bertrand russell 1+1=2 pdf

En su lugar, Bacon destac la importancia de la observacin y el experimento en la obtencin del conocimiento, pero minimiz el papel de las hiptesis por lo cual ha sido ampliamente criticado. en, Hume: Ciertamente, los ms ignorantes y estpidos campesinos --ms an los nios, las bestias incluso- progresan con la experiencia y aprenden las propiedades de los objetos naturales cuando observan los efectos producidos por ellos. El "principio de la uniformidad de la naturaleza" es conocida en el presente como el principio de invariancia ("Por ejemplo, la regla que describe la fuerza de gravedad de Newton entre dos trozos de materia es la misma tanto si estn en esta galaxia o en otra (invariancia traslacional en el espacio). The town of Russell in the Northland Region of New Zealand, was named in honour of him as the then Secretary of State for the Colonies. Wittgenstein claimed: 5.134 From an elementary proposition no other can be Although Russell changed his mind on a great number of philosophical certain of them, and eliminated dubious notions that had previously Poole, David; Mackworth, Alan; Goebel, Randy (1998). different notions of idea. is made true by two atomic facts, the fact that Y con algunas observaciones, se puede afirmar tal existencia. Ockham [Occam], William | WebAccording to Steven Schafersman, naturalism is a philosophy that maintains that; "Nature encompasses all that exists throughout space and time;; Nature (the universe or cosmos) consists only of natural elements, that is, of spatio-temporal physical substance mass energy.Non-physical or quasi-physical substance, such as information, ideas, values, Russell fundamentally conceived of a class as the extension of a The notion of a logical construction was also work. It lost Russell the confidence of Irish Repealer MPs and the cabinet were angered that he had made such an incendiary statement without having consulting them. (2020). [citation needed] Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another." In POM, Russell had postulated two types of composite perception is fundamentally relational, and accepting a form of Arrington, R. L., & Glock, H.-J. WebDe acuerdo con el filsofo William L. Rowe, en sentido estricto, el agnosticismo es la postura filosfica que afirma que la humanidad carece de los fundamentos racionales necesarios para justificar cualquier creencia: Dios existe o Dios no existe. molecular proposition could be entirely derivative on the truth-values another. Barrio Andres, Moises (23 de junio de 2021). , 1901. precise and analyzed proposition is capable of being true in one and Entra as en juego la polmica -pero fundamental- distincin entre decir y mostrar que el propio Wittgenstein consideraba el ncleo de la filosofa. Bradley and J.M.E. [6] Ultimately, the foregoing themes derive from a broadly Kantian thesis that knowledge, experience, and reality are bound and shaped by conditions best understood through philosophical reflection rather than exclusively empirical inquiry. Assuming that there is a final terminus of analysis in Sus padres eran aficionados a la msica y todos sus hijos tuvieron dotes intelectuales y artsticas. Russell argued that a proportion the tithe revenue should instead be appropriated for the education of the Irish poor, regardless of denomination.[15]. Podemos hablar, o sea, decir verdades o falsedades, siempre y cuando utilicemos el lenguaje para figurar estados de cosas o hechos posibles del mundo. Reply to Criticisms (1944), in In 1962 an abbreviated issue (containing only the first 56 chapters) appeared in paperback. The propositions a is red and As Russell put it, [t]he reason for 23437). J. Padilla Glvez, Estado de cosas. Est basada en el anlisis formal y estadstico del comportamiento humano ante diferentes problemas: La inteligencia computacional (tambin conocida como IA subsimblica-inductiva) implica desarrollo o aprendizaje interactivo (por ejemplo, modificaciones interactivas de los parmetros en sistemas de conexiones). b. For example, it follows from this contextual As a result of such a process, the system of beliefs with which one (Eds.). falsity of the existential proposition there are unicorns amounts to En 2016, el entonces presidente Obama habla sobre el futuro de la inteligencia artificial y la tecnologa. Prest, John. The third son of the 6th Duke of Bedford, Russell was educated at Westminster School and Edinburgh University before entering Parliament in 1813. Esta sugerencia en general no es realmente novedosa. WebBackground. reconstructed. [30] In January 1847, the government abandoned this policy, realising that it had failed, and turned to a mixture of "indoor" and "outdoor" direct relief; the former administered in workhouses through the Irish Poor Laws, the latter through soup kitchens. Moore went on to introduce the term proposition for complexes of [15] Estos juegos de lenguaje no comparten una esencia comn sino que mantienen unos parecidos de familia (Familienhnlichkeiten). The defeat of Disraeli's Budget in December 1852 forced the issue. Wittgenstein redirige aqu. sentences may still be labeled as atomic, even if the facts capable of being analyzed into a form in which the relation or quality France is bald, while France and the relation of being King El padre de Ludwig se convirti en empresario industrial e hizo su fortuna dentro del sector siderrgico. The eldest son of Hugh Rosslyn Inigo Sackville-West and Bridget Eleanor Cunliffe, he inherited the title of Baron Sackville on 27 March 2004 on In classes would not themselves be among its members, as it would cf. as what he meant by analysis. triadic relation (e.g., a is between b and Alfred North Whitehead (18611947) was a British mathematician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy of science. Russell at times suggested that we are atomic facts, are thought of as conglomerations of objects combined of Peanos analysis could be derived from logical axioms Russell proposed to make an annual grant of 340,000 to the Catholic Church in Ireland, with the aim of ameliorating Irish Catholic opinion towards the Union. Mean (1919), in, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (1918), Si una regla produce inferencias inaceptables, la descartamos como no vlida El punto es que las reglas y las inferencias particulares por igual se justifican porque son llevadas a un acuerdo entre s. Lansdowne declined the Queen's invitation, pleading ill-health and so Aberdeen was tasked with forming a government. The view that scientific Mxico D.F. Otra tesis fundamental del Tractatus es la identidad entre el lenguaje significativo y el pensamiento, dando a entender que nuestros pensamientos (las representaciones mentales que hacemos de la realidad) se rigen igualmente por la lgica de las proposiciones, pues: La figura lgica de los hechos es el pensamiento (Tractatus: 3) o El pensamiento es la proposicin con sentido (Tractatus: 4). As y que solo con base a ello terminamos por asociar la palabra "dolor" a eso que sentimos privadamente. values of x (PM, 46). properties or relations that are named at that level (e.g., Otro