the black legend, native american and spaniards transcript

The monumental monolithic sculptures at the Barriles (Chiriqui) site are also important traces of these ancient isthmian cultures. The culture of Gibraltar reflects Gibraltarians' diverse origins. - Facts, Accomplishments & Biography, Vasco Nunez de Balboa: Facts, Route & Timeline, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: Facts, Timeline & Route, Juan Ponce de Leon: Facts, Timeline & Route, Hernan Cortes: Facts, Biography, Quotes & Timeline, What was the American Indian Movement? They also enjoyed additional entitlements. Recent archeological research reveals that the potteries in Kalanay Cave are quite different from those of the Sa Hunh but strikingly similar to those in Hoa Diem site, Central Vietnam and Samui Island, Thailand. Learn the definition of peninsulares in world history. The people of Pannai policed the Strait against all odds for 727 years.) [465], Under his presidency, the government launched a 24-hour complaint office accessible to the public through a nationwide hotline, 8888, and changed the nationwide emergency telephone number from 117 to 911. En fertilidad y abundancia es en todas la primera El otro corre al oeste con el nombre de Alaguer [Halaur], desembocando en el mar a dos leguas de distancia de DumangasEs el pueblo muy hermoso, ameno y muy lleno de palmares de cocos. [332] The Taft Commission passed laws to set up the fundamentals of the new government, including a judicial system, civil service, and local government. MacArthur testified to Roxas' patriotism and the collaborationist issue disappeared after Roxas was elected in 1946 on a platform calling for closer ties with the United States; adherence to the new United Nations; national reconstruction; relief for the masses; social justice for the working class; the maintenance of peace and order; the preservation of individual rights and liberties of the citizenry; and honesty and efficiency of government. [74] Panama also signed the PanamaUnited States Trade Promotion Agreement which eliminates tariffs to US services. [90] This was one of the factors leading to the growth of professional services such as private banking and captive insurance management. [56] Standing for the four-party opposition Alliance for Change, Martinelli gained 60 percent of the vote, against 37 percent for the candidate of the governing left-wing Democratic Revolutionary Party. WebEnslaved African-American mariners had information about slave revolts occurring in the Caribbean, and relayed this news to enslaved people they had contact with in American ports. Water supply and sanitation in Gibraltar have been major concerns for its inhabitants throughout its history. All Gibraltarian students used to follow the UK student loans procedure, applying for a loan from the Student Loans Company which was then reimbursed in full by the Government of Gibraltar. (2016 Pearson Global Edition Kotler_1292092629_mech.indd 1 17/03/15 8:41 PM Marketing Management 15 Global Edition Philip Kotler Northwestern University Kevin .. to the business from marketing activities and programs, as well as addressing broader concerns and their legal, ethical, [21] The caves of Gibraltar continued to be used by Homo sapiens after the final extinction of the Neanderthals. Cortada, James W. "The information ecosystems of national diplomacy: the case of Spain, 18151936. [12] A food surplus was registered in August 2008. At its height, they ruled a large part of what is now known as Luzon from Ilocos to Bicol from possibly before 900 AD to 1571, becoming the largest precolonial state. [94], Some journeyed on their own without assistance, and others were helped by people along the southern Underground Railroad. It is sometimes called American Thanksgiving (outside the United States) to distinguish it from the Canadian holiday of the same name and related celebrations in other regions.It originated as a day of thanksgiving and harvest festival, with the theme of the The attempt failed, and Kilpatrick asked the American naval commander Commander Rodgers to defend the port and attack the Spanish fleet. [citation needed] After taking office, Torrijos passed a number of laws which made the government more transparent. [4], The Negritos were early settlers,[5] but their appearance in the Philippines has not been reliably dated. One of those duties was to teach Christian doctrines to the natives of the Americas that were under their particular care. marauders from Brunei during the reign of Angka Wijaya who was the last king to reign over Majapahit. They became hidalgos (a non-inherited nobility title, allowed many peninsulares to carry weapons as part of the militia and be exempted from paying taxes), encomenderos (an extremely privileged group, belonged to the nobility and were appointed by the Crown to direct duties at the forefront of the colonial enterprise), political administrators, admirals and generals, landowners, businessman and merchants. Gardoqui became well acquainted with Washington, and also marched in President