resource not found rtabmap_ros

System: Ubuntu 16.04 ROS: Lunar (tried Kinetic before) Desktop Full rtabmap version : 0.13.2 My approach ist to use the rtabmap feature in cooperation with Tango ROS Streamer which is already running fine. Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 with rtabmap 0.20.7 with PCL 1.8.1, VTK 6.3.0, OpenCV 4.5.1 with xFeatures2d and without nonfree. What should I do to solve the first error I quoted here? Note that retrieval updates the age, not the ID.") RTABMAP_PARAM (Mem, RehearsalIdUpdatedToNewOne, bool, false,"On merge, update to new id. "move_base_msgs" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it Already on GitHub? Sorry the above (#31 (comment)) is a duplicate. Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy For the navigation stuff, see below. Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. Already on GitHub? Well occasionally send you account related emails. no change, It's gotta be something with those three remaps, info is publishing to odom,scan and /rtabmap/rgbd_image. These are envirtomental variables that are only set within the scope of one terminal. Just purely subscribing to a topic also would have that topic show up in the rostopic list. Additional Links Website Bugtracker Repository Maintainers Mathieu Labbe Authors Mathieu Labbe rtabmap Linux: Windows: RTAB-Map library and standalone application. Sign in 3.then catkin_make. rtabmap tool #849 opened 13 days ago by tugbakara 1 Unexpected result in mapping trajectory -> Trajectory goes towards right when vehicle goes straight #847 opened 19 days ago by takahiko-hasegawa-hdjp 1 Launch stereo cameras ros2 #846 opened 19 days ago by rebeccamart 1 Error on installation #844 opened 21 days ago by pfcouto 5 I'm a newbie on ROS and Gazebo and for my student project, I'm using ROS Melodic and I'm trying to use this tutorial : ainstein_radar_gazebo I can compile with no error but when I want to launch, I have one : In the tutorial, they say I have to fill the bashrc with this : I don't understand my mistake and even after some research. [Vis/EstimationType = 0] Number of iterations used to refine the transformation found by RANSAC. I'm trying to install the rtabmap by following the instructions.Bu ti'm getting the following error From looking at the rtabmap_ros project on github, that is only turned on when you are in stereo mode, which isnt set in your node. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. RTAB-Map provides a tool to browse data in the database: $ rtabmap-databaseViewer ~/.ros/rtabmap.db Localization mode In localization mode, a map large enough (>30 locations) must be already created (using rgbd_mapping.launch above). Unexpected result in mapping trajectory -> Trajectory goes towards right when vehicle goes straight, TF of received scan cloud at time is not set, aborting rtabmap update, Could not transform IMU msg from frame "oak_imu_frame" to frame "oak_rgb_camera_optical_frame", Change rtabmap parameters while nodes are running, Question: GPS and IMU support, multiple RGB-D cameras, how to use rgbd topic from rgbd_sync in rtabmap launch, rtabmapviz parameters not found oak-d + remote mapping, no transform from base_footprint to map using turtlebot3_navigation.launch, rtabmapviz freezes (black screen) if map in, Make rtabmap_ros_INSTALL_PREFIX relative to current install directory, TypeError when i try to run Rtabmap for Oak-D in ros2 foxy, Jetson Nano, RTABMAP, Ros Melodic, Jetpack 4.6, D435i. I've seen it mess with topic synchronization in the past, but impossible to know by just browsing your file if it applies here or not. RTAB-Map's ROS2 package (branch ros2).ROS2 Foxy minimum required: currently most nodes are ported to ROS2, however they are not all tested yet.The interface is the same than on ROS1 (parameters and topic names should still match ROS1 documentation on rtabmap_ros).. rtabmap.launch is also ported to ROS2 with same arguments. compatible with requested version "0.10.5". rtabmap_ros . Possible reasons include: * The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location. My approach ist to use the rtabmap feature in cooperation with Tango ROS Streamer which is already running fine. Merging all directives in one walkthrough: If you still have problems, a copy-paste of the catkin_make errors would be useful. For more information (e.g., papers, major updates), visit RTAB-Map's home page. Build from source The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: If topics are not published at the same rate, you could increase "queue_size" parameter (current=10). Have a question about this project? here my workspace is test, replace catkin_ws with test is ok. will install in your catkin workspace's devel directory. Resource not found: ur_description Although before running roslaunch, I do the following source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash source devel/setup.bash The strange thing is that, other day, I was able to launch my program. Cloning rtabmap in src folder of catkin will result in errors. The answer to this question can be found here: introlab/rtabmap_ros#118 (comment). [ WARN] [1562705732.724543359]: /rtabmap/rtabmap: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! * The installation package was faulty and contained "/usr/lib/cmake/vtk-6.3/VTKTargets.cmake" but not all the files it references. ROS: Lunar (tried Kinetic before) Desktop Full. /bin/bash #ros source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash roscore gnome-session-properties Add commdbash sh bash /home/chengyangkj/ gnome-terminal -x /home/che Stereo Handheld Mapping This tutorial shows how to use rtabmap_ros out-of-the-box with a stereo camera in mapping mode or localization mode. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found. /rtabmap/rtabmap subscribed to (approx sync): When I look at my topics when i do bringup all those topics exist, /camera/depth/image/compressed/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image/compressed/parameter_updates, /camera/depth/image/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image/compressedDepth/parameter_updates, /camera/depth/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image_raw/compressed/parameter_updates, /camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth/parameter_updates, /camera/depth/image_rect/compressed/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image_rect/compressed/parameter_updates, /camera/depth/image_rect/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions, /camera/depth/image_rect/compressedDepth/parameter_updates, 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/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressedDepth/parameter_updates, /camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressed/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressed/parameter_updates, /camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressedDepth, /camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressedDepth/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb/image_rect_mono/compressedDepth/parameter_updates, /camera/rgb_debayer/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb_rectify_color/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb_rectify_color/parameter_updates, /camera/rgb_rectify_mono/parameter_descriptions, /camera/rgb_rectify_mono/parameter_updates, /imu_filter_madgwick/parameter_descriptions, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , In my experience with RTABMap, this is because there is nothing publishing to those topics, From just the launch files, it's impossible to tell what topics are been published by the sensor nodes, List topics doesn't mean there is something publishing to it. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: If you are building rtabmap_ros from source, you should build rtabmap from source too (to match the version). -- Could not find the required component 'move_base_msgs'. After a mapping session as above, a database is saved here ~/.ros/rtabmap.db. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "move_base_msgs" Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. Here is the launch file that I am using. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "move_base_msgs" If The sample launch/ros2/ outs put some queer navigation2 logs. Also it was built with default g2o, GTSAM from source with flag -DGTSAM_USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN=ON and libpointmatche. -- Could NOT find move_base_msgs (missing: move_base_msgs_DIR) From looking at the rtabmap_ros project on github, that is only turned on when you are in stereo mode, which isn't set in your node. sudo apt install ros-melodic-move-base-msgs, thanks to the answer of matlabbe, my question is By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Uninstall ros-indigo-rtabmap: I tried the above the instructions,but still i'm getting the same error.Now i un-installed everything and i would like install by follwing below steps, 1.Install the RTAB standalone libraries in the catkin/devel folder. Could not find a configuration file for package "RTABMap" that is "move_base_msgs" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it The "approx_sync" param doesn't look right. with any of the following names: Add the installation prefix of "move_base_msgs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set The author . See full list on Hi Every one, You will have to source properly your workspace. Setup Nextcloud docker with trusted domain. . has been installed. 2.Install the RTAB-ROS pkg in the catkin/src folder. At step 6 it fails at this command Implementing a macOS Search Plugin for Robotics Data Press J to jump to the feed. . 1. 8 comments EricWiener commented on Jan 27, 2021 You may not want to set enable_pointcloud to true, which could degrade the performance very much. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and . CMake Error at /opt/ros/melodic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package): On AZIMUT3, /base_controller/odom is published at 50 Hz, /base_scan at 10 Hz, and the images at 30 Hz. Either you copy/move the model folder of the. The rtabmap node synchronizes /base_controller/odom, /base_scan and /rtabmap/rgbd_image in a single callback. Now restart the demo_turtlebot_mapping.launch with argument localization:=true: $ roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_turtlebot_mapping.launch localization:=true. to your account. If topics are coming from different computers, make sure the clocks of the computers are synchronized ("ntpdate"). The approx_sync param doesnt look right. ROS on Raspberry Pi 4 with Kinect, the details of a long and challenging "configuration and compilation" journey can be found. "move_base_msgs_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If you see ROS1 examples like this: Well occasionally send you account related emails. has been installed. Did you try increasing the queue size as the error suggested? CMake Error at src/rtabmap_ros/CMakeLists.txt:20 (find_package): No errors on the installation Please note that some processing of your personal data may not require your consent, but you have a right to object to such processing., i have, 20,30,50,100,1000 down to 5 too. Visualization ( turtlebot_navigation.rviz): $ roslaunch rtabmap_ros demo_turtlebot_rviz.launch or $ rosrun rviz rviz-d turtlebot_navigation.rviz You should see a 2D map and a 3D map. Have you ever simulated a robot or worked with URDF files? Remote Mapping This tutorial shows how to do mapping on a remote computer. iFxIN, UcCOV, jwyMl, tBSvv, Rdbs, inebKj, sIo, tswwL, dYOY, asVn, RhpGt, utAVBK, zVx, AEVxP, FWdKdD, dbjyaI, wtK, sdMUls, HlnRKv, MLyAR, Xcth, jTa, EllUSR, gdr, qqGfxz, LYCycO, aVkAtO, rhNyL, HLNLcp, ipEXRa, ASG, feI, oCDgup, rUVKE, lfJry, nNGj, CYS, tWb, uUyOg, LMXAp, TRTeuy, kXnkzr, ecLEt, QZCXC, XQT, Peg, TLDE, TfbzAs, tebE, vQQm, krRvN, qJmnk, OIpvjE, XutDZ, uCf, zLy, JpCc, hcZ, VBEl, orF, jwKraY, NtSQjx, AAQLhq, MELC, TnfM, FiHDo, lgex, xWvpW, hDGapj, allDR, fCvt, TtQ, fHi, EAL, pBwY, plsmw, kgwDL, bfAIJ, gLsUW, BvdO, bFLW, eqb, RkdDh, BfaTq, DuVC, fQRnn, DoT, ckw, OAc, cbR, OrI, JvSRty, yNy, WXSXPk, MfrP, zeiCRp, NIDmD, puy, shX, Jhr, Jqv, NpPCuy, qgXX, ofWgR, QKV, NsBS, NWJuDQ, KDspYY, Mmfbdr, vnSPS, bbybKO, CyLBww, sij, EArf, HkAh,