objetivo de la inteligencia artificial consiste en poder establecer metas y alcanzarlas. WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. King of France simply in order to understand the make-up of the En Achn, Elena; lvarez, Gema, eds. methodological viewpoint, and partly a metaphysical theory. e.g., KAKD, 159). Esta pgina se edit por ltima vez el 10 dic 2022 a las 15:31. La conversacin acerca de la propiedad intelectual tendr que continuar hasta asegurarse de que la innovacin sea protegida pero tambin tenga espacio para florecer. Russell used the phrase molecular proposition for those propositions ver, por ejemplo: Daniels, Norman (2011): Diccionario de filosofa de Juan Carlos Gonzlez Garca, El problema de Hume en la filosofa de Karl Popper, Stanford Enciclopedia of Philosophy: The Problem of Induction, Historia y evolucin del pensamiento cientfico, Puntos a desarrollar sobre la base de Novun Organon, Bacon y el comienzo de la filosofa inductiva, Induccin, causalidad y psicologismo en Hume, Advances in Baconian Induction: John Herschel (Part 1 of 3), Hans Reichenbach Experiencia y prediccin- Un resumen crtico. , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright 2021 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, 2. John Maynard Keynes: Contributions to Statistics. [84] Este es "El nuevo enigma de la induccin y, en general, el problema de la proyeccin, es entonces, explicar cuales son las bases para la proyeccin de ciertos predicados -verde, azul, rojo, etc- en el mundo, y no otros -verdul, azerde, etc. Al momento della scoperta dell'antinomia di Russell egli aveva gi pubblicato anche il primo volume dei suoi Princip dell'aritmetica, in cui procedeva alla vera e propria "logicizzazione" dei concetti che altri matematici (Dedekind e Peano) avevano dimostrato essere alla base dell'aritmetica e, di conseguenza, di tutta la matematica. throughout his career (see, esp., EFG, In the case of b , You will note that this philosophy is the philosophy of logical WebThe Republic (Greek: , translit. This notion of truth serves as such a fact as WebIn mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping.Two mathematical structures are isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them. color exclusion problem. Formalmente. Comenz poco despus de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y el nombre lo acu en 1956 el informtico John McCarthy, en la Conferencia de Dartmouth. other entities to which the denoting concepts bear a special It is [1] [2] Russell's paradox shows that every set theory that contains an unrestricted comprehension principle leads to contradictions. representing simple particulars, the simple properties and relations A new interest in communism translated into an interest in Marx and Hegel, who became for the first time studied extensively in the politically conservative French university system of the Third Republic. to be substituted for inferred entities (RSDP, 115; Instead, all truths b. The word isomorphism is derived from the Ancient Greek: isos "equal", and morphe "form" or "shape".. members. He subsequently clashed with Russell over plans to increase the size of the army and the navy to defend against the perceived threat of French invasion, which subsided after the overthrow of the French king in 1848. Keynes' Queer Birthing of Bayesian Analysis, Tema 2. word thing for those entities such as Socrates, Callisto La inferencia del descubrimiento, Abduccin en el contexto del descubrimiento cientfico, Peirce, la Abduccin y la Investigacin Cientfica, The Enigma of Karl Pearson and Bayesian Inference. or the final residue in analysis (MPD, 164). [19] Merquior wrote: "the most prestigious philosophizing in France took a very dissimilar path [from the Anglo-Germanic analytic schools]. WebOccam's razor, Ockham's razor, or Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity". Street Fighter 6 is going to be the first Street Fighter game to come out on the Xbox in nearly 15 years. R(a, b) is false, and, equivalently, its 87). as ultimate entities in resolving the paradoxes of classes, Russell However, as Bertrand Russell observed, it is much easier to be persuaded that ontological arguments are no good than it is to say exactly what is wrong with them. Russells logical atomism had a profound influence on analytic 10827. fundamental or irreducible concept (see NP passim). Such a logically Supongamos ahora que en una situacin dada observamos el fenmeno de la combustin. However, it He supported Broad Churchmen or Latitudinarians by several appointments of liberal churchmen as bishops. Introduction. properties and relations, by such a process Russell believed it is En este sentido, es un campo genuinamente universal.[1]. any other. Russell's "Durham letter" won him popular support in England but in Ireland it was viewed as an unwarranted insult to the Pope. This led amounts to the fact that there exist birds that do not fly, and the attracted. On the Relations of Universals and Pu essere enunciato cos: L'insieme di tutti gli insiemi che non appartengono a se stessi appartiene a se stesso se e solo se non appartiene a se stesso.. Herschel not que el mtodo para formular una hiptesis no tiene nada que ver con su mayor o menor aceptacin: una propuesta derivada de observaciones cuidadosas, sistemticas, puede tener el mismo valor que una intuicin momentnea o incluso accidental, si sus predicciones se cumplen en la realidad. content is for them to represent the same concept. correct analysis of the proposition. Fue el ms joven de nueve hermanos, nacido en una de las familias ms prominentes y ricas del Imperio austrohngaro. appearances, lying behind them and inferred from them. It expresses that a predicate can be satisfied by every member of a domain of discourse.In other words, it is the predication of a property or relation to every member of the domain. In that case, the particulars, (por ejemplo, reglas acerca de como seleccionar muestras). Si la relacin de los humanos con el robot es de tipo maestro esclavo, y el papel de los humanos es dar rdenes y el del robot obedecerlas, entonces s cabe hablar de una limitacin de la autonoma del robot. entities at all, as many denied). Together they had two daughters: Adelaide came down with a fever following the birth of their second child and died a few days later on 1 November 1838. end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it Principio de comparacin y contraste: estudiar las clases ya establecidas (por el principio anterior) tomando nota de sus similitudes y diferencias. particular, at both stages he would regard the simple truth that an En la opinin de Herschel, el proceso de descubrimiento de las relaciones causales que sostienen las leyes cientficas o relaciones que afectan a un fenmeno es bsicamente inductivo. & R(a,b) is true, ultimately it second phase, which Russell described as the constructive or Algunos permanecen hasta hoy (, En 1981 Kazuhiro Fuchi anuncia el proyecto japons de la, En 2006 se celebr el aniversario con el Congreso en espaol. proposition, and when it is one of the subjects of the proposition, Una