colossians 3:16 studylight

7 (January 7,1977), p. 14 (382). The very life that I have in Christ is a witness that my sins are forgiven. Such a knave speaks not truth with his neighbour. (For an extensive discussion of how instrumental music affects the heart, see Lipscomb and Shepherd 298-299. It makes a man grow continually in grace and knowledge until he reaches that which he was meant to be--manhood in the image of God. Use no member of your body to sin against God; keep all under dominion; and never permit the beast to run away with the man. The meaning is, that they were to lay up the doctrines of the gospel in their hearts, to meditate upon them; to allow them to be their guide, and to endearor wisely to improve them to the best purpose. (Mark 2:7), receiving no contradiction at all from the Christ. [28] William Hendriksen, op. (i) The wife is to be submissive to her husband; but the husband is to love his wife and to treat her with all kindness. This begins Paul's instructions on certain reciprocal relationships, that of wives and husbands being treated first. But the people who go to Gossip Town All reap of the seed they sow; And this you will find as they have found If ever you chance to go. (iii) It destroyed the barriers between the cultured and the uncultured. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." It is evident, therefore, that these apostolic epistles were meant to circulate among the saints. The epistle to the Ephesians develops the body in its rich and varied privileges; the epistle to the Colossians brings before us the Head, and not only this, but the glories of Him who holds that relation to the church. There is more said even here to maintain the full glory of Christ. in all wisdom; or, "unto all wisdom"; in order to attain to all wisdom; not natural wisdom, which is not the design of the Scriptures, nor of the Gospel of Christ; but spiritual wisdom, or wisdom in spiritual things, in things relating to salvation; and which is, and may be arrived unto through attendance to the word of Christ, reading and hearing of it, meditating on it; and especially when accompanied with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, and which is to be desired and prayed for. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, BakerEvangelicalDictionaryofBiblicalTheology, Hastings'DictionaryoftheNewTestament, InternationalStandardBibleEncyclopedia, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly -, Missionaries, All Christians Should Be as. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here.". English Standard Version 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Macknight elaborated this interpretation thus: A little different statement of what is meant here is that of Barclay, who said, "What Paul is saying is, `Put to death every part of yourself which is against God and keeps you from fulfilling his will'."[23]. (ii) Christian speech must be pure. And you shouldn't be living in a negative relationship with God under the law; you should be living a positive relationship with God, seeking the things which are spiritual, seeking and pursuing those things that are above. The consideration that we are forgiven by Christ so many offences is a good reason why we should forgive others. None could pretend that He had ever refused a single soul; none could say that they had gone empty away. As Barry pointed out, "The only peculiarity in this passage (as compared with the parallel in Ephesians) regards the strong emphasis on 'the reward of the inheritance'. This is truth about them; and He who is the truth told it out. They needed to learn especially the vanity of all that man's mind delights in. There is the forbearing and the forgiving spirit. The only additional thought here is, that their psalms and hymns were to be regarded as a method of teaching and admonishing; that is, they were to be imbued with truth, and to be such as to elevate the mind, and withdraw it from error and sin. He is the Maker, Preserver, Saviour, and Judge of all men. 2 set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Previous: Colossians 3:22. The epistle to Laodicea is not said: so we have no sufficient reason to trouble ourselves about there being a lost portion of the inspired writings. But the great basic Christian virtues are those which govern human relationships. Two rules: one for the wife, one for the husband. "And not holding the head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.". He knows everything and feels everything. Thus the slave on earth is recognized as a son in heaven. The Spirit of God, as in the Acts of the Apostles, began with the simplest confession of Christ's name. Those who are the elect of God, holy and beloved, ought to conduct themselves in every thing as becomes them, and so as not to lose the credit of their holiness, nor the comfort of their being chosen and beloved. Fathers, provoke not your children that they be not discouraged. Dr. Johnson once said, that if he were allowed to make the ballads of a nation, he cared not who made the laws. As signifies strong and vehement desire of any kind, it is here joined with , evil, to show the sense more particularly in which the apostle uses it. The King James Version translates the first part of this section: "Mortify your members which are upon earth." It is an effort to become dead to what is wrong; to cultivate what is felt to be glorifying to God; to avoid what is contrary to His will, and injurious to the soul. Colossians 3:15). No indeed; it is an expression which is used of Christ being "in the form of God" (Philippians 2:6), and that usage of it denotes the utmost reality and substance, making baptism to be a reality of the gospel, in fact, the gospel itself that must be obeyed by people seeking salvation. Religious poesy seems countenanced by these expressions and is capable of great edification. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things' sake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: in the which ye also walked sometime. "[43] As spelled out fully in Ephesians, husbands were to love their wives, a command to regard the wife as an extension of the husband's own self, having every true claim against him that ever pertained to himself. The significant thing is that every one of these three words originally belonged, as it were, to the Jews. Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. (iv) It destroyed the barrier between class and class. A father's stroke that chastises the erring is a mercy. Thus it is from the first the expression of a most needed truth, which remains the comfort of grace throughout the whole Christian career, and is therefore never repeated. There is no refutation of the fact that the founder of Christianity, namely, the Christ and the blessed apostles simply left them out. There was much that was blessed at Colosse; and the apostle loves to give full credit for it. This is the kind of peak of devotion which we can only dimly understand and only haltingly and imperfectly express. Melody, which is allowed to be the most proper for devotional music, is now sacrificed to an exuberant harmony, which requires, not only many different kinds of voices, but different musical instruments to support it. But woe to such iniquitous and ungrateful adversaries! They were a people living in the world, and the whole system of Judaism supposed and dealt with a people in the world. His grave is man's grave. To let the word of Christ dwell in us richly,Colossians 3:16; Colossians 3:16. But now ye also put on all these Ephesians 4:22; Ephesians 4:22. (3) Then, should not doctrine be re-emphasized today? Brethren, the Christ that God has made known to us is the Christ that man scorned, cast out and crucified. [15] Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings from Paul (Chicago: Moody Press, 1967), p. 334. The Greeks were the scholars and they would never have deigned to study a barbarian tongue. There is no respect God neither esteems nor despises any man because of his outward condition and circumstances; for there is no respect of persons with him. And so put off the old man, and put on the new. in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; referring very probably to the title of several of David's psalms, ; "Maschil", which signifies giving instruction, or causing to understand; these psalms, and the singing of them, being appointed as an ordinance, of God to teach, instruct, admonish, and edify the saints; for the meaning of these three words, and the difference between them; see Gill on Ephesians 5:19. singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord; that is, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; and what is meant by singing of them, see the note on the above place: the manner in which they are to be sung is, "with grace"; meaning either by the assistance of the spirit and grace of God, without which no ordinance can be performed aright, to the glory of God, and to spiritual profit and edification, see 1 Corinthians 14:15, or with grace in the heart in exercise, particularly faith, without which it is impossible to please God, see Hebrews 11:6 or with gratitude to God, with thankfulness of heart for his mercies, and under a grateful sense of them; or in such a manner as will minister grace unto the hearers, be both amiable and edifying, see Colossians 4:6 all these senses may be taken in: that the phrase, "in your hearts"; does not mean mental singing, or what is opposed to singing with the voice; see Gill on Ephesians 5:19. If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Does not the apostle refer here to the case of an artist, who wishes to make a perfect resemblance of some exquisite form or person? I'm able to handle. In Colossians 3:4 Paul gives to Christ one of the great titles of devotion. Rule in your hearts - Preside in your hearts; sit as umpire there (Doddridge); govern and control you. "Are you sure? COLOSSIANS 3:16 Cristou/ {A} Instead of the unusual expression "the word of Christ," which occurs nowhere else in the New Testament, several witnesses substitute the more customary "the word of God". Wrath of God At a time in history when the most extravagant claims are being made with regard to God's love, it is wise to take into account Scriptures such as this where the other side of the divine nature is in view. Bowels of mercies, c.] Be merciful, not in act merely, but in spirit and affection. "Even as Christ forgave you." He was proverbially the savage, who terrorized the civilized world with his bestial atrocities. And have put on the new man See on Romans 12:1-2 (note). It was just because Montgomery combined discipline and encouragement that a private in the Eighth Army felt himself as good as a colonel in any other army. The idea is, that if another one has given us just occasion of complaint, we are to forgive him; that is, we are: (2)We are to be ready to do him good as if he had not given us occasion of complaint; (3)We are to be willing to declare that we forgive him when be asks it; and. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. A pure method of conversation among men is the fruit of Christianity. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory ( Colossians 3:4 ). 4 when christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in Is renewed in knowledge IGNORANCE was the grand characteristic of the heathen state; KNOWLEDGE, of the Christian. Historically, no mechanical instruments of music were used in Christian worship until the seventh century, despite the fact of such instruments having been known and used throughout the whole world at the time of the beginning of Christianity and for centuries prior to that time. We do not work for pay or for ambition or to satisfy an earthly master; we work so that we can take every task and offer it to Christ. Special wants may spring up and claim attention at particular moments; but since Christ was set on high, this is the truth for the saints, and for a very simple and sufficient reason it is what God the Father designed for the day of salvation. And the reason is: Even as Christ forgave you, so also do you. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." It is commonly thought that musical instruments were banned from the early church on account of their worldly nature. It is not hard to locate the true reason. It is born and nourished from above; and the perfection of its life is reserved for that state. He alone is the source whence all have proceeded, and to him alone all must return. Show yourselves the slaves of the Lord Christ. He had been speaking of "putting to death," but here he changed to "put off," the new figure being that of stripping off old clothes, a metaphor that often occurs in the New Testament. You must live as God's people. Teaching and admonishing - See this explained in the notes at Ephesians 5:19-20. 3. He should be ready to forgive, and while he is so, he can neither feel hatred nor malice towards the offender; but, as Christ does not forgive us till with penitent hearts we return unto him, acknowledging our offences, so those who have trespassed against their neighbour are not to expect any act of forgiveness from the person they have injured, till they acknowledge the offence. [7] James Macknight, Apostolical Epistles with Commentary, Vol. Colossians 3:11 Christ Is All In All (windows)12:20. The peace of Christ according to Peake means the subjective peace within the Christian which has been bestowed upon him through his relationship with Christ. The idea seems to be that love will bind all the other graces fast together, and render the whole system complete. What he is saying, that these aren't the things that make you righteous. Rendered in Romans 1:26, vile affections; see the notes at that verse. We know that there is danger on all sides. (iii) Paul then turns to the greatest problem of all--the relationship between slave and master. The meaning here is, that the peace which God gives to the soul is to be to us what the brabeutes, or governor at the games was to those who contended there. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Nor is this all. The Holy Spirit brings in that which completely judges and sets aside all such speculations. ", Space was left: a revelation was yet lacking. There are no enemies so deadly as those who, having received enough truth to over-balance them and to abuse to their own self-exaltation, turn again, and would rend the church of God, wherein they learnt all that gives them power to be specially mischievous. In any home the tone of personal relationships must be dictated by the awareness that Jesus Christ is an unseen but ever-present guest. "They went out from us, because they were not of us." The singing which is here recommended is widely different from what is commonly used in most Christian congregations; a congeries of unmeaning sounds, associated to bundles of nonsensical, and often ridiculous, repetitions, which at once both deprave and disgrace the Church of Christ. These two are tied together. Seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds - Your former corrupt and evil nature; Notes, Ephesians 4:22. More than that, in the Early Church it could, and did, happen that the slave was the leader of the Church and the master the humble member. The meaning in this verse is similar, as "singing with grace in your hearts" shows. I, however, take it simply, as also afterwards, in Colossians 4:6, where he says, Let your speech be seasoned with salt, in grace, that is, by way of a dexterity that may be agreeable, and may please the hearers by its profitableness, so that it may be opposed to buffoonery and similar trifles. It doesn't mean that he's saying it doesn't matter how you live. What could be more vast than the reconciliation of all things in heaven and earth? Christianity changed all that. All are equal in him, united in him, and should strive to be like him (11).Believers should put off old sinful habits as they would put off dirty clothes. The application of this passage to public worship does not suggest these Christian activities are inappropriate in private. If it is the desire for a person, it leads to sexual sin. There is, perhaps, no single form of sin that reigns so universally in the pagan world. Verse 21. Is Christ in the glorious presence of God? (i) Paul begins by addressing the Colossians as chosen of God, dedicated and beloved. It lies at the bottom when we think of the wants of the saints of God here below. Blasphemia is insulting and slanderous speaking in general; when that insulting speech is directed against God, it becomes blasphemy. Literally what he says is, "Let the peace of God be the umpire in your heart." But Paul goes on: "The day is coming when Christ will return in glory and then the Christian, whom no one recognized, will share that glory and it will be plain for all to see." The Christian ethic is one of mutual obligation, in which the rights and the obligations rest with every man. Read full chapter. When a man was dead and buried, the Greeks very commonly spoke of him as being hidden in the earth; but the Christian had died a spiritual death in baptism and he is not hidden in the earth, but hidden in Christ. It remains, however, that He is the first-born of all creation, because he is the Creator of all things, above or below, material or spiritual: "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible." If God is long-suffering to us, under all our provocations of him, we should exercise long-suffering to others in like cases. They have pressed other truth, which is incompatible with anything else but justification by faith; he asserts it often and openly. And as if this were not enough, we are farther told that He is before all things, and by ( ) Him all things consist. The cross of Christ is the death-knell of the world in all its pretensions before God. he was minister of both. The word of Christ must dwell in us, not in all notion and speculation, to make us doctors, but in all wisdom, to make us good Christians, and enable us to conduct ourselves in every thing as becomes Wisdom's children. To submit ourselves to the government of the peace of God (Colossians 3:15; Colossians 3:15): Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, that is, God's being at peace with you, and the comfortable sense of his acceptance and favour: or, a disposition to peace among yourselves, a peaceable spirit, that keeps the peace, and makes peace. Many have the word, but it dwells in them poorly; it has no power over them. Rooted & Built Up in Christ First we are to be rooted and built up in Christ. And as a rule, it is always what God is actually doing that is the urgently needed truth. So, as the wife submits, the husband finds it easy to show his love. Colossians 3:16, ESV: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom . [Note: Wiersbe, 2:140. So, we're called to thanksgiving; we're called to the peace of God. Some understand this as a warning to slaves not to do wrong; but since the admonition stands as another reason, along with the one in Colossians 3:24, directed to the proper motivation of the slave, it is understood here as a reference to God's judgment of slavemasters if they do wrong. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1970), p. 1148. In point of time the world had grown comparatively old before Jesus appeared. Love to God and man is not only to cover all, but also to unite and consolidate the whole. It was an absolutely new truth, in contrast with the ancient and millennial order, yet altogether different from what is found in the Ephesians; nevertheless they both constitute substantive parts of the mystery. The master must treat the slave not like a thing, but like a person, with justice and with the equity which goes beyond justice. If it is the desire for power, it leads to sadistic tyranny. It is as if Paul said, "For you the treasures of wisdom are hidden in your secret books; for us Christ is the treasury of wisdom and we are hidden in him.". Those who are holy are the elect of God; and those who are the elect of God, and holy, are beloved--beloved of God, and ought to be so of all men. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also ye are called in one body; and be thankful ( Colossians 3:15 ). The gospel is the word of Christ. 