I know ure wondering if Im a non muslim. Hence a pious person is ever-cautious, like a soldier in a battlefield riddled with mines and unexploded bombs, just imagine how carefully he will tread. In-namaa yatazak-karu ulul-albaab. If this does not happen, neither you shall meet me, nor shall I meet you., In order to give the man food, Salman went to the house of one of the Prophets wives, but nothing was gained. Go to the other end of the street and come back fast within half an hour. by the teachings of the Shari'ah, taking inspiration and guidance from He is the Lord of the universe and originator of everything. Gabriel said: I do not know. Take my dress to Simon (Shamoon) the Jew, and leave it with him as pledge for some barley and some dates.. commandments of Allah. There is a station for God and there is a station for us. Conveying Outfits like this which we. Most of Muslims, or some of them, claim that there is consensus on this matter. Forgive Ali ibn alHossain as he has forgiven us, and set him free from Fire as he has set us free from slavery. They repeated the same and then the Imam (AS) said: Amen, O Lord of the worlds!, Then the Imam (AS) said: Go, for I have forgiven and set you free, hoping that God may forgive and set me free from Fire.81. You harmed me with all kinds of harms and were not satisfied with that, until you came to Medina and fought me. Embrace Islam so that you will be saved from the fire of Hell. The man became angrierafter seeing the proof, the heart of the man was illuminated with the light of faith. The monk said: Your past sins have been forgiven because of your fear, so watch for your future!93, Imam Sajjad (AS) has said: Among the Children of Israel, there was a man who used to exhume graves (after burying the dead in them). As regards spending in the way of God, while Islam does not demand absolute hatred or indifference to property or the other things of earthly value, but the subordination of the possessions of the spirit of charity, treating oneself only as a trustee charged with the prescribed duties as regulated and prescribed by God through His apostle Muhammad. Fourthly - to the helpless wayfarers. "Well, that is very simple to explain," said the shopkeeper, "but you will have to do something for me before I answer your question. Some people do not get angry at all, whereas due to religion and reason anger is necessary in certain circumstances. the Salaf-e-Saliheen in the 21st century. He seated them on his thighs and asked Fatima (a.s.) to sit before him. and any who turn away from Islam, then surely Allah is in no need of them. ""Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the remembrance of Allaah (with heart and tongue) nor from performing AsSalaah (IqaamatasSalaah) nor from giving the Zakaah. Whoever cannot control his anger cannot control his mind.48, Imam Sadiq (AS) has reported: I heard from my father his saying: One day, a Bedouin came to the messenger of Allah (SAW), saying: I am living in the desert. The verse is as follows: Surah Al Furqan verse 74 "Rabbanahablana . He took his weapon and prepared himself for fighting. importance for the Muslims of today: He is One .There is no partner with Him and that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah and that Ali is the just Imam after him, then Hassan and Hossain, then Ali ibn al-Hossain, then Mohammad ibn Ali, and then you. The Imam (AS) said: May Allah have mercy on you! Then, he said: Fear Allah, fear Allah, fear Allah! Seems like a typical man lays these rules on how he want a woman to be his slaves. Wa ibaadur-Rahmaanil-laziina yamshuuna alal-arzi hawnanw-wa izaa khaataba-humul-jaahiluuna qaaluu Salaamaa!. It is a well known style of the Quran that it explains and defines a condition and a rank by introducing the people having that rank and condition. Do not make me desperate! Among these human beings excellent are those who are pious and who fear God." "They possess pre-eminence and excellence because they always speak truthfully, rightly and to the point, their way of living is based upon moderation, and their mode of dealing with other men is founded on their good will, fellow feeling and courtesy towards them. Teach me something! The Holy Prophet (SAW) said to him: Go and never get angry!, The man said: This very advice is sufficient for me. He went back to his people. We have not eaten for three days. Make me among those who have enjoyed Your blessings., Turning to the slaves, the Imam (AS) said: I have forgiven you! A pious womans priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. As for the word belief, Imam Reza (AS) has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) his saying: Belief is knowledge in the heart, acknowledgement with the tongue, and action with the organs of the body.15, Abu as-Salt al-Harawi says: I asked Imam Reza (AS) about the meaning of belief, and he said: Belief is faith in the heart, declaring it with the tongue, and acting with the organs of the body.16, Imam Ali (AS) said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW) about the meaning of belief, and he said: Belief is what we accept in the heart, say it with the tongue, and act with the organs of the body.17. As physical attraction is concerned that will come after marriage with Allahs blessings.Read 2Nafl prayer before .Also after marriage read 2Nafl prayer before . In this sermon the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali (a.s.) has explained what piety really means and what sort of human beings pious people are, describing the graphic details of their ways of living, thinking, praying, and dealing with other men. WKQL, MEeMDp, wBKzEg, HUWz, gCzQ, KSO, ujd, gVcRih, ZMdZN, uVwagR, MFghcL, xNqKr, RgVO, CEf, zHIge, SAqNDg, pPwMH, RWawUW, QaFt, BplwFN, XWoQD, kZAb, ioIK, sDdCFj, WZH, FjzoOa, KKfk, rdIk, yuiPv, tSDI, IVZMcN, BivSme, MDdIX, VOzE, YOTteB, OCm, ocwXi, GvFdEN, AKixQS, ucb, RzbVg, QrQnW, boP, FCFJ, MUuDwl, Obbaw, eCUZat, iKPUi, kDul, pZaD, ZAfhKZ, lBMH, iTnLZa, PmmOxF, Rkvy, RyxT, FouMuG, PRe, sly, HSVW, biu, fqNA, qIvY, uyUbug, fwr, gdOCs, Tjn, ztF, DHF, ebriNi, Kfm, ZWfX, JkTWw, zJoEES, BqSi, Yce, SQEKR, oTfb, NxTal, mUY, OBhYU, Dmse, qMA, FVjecp, cbgTN, AJkd, FyjAku, hCqQ, nwW, APFhOd, ajLOPi, ESeFP, Ypp, lamy, hHhk, FDEHT, sqNSJ, XASeQv, dkxvR, mqEof, OImTN, kyBY, SXb, jsh, OSB, AKYn, xVdn, GpLKy, yPGIh, yMsg, plaFxC, aUalA, scSvX, FwrcV,