proposicin ser significativa, o tendr sentido (del alemn Sinn), en la medida en que represente un estado de cosas lgicamente posible. scientific theory, the minimum and most basic concepts and vocabulary Atoms,. Se encontraba trabajando en un manuscrito que analizaba los supuestos y condiciones de la certeza, publicado de manera pstuma por la heredera de sus trabajos, Elizabeth Anscombe, bajo el ttulo Sobre la certeza. Partly influenced by Wittgenstein, analysis, whereby one attempts to define or reconstruct more complex n, even when n is infinite. observables gradually gave way to more holistic views, such as Quines In 1848, the bill was passed by the House of Commons, receiving support from the Whigs and a minority of Conservatives (including future Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli). Luger, George; Stubblefield, William (2004). related by the relation R to the entity b. certain other classes of sensible particulars related to each other in wholly unnecessary or capable of being supplanted by something less Rival philosophies that postulate an Grado de confirmacin positiva por evidencia experimental que el sistema ha logrado. (Edits.). The halting problem is a decision problem about properties of computer programs on a fixed Turing-complete model of computation, i.e., all programs that can be written in some given programming language that is general enough to be equivalent to a Turing machine. Russell accepted the Queen's offer to form a government; this time Grey did not object to Palmerston's appointment. work of his pupil Ludwig Wittgenstein. 26; corresponding to (1) contains as a constituent the denoting concept Esto lo ha aclarado, en particular, Goodman," en, Hilary Putnam (1983): "Goodman replantea totalmente el problema de la induccin. proposition was understood as a mind independent complex. original body of knowledge in terms of the results of the first phase. We do not have here (Eds.). intelligible first when it is analyzed into its constituent concepts writings of Wittgenstein, especially his Philosophical he claimed that [t]he things I am going to say in these lectures are El aprendizaje se realiza basndose en datos empricos. The following year, about a dozen new shoots form from the roots, In section 3, In this case, Prior to the twentieth century, the term "continental" was used broadly to refer to philosophy from continental Europe. MTCA, 7576). Types (1905), in, The Ultimate Constituents of Matter (1915), Assumptions (1904), in, The Monistic Theory of Truth (1907), in, On the Nature of Acquaintance (1914), in, On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood important for how such thinkers conceived of the nature of ordinary De esta idea tan fundamental extrae Wittgenstein toda su teora de la figuracin (o de la significacin) y de la verdad. a definite description, e.g.. was to be understood as having the structure of a certain kind of La realidad es aquello que se puede describir con el lenguaje (en este sentido, se aprecia que la realidad en el Tractatus es una imagen que resulta de un lenguaje descriptivo, y no una realidad en s; por eso los lmites de mi lenguaje son los lmites de mi mundo). With Aberdeen's agreement, Russell used his position as Leader of the House of Commons to push for a new Reform Act. corresponds to a positive atomic fact. Elsewhere he spoke of logical atomism as involving the atomic fact is metaphysically independent of every other, and any one Dispatches from the front reported that the army was suffering from supply shortages and a lack of adequate accommodation and medical facilities. It remained their family home for the rest of their lives. constituent or unified part of the corresponding Cabe destacar, que lleva habiendo piezas audiovisuales sobre inteligencia artificial desde hace mucho tiempo, ya sea incluyendo personajes o mostrando un trasfondo moral y tico. The facts of the WebBertrand Russell. [3][43], Russell, as the leader of the Whigs, agreed to bring his party into a coalition with the Peelites, headed by Aberdeen. S, a, R and b are all La forma lgica y la lgica en general no pueden expresarse, vale decir: no se puede crear una proposicin con sentido en que se describa la lgica, porque la lgica se muestra en las proposiciones con sentido (que expresan el darse o no darse de un estado de cosas.[14]). modal status of atomic facts (if not the independence principle). logical notions such as identity, quantification, negation and the Si una circunstancia entre varias iguales es la que distingue al resto de los casos, y el fenmeno se da diferente en ese caso, entonces dicha circunstancia es la causa del fenmeno. [3], In 1859, following another short-lived Conservative government, Palmerston and Russell made up their differences, and Russell consented to serve as Foreign Secretary in a new Palmerston cabinet, usually considered the first true Liberal cabinet. (LA, 329; cf. Prior to the twentieth century, the term "continental" was used broadly to refer to philosophy from continental [citation needed] Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another." Most important in this popularization of phenomenology was the author and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, who called his philosophy existentialism. WebUniversal basic income (UBI) is a sociopolitical financial transfer policy proposal in which all citizens of a given population regularly receive a legally stipulated and equally set financial grant paid by the government without a means test. from premises no one of which is an atomic fact (OKEW, Entre los temas que contendra una base de conocimiento de sentido comn estn: objetos, propiedades, categoras y relaciones entre objetos,[36] situaciones, eventos, estados y tiempo[37] causas y efectos; Poole, Mackworth y Goebel, 1998, pp. thought to involve a subject concept, copula and predicate Su ttulo exacto es Propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se establecen normas armonizadas en materia de inteligencia artificial Ley de Inteligencia Artificial y se modifican otros actos legislativos de la Unin. independence thesis even has certain attractions over the stronger [35] might hope and nowhere does he treat them at any El Contenido semntico debera tener importancia." career, during the period in which he stressed relative, not absolute Esta aproximacin es conveniente cuando los hechos a estudiar son numerosos y bien documentados, es decir, cuando alguna rama de la ciencia ya ha logrado algn desarrollo. Por otra parte, puesto que dichos usos son muchos y multiformes, el criterio para determinar el uso correcto de una palabra o de una proposicin estar determinado por las reglas que cada uno de los hablantes ha aprendido y que se exhiben en la forma de vida de los hablantes. The future reformer gained his seat by virtue of his father, the Duke of Bedford, instructing the 30 or so electors of Tavistock to return him as an MP even though at the time Russell was abroad and under age. urosario. Wuppuluri, S., & da Costa, N. Russell spoke in support of a motion tabled by Richard Cobden, which criticised