16 Remember what Christ taught, and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise; teach them to each other and sing them out in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing to the Lord with thankful hearts. Philosophy is an idol of man or nature, a blind substitute for the knowledge of God. Frequently an idol's temple was a short-cut to indulgence in all of the things mentioned here. "The words of faith and of good doctrine" were to be proclaimed by Timothy in order for him to be "a good minister of Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 4:6). Those who owe so much to mercy ought to be merciful to all who are proper objects of mercy. I. The "word of Christ," used only here in the New Testament, is Christs teachings, not only during His earthly ministry but also in all of Scripture. Let them beware of philosophy and tradition; "for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another: As one reads what has been written on this verse, it is clear the same questions have arisen repeatedly through the ages. He does not say "against you," because, in truth, the Colossian saints had never been under the law and its ordinances; they had been Gentiles. Neither completeness in Christ, nor joyful sense of heavenly relationship, nor heed to our own relations in this life, should weaken for an instant, but rather minister to an increased sense of the need and value of depending on God. But the first characteristic result of Christ's work on the cross was the veil that shut up the holiest rent from top to bottom. Under both Jewish and Greek laws and custom all the privileges belonged to the husband and all the duties to the wife. The answer is important, for in it there is the whole Christian doctrine of work. For the baptized soul confesses that the grace of God gives death to sin in Him who died and rose again. A. But does this so much as resemble the provision of grace for the Christian? The name Scythian is applied in ancient geography to the people who lived on the north and northeast of the Black and Caspian seas, a region stretchings indefinitely into the unknown countries of Asia. Christ died on Calvary; therefore, all who are in Christ are also said to have died "in him." It means, to be a director, or arbiter of the public games; to preside over them and preserve order, and to distribute the prizes to the victors. His labours were not merely indefatigable, but accompanied by the sorest trial and anguish of spirit, as well as continual detraction with public hatred and persecution. Verse 17. Dwell in you richly in all wisdom - Abundantly, producing the spirit of true wisdom. Colossians 3:3 Your Real Life Is Hidden With Christ In God (windows)01:20. Deny yourselves, and let reason rule; and the animal will not get the ascendency over the rational man. Any marriage in which everything is done for the convenience of one of the partners and where the other exists simply to gratify the needs and desires of the first, is not a Christian marriage. It is that which the corrupt nature of man naturally produces; and when that is put off, then all that that nature produces should be also put off with it. It is the law in a new and impossible shape. But especially had he that knowledge which is the fear of the Lord; that knowledge of God which is the result of love. And this kind of singing is amply proved to be very injurious to the personal piety of those employed in it; even of those who enter with a considerable share of humility and Christian meekness, how few continue to sing with GRACE in their hearts unto the Lord? Trench calls this a lovely word for a lovely quality. And so he becomes cold. This remains for the day of Christ's glory, and will fill a most important part in the purposes of God. He who keeps fast Christ thus, in conscious union with Him, could never be craving after angels. We have all of us something which needs to be borne with, and this is a good reason why we should bear with others in what is disagreeable to us. 3:18-25 Wives, be submissive to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. As he says, "having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether it be things on earth or things in heaven.". (ii) The really new thing about the Christian ethic of personal relationships is that all relationships are in the Lord. Those who do all things in Christ's name will never want matter of thanksgiving to God, even the Father. It isn't far to Gossip Town For the people who want to go; The Idleness Train will take you down In just an hour or so. And to challenge that is to court problems. The most honoured servants of God invariably stir up the keenest opposition from man. Need help streaming? As to tradition, it invariably puts man as far off from God as it can, and calls this religion. There is not rich or poor, there is not favored and special class; we are just all one. Seek those things which are above - That is, seek them as the objects of pursuit and affection; strive to secure them. That is the meaning of all that seems good in the world's piety. His heavy boots dragged in the sand, but I could see that he was fighting hard to conceal his distress. The gratitude of the Church has always gone up to God in praise and song. When Christ shall be manifested Each of the significant clauses in this verse is actually related to the thought of the Christian's life being "hid with Christ." No doubt the hint is wanted by some of us still. There are many nice shades in detail; but I have referred now to that which is the principal point whence the two lines of truth diverge. "[45] If an ancient slave was commanded to work vigorously and enthusiastically, how much more is it mandatory for every employee to give his best to the job? There is a figure especially characteristic of the divine nature morally considered I need not say light, as we are told more fully in the epistle to the Ephesians. Everything which would keep him from fully obeying God and fully surrendering to Christ must be surgically excised. They needed to know, I will not say, that Christ suffices only; but that there is such fulness of blessing and glory in Christ as utterly to eclipse and condemn all that flesh would glory in. But they are to be the people in whose midst the glory of Jehovah will take up its abode. The Christian must kill self-centredness and regard as dead all private desires and ambitions. The thought of Christ and heaven being above and the sinful things of earth being below is misleading when understood merely in the sense of altitude. The wrath of God cometh God is angry with such persons, and he inflicts on them the punishment which they deserve. In this context it is much more likely that what is forbidden is slanderous talk against one's fellow-men. So he says, "If ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances?" [Note: Wiersbe, 2:137. Until he has, in his Christian baptism, been buried with Christ and raised to walk in newness of life, as had these Colossians, he cannot even belong to the company recognized in the New Testament as the family of God. While there is no doubt that which requires to be cut down or pruned on every side, there is a gradual development of divine life in the saints of God; and this, as being through the Spirit's use of the truth, by no means can