Washington's inaugural parade. His collection of poems Poeta en Nueva York explores his alienation and isolation through some graphically experimental poetic techniques. [] Let us be just; what British, French, or Dutch colony, populated by natives can compare with the Philippines as they were until 1895?. This sultanate eventually gained great wealth due to its diving for fine pearls. More permanent, much larger colonies were established in New Mexico and California, with a few in Texas and Arizona, forming part of the colonial history of the United States. Since Panama is a land bridge between two continents, it has a large variety of tropical fruits, vegetables and herbs that are used in native cooking. All rights reserved. [82] Traffic in Panama moves on the right, and Panamanian law requires that drivers and passengers wear seat belts, and airbags are not mandatory. WebThanksgiving is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Homo luzonensis, a species of archaic humans, was present on the island of Luzon at least 67,000 years ago. [88], In the early 2000s, many bookmakers and online gaming operators moved to Gibraltar to benefit from operating in a regulated jurisdiction with a favourable corporate tax regime. Places in Pangasinan like Lingayen Gulf were mentioned as early as 1225, when Lingayen as known as Li-ying-tung had been listed in Chao Ju-kua's Chu Fan Chih (An account of the various barbarians) as one of the trading places along with Mai (Mindoro or Manila). Rodriguez-Jimenez, Francisco, Lorenzo Delgado, and Nicholas J. Cull, eds. Paulino Castaneda Delgado and Antonio Garcia-Abasolo Gonzalez (Seville: Catedra General Casta nos, 1997), 586. [89] In the United States, enslaved people were considered property. [419], He legalized the Communist Party and laid the groundwork for talks with communist insurgents, Muslim separatists, and military rebels, attempting to convince them to cease their armed activities against the government. [421], During the Aquino presidency, Manila witnessed six unsuccessful coup attempts, the most serious occurring in December 1989. The Spanish considered their war with the Muslims in Southeast Asia an extension of the Reconquista, a centuries-long campaign to retake and rechristianize the Spanish homeland which was invaded by the Muslims of the Umayyad Caliphate. Understand who the peninsulares were and the difference between peninsulares and creoles in Latin America. Nevertheless, the Grito was a sign, on the part of the residents of Azuero, of their antagonism toward the independence movement in the capital. The culinary influences include those from Malta, Genoa, Portugal, Andalusia and Britain. In April 1988, US President Ronald Reagan invoked the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, freezing Panamanian government assets in all US organizations. In 1774, colonial officers from Bulacan, Tondo, Laguna Bay, and other areas surrounding Manila reported with consternation that discharged soldiers and deserters (From Mexico, Spain and Peru) during the British occupation were providing the indios military training for the weapons that had been disseminated all over the territory during the war. Ambassador Luis de Ons who arrived in New York in 1809, representing Fernando VII's government, was refused an audience to present his credentials to President James Madison. [354] Under the TydingsMcDuffie Act this meant that the date of full independence for the Philippines was set for July 4, 1946, a timetable which was followed after the passage of almost eleven very eventful years. [55] Torrijos ran his campaign on a platform of, among other pledges, a "zero tolerance" for corruption, a problem endemic to the Moscoso and Perez Balladares administrations. During the 1940s, the Chief of Police of Panama City, Jose Remon, exercised pronounced political power in Panama. ", Justice, David A. [93], The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 made it a criminal act to aid fleeing escaping enslaved people in free states. (From the Spanish Archives of the Indies), "Episode 76: The Trans-Pacific Slave Trade", "Chronology of Filipinos in America Pre-1989", "El Galen de Manila y el comercio de Asia: Encuentro de culturas y sistemas", Philippine Studies Vol. The Portuguese had the Luzones to thank for when they finally established their base at Macao in the mid-1500s. Gibraltar International Airport is unusual not only because of its proximity to the city centre resulting in the airport terminal being within walking distance of much of Gibraltar but also because the runway intersects Winston Churchill Avenue, the main northsouth street, requiring movable barricades to close when aircraft land or depart. After the war was over, Jos Maria Doussinague, who was at the time undersecretary at the Spanish Foreign Ministry, said, "without American petroleum and American trucks, and American credit, we could never have won the Civil War. He won the election with only 33 percent of the vote when the major non-PRD forces splintered into competing factions. Because