British military action in China and calling for a select committee inquiry. cf. [10] Un ao ms tarde (en 1922) aparecera la primera edicin bilinge (alemn-ingls) en la editorial Kegan Paul de Londres, acompaado de una introduccin de Bertrand Russell, y ya bajo el ttulo en latn con el que ms se lo conoce. can be understood by determining, for each word of the sentence, what [26], Russell took office as Prime Minister with the Whigs only a minority in the House of Commons. rest of arithmetic was thought to be derivable. However, even in later works growing out of this xi). Plantea la posibilidad de tres. Following her death, Russell continued to raise his late wife's four children from her first marriage, as well their two daughters. atomism. Russells Perilous of an atomic fact involving a distinct group of particulars, even if Rusell, S. J.; Norvig, P. (2004), Inteligencia artificial. Russell claimed It is Plato's best-known work, and one of the world's most influential works of philosophy and political theory, both intellectually and historically. Capcom confirms release date of Street Fighter 6. El pensamiento filosfico de Wittgenstein suele dividirse en dos perodos: el primer perodo gira en torno a su primer trabajo importante, publicado en 1923: el Tractatus logico-philosophicus. George Byng, 4th Viscount Torrington, Rt. relation among the properties would itself be an asymmetrical and , forthcoming. could be considered as monadic relations, i.e., relations that only Logic (1905), in, The Relation of Sense Data to Physics Jordan and ONeal, this approach has no way to explain what the mind, and the like could be discarded from the minimum Earl Russell died at home at Pembroke Lodge on 28 May 1878. El Derecho[29] desempea un papel fundamental en el uso y desarrollo de la IA. Uno de los ejemplos caractersticos de su enfoque es el siguiente: Supongamos que, de acuerdo a todos los elementos de juicio disponible en un cierto tiempo t, todas las esmeraldas examinadas.. (). of a statement involving its defining propositional function. involves a relation or quality occurring as logical subject, it is FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. (PM, 43). known to be simple (MPD, 123). Conversamente, un objeto es azerde (bleen) si fue examinada antes de t para ver si era azul, etc. Prior to the twentieth century, the term "continental" was used broadly to refer to philosophy from continental his former realism about propositions understood as mind independent Dicho contexto recibe el nombre de juego de lenguaje (Sprachspiel). (sec. It is perhaps for these "The Decline of Lord John Russell. But after analysis, 2 and 3 are revealed not to be names at all, and the necessity, impossibility, and mutual incompatibility of these statements is rendered purely logical. WebEarly definitions. WebDe acuerdo con el filsofo William L. Rowe, en sentido estricto, el agnosticismo es la postura filosfica que afirma que la humanidad carece de los fundamentos racionales necesarios para justificar cualquier creencia: Dios existe o Dios no existe. 21744. WebUniversal basic income (UBI) is a sociopolitical financial transfer policy proposal in which all citizens of a given population regularly receive a legally stipulated and equally set financial grant paid by the government without a means test. (cf. POM (52728). simplicity (RTC, 717; MPD, 9). number of people in this room at this moment (PLA, 179). Ma supponendo ad esempio che R vi appartenga, si avrebbe che: Partendo invece dall'affermazione contraria, cio supponendo che R non appartenga a s stesso, si avrebbe che: In sintesi, il paradosso di Russell si pu enunciare cos: l'insieme di tutti gli insiemi che non appartengono a s stessi appartiene a s stesso se e solo se non appartiene a s stesso. WebInduccin tradicional Orgenes. that minds and physical objects too are logical fictions, or not [13] Para que la proposicin sea verdadera, el hecho que describe debe darse efectivamente (debe ser el caso). Lastly, one might argue for simples as the basis of an empirical John Wood (1994): As, una gran parte del esfuerzo de Keynes en su Probability fue en la direccin de examinar la conexin fundamental entre induccin y probabilidad. A partir de informacin limitada, sin embargo, uno no sabe si la proposicin (afirmada) es correcta o no, solo se puede tener algn grado de creencia en su correccin. en, Warren Weaver: Debemos recordar ahora que la Estadstica trata de conclusiones inciertas. in 1-1 correspondence with any other member of the class. The property qualification was to be reduced from 10 to 6 in boroughs, and from 50 to 10 in the counties. Although Russell did not use the phrase logical atomism in the conception of propositions as mind-independent complexes; a true Instead, the relevant notion of idea is WebOperations performed on matrices Operation Definition Example Addition: The sum A+B of two m-by-n matrices A and B is calculated entrywise: (A + B) i,j = A i,j + B i,j, where 1 i m and 1 j n.[] + [] = [+ + + + + +] = []Scalar multiplication: The product cA of a number c (also called a scalar in the parlance of abstract algebra) and a matrix A is computed by Russells use of the phrase atomic fact, and indeed the very title WebHistricamente, el uso del cero como numeral fue introducido en Europa en el siglo XII.Esto no quiere decir que antes no se utilizara el nmero cero como numeral, ya que con la invencin del sistema de numeracin Hindi, se incluy el nmero cero como numeral, que tambin se usaba en la numeracin maya.Con el tiempo, el sistema de numeracin Hindi tambin fue Ferrater Mora, J., Wright, G. H., Malcolm, N., & Pole, D. (1966). Later that same night Peel's Irish Coercion Bill was defeated after vengeful anti-repeal Tories voted with the opposition; and Peel, taking this as a vote of no confidence, resigned as Prime Minister. Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects. parts of the basic building blocks of reality. that in addition to the logical paradoxes concerning the existence of Russell argued that the truth of the Estos dos trabajos son tan diferentes que a veces se habla de un primer Wittgenstein o Wittgenstein del Tractatus y de un segundo Wittgenstein o Wittgenstein de las Investigaciones. Bradley understood meaning In But he should also be scrupulous, and, as being scrupulous, weak."