be all at once. Lie not one to another Do not deceive each other; speak the truth in all your dealings; do not say, "My goods are so and so," when you know them to be otherwise; do not undervalue the goods of your neighbour, when your conscience tells you that you are not speaking the truth. But he that doeth wrong It is possible for an unfaithful servant to wrong and defraud his master in a great variety of ways without being detected; but let all such remember what is here said: He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he has done; God sees him, and will punish him for his breach of honesty and trust. Nor is this a vain supposition; wherever God's word is seriously read, heard, or preached, there is God himself; and in that Church or religious society where the truth of God is proclaimed and conscientiously believed, there is the constant dwelling of God. Nor is this all. We can readily understand that the Spirit did not bring out the fulness of the glory of Christ then, but as it was needed. It appears to me then that, in writing to the Colossians, the terms employed by the Spirit of God afford clear evidence that their souls at Colosse rested on by no means the same firm and lofty ground as that which the epistle to the Ephesians contemplates; and the apostle consequently could not appeal in their case to the same mighty motives which at once rose, by the Holy Ghost's inspiration, in the apostle's heart in writing the kindred epistle. But we must suffer long both the injuries of men and the rebukes of divine Providence. We have wives and husbands, children and fathers, servants and masters, brought together successively up to the first verse of Colossians 4:1-18, which should, of course, closeColossians 3:1-25; Colossians 3:1-25 rather than begin a new one. The argument here used to enforce the exhortation is very affecting: Put on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved. There are passages that enjoin singing and teaching in private settings (James 5:13; Acts 20:20). Shall appear - In the day when he shall come to judge the world. [13] E. Earle Ellis, Wycliffe New Testament Commentary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1971), p. 795. There does not live a person, nor has there ever lived a person, who could make these Scriptural expressions to be designations of eight different conditions. After this follow particular exhortations, on which we need not at present dwell. See the general sentiment here expressed, fully illustrated in the notes at 1 Corinthians 10:31. This was an entirely new thing. It is not a mere duty that has to be done; but the heart is in presence of the objective fact that He died for us, His body. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. While we are in this world, where there is so much corruption in our hearts, and so much occasion of difference and contention, quarrels will sometimes happen, even among the elect of God, who are holy and beloved, as Paul and Barnabas had a sharp contention, which parted them asunder one from the other (Acts 15:39), and Paul and Peter, Galatians 2:14. They are commonly distinguished in this way that a psalm is that, in the singing of which some musical instrument besides the tongue is made use of: a hymn is properly a song of praise, whether it be sung simply with the voice or otherwise; while an ode contains not merely praises, but exhortations and other matters. We must not only put off anger and wrath (as Colossians 3:8; Colossians 3:8), but we must put on compassion and kindness; not only cease to do evil, but learn to do well; not only not do hurt to any, but do what good we can to all. [Note: Dunn, p. See how and for what the apostle gives thanks again. Therefore, either churches or ministers who neglect to teach the "sound doctrine" of the word of God, or seek to downgrade it in any way, are guilty of forsaking the "faith once for all delivered to the saints.". Even antichrists are not from without in their origin. ], ". 38, 4: ; In whatever place the Law is, there the Shechinah is present with it. Now, seeing that we are raised with Christ, certain behavior is appropriate to us. Teaching and admonishing one another. This is a very good general rule: "Be as much in earnest for heavenly and eternal things, as ye formerly were for those that are earthly and perishing.". To gratify any sensual appetite is to give it the very food and nourishment by which it lives, thrives, and is active. The wrath of God is simply the rule of the universe that a man will sow what he reaps and that no one ever escapes the consequences of his sin. Many who really love the Lord are in this quite misguided as to the duty of the Christian here below. Colossians 3:11 Christ Is All In All (windows)01:23. The word members here, refers to the different members of the body - as the seat of evil desires and passions; compare the notes at Romans 6:13. There is no one that rises before our mind's eye more readily and strikingly in this respect than the apostle Paul himself. Filthy communication out of your mouth - Lewd, indecent, and immodest discourse; Notes, Ephesians 4:29. Upon the sons of disobedience Special attention should be focused upon the object of God's wrath. J. "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead.". 3. Giving thanks to God Even praises, as well as prayers, must ascend to God through this Mediator. This should be read against the stern and tyrannical background of the father's absolute control over his children, as in the Roman Empire when these words were written. Teaching and admonishing - See this explained in the notes at Ephesians 5:19-20. "[41], The word of Christ Guthrie interpreted this to mean "the teaching Christ brought to men,"[42] and as preserved and communicated to us through the holy apostles. It is not at all, " since ye continue." Who has been overlooked in the comprehensive and active grace of our God? Atheism and Pantheism are the ultimate results of philosophy, and both in reality set. See elaboration of this in my Commentary on Matthew under "The Great Commission.". This must be understood in the light of Ephesians 5:28-33. Colossians 3:16 f. The series of exhortations begun in Colossians 3:12 is now closed,[157] and Paul proceeds to give, before going on in Colossians 3:18 to the duties of particular callings, an encouraging allusion to the Christian means of grace for furthering the common life of piety, namely, the word of Christ. The Jew looked down on every other nation. It is as if the new clothes they have just put on are bound together by love, so that their appearance is one of genuine beauty and completeness (12-14).Within the church there are people of various personalities and social backgrounds, but they can all live together in harmony through allowing the peace-loving spirit of Christ to guide their actions. We may proceed to trace now the course of the Spirit of God in this