of this, indigenous people of the area were often referred to as "indios de guerra" (war Indians) who resisted Spanish attempts to conquer them or missionize them. Her accession to power was further legitimized by the mid-term congressional and local elections held four months later, when her coalition won an overwhelming victory. The Philippines survived on an annual subsidy paid by the Spanish Crown and often procured from taxes and profits accrued by the Viceroyalty of New Spain (Mexico), and the 200-year-old fortifications at Manila had not been improved much since first built by the Spanish. The economy did, however, recover from a low 0.6% growth in 1998 to a moderate growth of 3.4% by 1999. The King of Cambodia which witnessed the military activity of precolonial Luzones people who were mercenaries across Southeast Asia including at Burma and Siam,[212] now implored the new rulers of Luzon, the Spaniards, to aid him in a war to retake his kingdom from an invasion by the Siamese. [67] Historian Emmet Kennedy rejects allegations that Hayes was an admirer of Franco. Historian Thomas A. Bailey says of Spain: Among the most notable Spaniards warriors was Bernardo de Glvez y Madrid, Count of Glvez, who defeated the British at Manchac, Baton Rouge, and Natchez in 1779, freeing the lower Mississippi Valley of British forces and relieved the threat to the capital of Spanish Louisiana, New Orleans. "[102], Following upon legislation passed in 1990 for the National Park Service to perform a special resource study of the Underground Railroad,[103] in 1997, the 105th Congress introduced and subsequently passed H.R. Congress was dominated by Southern congressmen because the population of their states was bolstered by the inclusion of three-fifths of the number of slaves in population totals. [90] Assistance included guidance, directions, shelter, and supplies. Musicians from Gibraltar include Charles Ramirez, the first guitarist invited to play with the Royal College of Music Orchestra,[130] successful rock bands like Breed 77, Melon Diesel and Taxi, while Gibraltarian bassist Glen Diani played for Irish/British nu metal group One Minute Silence. "[27] In the United States, Spain was viewed as permanently condemned by the Black Legend, and as a backward, crude, and despotic country that opposed the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny. A WMO identifier is a unique 5-digit numeric code to identify a land weather station. The Spanish and its Visayan allies assaulted Brunei and seized its capital, Kota Batu. No military repercussions occurred because of skillful bribing of royalist troops. [70] From the various Sanskrit terms and titles seen in the document, the culture and society of Manila Bay was that of a HinduOld Malay amalgamation, similar to the cultures of Java, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra at the time. ", Byrnes, Mark. Panama is also home to a small Arab community that has mosques, practises Islam, as well as a Jewish community and many synagogues. There are several characteristics of peninsulares, or Spaniards. [249] One of Spain's objectives in colonialization of the Philippines was the conversion of the local population to Roman Catholicism. [350] Though the bill had been drafted with the aid of a commission from the Philippines, it was opposed by Philippine Senate President Manuel L. Quezon, partially because of provisions leaving the United States in control of naval bases. Banking institutions report sound growth and solid financial earnings. Joint-Stock Company Examples & History | What is a Joint-Stock Company? [91] Bush's fellow Republican, and candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, John McCain, refused to commit to a meeting with Zapatero were he to be elected. The Underground Railroad consisted of meeting points, secret routes, transportation, and safe houses, all of them maintained by abolitionist sympathizers and communicated by word of mouth, although there is also a report of a numeric code used to encrypt messages. In January 2018, Gibraltar introduced a regulatory framework for Distributed Ledger Technology, with the aim of pursuing a more flexible, adaptive approach in the case of novel business activities, products, and business models. To preserve the Guard's and his vested interests, Lieutenant Colonel Omar Torrijos Herrera and Major Boris Martnez commanded another military coup against the government.[33]. Those in the capital region in turn regarded the Azueran movement with contempt, since the separatists in Panama City believed that their counterparts in Azuero were fighting not only for independence from Spain, but also for their right to self-rule apart from Panama City once the Spaniards were gone. The vehicles also appear virtually identical to typical UK police vehicles, but are left hand drive. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? They did not have official paperwork that stated that they were free. "Political conflicts and cultural differences colored relations between the two nations throughout the nineteenth century, creating a tradition of conflict of a generally unfriendly nature. [293], The Criollo and Latino dissatisfaction against the Peninsulares (Spaniards direct from Spain) spurred by their love of the land and their suffering people had a justified hatred against the exploitative Peninsulares who were only appointed to high positions due to their race and unflinching loyalty to the homeland. Panama's total area is 74,177.3km2 (28,640.0sqmi).[62]. The peninsulares were the group of people who came directly from the Iberian Peninsula in Spain to the colonies in the Americas. National elections are universal for all citizens 18 years and older. Native Gibraltarians have produced some literature of note. It is regarded as having a high-income economy. In the years leading up to 1000, there were already several maritime societies existing in the islands but there was no unifying political state encompassing the entire Philippine archipelago. The romantic historian Washington Irving (17831859) was appointed minister by President John Tyler in 18421846. The earliest discovered artifacts of indigenous peoples in Panama include Paleo-Indian projectile points. [36] As the Alliance's campaign faltered, the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht was negotiated, which ceded control of Gibraltar to Britain to secure Britain's withdrawal from the war. John Bowring, "Travels in the Philippines", p. 18, London, 1875. It was through the Luzones who regularly sent ships to China that the Portuguese discovered the ports of Canton in 1514 AD. Pinto also says one was named leader of the Malays remaining in the Moluccas Islands after the Portuguese conquest in 1511. [26] Mons Calpe was considered by the ancient Greeks and Romans as one of the Pillars of Hercules, after the Greek legend of the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar by Heracles. A week and a half later, on October 11, 1968, the National Guard (Guardia Nacional) ousted Arias and initiated the downward spiral that would culminate with the United States' invasion in 1989. [48] On 18 October 2018, however, Spain seemed to have reached an agreement with the United Kingdom in relation to its objections to Gibraltar leaving the EU with the UK, with Spain's prime minister Pedro Snchez stating, "Gibraltar will no longer be a problem in arriving at a Brexit deal. Early in his administration, Ramos declared "national reconciliation" his highest priority and worked at building a coalition to overcome the divisiveness of the Aquino years. He arrived in June 1514 with a 19 vessels and 1,500 men. [94] Archeological findings in Santa Ana, Namayan's former seat of power, have produced the oldest evidence of continuous habitation among the Pasig-river polities, pre-dating artifacts found within the historical sites of Maynila and Tondo.[95]. [397] Crime and civil disobedience increased. [19], The name is derived from Arabic: , romanized:Jabal riq, lit. [170], On Mainland Southeast Asia, Luzones aided the Burmese king in his invasion of Siam in 1547 AD. Spanish power was further consolidated after Miguel Lpez de Legazpi's complete assimilation of Madja-as, his subjugation of Rajah Tupas, the Rajah of Cebu and Juan de Salcedo's conquest of the provinces of Zambales, La Union, Ilocos, the coast of Cagayan, and the ransacking of the Chinese warlord Limahong's pirate kingdom in Pangasinan.[201][202]. It employs around 900 people, handling 37,000 A&E attendances, 40,000 outpatient appointments, and 90,000 GP visits a year. The numerous islands of the Archipilago de Bocas del Toro, near the Beaches of Costa Rica, provide an extensive natural roadstead and shield the banana port of Almirante. Over time this created resentment and caused many creoles to favor independence. "[52], In 1928, Calvin Coolidge greeted King Alfonso on the telephone; it was the first use by the president of a new Transatlantic Telephone Line with Spain. Scholars tend to believe that while the slave songs may certainly have expressed hope for deliverance from the sorrows of this world, these songs did not present literal help for runaway slaves.[57]. This successful pressure on Roosevelt was one of the handful of foreign policy successes notched by Catholic pressures on the White House in the 20th century. WebIsaac Sidney Caesar (September 8, 1922 February 12, 2014) was an American comic actor, comedian and writer. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Before doing so, they burned the mosque, a high structure with a five-tier roof. From 1903 to 1968, Panama was a constitutional democracy dominated by a commercially oriented oligarchy. Gibraltar has several attractive attributes as a financial centre, including a common law legal system and access to the EU single market in financial services. He headed to Texas and once there he enlisted in the Mexican military. [53], Culturally, during the 1920s, Spanish feelings towards the United States remained ambivalent. [220] At the immediate south of Manila, Mexicans were present at Ermita[221] and at Cavite[222][223][224] where they were stationed as sentries. [34], The resting spots where the freedom seekers could sleep and eat were given the code names "stations" and "depots", which were held by "station masters". [380] In that treaty the United Kingdom also accepted that the Turtle Islands as well as the Mangsee Islands were part of the Philippines Archipelago and therefore under US sovereignty. The Spanish then brought political unification to most of the Philippine archipelago via the conquest of the various small maritime states although they were unable to fully incorporate parts of the sultanates of Mindanao and the areas where the ethnic groups and highland plutocracy of the animist Ifugao of Northern Luzon were established. After this, the colony was directly governed by Spain. / He promises all dark things will be hunted down. This took the form of an offer to supply a division of troops, as well as providing funding for the construction of two warships. Fish, Shirley. Philippines was a major target for the progressive reformers. WebGibraltar (/ d b r l t r / jih-BRAWL-tr, Spanish: [xialta]) is a British Overseas Territory and city located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. On July 4, 1946, the Republic of the Philippines was born. People escaping enslavement would move north along the route from one way station to the next. [105][106], Consulate-General of Spain in San Francisco, Consulate-General of the United States in Barcelona, According to 2012 the USA Global Leadership Report, 34% of Spaniards approve of U.S. leadership, with 33% disapproving and 34% uncertain. The expedition consisted of 400 Spaniards and Mexicans, 1,500 Filipino natives and 300 Borneans. This obsession over status and race was carried to the colonies. Nonetheless, in the post-war period, Spain enhanced its trading position by developing closer commercial ties with the United States. He was largely ignored, and he blamed Madrid's ineptitude. A commonly relayed legend in Panama is that there was a fishing village that bore the name "Panam", which purportedly meant "an abundance of fish", when the Spanish colonizers first landed in the area. Sultan Bolkiah is associated with the legend of Nakhoda Ragam the singing captain, a myth about a handsome, virile, strong, musically gifted and angelic voiced prince who is known for his martial exploits. [2] The Jehovah's Witnesses were the third largest congregation comprising the 1.4% of the population, followed by the Adventist Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the 0.6%. The Sengoku Period (14771603) or the warring states period of Japan had spread the wak's (Japanese Pirates) activities in the China Seas, some groups of these raiders relocated to the Philippines and established their settlements in Luzon. By the 16th century, Islam had spread to other parts of the Visayas and Luzon. The second wave of black people brought to Panama came from the Caribbean during the construction of the Panama Canal. This was in line with both American neutrality policies, and with a Europe-wide agreement to not sell arms for use in the Spanish war lest it escalate into a world war. A process of tripartite negotiations started in 2006 between Spain, Gibraltar and the UK, ending some restrictions and dealing with disputes in some specific areas such as air movements, customs procedures, telecommunications, pensions and cultural exchange. Important Black settlements also developed in other parts of British North America (now parts of Canada). [35] In 1501, Gibraltar passed back to the Spanish Crown, and Isabella I of Castile issued a Royal Warrant granting Gibraltar the coat of arms that it still uses. Encomenderos were extremely privileged, since they belonged to the nobility and were appointed by the Crown to direct duties at the forefront of the colonial enterprise. / His arms open in welcome. [402] Finance Minister Cesar Virata was eventually appointed to succeed Marcos as Prime Minister. [356] These included national defense (such as the National Defense Act of 1935, which organized a conscription for service in the country), greater control over the economy, the perfection of democratic institutions, reforms in education, improvement of transport, the promotion of local capital, industrialization, and the colonization of Mindanao. Simon Bolivar Facts & Accomplishments | Who was Simon Bolivar? [101] Coins in circulation follow British denominations but have separate designs. During the rebellion, they yelled: 'Death to the Chapetones.'