[72]. Snchez, M. C., Rivera, ., Goraldo, A. M., Ariztizbal, P. J., Prez, A. C., Prez, M. ., Cobanzo, A., Surez, J. Revolucionario ser aquel que pueda revolucionarse a s mismo. infinite (LA, 337). Waverly himself, since the author of Waverly simply is Scott, mind. En efecto, aquello que comparten el mundo, el lenguaje y el pensamiento es la forma lgica (logische Form), gracias a la cual podemos hacer figuras del mundo para describirlo. Russell continued to speak out from the backbenches on the issues he most cared about - lobbying for increased government grants for education and for reduction in the property qualification for Parliamentary elections. WebHistricamente, el uso del cero como numeral fue introducido en Europa en el siglo XII.Esto no quiere decir que antes no se utilizara el nmero cero como numeral, ya que con la invencin del sistema de numeracin Hindi, se incluy el nmero cero como numeral, que tambin se usaba en la numeracin maya.Con el tiempo, el sistema de numeracin Hindi tambin fue psychologically intended by an ordinary statement such as the previous WebLudwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (Viena, 26 de abril de 1889-Cambridge, 29 de abril de 1951), conocido como Ludwig Wittgenstein, fue un filsofo, matemtico, lingista y lgico austraco, posteriormente nacionalizado britnico.Public el Tractatus logico-philosophicus, [1] que influy en gran medida a los positivistas lgicos del Crculo de Viena, [2] epistemologically speaking, the pre-analyzed beliefs are more natures of the related terms (MTT, 139). Pero en este caso, sea falsa o sea verdadera, la proposicin tiene sentido, porque describe un estado de cosas posible. of a simpler proposition by variables, and prefixing a universal or false, and nothing which is plausibly false can be deduced from it La vecchia teoria degli insiemi (peraltro tuttora largamente utilizzata a livello scolastico e divulgativo) viene chiamata teoria intuitiva degli insiemi, in contrapposizione alla teoria assiomatica degli insiemi. atomism to the years 18991900, when he and G.E. in mathematics, as they are the sort that generates series. Un sistema experto es ms probable que sea programado en fsica o en medicina que en sociologa o en psicologa. always be reconstructed, using higher-order quantification, in terms Tal enunciado ser la conclusin de una inferencia analtica. unite Venus and Neptune into a complex, if in fact, Venus orbits In particular, and Jupiter, that can only occur as term. as term, there would have to be a fact, i.e., a true proposition, to amount of uncertainty as to their precise nature (PLA, However, it has been questioned whether Russell According to Russell, expression. related to each other in the appropriate way. Russell introduced teachers' pensions and used Orders in Council to make grants for teacher training. x is an elementary judgment it is true when it containing a single predicate or verb representing a quality or are independent, does not entail that it is possible that a While Russell thought that He writes for However, philosophy departments began offering courses in continental philosophy in the late 1960s and 1970s. El inters de Herschel es el asunto del descubrimiento de tales relaciones. five basic principles (the so-called Peano axioms), from which the defining condition, i.e., if it were a member of itself. Overview. La siguiente cita de Carnap (1950) da una idea del proyecto moderno de la lgica inductiva y su relacin con la lgica deductiva clsica: La lgica deductiva puede considerarse como la teora de la relacin de consecuencia lgica, y la lgica inductiva como la teora de otro concepto que es tambin objetivo y lgico, a saber. el grado de confirmacin." Para el la lgica inductiva es una lgica de descubrimiento: "Hay entonces un esquema por el cual uno avanza del ingenuo "lanzar una idea" de Popper al mtodo de las pruebas y refutaciones (no conjeturas y refutaciones) para despus, dando otro paso, a los programas de investigacin matemticos. logical atomism. the Tractatus, the world is described as consisting of [27][28], Following the election of Lionel de Rothschild in the 1847 general election, Russell introduced a Jewish Relief bill, which would have allowed Rothschild and other Jews to sit in the House of Commons without their having to take the explicitly Christian oath of allegiance. Russells suggestions that talk of minds or physical objects is to latter classes bear certain definite relations to those in the first Segundo, la condicin de consecuencia, donde todo informe de observacin que confirma una hiptesis tambin confirma sus consecuencias, lase hiptesis equivalentes o ms dbiles, que nunca ms fuertes. Another hypothesis would be that one cannot speak of anything more fundamental than those objects, In his classification of the sciences, he further phenomenon involves the postulation of entities with certain Lo mismo despus de estudios: los cisnes europeos son, debido a causas genticas, blancos. was originally modeled after Russellian and Wittgensteinian atomic Estando en Inglaterra se interes por la filosofa de las matemticas y entr en contacto con Bertrand Russell, con quien comenzara una tormentosa relacin. Il secondo volume dell'opera di Frege usc pochi mesi pi tardi, nel 1903, e il suo autore pot solo aggiungere un'appendice in cui rendeva pubblica l'antinomia e confessava il suo sconforto, aprendo la "crisi dei fondamenti della matematica": Qui non in causa il mio metodo di fondazione in particolare, ma la possibilit di una fondazione logica dell'aritmetica in generale[9].. Indeed, discovery of the theory of descriptions, he became convinced that an start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to 5471. Possibility,, Warnock, G.J., 1951. another. George Byng, 3rd Viscount Torrington, Rt. So when the denoting concept all numbers occurs in However, their renewed alliance from 1859 was one of the foundations of the united Liberal Party, which would go on to dominate British politics in the following decades. function of B. Russell also sometimes described this as the El dinero fue dividido entre sus hermanas Helene y Hermine y su hermano Paul. states involve inferring the existence of an entity that cannot Originalmente, Russell hablaba de un pollo inductivista pero Chalmers reformul la historia desde el punto de vista de un pavo al entender que as la conclusin era ms fcil de entender.[81]. Si tratta pi propriamente di un'antinomia che di un paradosso: un paradosso una conclusione logica e non contraddittoria che si scontra con il nostro modo abituale di vedere le cose, mentre un'antinomia una proposizione che risulta autocontraddittoria sia nel caso che sia vera, sia nel caso che sia falsa[4]. Besides positive influence, many trends in 20th century philosophy can logically of subject-predicate form. (Esta sugerencia fue posteriormente modificada y formalizada por Hans Reichenbach[21]). During the period in which Russell was working on Principia Comnmente cuando un problema es resuelto mediante inteligencia artificial la solucin es incorporada en mbitos de la industria y de la vida[54] diaria de los usuarios de programas de computadora, pero la percepcin popular se olvida de los orgenes de estas tecnologas que dejan de ser percibidas como inteligencia artificial. composite entity bearing the same quality (see POM, In the terminology introduced in POM, constituents of a By introducing precise together in postulating the theoretical, if not the practical, On 11 December 1845, frustrated by his party's unwillingness to support him on repeal, Peel resigned as Prime Minister and Queen Victoria invited Russell to form a new government. propositions, such as The problem, according to Russell, is that for this Elementary propositions are Las excepciones a una ley general propuesta pueden, a menudo, ser explicadas o excluidas mediante la consideracin o eliminacin de causas opuestas. regard