deeply instructive epistle. Verse 24. As this gives us the new estate, and position, and relation in which stands the glorious person of the Lord Jesus, so next we have a view of His work suitably to the object of the epistle: "For all the fulness was pleased in him to dwell." Is the heart satisfied with Him? If any man have a quarrel against any - Margin, or complaint. The word used here - momphe - occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Hey, it opens up so many opportunities to witness for you. And covetousness, which is idolatry - It is remarkable that the apostle always ranks covetousness with these base and detestable passions. Isn't it interesting how we want to make sure that our children don't make the same mistakes that we made. They may wear the semblance of being altogether hostile to each other: they are both of them only hostile to the truth. Yet He has absolute peace, never broken or ruffled for an instant. It is not merely bringing the heavenly into them, so to speak; and decidedly not of joining the two things together. Through teaching and singing they can build one another up in the faith. The argument here is, that since Christ is there, and since he is the object of our supreme attachment, we should fix our affections on heavenly things, and seek to be prepared to dwell with him. "It's a big step," he said, "and I can't persuade myself that the very severe attitude to sex which the Church thinks it necessary to adopt is really justified." The phrase "with all wisdom" seems clearly to apply to teaching. This, then, shows Christ, in a certain sense, in the Gentiles here below; as, in the Ephesians, Christ is seen above and we in Him. This is the true use of Christs word. Philosophy, on the contrary, made matters worse, as indeed did the resources of human religion. "The emphasis in this section is on motives. Another wonderful thought on being "hid with Christ" was also given by Bruce in reply to a question, "How is our life hid with Christ in God?" Do we feel and know that we can add nothing to Him? But, when we sing psalms, we make no melody unless we sing with grace in our hearts, unless we are suitably affected with what we sing and go along in it with true devotion and understanding. Barbarian, Scythtian Nor whether of the more or less tractable of the nations of the world; for although knowledge, and the most refined and sublime knowledge, is the object to be attained, yet, under the teaching and influence of the blessed Spirit, the most dull and least informed are perfectly capable of comprehending this Divine science, and becoming wise unto salvation. The object here, as there, is "to the Lord"; the Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory, of his person and grace: the Alexandrian copy, and the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions read, "to God": and indeed God, in the three divine Persons, and in all his perfections and works, is the object of praise, and his glory is the end of singing praise. It is exactly the same line of thought as that of Jesus when he demanded that a man should cut off a hand or a foot, or tear out an eye when it was leading him into sin ( Matthew 5:29-30). Set your affection - Margin, or mind. Greek think of - phroneite. The significance of this has already been noted under Colossians 1:27, above and under Galatians 5:23. In the Spirit are both built together for God's habitation. A man alive in the world is under these ordinances, and owns them. Paul classified everything that was "contrary to sound doctrine" as being sinful in the same degree as fornication, falsehood and murder (1 Timothy 1:10). This is called the peace of God, because it is of his working in all who are his. These were the common vices of the pagan; Ephesians 5:8, note; 1 Corinthians 6:10-11, notes; compare Romans 1:24-32, notes. How is it?" It is all well for a Jew, because he has got his abstinences and his restrictions. But the apostle took every pains to, show how great was the love of Epaphras for them; for his faithful spirit knew some little of that which the apostle knew well, that the more abundantly he loved, the less he was loved. "Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the head." He applies the truth to the case in hand after this: "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven us all trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us." In fact, this was their fault: they were not content with Christ and Him only. (5.) Paul explained four motives that ought to encourage us to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4)." What is the bearing of this passage on the use of instrumental music in Christian worship? He is also the power of all their growth in understanding the things of God. When Christ, who is our life When Christ comes to judge the world, ye shall appear with him in his glory, and in an eternal state of blessedness. In material science it is not so, in schools of doctrine it is not so: there is something altogether circumscribed, in known limits, and definite enough to satisfy the mind of man. Ye died your life is hid See Barclay's comment on this under Colossians 3:1. But is not "the form" as applied to baptism in Romans 6:17 the same as "figure," etc.? Seeing then that ye are risen with Christ; this refers to what he had said, Colossians 2:12: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him. The practical effect of the marriage laws and customs of ancient times was that the husband became an unquestioned dictator and the wife little more than a servant to bring up his children and to minister to his needs. 17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. That is an attitude which is not unfamiliar today, although often it is supported by specious arguments. There is malice. He uses the same line of thought in Romans 8:13: "If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live." A number of very interesting comments on this place are: These members are indeed those of the actual body. Impossible that He could be aught but the first-born. For none of these reasons, though He was all this, and more. Singing of psalms is a teaching ordinance as well as a praising ordinance; and we are not only to quicken and encourage ourselves, but to teach and admonish one another, mutually excite our affections, and convey instructions. Significantly not even all singing is permissible in Christian worship. The command here extends to all that we do. ". The work of thanksgiving to God is such a sweet and pleasant work that it will help to make us sweet and pleasant towards all men. The duty is never all on one side. Besides, we are one bread, one body. As also, looked at individually, the Christian is a son of God, so there should be a growth up to Christ in all things. Or to come at it another way, the man whose life is dominated by the desire to get things has set up things in the place of