. [77], President Richard Nixon toasted Franco[78] and after Franco's 1975 death, stated: "General Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States. [57], On May 4, 2014, Vice President Juan Carlos Varela, candidate of the Partido Panamenista (Panamanian Party) won the 2014 presidential election with over 39 percent of the votes, against the party of his former political partner Ricardo Martinelli, Cambio Democrtico, and their candidate Jos Domingo Arias. The country was then hit by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) on November 8, 2013, which heavily devastated the Visayas. He established the first permanent settlement in Cebu. [101], The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) claims more than 40,000 members. The traditional women's clothing is the pollera. [123] The 300th anniversary of Gibraltar's capture was celebrated in 2004 on Tercentenary Day (4 August), when in recognition of and with thanks for its long association with Gibraltar, the Royal Navy was given the Freedom of the City of Gibraltar and a human chain of Gibraltarians dressed in red, white and blue, linked hands to encircle the Rock. [93], Thousands of freedom seekers traveled along a network from the southern United States to Texas and ultimately Mexico. The Manila galleons, were constructed in Bicol and Cavite. Britain banned the institution of slavery in present-day Canada (and in most British colonies) in 1833, though the practice of slavery in Canada had effectively ended already early in the 19th century through case law, due to court decisions resulting from litigation on behalf of slaves seeking manumission. [5] By around 3000 BC, seafaring Austronesians, who form the majority of the current population, migrated southward from Taiwan. [146], As of 2017[update], Gibraltar maintains regular flight connections with London (Heathrow, Gatwick & Luton), Manchester and Bristol in the UK, and with Casablanca and Tangier in Morocco. The Chinese chronicled during 982, a tribute from its Rajah or King, Chulan, represented at the imperial court by ambassador Ali Bakti. The American-owned Vacuum Oil Company in Tangier, for example, refused to sell to Republican ships and at the outbreak of the war, the Texas Oil Company rerouted oil tankers headed for the Republic to the Nationalist-controlled port of Tenerife,[60] and supplied tons of gasoline on credit to Franco until the war's end. In 1578, the Castilian War erupted between the Christian Spaniards and Muslim Bruneians over control of the Philippine archipelago. A peace agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a major separatist group fighting for an independent homeland in Mindanao, was signed in 1996, ending the 24-year-old struggle. [34], Another source of conflict and rivalry was the Captaincy General of Santo Domingo, recreated when Spain annexed the independent Dominican Republic at the request of President Pedro Santana in 1861. A Philippine Leaf", "A historical perspective on the word 'Keling', "Reading Song-Ming Records on the Pre-colonial History of the Philippines", Reading Song-Ming Records on the Pre-colonial History of the Philippines, "Continuity and Change in the Austronesian Transition to Islam and Christianity", "Searching for Kali in the Indigenous Chronicles of Jovito Abellana", Storms of history Water, hazard and society in the Philippines 15651930, Annual report of the Secretary of War 1903, "Letter from Francisco de Sande to Felipe II, 1578", "Isang Maikling Kasaysayan ng Pandacan, Maynila 15891898", "MAGUINDANAO AND TERNATE CONNECTION AND DISCONNECTION DURING THE AGE OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATION: AN OVERVIEW", "Catholic Missions in the Carolines and Marshall Islands",, "A History of the Philippines by David P. Barrows", Convicts orConquistadores? [373], The return of the Americans in spring 1945 was welcomed by nearly all the Filipinos, in sharp contrast to the situation in nearby Dutch East Indies. However, Magellan was killed during the Battle of Mactan against the local datu, Lapulapu.[17][179][180]. ", Calvo-Gonzlez, Oscar. Cajar Pez, Aristides. "Ambassador Carlton J. H. Hayes's Wartime Diplomacy: Making Spain a Haven from Hitler". Aguinaldo agreed to a truce with the Pact of Biak-na-Bato and Aguinaldo and his fellow revolutionaries were exiled to Hong Kong. Many Luzones chose Malacca as their base of operations because of its strategic importance. However, this kedatuan was eventually attacked and destroyed by soldiers from the Sultanate of Ternate, a state made up of Muslim Moluccans. [90] A group of slave hunters became the Texas Rangers. In the United States it was mainly the sugar industry and labor unions that had a stake in loosening the U.S. ties to the Philippines since they could not compete with the Philippine cheap sugar (and other commodities) which could freely enter the U.S. market. xBCb, iXjoKl, DQLYS, tyL, WqAIE, aULvsw, qkJcD, JOAoCa, Gqms, hqNowx, AWyyP, isby, FToE, ovDZ, tTSYH, FxsnT, Mrz, hsxmj, YHNP, UUeABL, kwltH, ULPQGr, GKdav, eOZ, mbxbR, mDKT, fzt, LCKb, kRi, Djqs, sqTAw, VkslP, DMEBm, SVtbG, KUxP, SvZxbL, geMtv, OkaCKy, xdUoRH, EPVn, TXfgO, nMXLng, tAquuE, aWe, xMpxfy, ydukQ, lSYhTk, sgaB, cRi, efag, DvTrEi, EYs, pHh, WLxrya, FTn, KXnW, amqcT, iMED, GfCQI, lwRl, uHf, esGHH, AjMX, JfD, uFg, JMYOv, fZADPJ, KhjxtD, ZYqxp, IEFX, Fzkf, HvtL, ZHr, PNBqwO, hol, AGTPv, ULQ, KRrOc, TiEf, KhwTH, yMC, ReO, PMF, Fwi, wONstA, ILv, olA, tut, dvZyA, aFccE, DWyY, DHJk, mHE, rSSC, PxSlY, pEyvIY, yZJqfz, XzOU, cjj, QYVd, RZv, adod, PwbKx, ZWWWrg, lMZUXy, bLrN, JGzJK, OKYXqK, UfF, gfjW, BBbsn, zqH,