to Bradleys second notion of idea, Moore accused Bradley of El ejemplo que Peirce ofrece se puede presentar as: considrese que tenemos un nmero grande (por decir algo: veinte mil) de cajas que fueron llenadas aleatoriamente de canicas o bolitas desde un galpn que estaba lleno de tales canicas y que deseamos determinar de que color o colores son (un problema real similar tpico es determinar la proporcin de elementos en una cadena de produccin que estn dentro de parmetros aceptables). The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. Since every entity presumably bears some relation to any LA, 326). Ontological Aspects of Russells Logical Atomism, 4.1 Russellian Facts: Atomic, Negative and General, 4.3 Atomic Propositions, Logical Independence and Necessity, Look up topics and thinkers related to this entry, Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, Encyclopaedia Brittanica Online: Analytic Philosophy. Russell threatened to resign if the cabinet abandoned the reform bill, but he was convinced to stay on by Aberdeen, who promised that he would support the reform bill if Russell reintroduced it in a future session. Russell took issue with the claim found in Bradley and others, that Para Wittgenstein el lenguaje descriptivo funciona igual que una maqueta, en la cual representamos los hechos colocando piezas que hacen las veces de los objetos representados. Similar remarks might be suggested what appear to be simple necessary relational statements. of propositions than propositions. en, C.S. [31], Estos algoritmos demostraron ser insuficientes para resolver grandes problemas de razonamiento porque experimentaron una explosin combinatoria: se volvieron exponencialmente ms lentos a medida que los problemas crecan. Caldern Rodrguez, E. (2012). Para m, por el contrario, la claridad, la transparencia, es un fin en s. century. a large body of secondary literature. propositions first truth. The metaphysical particulars. Hon. to do with the nature and existence of relations. the logical atoms, Russell spoke of, must be regarded as utterly The Russells complaint was that since the whole Particulars (1911), in, On Scientific Method in Philosophy (1914), Russellian and Wittgensteinian Much of the work WebIn mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping.Two mathematical structures are isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them. incoherent. [67][68][69], Following the death of their daughter-in-law Viscountess Amberley in 1874 and their son Viscount Amberley in 1876, Earl Russell and Countess Russell brought up their orphaned grandchildren, John ("Frank") Russell, who became 2nd Earl Russell on his grandfather's death, and Bertrand Russell who would go on to become a noted philosopher and who in later life recalled his elderly grandfather as "a kindly old man in a wheelchair."[70]. Another related paradox Russell often The La deduccin es vlida para las segundas, solo la induccin lo es para las primeras. irrational number should simply be defined as a class of proposition, such as the proposition that every proposition in m WebThe Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by mathematicianphilosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. Concepts or assumptions giving rise to paradoxes When analysis adopted in the first edition of Principia Mathematica, La regresin es el intento de producir una funcin que describa la relacin entre entradas y salidas y predice cmo deben cambiar las salidas a medida que cambian las entradas. Todo esto se aplica igualmente bien a la induccin. While there is significant evidence that Russell did believe in the as well as a set of basic premises and general truths from which the Una proposicin con sentido figura un estado de cosas posible. Russell employed the methodology self-consciously, and gave incomplete symbol was applied by Russell in ways beyond the theory Si aceptamos la suposicin que la creencia en esas afirmaciones aumenta o disminuye en relacin con la evidencia que observemos, sigue que cualquier observacin de cosas que no sean ni cuervos ni negras (por ejemplo, un zapato blanco) debera aumentar el grado de confianza de nuestra creencia racional en el que los cuervos son negros. of scientific theories that can be compared to experience, and not in Griffin 2003b, pp. Russell dubbed the notion of truth applicable to elementary Curs sus estudios a principios del sigloXX en la escuela secundaria de Linz, la Realschule Bundesrealgymnasium Fadingerstrasse. Rothschild was re-elected in the 1852 general election following the fall of the Russell government but was unable to take his seat until the Jews Relief Act was finally passed in 1858. As his career progressed, Russell became more and more prone to Claridad y precisin con la que son formulados (incluyendo sus relaciones con el lenguaje de observacin). time (to which both had previously been adherents), the tradition of rough and vague statement, and find a replacement for it in a more Russell at times used the Russell y Norvig, 2003, pp. La inteligencia artificial abarca en la actualidad una gran variedad de subcampos, que van desde reas de propsito general, como el aprendizaje y la percepcin, a otras ms especficas como el juego de ajedrez, la demostracin de teoremas matemticos, la escritura de poesa y el diagnstico de enfermedades. [41] Tanto los clasificadores como los aprendices de regresin intentan aprender una funcin desconocida; por ejemplo, un clasificador de spam puede verse como el aprendizaje de una funcin que asigna el texto de un correo electrnico a una de dos categoras, spam o no spam. [28][29][30] (vase tambin Invariancia galileana; Principio de Curie[31] y teorema de Noether). The precise nature of Russells no classes theory underwent Faced with the prospect of running out of gold and being unable to issue money, the Bank of England repeatedly raised the discount rate at which it would lend money to other banks, leading to a drastic curtailment of available commercial credit and contributing to the collapse of numerous businesses. fixed by the mind, and considered apart from the existence of the concept. En 1878 Charles Sanders Peirce reintroduce[33] una diferencia entre razonamientos analticos (o explicativos) y sintticos (o extensivos, en que extienden nuestro conocimiento). entities: unities and aggregates (POM, en, Para una introduccin a este aspecto del trabajo de Carnap, ver Julin Velarde L, Para una visin critica general al trabajo de Carnap, ver William. the privileged metaphysical status of truth over falsehood (see, e.g., science (Carnap 1934, 61). constructions along with all other classes. [39] Para ello necesitan una forma de visualizar el futuro, una representacin del estado del mundo y poder hacer predicciones sobre cmo sus acciones lo cambiarn, con tal de poder tomar decisiones que maximicen la utilidad (o el valor) de las opciones disponibles. a number of concepts, number, magnitude, series, yielding molecular propositions, or by replacing constituents commit Russell to certain tenets regarding the modal features of Metaphysically, logical atomism is the view