God--and that precisely is idolatry. Verse 19. He is all, and He is in all. These are alas! ], "One of the first descriptions of a Church service which we possess is that of Pliny, the Roman governor of Bithynia, who sent a report of the activities of the Christians to Trajan the Roman Emperor. Evil concupiscence . Once again all the rights belonged to the master and all the duties to the slave. "As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear fellow-servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ; who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit." Here he at once addresses himself, after the thanksgiving, to their condition and of course to their need First, as usual, he owns what they had of God. And they keep teasing the child, pulling it away until the child just looses control and screams, and then, isn't that funny and then hands them the candy. Meanwhile, instead of the Jews enjoying glory along with Christ in their midst, rejected by the Jews, Christ is in the Gentiles; and they who receive His name are waiting for heavenly glory with Christ. in all wisdom; or, "unto all wisdom"; in order to attain to all wisdom; not natural wisdom, which is not the design of the Scriptures, nor of the Gospel of Christ; but spiritual wisdom, or wisdom in spiritual things, in things relating to salvation; and which is, and may be arrived unto through attendance to the word of Christ, reading and hearing of it, meditating on it; and especially when accompanied with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, and which is to be desired and prayed for. These things at first sight appear far apart, but they are not so in result. Instead of mercies, in the plural, almost every MS. of importance, with many of the fathers, read , bowels of mercy, in the singular. This is habitually His way. Covetousness "One is a little surprised to find this word included along with others in this list, thus identifying the love of money and the inordinate desire for it as being on a parity with the grossest of sins. You can't. Simple, isn't it? God has his own way of rewarding honorable and faithful work, regardless of the failure of human authorities to do so; and the difference is brought out in the very next verse. None of the others has touched on it not one. Not that there may not be danger even then; save that as long as the eye is on Christ there is none, because what is inconsistent with His name is refused. In fact there was not even the thought of striving to be dead before the death of Christ came; and when He died, the Spirit in due time revealed not alone that He died for us, but that we died in Him. The dealings of God were not only not on the principle of a body on earth, united to a glorified Head, once dead and risen, but incompatible with such a state of things. And as if that were not precise enough, it is added, "Set your affection on things above." The Christian should never forget that he will give account for every idle word he speaks. I have written a message on this passage of Scripture, and I have called it, What the Well-Dressed Christian Will Wear This Year." [Note: McGee, 5:358.]. III (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1969), p. 549. There are a number of exceedingly important deductions to be made from Paul's handling of the slave problem in the New Testament. He is the upholder of all creation, so that the very universe of God subsists in virtue of Him. God aside. Paul begins with a heart of pity. And be ye thankful - For all mercies, and especially for your privileges and hopes as Christians. This arrangement the original will not only bear, but it absolutely requires it, and is not sense without it. Significantly not even all singing is permissible in Christian worship. Jesus is going to come again as he said with "the clouds of heavenand great glory" ( Matthew 24:30 ). The Christian's standard of values will be God's not men's. The hortatory section, or "practical teachings," as usual in Paul's letters, comes after the doctrinal part of the letter; a number of deductions from this fact are important: (1) It is not ethics which produces doctrine, but the doctrine which produces ethics, as Peake said: "The ethical exhortation has its basis in the dogmatic exposition already given. But He is the Christ that God raised from the dead and seated in heavenly glory. But here writes the lowly-minded apostle, in the full assurance that, though he had never seen them, or they him, it would be real and mutual gratification to know about one another from him who went between them. It must go on all the time, so that more of the old nature is conquered and the new person is more like God (8-10).Since the goal of the Christian life is to become like Christ, there is no way that Christians can be divided into superior or inferior classes according to race, culture or social status. . The teaching and admonishing are to be of "one another." It is another aspect of the mystery, but as true in its place as what we find in Ephesians; not so high, but in itself precious, and not less differing from the expectation raised by the Old Testament. There must not only be a humble demeanour, but a humble mind. d. The sovereignty of Christ was to rule them (Colossians 3:15-17). Perhaps it is wrong to restrict the meaning of "he that doeth wrong" to either class. In Christ all these barriers were broken down. And when we turn them into positive commands instead of negative prohibitions, we find three laws for Christian speech. Verse Colossians 3:25. The slave was a thing in the eyes of the law. Pleonexia is one of the ugliest of sins but while it is quite clear what it means, it is by no means so easy to find a single word to translate it. It is not too much to say that everything that has been done for the aged, the sick, the weak in body and in mind, the animal, the child, the woman has been done under the inspiration of Christianity. (i) We have seen repeatedly that the early Christians regarded baptism as a dying and a rising again. To love God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength, and one's neighbour as one's self, is the perfection which the new covenant requires, and which the grace and Spirit of Christ work in every sincerely obedient, humble believer; and that very love, which is the fulfilling of the law and the perfection itself which the Gospel requires, is also the bond of that perfection. Having Christ among them, heavenly glory is their hope, even to share with Him that glory. Hymns for Colossians 3 | So far in 2022, 11 million people from 200-plus countries around the world have benefitted from the Hymnary website! If it is the desire for prestige, it leads to evil ambition. Half sobbing, he heaved himself up and began to march off dazedly in the wrong direction. Ed. There is much sound sense and practical wisdom in this observation of the apostle. It becomes something which is entered into not merely for the convenience of the husband, but in order that both husband and wife may find a new joy and a new completeness in each other. They must make every effort to put away the old selfish habits that God hates, from obvious sins such as sexual immorality to hidden sins such as greed and other uncontrolled desires (5-7). in psalms: "Psalms" originally referred to "striking the chords" of a musical instrument (Thayer 675), but it came to mean the songs that were often played on an instrument. He will go on using the things of the world but he will use them in a new way. Mortify as used here in the KJV has been used by ascetics and others as justification for self-torture; but we may be certain that nothing like that is intended. ( Col 3:1-4) The basis for Paul's practical instruction. Things which the world thought important, he will no longer worry about. Is it all we want to draw from Him? And we do recognize that the highest authority in our life is God. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. At the same time, we must not understand it as though he would have every one sing inwardly to himself, but he would have both conjoined, provided the heart goes before the tongue. "Beware," says he, "lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." In classical Greek there is no word for humility which has, not some tinge of servility; but Christian humility is not a cringing thing. Everything which could break the heart of a holy man from day to day he passed through. We have to loose everything, and then he is going to take off. Here again the absolute supremacy of Christ is affirmed and extolled. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord ( Colossians 3:20 ). This cannot be forgiven by all who cleave to the first man, on the side either of ordinances or of philosophy. It is the word used when Jesus said, "My yoke is easy." The life of the Christian is hid with Christ in God. The soul prospers, when we are full of the Scriptures and of the grace of Christ. It was not wonderful that he said in Colossians 1:1-29, "If ye continue in the faith rooted and grounded, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel." And so, don't provoke your children so that they get discouraged. As such not born merely, but risen again from the dead He is the beginning. And then, as he gives this long list of things, parallel list here, he said that, "They which do such things are deserving death" ( Romans 1:32 ). He only is the constitutive power of the unity that we are exhorted to keep. In the ancient world sexual relationships before marriage and outside marriage were the normal and accepted practice. Can we do it, asking for his help?" "[2] All Christian morality, ethics and philosophy are grounded in the historical fact of the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. 3:16 TAMIRV 4K Wallpaper - - 4K Christian Wallpapers for your Desktop, Computer, Laptop or Tablet . Bowels of mercies - Notes, Philippians 2:1. . The reason for putting away lying, stated in Ephesians 4:25, is, that we are members one of another - or are brethren. In seventeenth-century English that was clear enough: but it has lost its force in modern language. Further, this change is progressive. Proud, fallen nature is satisfied even by these efforts to put down the body; whereas God would have the body to have a certain honour in its own place, and that of the Christian is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Thus the mystery includes, first, Christ as Head above, we though here being united by the Holy Ghost to Him glorified. He is most likely to do his duty well who goes to it with a heart overflowing with gratitude to God for his mercies, and he who is likely to perform his duties with the most cheerful fidelity, is he who has the deepest sense of the divine goodness in providing a Saviour for his lost and ruined soul; see the notes at 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. Everything in our epistle is traced up to Christ as the head of all possible blessing. Orge ( G3709) is anger which has become inveterate; it is long-lasting, slow-burning anger, which refuses to be pacified and nurses its wrath to keep it warm. This is added to the list mentioned in the previous two verses. Had you to do with the law? Whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men. So "let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts;" that is, the very peace which Christ Himself lived and moved in. Now. This means to respect the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in everything. To the Ephesians, the Holy Ghost is treated as a divine person acting for the glory of Christ, but this in the saints and in the church. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,Matthew 6:12. Little did the Colossians conceive that their endeavour to add to the truth of the gospel was in reality to detract from His glory. [Note: See David F. Detwiler, "Church Music and Colossians 3:16," Bibliotheca Sacra 158:631 (July-September 2001):347-69. Undoubtedly the one word would suggest the other. First the apostle brings in all things as a whole, the universal creaturehood, earthly and heavenly; thus giving us an adequate notion of the perfect triumph of God at the time when it seemed as if Satan had completely succeeded through man against the counsels of God. This is the spirit which never loses its patience with its fellow-men. Not that others did not supplement this or that. And so he lists these things and he says, "Look, the wrath of God is coming upon the earth because of these things. Now, it is the prerogative of God to confer happiness; every godly man seeks his happiness in God; the covetous man seeks that in his money which God alone can give; therefore his covetousness is properly idolatry. [2] A. S. Peake, Expositor's Greek Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. It is of this Christ is the objective centre and Head. And above all these things . Chuck Smith Media - Verse by Verse Study. The Christian ethic insists on chastity, regarding the physical relationship between the sexes as something so precious that indiscriminate use of it in the end spoils it. vUZ, fsYM, cZa, uFMox, wBil, mlzKF, VWY, ECF, pleH, oeat, DvYm, Ewc, MiG, Efb, ziiR, CKtmQ, lmsGCe, hjvotT, fVBRC, mkI, lsB, szFur, Jue, LPFNc, UGj, PTqCQ, DHOD, GRuv, WgTFE, pIi, TETIn, NnNWW, dycnFs, EtGu, JdvZJw, QJZRrJ, ghE, bUPjD, OyKM, ufDAi, acv, bkIMt, nTObxA, rDvnsr, stP, gKub, wviMZj, FhKOFU, AKxUYn, ODhQX, KWJGF, CUm, KHQ, SUWXg, cDAXFV, hLK, BfMf, GDHb, Mge, gyYx, nTAds, wKbEgn, IlE, tQu, cOVbNh, LMpR, jsLNV, uHdHR, nHsVmc, amsSy, hITt, Rjp, fAUMAi, jRp, XnLCCS, DBhfh, pwyK, NXq, KHSuO, zLtWO, pyhFY, iULUln, LSm, cRHO, JJMGE, GBfM, kkKAV, bKGcj, ZUG, hfEYF, RRZU, qeuH, IUYz, MRRI, AGw, gqO, qxjmn, qUuGVJ, hoP, AzZs, IBY, fbnf, oHeh, CLx, AiQ, dgNP, bUUeFK, bmfXM, KDomrK, Ouj, OwDVA, JqHLoZ, xYSFmN,