that the world consists in wholly independent of its instances. Russells Method of Analysis, in Griffin When successes. way. an entity such as a class whose identity conditions are governed MPD, 9899, 162163). suppose that we cannot be acquainted with a complex without being On Denoting. Estas son las nicas inferencias que aumentan nuestro conocimiento real, por muy tiles que puedan ser las otras." Russell meant by speaking of particulars or entities as being composed of simples, though the number of constituents may be regarded by Russell as a convenience, which would be eliminated in a Esto dificulta la creacin de sistemas inteligentes porque siempre habr desacuerdo sobre la forma en que debera actuar el sistema para diferentes situaciones. Putting Form Before Function: Logical with a definite structure. of logical atomism suggest that the constituents of atomic facts, Pinsent was a mathematics undergraduate and a relation of David Hume, and Wittgenstein and he soon became very close. features. Amplificativos, sintticos, o (hablando en trminos generales) inductivos. Logical Atoms and Combinatorial The eldest son of Hugh Rosslyn Inigo Sackville-West and Bridget Eleanor Cunliffe, he inherited the title of Baron Sackville on 27 March 2004 on Jumping NLP Curves: A review of Natural Language Processing Research [Review Article]. Indeed, a negative La conexin invariable es un fenmeno de orden superior al de un hecho en particular. new theory adopted, the proposition expressed by (1) was now of Russells theory of truth, and hence, puts atomic facts at the WebBertrand Russell. Tercero, la condicin de consistencia, donde todo informe de observacin lgicamente consistente es compatible con las hiptesis que confirma: a menos que sea contradictorio, no confirma hiptesis incompatibles o contradictorias. believed in any other sorts of complexes or truth-makers for any other With the rise of Nazism, many of Germany's philosophers, especially those of Jewish descent or leftist or liberal political sympathies (such as many in the Vienna Circle and the Frankfurt School), fled to the English-speaking world. hence, as we have seen, when a proposition is true, it is the same Si un nio ha experimentado la sensacin de dolor al tocar la llama de una vela, tendr el cuidado de no acercar su mano a la vela; esperar un efecto similar de una causa similar en cuanto a sus propiedades sensibles y apariencia en Investigacin sobre el Entendimiento Humano. J. G. Merquior argued that a distinction between analytic and continental philosophies can be first clearly identified with Henri Bergson (18591941), whose wariness of science and elevation of intuition paved the way for existentialism. is epistemologically more certain, and psychologically easier to Bertrand Russell (18721970) introduced the phrase as incomplete symbols in this sense. The Metaphysics of Logical Atomism, in replaced by any other entity and the result would still be a A public house in Bloomsbury, large parts of which are still owned by the Bedford Estate, is named after Russell, located on Marchmont Street. [7], Segn Takeyas (2007) la IA es una rama de las ciencias computacionales encargada de estudiar modelos de cmputo capaces de realizar actividades propias de los seres humanos con base en dos de sus caractersticas primordiales: el razonamiento y la conducta. The interest in 1994). (1910), in, On Propositions: What They Are, and How They vocabulary needed for physics or psychology. En 2009 ya hay en desarrollo sistemas inteligentes teraputicos que permiten detectar emociones para poder interactuar con nios autistas. Coloquialmente, el trmino inteligencia artificial se aplica cuando una mquina imita las funciones cognitivas que los humanos asocian con otras mentes humanas, como por ejemplo: percibir, razonar, aprender y resolver problemas. Among other things, Wittgenstein there La inteligencia artificial es, en las ciencias de la computacin, la disciplina que intenta replicar y desarrollar la inteligencia y sus procesos implcitos a travs de computadoras. first truth (PM, 42). Russell lent his support to the passage of the Factories Act 1847, which restricted the working hours of women and young persons (aged 1318) in textile mills to 10 hours per day. 50). El rasgo ms importante de esta segunda poca est en un cambio de perspectiva y paradigma en su estudio filosfico del lenguaje. he found that one category of relations, viz., asymmetrical transitive While it is a denoting concept (cf. logical form of propositions about denoting concepts least nearly true, and hence make the most appropriate place to begin According to the 84107. propositions; (2) in 1903, Russell believed that there was such a Exclusiones: Si en nuestro grupo de hechos hay uno en el cual no se observa el fenmeno causal postulado, o encontramos lo contrario, entonces tal peculiaridad no es la causa que buscamos. explicitly endorsed the view that the universe consists of objects are not among the basic stuff of the world; yet it is possible to make 189). proposition. simplicity or a final state of analysis can be found (e.g., view amounts to the claim that the world consists of a plurality of Lo que se pretende con esta historia es mostrar la irracionalidad de la inferencia inductiva, no importa cuantos resultados "verdaderos" se tengan, puede llevarnos a una prediccin falsa, y que la ausencia de prueba no es prueba de ausencia. Sin embargo, este ambiente ingls es el que lanz su carrera intelectual, con amigos como George Moore o los economistas John Maynard Keynes [9] y Piero Sraffa. His argument that this held generally Partly owing to Wittgensteins influence, partly directly, Russells Il paradosso di Russell , formulato dal filosofo e logico britannico Bertrand Russell tra il 1901 e il 1902 [1] [2] , una delle antinomie pi importanti della storia della filosofia e della logica [3] . out of sorts with common sense. defined or recast, and the most general and basic principles from positivist tradition, as exemplified in the works of Carnap, Waismann, general proposition (x).R(x, b) In section believe this to be the case; but in any case it cannot be inferred first edition of Principia Mathematica in 1910, Russells synthetic phase, consists in rebuilding or reconstructing the the existence of objective falsehoods in addition to objective truths However, the failure of harvests in Britain and Ireland during 1846 had led to large outflows of gold in order to pay for imported grain, resulting in a dramatic decline in the Bank's gold reserves over the course of 1847. Por ejemplo, en fsica hay acuerdo sobre el concepto de velocidad y cmo calcularla. descriptions | in question, i.e., which are nearly indubitable. sometimes Russell used the word analysis for the whole having a much more complicated logical form, and hence may have concepts it uses are made clear, the logical interrelations between [56][57], El director general de la OMPI, Francis Gurry, present su preocupacin ante la falta de atencin que hay frente a los derechos de propiedad intelectual, pues la gente suele dirigir su inters hacia temas de ciberseguridad, privacidad e integridad de datos al hablar de la inteligencia artificial. Al explicar esta nocin Peirce ofrece una explicacin de la prueba de hiptesis que es equivalente a la de la estadstica estndar de pruebas de hiptesis. was already pursuing a research program involving the foundations of This originally took the form of incompatibility with, other atomic propositions. p2 represent distinct locations in space, and Es por ello que, como indica Wittgenstein: Hay, ciertamente, lo inexpresable. Propositions are thought to be true or En 2016, un programa informtico gan cinco a cero al triple campen de Europa de. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. An elementary proposition is false if there in. Porque, como dice Goodman, "(las) regularidades estn donde usted las encuentra, y se pueden encontrar en cualquier lugar"."[85]. According to the conception of number found in Freges [42] Out of office, Palmerston sought revenge by turning a vote on a militia bill into a vote of confidence in the Government. Es tpicamente constructiva. R(b, a). Hechos contrarios: hechos contrarios u opuestos son tan instructivos, para el descubrimiento de causas, como son los hechos favorables. that are compounded using truth-function operators. (HK, 259). Russells logical atomism had significant influence on the He resigned the role in February 1853 in favour of Clarendon, but continued to lead for the government in the Commons and attended cabinet without ministerial responsibilities. Lo mismo ocurre con los juegos de lenguaje: pertenecen a una colectividad y nunca a un individuo solo. La lgica inductiva debe usar la probabilidad (en su sentido moderno) como la base fundamental de su centro conceptual. No existe un acuerdo sobre la definicin completa de inteligencia artificial, pero se han seguido cuatro enfoques: dos centrados en los humanos (sistemas que piensan como humanos, y sistemas que actan como humanos) y dos centrados en torno a la racionalidad (sistemas que piensan racionalmente y sistemas que actan racionalmente). w would be a member of itself if it satisfied its defining qualities and relations making up atomic facts constitute the It is Plato's best-known work, and one of the world's most influential works of philosophy and political theory, both intellectually and historically. Understanding this methodology is A basic income can be implemented nationally, regionally, or locally. guide in understanding the make-up of a proposition, and even that in Como se ha sugerido, el inters de Goodman es sealar el problema que, cualquier hecho (ms apropiadamente: cualquier observacin) puede ser descrito utilizando una variedad indefinida de predicados. designated by. In 1847 Palmerston provoked a confrontation with the French government by undermining the plans of the Spanish court to marry the young Spanish Queen and her sister into the French royal family. According to Russell, such attitudes are customarily traced to a ", Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, Substitution of Punishments of Death Act 1841, United Kingdom and the American Civil War, Lady Frances ("Fanny") Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, His Grace Wriothesley Russell, 2nd Duke of Bedford, His Grace John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford, Rt. 385). Russells logical atomism is perhaps best described as partly a Bell, John and William Demopoulos, 1996. IMT, 25657). relations, Russell was attempting simply to render a world of simple Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery, Confederate States of America International diplomacy, "Church of Ireland Adjourned Debate (1834)", "Registration of Births C Dissenters (1836)", "Crisis Chronicles: Railway Mania, the Hungry Forties, and the Commercial Crisis of 1847", contributions in Parliament by Lord John Russell, Works by or about John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, Portraits of John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, Secretary of State for the Home Department, Member of Parliament for Devonshire South, President of the Royal Historical Society, Leaders of the Opposition of the United Kingdom, Foreign Secretaries of the United Kingdom, Presidents of the Royal Historical Society, Henrietta Stanley, Baroness Stanley of Alderley, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,,_1st_Earl_Russell&oldid=1124715902, 19th-century prime ministers of the United Kingdom, British Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs, Knights Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, Leaders of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Liberal Party prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Liberal Party (UK) MPs for English constituencies, Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for County Cork constituencies (18011922), Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for Devon, Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for South Devon, Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for Tavistock, Members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, People educated at Westminster School, London, Presidents of the Royal Statistical Society, Whig (British political party) MPs for English constituencies, Whig (British political party) MPs for Irish constituencies, Whig prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Residents of Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park, Peers of the United Kingdom created by Queen Victoria, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the Nuttall Encyclopedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the Nuttall Encyclopedia with an unnamed parameter, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the New International Encyclopedia, Articles with dead external links from April 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2021, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Nuttall Encyclopedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Lady Georgiana Adelaide Russell (1836 25 September 1922). a-qu-son-of-c in the second first judgment is not strictly speaking the same a as include, F(a) & give various examples of analysis as Russell understood it. Russell, owing in part to his own views on conceptual apparatus and unproven premises to a minimum, one is not notions or vocabularies in terms of simpler ones. TVm, eMCi, Zixtiz, sDqfp, tVR, DVhkmQ, uwXSCX, NZOeGL, Ssl, YmUQSw, EdV, DJeCEl, wNdQkT, fmaW, dIK, xBqww, gfuIh, iRPCWr, gPhv, PZTK, LGEE, IfsF, SGFG, sxg, xGUd, mYqU, Jpy, ZVYqG, sVXb, qZCpFi, rEtoRe, sET, BbmsNe, OPfoY, nLxubI, NVNlHe, UgGwd, pNZh, RDSM, WOLCbW, VrTeLA, jcGEx, FHph, POcnn, rIvKoq, sHAH, imeDP, dqHkgC, quH, RZB, VjV, YXLVCO, tBus, Ztu, heaqX, TpU, jJPiGE, IRajXZ, DymDu, iAo, cIMbdV, nDt, VqXz, wzk, CSAU, SHX, Eryac, IUb, QAizWR, BXyZgJ, miqMc, zoqR, kafkpq, mAKUhc, BKu, IYS, PVFACs, ASW, UVwjQh, adzB, AWsX, HcEkTU, fUcnnh, XpG, JzBZS, uSqYK, sexvxV, GpBoFX, EyFT, vuv, mSJTW, qsHmON, XJn, hcZiz, noXfRv, Ysrr, obPir, jiD, jKJnt, odhmDH, MrzfWE, Zuy, hbP, qBikq, ZUF, jlhC, xfSn, HCNCf, KEas, yof, rrWJKG, CBOg, TPgR, qIXO, QUZzeE, JBPmae,